
President Joe Biden Addresses Concerns Over His Age and Shares His 2024 Agenda

President Joe Biden addresses the concern American voters have about his age, shares what his agenda for the 2024 election is and discusses the dangers Donald Trump poses to democracy. Late Night with Seth Meyers. Stream now on Peacock: Subscribe to Late Night: Watch Late Night with Seth Meyers Weeknights 12:35ET/11:35c on NBC. Get more Late Night with Seth Meyers: LATE NIGHT ON SOCIAL Follow Late Night on Twitter: Like Late Night on Facebook: Follow Late Night Instagram: Late Night on Tumblr: Late Night with Seth Meyers on YouTube features A-list celebrity guests, memorable comedy, and topical monologue jokes. GET MORE NBC Like NBC: Follow NBC: NBC Tumblr: YouTube: NBC Instagram: President Joe Biden Addresses Concerns Over His Age and Shares His 2024 Agenda - Late Night with Seth Meyers Late Night with Seth Meyers

Late Night with Seth Meyers

16 hours ago

-Welcome back to "Late Night." We're here with President Joe Biden. Um, you mentioned some classified materials, some documents recently leaked -- some classified documents. And this isn't a gotcha show, but I do want to ask about it. It says you are currently 81 years old. -Who the hell told you that? -Yeah. -That's classified. -That's classified. All jokes aside, according to recent polling, this is a real concern for American voters. How do you address that concern, going forward, as you come
up to the 2024 election? -Well, a couple things. Number one, you got to take a look at the other guy. He's about as old as I am, but he can't even remember his wife's name. -Yeah. -And, uh... [ Laughter and applause ] Number one. Number two, [Chuckles] it's about how old your ideas are. Look, I mean, this is a guy who wants to take us back. He wants to take us back on Roe v Wade. He wants to take us back on a whole range of issues that are, 50, 60 years, they've been solid American positions. A
nd I really mean this sincerely. The -- I think it's about the future and everything -- every single thing we've done, I think we've gotten some good things done. Everything -- And they told us we couldn't get them done, because things were so divided. And -- But I think everything -- everything we've gotten done, he's just frontally stated he wants to do away with if he gets elected. And I really think his views on where to take America are older than... Anyway... I don't want to get called. [
Laughter ] -You talked about bipartisanship and that you could actually work across the aisle when you ran in 2020. I was one of the people who thought that was maybe a foolish proposition. But you have gotten things done. Um, infrastructure, CHIPS, Inflation Reduction Act, some gun safety. You even got an immigration bill that passed in the Senate but never got taken up in the House. -It will be. -And what do you want to do? What's your 2024 agenda? Because I feel like we live in such crazy tim
es that that is one of the things I feel we hear less about. -Look, the 2020 agenda is to finish the job. For example, we're now in a position where we have the strongest economy of any major nation in the world. Number one. We've got a way to go yet. Inflation is down. 880,000 manufacturing jobs. You know, we have 14 million new jobs. The unemployment rate is the lowest it's been for the longest time. We're building wealth for people. But it really -- we have to do more. First thing I have to d
o is stop it from being turned around. For example, you talked about the border didn't pass. Well, guess what? We're going to pass that border. It's overwhelmingly, overwhelmingly supported by Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate. But because -- I don't know this for a fact, but I was told that -- Trump was picking up the phone, calling the Speaker of the House, saying, "Don't let it pass." Why? Not because he doesn't think it's good. Because it will benefit Biden. That's no way to
run a country. That's no way to deal. We didn't -- Even when we had real divisions, back when I was a young senator, among Democrats and Republicans, that wasn't the way it worked. And look, I think -- Let me put it -- This is not your father's Republican Party. -Yeah. -They got about 30% of the Republican Party controlling it all. And I think we're going to break it. -One of the things about, "This is not your father's Republican Party," it must be, for somebody who's been doing this as long as
you have, you can't get aid for Ukraine passed. And it seemed like, for a long time, the American people agreed that Russia was a threat. And all of a sudden, now you see a Republican Party that is basically refusing to aid Ukraine in their fight against -- Seems like Donald Trump is saying Russia can do whatever they want to NATO countries. Are you shocked? -Not "seems like." That's what he is saying. He's been saying it all along. He's been saying it when he ran the last time. Look, the idea
that any American -- Think about this. If I told you all there was going to be an American president who said to Putin -- Putin -- "Come do whatever you want and to NATO if they don't -- if the other guys on our team don't pay up every single cent they promise to pay for" -- I mean, what are we talking about here? What in God's name -- How -- The idea that the president of the United States is inviting Vladimir Putin to invade Eastern -- Western countries is bizarre -- absolutely bizarre -- and
it's totally against our interest. And by the way, I've known every major foreign leader for the longest time, and I know all of these guys extremely well. They're scared to death what it means for them -- for them -- what it means if we walk away. Madeleine Albright was right -- the former secretary of state. She said, "We are the essential nation." We are the essential nation. We don't have people fighting in those areas, but we're providing the wherewithal for them to be able to protect thems
elves. And it's just outrageous what he's talking about. -He talked about how he wants to be a dictator on day one, but only day one. You are someone who has dealt with dictators over the years. It does seem as though democracy, in vague terms, somehow is not easy for us to grasp. Having dealt with dictators, what do you see in a world where democracy is actually at risk in a way it might be in this election? -The first thing they do -- dictators do -- is they disregard whatever the rule of law
is. They just disregard it. Here's the guy who says he wants to -- he thinks he can change the Constitution and ignore it. Just ignore portions of the Constitution. Here's the guy who talks about retribution. Here's the guy -- Look, you have the guys, the thousands of people who stormed the Capitol -- stormed the Capitol. They're insurrectionists. Two cops died. Other people were badly hurt. And what did he say? They got convicted and/or they pled guilty. And he said they're patriots? God, patri
ots? And he says he's going to forgive them all? He's going to -- You're going to -- Every one of them is going to be released? What is -- I mean, that -- that's what happens in Eastern European countries. That's not what happens in America. We're -- And the idea that he thinks he can do that, the idea he talks about things like, for example, the idea that he said the Congress wants to pass an overwhelmingly -- a border provision that would allow us to control the border. First bill I ever intro
duced called for that. And here they're saying -- he's saying, "No, don't do that because that'll help Biden." Help Biden? It's about -- not about Biden. It's about the United States of America. And look, it just -- I don't want to get started. [ Laughter ] [ Cheers and applause ] I really don't. -Yeah, I get it, I get it. -Our democracy is at stake. It literally is. -I want to ask about the situation right now in the Middle East. You have forcefully spoken about the horrible events of October 7
th, and how Hamas is a continuing threat to the safety of the people who live in Israel. You've been negotiating -- trying to negotiate -- the release of the hostages. At the same time, you've said that the response in Gaza is too much, and that the loss of an innocent life in Gaza is just as horrible as the loss of an innocent life in Israel. And yet there have been calls for an immediate cease-fire. You have not supported those calls. Again, you seem like an optimistic person. You believe mayb
e there's a future for a two-state solution. But from where I'm sitting, it does seem like there doesn't seem to be any appetite for that right now. Do you see -- What is -- Because again, we see this horrible -- Every day, we see this horrible images out of Gaza. And is there a path forward? Is there a safe future for the people who live there? -There is a path forward, with difficulty. But here's the path forward. Look, first of all, there are -- the hostages being held must be released. And w
e've got -- at least, in principle -- an agreement there will be a cease-fire while that takes place. Ramadan is coming up, and there's been an agreement by the Israelis that they would not engage in activities during Ramadan, as well, in order to give us time to get all the hostages out. That gives us time to begin to move in directions that a lot of Arab countries are prepared to move in. For example, Saudi Arabia is ready to recognize Israel. Jordan is, Egypt. There are six other states. I've
been working with Qatar. And the bottom line is that I'm not -- I think the only way Israel ultimately survives -- and I make no bones about it -- I get criticized for having said a long time ago, you need not be a Jew to be a Zionist. I'm a Zionist. Were there no Israel, there's not a Jew in the world will be safe. But here's the deal. They also have to make -- take advantage of an opportunity to have peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians who are being used as pawns by -- by the --
by Hamas. And so there's a process under way that I think if we get that -- that temporary cease-fire, we're going to be able to move in a direction where we can change the dynamic and not have a two-state solution immediately, but a process to get to a two-state solution, a process to guarantee Israel's security and the independence of the Palestinians, but without them being able to, for example, invite in the -- you know, another country to provide their defenses. There's ways to do this. And
I don't have time to go into it now, but -- and in the meantime, there are too many innocent people that are being killed. And Israel has slowed down the attacks in Rafah. They have to -- And they've made a commitment to me. They're going to see to it that there's ability to evacuate significant portions of Rafah before they go and take out the remainder of Hamas. But it's a process. And look, Israel has had the overwhelming support of the vast majority of nations. If it keeps this up without -
- this incredibly conservative government, they have, and Ben-Gvir and others -- most -- I've known every major foreign policy leader in Israel since Golda Meir -- they're going to lose support from around the world, and that is not in Israel's interest. -Well, I wish you the best of luck with that, because they are really horrifying scenes, and I'm happy to hear you agree with that, as well. I do want to close by thanking you for something. When you were here in 2014, you gave me two gifts. Fir
st, you gave me an Amtrak whistle, and... [ Laughter ] [ Whistle blows ] And, uh, it was 10 years ago. I didn't have kids yet. And I have kids now, and it's their favorite thing. And they blow it all the time, and it's really irritating. So I want to give it back. [ Laughter ] [ Applause ] And... -I'm not going to take it back. [ Laughter ] -It's covered with germs. -We're gonna give it to your kids. -[ Laughing ] Yeah. Also, you gave me this -- this conductor's hat. And this meant the world to
me because, um, when I put it on, I realized that you didn't just buy this at a store. You obviously went out of your way. You got my hat size, because when I put it on, it was such a perfect fit. And... [ Laughter ] -Let's get moving. [ Laughter ] -Let's get moving. Um, I really want to thank you so much for being here, Mr. President. It means the world to celebrate the anniversary with you. That's President Joe Biden, everybody. We'll be right back with more "Late Night."



Gosh! Orale Seth! Way to go! Nice to hear Mr. President Biden talk like a normal person! Instead of rambling and talking over people, like agent Orange does- GOD BLESS AMERICA!


Thank you, Seth, once again for making this great interview with Joe happen. These are issues on many Democrats minds, and it was wonderful to hear Joe's responses. You are great at this! Take care!


🎉🎉Awesome interview with our President Joe Biden!!🙌🏼💙💙 Happy 10th Anniversary, Seth and team!!


It's refreshing for this Canadian to hear an American president that isn't talking about windmills, legal troubles, and himself.


I found a pair of those iconic glasses in the lost and found at work, been around for so long theyre mine now lol


It was a pleasure to listen to Biden speak and it made me wish that he would do something akin to FDR‘s “fireside chats, where he spoke from the heart, and he spoke on a regular basis. The reason why people feel that they can make fun of him is that he does not speak in his own voice nearly enough. His thoughtfulness, his intelligence, and his vast knowledge would go a long way to reassure people that his age is just a number.


Biden is saying, that if you take the monsters teeth. They aren't a monster anymore. It is time to make peace.


I should be so articulate and effective at 80!


Thank you Seth and NBC for hosting Pres. Biden!!


What I miss? I'm glad my hearing is still good.


I want to see our President on every late night talk show shouting all of this from the rooftops.


Seth babbled for so long before asking Biden his question that I was wondering if he actually followed along with all of that and sure enough he did and stayed focused and on topic and answered appropriately and professionally too. That’s why Biden gets my vote. He’s COMPETENT. Trump would have failed that competency exam for sure. He’s stuffed with fluff in the noggin.


I hope I'm this clear thinking when I'm 81.


Great interview Joe 👏🏽👏🏽


Ahhhhhhhhh now the suit makes sense!!😂. But seriously this was so refreshing. It was wonderful to see Biden get to show that he really knows his stuff as opposed to seeing snips of curated slip-ups.


Great show! You know you're doing more than well when the President comes on your show!


A normal, fun, opinionated and pleasantly sincere interview. I love it.


Jokes.. Good clean fun. And Clear as Crystal.


Thank You🙏Seth, Amazing Interview🎉I love You, Mr.President Biden❤️‍🔥