
Nightlife In KOSOVO - What To Know

This video is about nightlife in KOSOVO. Where i take you guys for a walking tour around the city on my arrival, chatting up locals and the same time sharing important informations of what to know and places to hang out and how is life in the city. Enjoy !!! Add me on Instagram and Facebook to see my other travel stories; Please Make Sure To Subscribe and Hit the LIKE Button! Thank you very much! Do you like to support the channel? #joeltamara #ferizaj #pristina #prizren #kosovo #europe


2 days ago

thank you nice to meet you nice what is  your name Tiger Tiger yes lion ah leopard leopard crocodile crocodile and you bana bana bana okay y hello kind of looking at me so strange  I don't know the girl was kind of very funny hey I just came out very tired I  went to add some CEST after sharing with you a little bit the city of fizi and now  tonight let's walk around and learn about the city the best places to hang out in the  night and to shut spontaneously with the locals so this is the main [
Music]  Center of fizi so if you walk down this way at the entrance of this  street is also beautiful where you can also have uh some bars restaurants  and some hello how are you so this is it hello excuse me yeah I don't know the  girls here they are kind of very shy I don't know they are very shy the only ones  that I can be able to get for you guys it is when I arrived and they were very young the  ones that are M my sure are very shy in here I don't know when he said I they were kind of like
  immediately like they are terrified hello [Music] let me meet this guy hello excuse me  excuse me I don't know they are very they very shy here when he said excuse  you they got to run everybody's running hey [Music] hello how are you YouTuber YouTube ah you too yes  how you fine I'm fine where you from Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria yes nice nice very [Music] [Music] nice [Music] how are you you good where  are you from from Al Albania yes ah good where is the best place for  party to to dance in uh
fizi yes where is the best [Music] okay YouTuber ah YouTuber yes [Music] okay the streets over there are also great places you  can angle there are per and I think disc could take around here but it is quite difficult to you  know be able to talk to some people um many people cannot be able to speak English and many are very  shy so it is kind of difficult to speak uh with the locals here hello how are you yeah and as I  was told by my swe hello as I was told how are youell my friends good wher
e are you from nice F  verai okay nice good Nigeria Nigeria yes we bam Nigeria B no me no bam uh where is the best place  for party night night life to meet the locals for Club club party Pristina prisaa tax taxi free taxi  Pristina oh Pristina yeah no good night night life F no 14 km 40 kilm oh Pristina good uh fizi no  good night life no good like good beautiful city beautiful okay thank you to meet you what is  your name tiger tiger tiger yes lion ah leopard leopard crocodile crocodile and yo
u bana bana B me okay let me give you my YouTube channel let  me give my YouTube channel yoube are you live no no no I'm just recording okay yes don't put  us on YouTube don't man you already in YouTube you did well man it's fun man what do you are  you a star don't boss my boss man are you are you this is your channel go around the wall look  every country has his playlist okay when are you putting our country uh very soon but I know  I am coming from Greece Albania Macedonia now Kosovo I still
have four countries to visit  so no four countries to visit so after like almost one month I started bringing out the  videos because it's I'm tired I have a lot of videos to no videos of gree never out  uh because no time I'm still traveling so when I when I go back home when I go when I  go back home then I I started making videos so let me say before one mon time I will go  back home I live in France then I started uploading okay see see camera okay for 0:08:59.200,1193:02:47.295 [Music] oka
y okay okay no mad so he he lived in in France for about 8 years  so he speak good french so he told me that night life here is kind of dead there is only a per and  uh you can only stay outside for until uh 11 uh p.m. to 11:30 p.m. then everything is closed so  if you want to go for party some other guys the other one that speak English told me that you need  to go to Pristina there you can have much better fun if you go to Pristina so and again he said the  French speaking guy said that yeah t
here will be a little bit night club in the peck moment of uh  summer and in the winter there that you can then there is some n life going on then there are kind  of some night club you know is more more vibrant then but at this moment it's very calm so the  ninth life here in the city is dull but you can still hang out in the bars and uh meet the Locos  though sometime it can be difficult to talk to the Locos because they are very very shy in a way and  again with the camera they are very camer
a shy in here everybody's kind of looking at you so  this is one of the main place in the city great place where the church and the mosque are  very close symbolize that we can all embrace our different es and live peacefully together in  harmony without terrorizing one another the Albanian mosque and the OS Seria in here  I hope I don't mix it because sometime I used to mix the two I will change instead  of because I don't know sometime I used to mix them so I hope this time I said it  well bec
ause one he like Albania is for M yes and Serbia is for the OS so sometime I  used to mix them so I hope this time I am [Music] correct he guys I'm going to walk  you down to like the commercial center here and uh share with you a little bit how it it  is in that place as well it is kind of quiet it will be very very difficult to have some  interviews with the ladies here as I always do and my friend my Swiss friend told me  about this that hey yeah the people are very shy and sometimes it's ver
y difficult to  connect with the ladies that is what he told me and I guess I'm sensing it right here and  everyone kind of looking at you which is in uh not a surprise to me because you know there  is no Tories here and uh imagine seeing someone like me that is completely different in here  is understandable so it's not a surprise to me [Applause] hello hi there what's your name my name  is Joel and you I'm Aran where are you from I'm from Nigeria Nigeria you're doing a documentary or  somethin
g yeah I'm a YouTuber traveling around the world you're live yeah no I'm recording recording  yeah just recording my journey yeah yeah and you you are from here F here what can you tell me  about your your town about night life night life is quite low in this time because most of people  live live abroad okay in Europe so in summertime they are here for on vacation so at that time  is is the peak of the atmosphere okay it's very crowded okay but now it's really cold at weekend  there's life Nigh
t Live Here at weekend from uh from Friday night Saturday night Sunday it's cool  here but that working days it's it's like this empty okay not he's going to the gym oh he's going  to the gym nice I have to go to gym also to keep Feit because I've putting out some weight really  yeah I play football before so it's not good for a sportive like me to be like this but hey sometime  it happens I was about to go professional and I have some issues and I couldn't be able to go you  stay in here in F y
eah I just came today and to visit the place and I like it people are friendly  people uh are open you see they just walk up to me and I know that they want to talk to me and  they very open so very POS where are you staying I live you have a hotel room yeah I have an hotel  in the center there yeah have AEL how long you going to stay here uh in each country so in Co  at least I'm going to stay for one week at least so this is the first day you came to Kosovo yes  you should travel to prisen Cit
y of pran to pris the capital city yes the pris pris the city of  prison is the older City in Kosovo I'm going to visit there so I wanted to go there sides there  I wanted to go there before I go to other place but it seems like I have to go to uh uh Pristina  first before I go to prison why so I don't know is possible from here to go to prison stra to prison  it is shorter actually Short Road you don't have to go if you want you can go but you have another  road the guy told me uh one of um a l
ocal told me uh that it's better to go to okay you want to eat  something okay I have eaten already I have bought the bucket of KFC I was kind of there I just  want to eat some chicken so I bought the big bucket of KFC still there are still some chicken  still in the hotel so why didn't you didn't go to there yeah you bought it there at the KFC or  in KFC it's other side yeah KFC is the other side I so we're going to stay here we're going  to eat okay thank you it is a a pleasure meeting you man
it is night meeting you I don't  you're coming with me or your okay I'm going to this side I want to share uh this  uh how will I say the market area where the KFC is is the B there you know you have  to go on the other side actually how are you people working yes you have to go on the  other side to get the best side of the city it's on on the other side yes this is this  is where I bought the chicken the KFC over there yeah it's nice it's cold we like it it's  not a it's not a big city M but
we like it it's it's our home yeah yeah you know it's a it's  a quiet and beautiful city and you guys are is like developing every day yeah yeah I think  very soon you will have uh uh how would I say a train yeah I think they are building the train  where the the rail whe yeah yeah so this is good they uh it was very old one now they are uh  building a new one okay that's good you can travel from that to cross Serbia and to Europe  nice and this are also a good place to hand out yeah coffees you
get you get to see a lot of  coffees here in in Tera it's typical for in covo to see a lot of coffees at night they  go at night to drink go for coffee or eat something at night the most common thing you'll  see in Kosovo are coffees okay coffee shop yeah people go at night so here's the end of my road  because I'm going to go up okay okay you I need to sleep okay let me give you my YouTube  channel so you see your videos sure nice meeting you as well yes oh Network just let me  connect to Wi-F
i no problem relax okay YouTube Joel Tamara this one Joel Tamara Tamara Joel  you will still find me yes Joel yes yes this is this is okay every country go to playlist  every every country have a playlist go around to Russia no not Slovenia not yet not yet it's  every country no count is excluded even Russia I'm going everywhere you can go there is it I'm  going to when when the time come I will go there wish you all the best because it's every country  nobody's excluded thank you man bye so I m
et great guys and uh sh spontaneously quickly with the  locals in here they have shared their they have shared great informations videos so you know  how it goes in here in ferai so let me take you to is very well played very well very yes it's  good do you see in the world uh you have in one place church and Mos mosque together it's only in  fizi in the world only in fiza in the world you have in same place church and Mos where are you  and peaceful and peaceful without problem where are you fr
om Nigeria I knew it how do you know  I'm from Nigeria your accent oh so you know you you know a lot of Nigerians uh I'm from the US  so oh you're from the US and you I'm from my one place in kosova oh okay okay yeah immediately she  just said Nigeria I was even shocked how did you she just Direct Direct Direct it's direct I you  living here no I come visit him visit yeah until I make his papers you know 9 fiance it's going to  be something like that oh congratulation guys I'm happy for you that
you find your love in here how  do you met him what did you say how did you met him she's from okay she's from I visit here yeah  okay from here okay where do you live in the in the Louis Missouri okay so you where you live  I live in France as oh nice cool what are you doing here vlogging just to every country really  every country so this is the time for [Music] Kosovo this like theater the Adriana a the here and I'm going over there which  is considered as the most attractive place is in the
night and also in the day  this place this direction I was near in the afternoon there some of the soldiers  that fight for their people I don't know if it's written in English no it's not  written in English some of the soldiers that fight for their people back in the  days and this is the police station here and this is the police [Applause] [Music] station so we are in the Main Place  Place one of the main place you can afford to miss to come and hang out coffee shops bars  restaurants and e
ven you to do your shopping and one of the biggest supermarket in the  city is just behind us hello hello excuse me they all kind of so this is  one of the best place to answer now I don't know what happened to my  camera since I changed the quality uh to try to give you hello how are  you how are you how are you good how you doing H what is that how are  you how are you I I don't know I don't understand I hope you're not  saying nonsense to my video thank you I think I I think  I am yeah I spea
k oh nice ner okay okay very difficult for me okay oh this is the best place every nice what  you in what are you doing uh YouTube I make a world tour yeah yeah YouTuber you like f  City F the people are friendly sometime I can meet some young people that are still young  they are not they IM but is the best city POS no AV train all okay this YouTube YouTube YouTube right  here man we are in YouTube thank you you don't talk to me I don't know the way what you  were saying but I think you're like
disrespecting me okay to nice meeting you man I he save you because I think you were  joking with me you're fooling me so I said no you don't you no he wasn't joking if if not  him I said no I go away you do a vlog or what a vlog uh all around the world interview  really uh Nigeria but I live in France in which place in France uh Ru Nori you know  no do I know this place wait I will cuz I don't remember the which places have you  been more than 20 countries 20 countries more than look at it go
to YouTube I show  you no internet yeah so very good it's good how many days are you here YouTuber you  know this place here from here here in Fr okay okay I'm from there yes here it's exactly here it's my home  okay near Geneva okay okay yes okay okay so how is the city for you it's good super  super super is good young people enjoying simple after I go to uh Christina and  prison and other places they are very respectful people and they can maybe  very respectfully maybe they can uh get your Y
ouTube and post it in their stories  the famous people you can be famous Maybe thank you man thank you you I'm trying  more than almost 30,000 subscribers 30 yeah and I have my first video is more  than 1 million views really yeah check it you you have internet internet is not  working I don't know you have internet is show you Jo get something to  to can you want this no thank you see 1 million views when are you posting this  video it will take some time because see I go to every country it wi
ll take some time because  there are a lot of videos it will take some time okay them yeah will make a DE to try to  make it POS uh professional and also raw you know on also original you understand so like the  way we talk here I leave everything they make it more original more real so thank you man thank you  thank you bye-bye goodbye good night have a good night hey that is not good man not good  [ __ ] not good [ __ ] not good hello yeah cool I'm YouTuber vlogging around sharing  the beauty
of your country Nigeria Niger yeah do you live here yeah I live in the hotel  where inai no no no yeah F yes how much you payot it's you yes this is me it's not  that expensive 30 40 so good bro ladies yes more than 1 million view ladies  you like ladies you're boss bro I'm I'm not boss I'm trying like you  you like you like beautiful women right where Estonia Estonia you like people  here in no it's good fun it's easy to look people are enjoying enjoying themselves free  and look it's cool it's
cool anyway thank you man see you later my nice man nice to meet  you nice to meet you too see you later man this is the place to be hello vlogging yes so  man this is one of the best place to be in the nth where you can be able to come and hang  out have phone meet the locals you can even come with your families families are coming with  their kids and it's interesting also as well and uh over here there is a there are shops here  that you can also go and get something if you want yeah they ar
e very fun in here and this  is the ice cream guy that uh I don't know he's not around or he has closed maybe this ice  cream guy is cool great guy no before after yes the ice cream guy is cool The Village ice  cream is cool and if you want to come to make some shopping here let me get something  to drink uh this is a big supermarket I will go to the other [Music] [Music] one [Music] [Music] nice so guys this is how night life look like right  here in the city of fizi it is very difficult the ni
ght life here because most people are very  timid and are very camera shy so especially the young girls most of them are very timid and again  as one of the locals have already shared this afternoon with with us that many of them they are  shy and scared at the same time because you know it's a small City and uh their brothers their  family members are around so when a foreigner is talking to them so when a foreigner is  talking to them they are kind of little bit hello man nice let me give you
my YouTube channel  what your uh YouTube channel come on take here bro this one this joar Jo Joel this I show you something go playlist playlist every country has a play okay give me  in YouTube okay yes yes like so most of them are camera shy and very little of them like this  young boy and his group can be able to come in front of a camera and like you know to share share  positivity but hey there are cool people Shield people but no this if you are visiting here it's  a great place to visit b
ut the people they are not used to tourist as my Swiss friend have already  said they are kind of he's a white guy and they are looking at him he said they looking looking  at him like he's an alien imagine me a black man I am here all high on me and probably I'm among  some of the few very few black guys in the city and I can say since I've been working now it  is only once I have seen a black person which is even a footballer the footballer that we met  this afternoon he's the only guy I have
seen in the city so hey this is how it is here if you have  the boss to be yourself in M of people that don't look like you uhhuh for me I don't care anymore  it's just part of my style H for me sometime even turn me turn me on so it's part of my my way of  doing things so I don't I don't have no time for me I just walk into places even though I'm the  only black person here it's not a problem for for me so this is my experience in here as night  life in the city of ferai it is a quiet city with
a lot of very peaceful warm and friendly people  but hey if you are here and you want to meet the locals as a man you want to maybe meet their  their women you need to be this in mind that they are very close they are very close because of  the system here the moment you are talking to one of them everybody is looking at you in Macedonia  is the same in Albania is the same even in Greece all these areas in fact the balcons are a little  bit the same so this is how it is I think the only part in
some part of B like Croatia is not a  little bit like this but this other part is always like so if you are talking to their women they all  everybody kind of looking at you I was yesterday I was with uh my girl there a girl and everybody was  kind of just looking at me and some are even like insulting them and some I even like calling hello  how are you yeah so somebody even calling the girl and so my even you know so uh some are even  you know uh call uh calling the girl and like insulting th
em and that is how you know so this  is what you will get so if you are dealing with their women here as a foreigner this is what  to expect so and the girl need to be really into you to be able to support the nonsense  because if not it's not going to be easy so that's hey my girl does not even care she was  kind of laughing and she's even begging me to send me a message I said that uh please forgive  her that our people are like this it's not easy so hey I said man it is not your fault now why
  are you begging it is even because of me they were like you know disrespecting you so relax  so she kind of begging me I said so she's a wonderful woman a wonderful woman wonderful  girl so this is my experience here in the balcans and it is the beginning because this  is my fourth country I still have Montenegro Bosnia and Serbia to share with you to see to  learn about it some said maybe Serbia will be more more better more openminded I don't know  let's go and find out so if you like this v
ideo give me thumbs up give me thumbs up and let  me know what you think about this video and see you guys on the next one ciao I am Joel  Tamara if you like my videos please hit the Subscribe button and turn on the notification  so you will get notified of my upcoming videos as I take you to every country on head until  then have a wonderful and inspiring day bye-bye



Good job bruh keep grinding 🎉🎉


Joel is the best Travel 🧳 YouTuber


I look forward to the vids from Pristine


Good job on how you handled that local guy about his vocabulary.. I commend you my brother.💪🏽💪🏽🤘


What’s up man hope you like it here i’m Albanian, and this video specially 24:05 makes me feel ashamed of being Albanian, because people have no respect and making jokes to me you’re always welcome and I respect your content. This type of people are insecure and needs to give bad energy, but Keep up the good work God bless you 💯👑


St. Louis stand up we everywhere


Looks like Kosovo has very friendly people


4:20 should've asked her if she speaks english beforehand xd


Love from India ❤❤


Kosovo je Srbija


Boko Haram 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Kosovo is Serbia dont forget always and forever