
New Players React to Overwatch Anime Short - GENESIS – PART THREE: REBIRTH @playoverwatch

Welcome to RNTV Gaming! Here Mike and Jess post all of their gaming related content. From trailer reactions, to play-throughs, to gaming related shorts. They are a husband and wife living their best life in beautiful Jacksonville, Florida. Mike was born and raised here, while Jess hails from Knoxville, Tennessee. You may see their three wonderful children from time to time. We'd love it if you joined us on this journey. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Original Video: Join the Discord: 💜 Twitch: 📸 Instagram: 🔗 Main Channel: #Overwatch #Overwatch2 #genesis #rebirth #gaming #blizzard

RNTV Gaming

11 days ago

hey friends Mike and Jess here and welcome  to Regeneration Nation TV gaming we just finished and wrapped up the Genesis part three  rebirth OverWatch anime short that was awesome it really was all three of these totally epic I  want more it really does leave you wanting more but still I really enjoy these a lot I hope one  day we do get more maybe a fulllength feature film that would be awesome actually take these  three parts expand on them and make a full-on movie that would be epic yeah now
we just need to  play The Invasion so exactly we've got the links for this original video down below go support  the original video let's get into this let's do it the United Nations created OverWatch and  we won some victories we thought the tide had turned unfortunately it did  not quite work out that way but life had to go on Genesis part three rebirth  I think this is the final one how do you tie something into this like  such a any battle we won the I didn't hear a word you said oh I was sa
ying I said  it so low I'm wondering how this will go how they going to tie this in within  s minutes wrap it up any battle we won the Anubis program was learning from its  defeat we could never beat it the same way twice for real Annihilation or Victory depending  on your point of view seemed inevitable and I know I had no choice in the matter I was under  the control of the Anubis program oh wow but it haunts me all the omnic had their major sub  routines overridden and controlled by a lone Go
d program all except one Aurora I  was going to say it's Aurora she her sentience meant that she was  immune to the Anubis directives but if the AI could interface with  all these omnics maybe Aurora could too we need your help good she was one kind the  world I can't I can't hear you whenever you talk under the thing like that oh no you're F I just  I'm just speaking into the mic just but I when I edit it you can't hear us when we talk over  the video okay so I want to hear you too yeah you're
right you're right what did you say I  just said it just looks like she's peaceful it looks like she just that's good that that  they're finding her she they let her free and she's found peace and she's learning wants  to learn more about the world and be seems like she wants to be a part of it she was one  of a kind but we had found a way to replicate her to transmit her but the cost would be so  incredibly High she's going to have to sacrifice herself trapped herself in there  forever haven't
even got her like we haven't even heard her speak whatever  Aurora was looking for on her journey to shambali in that moment she had found  it we were pretty confident we knew what the results would be but I will never  fully understand what really happened in there oh Aurora gave us a chance something everything changed  was the strangest thing I ever saw that moment would be known as  The Awakening for the first time in our existence we were suddenly given a choice wow some chose to lay down t
heir weapons  some continued to fight the humans oh wow but some of us chose to turn against the AI that had  held us captive we had a choice overwat seized the moment they started a counter offensive it would  take some time but it was the start of us winning the war the strikes and counter strikes eventually  drove the enemy forces to Collapse by some small miracle we infiltrated and quarantined Anubis in  kaido months later the war was over w we had won dang man I wanted to keep going I was h
oping that  we could see that scene because I thought that his hand was going to come up once the robot extended  their hand but I'm I was hoping that we get to see that scene play out so I'm glad he's looking  at the picture right now because that's like a that's a Monumental thing that's like uh it just  makes me think back to in the soldier 76 cinematic they're all beating up that robot so that robot  was sentient you you know that's even more yeah even worse I got to know some of them they a
re  like us reflections of us some are no good some I would trust with my life I suppose we all had  an Awakening The Awakening of course I remember for one brief moment we were all connected and  aware what I remember more than anything else is her message my friend when I was born I was  overwhelmed overwhelmed by the Sudden Rush of Senses emotions choices I was excited alive it  was frightening but I found in facing fear there is freedom and through Freedom you can find your  own path I have
chosen to share the discovery with you a new beginning I wish I could stay you have this one life choose well you have this one life choose well choose well I'm glad we got to hear her voice yeah  I going to say you get to hear it there you go wow and not only that it was like  a good speech that could be like I love when shows or movies that may  not be reality have something that you can relate to your reality yeah  that was awesome that was beautiful wow Aurora's gone though man she sacrifice
d  herself for the greater good did but she left a good message in it which is super awesome and  the fact that you know that she did it for the greater good she wanted everyone else that was  like her to experience what she experienced and have that choice to live their life and be excited  and go through and what a cool thing to talk about fear like that's such a big thing get over your  fear you can have that freedom and you can make you know you can do anything you want you can the  sky the
limit it wrapped it up so nice because all of those moments that it showed her contemplating  I was wondering what she was thinking and it goes back and kind of gives you an idea of exactly  what she was feeling yeah in those moments so those three uh Genesis little short movies man  those were amazing those were incredible it really does make me wish there was more yeah you  know but I did purchase the PVE content I haven't played any of it yet but this does make me a bit  excited for it yeah I
do want to play The Invasion I do I'm excited well I haven't even played much  of OverWatch yet so I probably should get used to playing some characters first but I definitely  want to get into PV content that I feel like them announcing the PVE content excited a lot of people  a lot of non OverWatch players or maybe people who had only tried it casually once or twice and we're  like this PVP mode is pretty sweaty for me but I like the world I've watched a few of these YouTube  videos and I I l
ike it but I don't want to really jump into PVP every time I play a game um and the  PVE content was exciting for people and it's less intimidating for me like it's when I hear that  it's so limited like looking up the Steam Reviews on the PVE content uh it's it's not very it's not  very good it's not very like it doesn't bode well for the mode itself I'm excited to experience  it for myself and get my own you know ideas judgments around it yeah um I did play this new  they came out with a cowbo
y bbop event and so they released this PVE mode um it's like Tower  Defense I wasn't very impressed not going to lie it wasn't it's very basic it's very repetitive um  not very much to it but I'm excited to jump into the the uh I forget what the freak Invasion Mod  yeah I'm excited to jump into it like I said at least for my own opinions around it so I did enjoy  these I did enjoy these Genesis anime shorts that was really good I really do feel like we watched a  whole movie and it was literally
like what 7 time 3 20 20 minutes 25 minutes all together something  like that yeah jeez that's so crazy excellent excellent production work on these all the voice  acting everything the story writing it was great it is it so gets you invested I still can't  believe that I'm so invested in each little thing and they're literally so short it says it in the  title but they could make a full-on movie about all of those they could just expand upon them and  make a two two and a half hour movie that
would be freaking epic yeah I would definitely watch  that yeah that was uh that was awesome thanks for joining us again on another one of these make  sure you go down in the playlist get yourself caught up on all of our other reactions to these  and we'll see you on the next one bye friends peace let me I'm scared show



Thank you for watching our reaction to "GENESIS – PART THREE: REBIRTH" Overwatch Anime Short! Did you enjoy our reaction? If so, please give this video a thumbs up, subscribe to our channel, and share your thoughts in the comments below. Join our Discord community here: 💜 Catch us live on Twitch: Check out the original video here: Let's keep the gaming and positivity flowing, friends!


A neat side lore from the comics: Symmetra and the company Vishkar that she is with, was doing construction near a rural town when it caused tremors that broke the giant statue of Aurora and caused the locals to turn against Vishkar and hate them. But Symmetra repairs the statue and thus mends the relationship


I don't know if you noticed but they say she went to Shamballi to find something Shambali is one of the escort map we play on i am not sure but i think the building we see at 2:26 is the Shambali map a lot of the bad review on steam is because the BIG PVE story line with all character and skill tree was canceled even though it was the reason people waited for overwatch 2 so much they are not that bad but hey are not what they promised us


This is EPIC you guys.


Yay!! Another Reaction ☺️ to hear your thoughts about them ! I also really like the world and the characters of overwatch! :) ...i think all those cinematics are like little pixar movies ;)


great reaction!


Dr Liao (the one who created Aurora) also is the creator of Echo who is the blue robot you can play in the game. Echo also shares the same voice actor, their personalities are also shown to be very similar. You'll see more of that in Echos origin story though!


I find Mina’s story to be so sad. All she wanted was to make the world a better place. But she inadvertently caused the war that almost extinguished humanity forever. And the only way to stop it was to sacrifice the very creation she spent her entire life working toward. What a quote to end on: You have this one life. Choose well.


Overwatch's steam reviews are mostly review bombs bc a lot of people are just haters. The actual pve missions are very good, with very good cutscenes and voice acting and it plays really well. It's just good. It's really just good. Don't listen to the haters. I would say that the last cutscene in the missions is the best one and it really sets up a lot from a narrative and emotional standpoint.