
NEW Boost Efficiency and Fundraising with these 12 ChatGPT Prompts for Nonprofits

🤖 Are you looking for ways to boost efficiency and fundraising for your nonprofit? ChatGPT for nonprofits can help! Nonprofits can help you reach your fundraising and communications goals using ChatGPT faster and easier! In this video, we'll show you how to use ChatGPT prompts for Nonprofits to boost efficiency and fundraising for your nonprofit. We'll also discuss how ChatGPT can help you reach your nonprofit communications and fundraising goals. So be sure to watch the video to learn more about how nonprofits and ChatGPT can work together! 👩‍🏫Struggling with your nonprofit's fundraising and marketing? We're here to help. Check out our FUNDRAISING COACHING Program! 🔘We also have a special FACEBOOK GROUP where we post our best resources: ✅SIGN UP for our Newsletter: 📽️ SOCIAL MEDIA PLAYLIST: 📇 GET IN TOUCH Email: Web: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: Friendly Disclaimer: We've done our best to provide accurate and helpful information in this video. However, things change, and sometimes mistakes happen. So, remember that while we're sharing our knowledge and experience, always double-check any facts or advice before taking action based on what you've seen here. We appreciate your understanding and trust. Enjoy the video! #fundraising #fundraisingtips #facebookfundraising

Cause Specialist - Fundraising Coach

5 months ago

today we are diving into a topic that is a fusion of tech and nonprofits we're going to explore how non-profits can use chat GPT the amazing language model developed by openai it can potentially revolutionize the way non-profits engage with supporters raise funds and communicate their costs so buckle up for our top 12 chat GPT prompts for non-profits stage when we use AI models like chat GPT we need to Prime them and priming basically is giving your AI model an initial context or background befo
re you give it a specific task priming chat gbt is like setting the dials on a radio just as you tune into a specific frequency to get the desired station providing detailed prompts to chat GPT helps you get the most relevant and precise response without it the right settings you might get static or an off-target channel so for instance if you are a fundraising professional and you need help crafting a compelling funding request you would start by giving chat gbt some context about your organiza
tion its Mission achievements and the specific project you are fundraising for you might input chat gbt I need your help crafting a funding request for our organization and then insert the relevant info and you can even ask chat GPT if it needs any additional information before creating it now I will often ask chat GPT or I'll tell chat GPT don't do anything yet and then I'll add do you understand chat GPT has this habit of just spitting out information when I'm still trying to feed it informati
on Chachi PT is like a new employee and that well it comes equipped with a vast amount of Knowledge and Skills it still requires clear instructions and sometimes a bit of orientation to your specific needs just as you wouldn't expect a new hire to intuitively know all the nuances of your organization in one day Chad GPT benefits from specific prompts and contacts to deliver the best results and over time as you get familiar with how it responds you can optimize your interactions for even better
outcomes with each new chat here's a quick Pro tip whenever you finish a particularly productive session with chat GPT make sure to label it in your chat history this allows you to easily revisit the information and provides a foundation for future interactions for example in mine I have my social media writer I have my blog writer I have my scriptwriter this ensures that you always have access to past interactions and can seamlessly continue where you left off without having to prime it again o
ne other question I get asked a lot is should I pay for chat GPT plus now I personally use plus but that's because I want faster response times and guaranteed access at peak times but for most of the coaching clients that I've turned on to chatgpt they find the free version works well for them so once you've set the stage you can prompt chat GPT that's where you asked it to complete a specific task so you'd say chat GPT please create a compelling funding request based on the information I've pro
vided now with all that out of the way let's dive into the fun part we've got 12 powerful prompts designed to empower fundraising and marketing Professionals in the nonprofit sector starting with number one thank you letters be specific about the event or reason for the thank you letter remember we Prime first and provide contacts number two impact updates provide qualitative and quantitative details for a rich result such as chat GPT craft a message updating our supporters on the 5 000 trees pl
anted and the positive feedback from local communities number three fundraising appeals mention the target audience the goal amounts and the specific cause four survey Creations State the purpose of the survey and the kind of questions desired so for example design a survey understand our donor satisfaction with our communication methods reports specify the period for the report and the significant Milestones six storytelling now here's a tip my favorite prompt of all time is make this better an
d then I provide the draft I use it not just for stories but for thank you letters emails website copies everything so you would say chat GPT please review the following story and help me edit it infusing it with additional elements that invoke empathy authenticity and a stronger emotional connection seven blog writing provides specific topics Target audiences and any key points or themes to be covered I find it works better however when I work with chat GPT to create an outline and work through
each section of that outline individually eight email fundraising mention the campaign's goal any matching donations and a compelling story or fact to feature number nine social media posts and captions so specify the platform as Instagram May differ from LinkedIn and the main message or call to action you can also ask for suggested hashtags but I always double check them for reach so for example create an Instagram caption for a photo of our team Distributing food packets emphasizing the impor
tance of Community Support Number 10 10 fundraising ideas indicate any themes events or special occasions around which the fundraiser could be centered so for example you could ask it suggest Innovative fundraising ideas for World environmental day number 10 data analysis so present the data that you have so like survey results or donation Trends and specify the kind of insights or patterns you're seeking and ask it to help you identify them and number 12 donor prospecting now I tested this and
I was shocked at how it worked but I asked chat GPT to give me some potential donors for a specific charity that in my area and it spit out a very comprehensive list of not just individuals but corporations some final words by making sure you provide context and including specific details in your prompts non-profits can harness chat gpt's capabilities more effectively and generate tailored content for your needs but just remember that chat gpt's knowledge base extends only up to September 2021 a
t the time of filming this video so when utilizing information or recommendations provided it's essential to double check the details ensuring they remain relevant and accurate fact checking proofreading and aligning with your organization's values and brag guidelines are still a must so keep a critical eye and use chat GPT as a powerful Aid not a replacement for human creativity and intuitive so there you have it the top 12 prompts for chat GPT for non-profits these can be your Stepping Stones
to leveraging AI to make your work easier and more efficient and that's all for today folks we hope you have found this helpful and we can't wait to see how non-profits can use chat jpt to boost your non-profits impact so don't forget to like comment subscribe share do all that you have any YouTubey stuff and see you next week [Music]



Thanks to Wayne for his comment… ChatGPT is a nonprofit too! 😊


I am so honored to have found you. The knowledge I have gained in such a short period of time is unbelievable. Thank you so much for all you do. I look forward to meeting with you soon I would love a one on one with you.


Hey Joanne, Your experience and professionalism in this field are way above any pay-grade chart. I am your biggest fan and cheerleader!!! Did you know ChatGpt is a nonprofit? We need to get you in a classroom and have you write a book.