
Police use tracking dart in stolen vehicle arrest

Police use tracking dart in stolen vehicle arrest

WKRN News 2

6 days ago

[Music] belme police successfully Dart another stolen vehicle with their brand new GPS tracking system Andy C Dan has been following the Department's technological crime fighting efforts and has the latest in his story you're seeing first on two Andy hey there mark you know this is the second time that the department has fired the tracking dart at a stolen car in less than a month and in both those instances the vehicle has been recovered and the driver arrested Sunday March 3rd LPR cameras hit
on a Chevy Silverado stolen out of cheum County it's later learned the truck is being driven by April reic as BME officers pull the pum woman over also be advised I have successfully darted it in case it takes off they fire a GPS tracking device at the back of the truck they do it just in case the 53-year-old woman decides to make a run for it it seems like a lot of times when an officer pulls over a stolen car as they get out of their vehicle that's when the bad guy if they're going to take off
they do is that why he darted the vehicle yes typically if if they're going to take off after they stop it's on the officer's approach so Sergeant Wright was making an effort to be able to track them how you doing hey this car's coming back stolen is it in this case the driver is arrested without incident and the truck it's returned to its rightful owner in this case that car takes off Sergeant R maybe just sits there and goes okay we'll just wait till you stop exactly if somebody takes off on
him he's able pull it up on the screen in the car and able to track the vehicle's movement and also we can get other agencies involved this is the second time belme police have implemented the GPS Dart system in just 3 weeks the first time was on February 13th that's when a teenager driving a stolen hondai rolls through BME you see that's a stop sign he just ran a stop sign in Brook Hollow because the car is being tracked in real time officers back off as the suspect speeds away at 81 mph we jus
t DED our first stolen car and we are tracking it now knowing exactly where that teenager is belme police coordinate with Metro Police we got one to safely take the suspect into custody at this apartment complex it increases Public Safety because the officer doesn't feel obligated to chase a vehicle down if they do flee from him and we're able to track him for quite some time with that Dart attached to the vehicle now BME police tell me that the darts can only be fired one time but they're repla
ced for free as part of a grant that that the Grant I should say funds the entire program let's send it back to you



This tech is long overdue.


This is very cool. I’m surprised that there is enough metal rather than fiber or plastic panels for it to attach to.


These things can't be recycled??? They've got GPS in them, when is that deactivated?