
New Patient Comprehensive Physical Exam 🩺 Examining You Head to Toe 💤 ASMR Soft Spoken Medical RP

You're a new patient at the clinic, aiming to establish care at this facility, and I'll be performing your physical! From everything to testing your color vision to tap, tap, tapping on your sinuses, to testing your reflexes, we will be looking at each system for anything to address or anything to look out for in the future. Edit 4/14/23: this video is now on Spotify! Find it here: Welcome to My Clinic! ~ 00:00 – 00:30 Grabbing Your Personal & Medical Information ~ 00:30 – 05:12 Prepping for Physical Exam ~ 05:12 – 06:40 Overview of the Examination ~ 06:40 – 07:22 Scalp, Head, & Hair Exam ~ 07:22 – 12:00 Face & Skin Examination ~ 12:00 – 15:26 Testing Your Color Vision ~ 15:26 – 18:07 Inspecting Your Eyes ~ 18:07 – 20:47 Testing Your Hearing with Tuning Fork ~ 20:47 – 22:40 Whispered Hearing Test ~ 22:40 – 23:38 Examining Your Ears with Otoscope ~ 23:38 – 28:03 Looking at Your Nose, Sinuses, Mouth, & Throat ~ 28:03 – 34:30 Palpating Your Lymph Nodes ~ 34:30 – 36:46 Heart & Lung Examination with Stethoscope ~ 36:46 – 42:56 Examining Your Abdomen with Stethoscope & Palpation ~ 42:56 – 46:18 Looking at Your Hands & Arms ~ 46:18 – 48:18 Checking on Your Legs & Feet ~ 48:18 – 50:20 Reflex Exam with the Reflex Hammer ~ 50:20 – 53:05 Reviewing the Examination ~ 53:05 – 53:46 Wrapping Up the Appointment ~ 53:46 - 55:23 Triggers include: soft speaking, writing sounds, asking you questions, scalp exam, palpation, inspecting you, sticky plastic sounds, color vision testing, skin inspection, eye exam, eye tests, light triggers, ear exam, otoscope, hearing test, tuning fork, tapping on your sinuses, stethoscope, guided breathing, and testing your reflexes. Hope y'all enjoy, have a whale of a day! :) xx Calliope ❥ What Is ASMR? From Oxford Languages: "a feeling of well-being combined with a tingling sensation in the scalp and down the back of the neck, as experienced by some people in response to a specific gentle stimulus, often a particular sound. 'ASMR is triggered by things like whispering voices, paper tearing, and scalp massage.'" ❥ I want y'all to have a safe environment here regardless of where you come from, who you love, what you look like, you name it. I don't tolerate discrimination or hatred based on attributes you can't change like where you were born, what color you are, if you have a disability, or who you love– above all, be kind to one another. We're all just people, just trying to do our thing. ❥ If you want to donate (but don't ever feel pressured to!) I have three ways to go about it: Ko-Fi link (one-time): Patreon link (monthly perks like early access videos & exclusive content): Throne Gifts (wishlist for props/equipment): ❥ Check me elsewhere on the Web: The Big List Of It All: Twitter: @xx_calliope TikTok: @xx_calliope Instagram: @xx_calliope ❥ About Me: I'm Calliope, I'm a disabled, Hard of Hearing ASMRtist that got started in December 2016. I found ASMR back in 2011-ish when I was starting high school and it changed my life, so I wanted to create my own content and give back to the community. I'm known for my realistic medical RPs, as well as my pseudoscientific and historical RPs. ASMR is the most important thing in my life, and I hope to continue to make content for as long as possible. ❥ Channel intro created by Bearded Audio ASMR ( :) background image is “Close-up Photo of Green Leafed Plant” from user Aditya Aiyar on, no attribution required. ❥ My equipment: Audio Recording – Rode NT1-A Microphones, 3Dio XLR Binaural Microphone, Blue Yeti Microphone, Roland CS-10EM Binaural Microphones Filming – Lumix G85 Camera ❥ Have a whale of a day and a good rest of your night! :) #asmr #asmrmedical #asmrexam

calliope whispers ASMR

11 months ago

hello there and welcome to my clinic my name is Dr Calliope and I take it we have not met before that's why we're doing this new patient comprehensive examination very good okay so let me just grab a little bit of info from you real quick okay would you mind just telling me your full name good and your date of birth excellent and is your full name your preferred name or do you have something else that you'd like to go by okay and that's how you prefer to be addressed wonderful thank you okay so
you are in the market to establish care right okay so is there anything in particular that you are looking for in a provider good okay yes those are good things to look for so you have the power here in that you know what you're after and what kind of care you're looking for so I hope that going forward that I can match that standard for you so I'd like to ask you just a couple of preliminary questions all right do you currently have any pain or illness that you would like to address okay very g
ood and any health conditions that I should know about okay mm-hmm okay good anything else no alright and what does your family history look like is there any history of say cancer diabetes heart disease asthma anything of the sort even mental health conditions like ADHD bipolar disorder depression okay okay very good and any allergies at all and we could group in say intolerances as well like lactose intolerance or for example I have a carbohydrate intolerance yeah let's write that down good ok
ay any other allergies or intolerances okay and what kind of medications are you on okay and what is the dosage okay and that's good and what was that prescribed for okay all righty so in terms of supplements you would be able to get those yourself but I just wanted to know what kind of medications that possibly I would take over prescribing for you and it gives me a little bit of detail into your health as well so are there any other concerns that you wish to discuss do let me know if at any po
int anything comes to mind for example if you are interested in genetic testing screenings anything of that sort okay all right so I'd like to conduct a general examination to get a baseline of your current health and anything we need to watch out for in the future or anything that that maybe is not it's not a problem right now but we should be addressing later on okay all right so I'm going to sanitize my hands real quick before I touch you for the purposes of the exam I will need to be touchin
g you at certain parts is that okay with you do I have your permission to do that wonderful thank you okay we are all fresh and clean so let me just take a little peek at your vitals okay a good blood pressure pulses a little high yeah that's pretty common okay good oxygen saturation and yeah everything looks pretty good so I'm going to be working down from your head down to your feet and we'll be going over different systems like we'll start with the integumentary system we'll look at the senso
ry organs we'll look at the heart the lungs we'll look at the circulatory system with checking your circulation and we'll look at the lymphatic and we'll go over we'll go over just about everything okay all right if at any point there is any pain or discomfort please let me know so that we can take a pause all right okay so I'm going to start at your head I want to look at your scalp I want to look at your hair I want to look at the actual Contours of your head okay so I'm just going to be palpa
ting around the head to start and then we'll take a look at at the scalp itself as well as the quality and texture and characteristics of the hair good alright so if you could just stay still for me there we go hm just palpating the skull have you had any head injury no no history of concussion okay and I didn't see anything in your surgical history right okay just wanted to just wanted to ask real quick okay so the actual head feels pretty good so I'm gonna look at the hairline now so just stay
still for me I'm going to peek through going to peek through each side of the head here behind the ears good do you experience any sensitivity to fragrance or any sort of skin care hair care product no okay good I'm just going to take a look at the scalp hm okay so not seeing any signs of psoriasis seborrheic dermatitis or any infestation infections things of that sort okay so I'm going to take a little peek at your hair all right so I want to note what its texture is is it coarse is it fine wh
at kind of wave pattern we have straight wavy curly what its strength is if we have signs of alopecia we have an excess of shredding or any spots of hair loss okay that's just a couple of hairs there I just oh my through your hair a little bit good okay so hair looks to be in good condition let's take a little look at your face and around the skin on the upper body so again just hold still do you have any concerns at all with your skin mmkay nothing like hyperpigmentation or cystic acne or or ex
cessive dry or oily skin things of that nature hm I see very good okay and texture looks good I'm just noting what the oil distribution is do we see signs of rosacea things of that nature okay and I'm just going to take a peek at the neck chest the arms a little bit and we'll look for any abnormal signs in the skin do you Experience itching hives burning okay yes just making sure I want to make sure we are we are covering our bases okay and if you could just show me your elbows real quick I can
look for any any plaques around the joint okay very good if you could just lay our arms relaxed let your arms relax or lay them and relax them okay good and let me just take a peek at the nails real quick we won't check the capillary refill yet but I want to look at the quality of them okay good color to them do you bump them a lot well I suppose it's not exactly a lot but more than a few times okay so that's those little white bang marks there is making sure okay very good looks great you can n
ow relax the arms very good so start looking at some sensory organs and we'll start with your eyes so when's the last time that you have seen an eye doctor okay and do you normally wear glasses or contacts mmhmm and are you colorblind okay well I believe you but I'd like to double check go through just a few plates here the Ishihara test for color deficiency okay so I'm just going to hold up some pictures and I want you to tell me what the number is in the middle of this plate what's the number
in the middle of this plate good that would be a 12. okay and what about the numbers in the middle of these plates very good we have an eight and a six and what about in the middle of these plates good we have a five and a three and last one what do you see in these plates yes so these to someone who isn't color blind just look like an abstract pattern very good so no color blindness in our little screening and then let's take a look at the eye so I'm gonna get pretty close here and I want to ma
ke sure the eyebrows are intact the eyelashes are intact that the tear ducts are pink and moist the sclera is clear we're not seeing any signs of jaundice there's no injury to the eye okay and I'm gonna look at your conjunctiva I'm going to pull your eyelids up and I'll have you look down I'm going to pull them down and I'll have you look up okay I'm gonna pull them up you look down good and I'm gonna pull them down you look up good good okay now I'm just going to take a peek with my light here
okay you just hold still you could just look at my nose I want to check on the pupils we're not going to be doing too too much with the eyes today this is just General Health just a baseline good do you have any issues with eye pain strain fatigue itching blurriness wateriness dryness okay that's very good okay those pupils look pretty good they're responsive to the lights equal round alright let's check in on those ears shall we so are we having any problems with our hearing at all no okay anyt
hing like higher voices being harder to hear lower voices talking on the phone listening to something while there's noise in the background anything of that sort no okay any ear pain any feelings of fullness in the ears do they feel hot at all are they itching so let's check your hearing a little bit okay all right we'll do the louder one first so this is a 512 Hertz tuning fork it's a higher pitch sound and I just want you to close your eyes for me and tell me which side is the sound coming fro
m okay close your eyes good good mm-hmm good mm-hmm very good right in the middle okay and now I just like to whisper some words in one ear or the other and I want you to repeat them back to me okay turquoise shoelace flashlight pencil book very good flower mirror plaid hardwood beige what about those words good any difficulty at all very good let's take a peek inside the ears I am going to grab my otoscope and we'll just swirl this together there we go swirl was kind of an odd word to use was i
t not we'll swivel the head on screw the head on those would have worked I suppose swirl is technically correct but an odd choice of words I think that's the problem with having so many synonyms in the English language even though there are many things that are technically correct they're not exactly right for example even though the words butt dial and booty call technically should mean the same thing they absolutely do not do they no so we've popped a speculum on for your sanitation purposes a
nd I am just going to be flipping the light on and inserting the otoscope very gently into the ear I want you to hold still I will be steadying myself so that if you do move then I'm not going to poke you at all but do your best to just stay still okay alright let's pop that on and let's take a peek all right and have you had any problems with a buildup of cerumen in the past I see so you've you've done some ear cleanings then I assume an ear cleaning connoisseur ah now you're speaking my langua
ge just want to note how the canal looks the distribution of the little hairs the quality of the cerumen is there any impaction things of that sort and then we can come to the other side as well good and we can look for things like how the eardrum looks the tympanic membrane what's our color is it translucent is there any perforation is there any bulging any signs of infection things like that can we see the can we see the tip of the malleus behind the tympanic membrane the cone of light of Ligh
t is that present all these little little bits okay alright let's just okay wonderful so how was that was there any pain or discomfort with that good ear looks great and let's take a peek at your nose so let me replace our speculum we'll get a new one have you had any problems with your sense of smell or taste okay and have you noticed any post nasal drip any stuffiness no any burning or itchiness in the nose good and do you snore or have any problems breathing when you sleep okay very good ther
e we go our last speculum was not quite fitting on there so if you could just tip your head back for me a little bit this will not be coming inside the nose but it does help direct the light a little bit okay let's take a look at the septum the inside of the nose do you often suffer from seasonal allergies no (indistinct) that septum looks good it's midline no perforation okay that looks good up there go ahead and put your head back okay I'd like to press a little bit around the nose and the sin
uses and check on them a little bit okay so I'm just gonna very gently press press press press any pain or discomfort with any of this no I'm going to do a bit of direct percussion on the frontal ethmoid and maxillary sinuses do let me know if there's any pain or tenderness here just going to *tap tap tap* any pain or discomfort here nothing very good all right let's take a little peek inside of your mouth all right so have you had any problems with your teeth or your mouth or your throat okay n
ot so much all right no cold sores no okay and your lips are a good color have you noticed if they've gotten very pale or even maybe a Dusky color at all no okay and do they ever get over saturated where they look really red nope and no swelling okay and any problems swallowing any problems with hoarseness of voice alright let's go ahead and take a peek so if you could open your mouth for me there we go okay and let's Check around look at the tone the teeth the oral mucosa see if we can look at
the little salivary glands as well the palate okay and if you could say ah for me okay uvula is midline as well throat looks good no signs of cobblestoning no color difference doesn't look like there's any irritation no sign of the tonsils either or at least enlargement rather okay and I am just going to take a peek here good and can you lift your tongue to the roof of your mouth mmhmm wonderful and can you stick your tongue out good and can you move it to one side the other and up and down wond
erful you can put your your tongue back there we are chugging along let's take a look at your lymph nodes have you had any problems with any enlargement in any of the nodes as far as you know all right so we're going to take a look at everything from the back of your head behind the ears in front of the ears under through the jaw along the neck and above the clavicle here all right so if you could hold still for me good so let's just take a little feel of the occipital nodes here okay and then h
ow about postauricular these are behind the ear pre-auricular and the parotid gland good and let's do under the jaw we have submental and submandibular okay and then let's go to the neck we have quite a few nodes here we have posterior cervical we have superficial cervical deep cervical chain lots to hit in this area and then let's go to supraclavicular above the clavicle okay okay and those all felt normal let's move on to the heart and lungs so we are gonna do some auscultation and I just want
you to breathe normally for me okay alright and I'm just gonna put this on your chest this is the diaphragm of the stethoscope first we hit aortic go to pulmonic then we can grab tricuspid and mitral and let's hit Herb's point while we're here okay so have you felt anything like palpitations have we had any shortness of breath do you have any chest pain okay nothing like that I'm gonna take your pulses real quick if you don't mind so we're going to do our pulses on both sides I'm gonna hit radi
al ulnar brachioradialis while I'm here good the other side there relax your wrist your pulse says noticeably slowed down that's good a lot of that I think is just rushing in doctor's office seems like a harrowing experience when you first get in there not sure which door they're going to come in when they're going to call your name where you're going especially if you've never met them before good and I am going to check both the radial pulses at the same time and this would be looking for some
thing called a radio-radial delay okay those are pretty equal and while I'm doing pulses I'm going to just check the Carotid pulse real quick I'll do one at a time both those at the same time is not very nice just check right here okay good let's bring back our stethoscope and let's check on the lungs so have we had any problems with breathing any wheezing any pain when you're breathing okay and lung capacity seems normal to you as it ever has yeah all right if you could take a deep breath in fo
r me and out deep breath in and out deep breath in and out always comparing one side to the other deep breath in and out deep breath in and out deep breath in and out deep breath in and out deep breath in and out okay alright so I would like to auscultate your abdomen before we put away the stethoscope if you don't mind we do this first because once we start messing with the abdomen then we start changing how it sounds just breathe normally (I thought I edited that sniff out, DANG) you're doing
really well by the way been a model patient okay and any issues with digestion okay and we're not having any problems like if you eat bread or pasta or milk or anything like that no okay very good so let's go ahead and do some palpation here I'm going to start with a medium pressure okay and then I will do a deep pressure and I'll use two hands for that I'll just have you breathe through it okay it's not it's not very fun but it's it doesn't last very long it can be a little intense though okay
so I'm just gonna press in on your stomach I do wonder sometimes why the euphemism for the abdomen as a whole is stomach when that's way up in the side I mean I suppose it'd be odd if we call the entire thing like our liver but it feels a little strange to say you know oh my intestines hurt or something like that oh you can feel it deep in my intestines that one's that's a little weird I guess stomach is it's about as polite as we can get well still making some semblance of sense good deep press
ure is not fun but doesn't last very long okay that is just fine okay we are nearing the end we're gonna look at hands arms legs feet and reflexes okay and then we'll we'll Circle back so if I could take a look at your arms I just want to check the temperature real quick with the backs of my hands of the joints and the skin look any changes here good all right and let me look at the capillary refill and the nails so I'm just going to take each nail press it down firmly Let It Go okay press let i
t go we want to see that that color return in less than two seconds that's pretty much instantaneous for you ah thumbs are just a bit more sluggish but those fingers doing just fine okay that looks pretty good have we had any problems with the joints of the fingers the wrist the elbows shoulders no no pain no swelling no and how about the skin itself been doing okay alrighty let's go ahead and look at the legs and feet we did a little bit of a a look-see earlier with the integumentary system so
we'll move on to the legs and the feet so I want to look for any skin abnormalities especially Along The Shins okay and look at the pulses as well so let's check popliteal that's behind behind the knee and then we can get the pulse at the foot okay let's feel around the ankle good all right it doesn't seem to be any edema here have you had problems with excessive or inappropriate fatigue in the legs or the feet any issues with balance and any swelling in the legs or feet let's check capillary re
fill so I'm going to be pressing on the toes just like I did with the fingers a good circulation there and any pain in the toe joints in the ankle joints knees hips anything of that sort okay let's go ahead and grab there we are going to grab our Trömner hammer here and I'm just going to tap along ya from well from ankle to well there's not even really anything up here so ankle to arm I suppose so let's go ahead and grab the Achilles tendon reflex okay you could just let your foot dangle here go
od okay and the other side just let your foot relax very good and then let's get the patellar reflex mm-hmm excellent and let's go ahead and grab the biceps reflex so I'm going to curl my hand around your elbow and put my thumb right in the crook of your elbow and strike the hammer on my thumb okay and the other arm very good and let's hit triceps so I'm going to take your arm we're gonna put it like this I'm gonna take the weight of it okay up we go and then I'm just going to hit the back of th
e elbow here good and and bring it down and other side so let the arm relax good now while technically we could do the jaw jerk reflex one's really not tested unless we have reason to believe there might be something going on there a normal response would be essentially no response at all okay all right so we've hit our major bases so that will be wrapping up our examination unless you have anything that you wish me to look at okay very good so we've been here for a little bit is there anything
that you recalled that you had any concern about or wanted more information on okay very good so let me go ahead and sign off here excellent so I hope that I was up to your standard for a possibility for you to establish Care at my clinic alright it was a pleasure having you I really enjoyed having you in the office thank you so much for coming in I really appreciate it I hope you have a whale of a day and a good rest of your night thank you bye now Thank you so much for watching this video, I r
eally appreciate it. I create primarily medical, alternative medicine/pseudoscience, and personal attention roleplays. If you want to check out a specific category of my videos, my channel playlists have everything from Sci-Fi to Historical to Fantasy videos. If you want to support my work, consider checking out my Patreon profile in the description box where I offer early access to videos, exclusive content, and MP3 downloads of my videos. My social media is also linked in the description box a
nd written on our little end screen here. I hope you have a whale of a day, and a good rest of your night.



This video is now on Spotify! Find it here:


Nothing like a good ol relaxing medical exam from the queen of medical RPs ❤


This is such a small thing but I've noticed it across your videos, but I actually LOVE the quiet train horn in the background. There's something about it that makes it more immersive.


I absolutely love how you change to a whisper when u move in close and then back again. Get chills almost every time


I never get tired of your work and performance when it comes to ASMR. You'd make a perfect doctor & nurse for me.✌😎🎧


Good to see another upload from you on this fine Friday afternoon. This was a wonderful video to relax to and I look forward to spending the rest of my day off with this on repeat in the background✨


30 seconds in and my eyes are closing. You're the best at this. ❤


Perfect timing, thanks for all of your hard work! It is appreciated!


I can always rely on Calliope when I need something to fall asleep to 😴 Super appreciate your content!


Calliope, your medical videos are THE BEST! Thank you for another hour of relaxing ASMR.


Always happy to see you


Thank you, fabulous video!!🎉😊


Butt dial and booty call?!? 🤣🤣🤣 You’ve had that joke ready to go for awhile, no way you made that up on the spot!!


This is an excellent video, thank you so much


so relaxing and comforting as always!!


This video whaled my day, thanks x


Perfect timing; I'm in bed sick. I wish I could see my dr this quickly! 🥰


I luv your voice and videos... so comforting and soothing..... thank you darling.


This is one of your best ever!


Yup, I think I'm gonna like this new clinic. The doctor is super nice and gentle, plus she's a Breaking Benjamin fan 🤘😝🤘 Thanks for the video, that was amazing!