
Priest Recordings (all volumes with subtitles) EVIL DEAD RISE

All Priest Recordings from evil dead rise movie #evildead #rise #evil

nekro MANIAC

9 months ago

intervention good afternoon my fellow clerygmen I  am father Marcus littleton the library keeper here at St Patrick's Cathedral and I  welcome you all today to the City of Angels you've been invited here to witness the  unveiling of a unique artifact that was discovered by our overseas missionaries  I would like to present what I believe to be one of the three fabled volumes  of natorum demonto The Book of the Dead my tests to date have revealed that  its bindings are made of cured human flesh i
ts passages and etchings inked  in blood (this is heresy) I seek Church approval to translate the spiritual  Mysteries its pages undoubtedly hold (Destroy it ! It is called book  of the dead for a reason) I seek to look at this book for the good of man Rejected by the elders of our church myself Canon Damien Shanahan and father Hugo  Cortez have been working in secret to translate of the book of the dead's myriad rightings and glyphs  its Pages contain ancient rituals and incantation the recitat
ion of which proclaimed to allow  contact with Supernatural forces that exist Beyond The Thin veneer of our know world it  is January 24th the year of Our Lord 1923. and I father Marcus Littleton shall  now commence reading aloud the first of the spiritual Resurrection passages and it is now two nights since  I read aloud from the book my want to understand and commune with the other  side could not have been more misguided I make this final recording as a warning to whoever  next comes into con
tact with his malignant pages Naturum demonto cannot be destroyed when  you find it bury it in deep in our secret vault for the words I uttered have Unleashed a  demonic entity Beyond My Darkest nightmare the demon possessed Cortez first rotting him from  the inside out with the might of our Lord's words we try to drive out the foul entity but it mocked  our prayers and took Shannon under its control fellow priests came to our aid but  the possession quickly spread amongst them without Rhyme or
Reason this  evil is not governed by the rules of man no it takes its pleasure in  creating Terror through total chaos desperate to end this curse I tried to  kill what were once to my brothers I leadthem to woodshed and set it ablaze but they  danced in its flames and reveled in its burns I buried this squirming spitting  corpses in consecrated Earth but they arose again rotting and rage  filled after hiding the cellar for a night I knew only one choice remained complete bodily  dismemberment i
chopped and I hacked and I I failed I can hear them outside the door now begging  for me it is only a matter of time before I am taken too nothing can stop this demonic Force  even its final remnants will come after you You must run all you can do is run this horror will  not stop until innocence is destroyed until EVIL BE THY NAME



The insane thing about the recordings is that when the priest is speaking it actually sounds like an old record with distortions and static. Then as soon as the incantation begins, it is crystal clear and loud.


"This horror will not stop until innocence is destroyed until EVIL BE THY NAME!" that line always gives goosebumps and chills


"Destroy it! It's called the book of the dead for a reason!" Thanks, Bruce. I needed a bit of common sense from this. Come to think of it, why hasn't anyone destroyed it yet? (Listens to rest of video) Oh


(1:03): Smartest male priest ever!


1:02 Ash: "Destroy it! It's called the Book of the Dead for a reason!" Priest: "I seek to use this book for the good of man!" Me and everyone else: "Could you ****ing not!?"


"But they danced in the flames" literally that line sent chills down my spine you really felt like there was no hope in killing them


Nothing beats this than being in the movies with the base just hitting you


As an Australian young man myself born in 1998 really wish had the same voice like Bruce Campbell because his voice sounds so badass, so clear, and so noble. He did an incredible performance in “Evil Dead Rise.”


am I the only one that wants a 1 hour recording of professors or priests over this book guarding it, talking about it and giving a deeper history and lore about it? but I guess anyone foolish enough to read it doesn't live long enough to really explain much. lol


Anyone else kinda hoping the next Evil Dead is the story of Father Marcus here?


Being a sound designer myself, this scene is one of my favorites in all horror . It’s the most metal shit ever. 🤘🏻👽🤘🏻


I love how the recordings are made to be played at a higher rpm so he has to speed up the records manually and inconsistently. The slow deep distortions make it extra eerie. Great sound design


the fact that it goes to a normal voice to a demon chanting is HORRIFYING


I came to the conclusion after I left the theater that this specific Kandarian Demon(s) is the most powerful of all three of them. At least with the first two (Original Evil Dead and the 2013 version), you could defeat them. Beth literally threw it into a wood chipper and they still possessed someone in the end.


Evil Dead Rise was a phenomenal film! The priests recording was definitely the most chilling and unsettling scene because we all know how the scene is gonna play out and when i saw this movie on the big screen it definitely made my skin crawl!


This is the best one, out of all them. Seriously enjoyed this. Mother was terrific. The book scene and the way it made me feel in the cinema...made my skin crawl!


It's funny how the priest was so worried about people finding the book, yet he was sure to safely keep the records. Unless of course they could not be destroyed either


I heard Bruce Campbell's voice, he did make in the movie!


I remember when the Priest was chanting the incantations from the recordings in the cinema … the sound from Dolby Atmos was chilling


I swear, hearing "The book of the dead" in theaters hit different 💀