
QC support group helps family & friends of incarcerated

Help is on the way as a new support group is meeting in the QCA for family and friends of the incarcerated. Deacon Tim Granet, founder of The 1 By 1 Foundation, joined Local 4 to tell us more about the group and its mission. For more on this story, visit

Local 4 News WHBF

1 year ago

so a new monthly support group is being formed in rock island for families in france of those who have loved ones who are incarcerated the group is caught one by one foundation and its founder is here with us this afternoon deacon tim granit joins us with more good afternoon tim how are you today afternoon i'm great thank you thanks for being here with us so can you tell us a little bit more about what the one-on-one foundation is well one foundation one by one foundation is a support group for
family members and friends of people who are incarcerated through a study at our church we found out that not only are the people who are incarcerated impacted by the whole ordeal but the families are also and one uh woman who did a presentation to our group said that um she had a large group of friends and support group uh her whole life and when they found out that her son had been incarcerated she was left alone they just kind of turned their back on her so there was no place for her to go to
find that support so she became involved with restorative justice illinois and they have a support group for family members in chicago and so we've asked them to help us start ours down here in rock island so it's just really a place for um family members and friends of the incarcerated to come and tell their story to share the emotions and the feelings that they have the sadness the maybe some guilt the um isolation uh the anger even that they feel in a safe place knowing that they're accepted
and um unjudged for how they feel so it seems like you guys are definitely creating a community and that seems like that's one of the goals for the foundation what are some other goals for the one by one foundation well the really the ultimate goal of course is to help the individual people to feel accepted and welcomed within the community and uh and try to help them to heal uh personally and also then from that healing to be able to move back out into the community and become involved in comm
unity activities and feel more welcome and at home and useful in their lives so that really is what our whole goal is no one should be ashamed of how they feel just because of circumstances in their lives and we all feel those emotions so in one way or another at one time or other in our lives and so we need to help these people move through that whole grieving process that whole process of dealing with you know having a family member taken from them and put in prison and then um to function wel
l within the community again so really quick before we go uh july 23rd you have a meeting coming up so tell us about that and also tell us about your regular schedule meetings that you have as well okay our first meeting is actually this saturday at saint pius church in mccarthy hall and it's from nine o'clock to 11 o'clock this in the morning and it's really an informational meeting for anybody who is interested in wanting to know more about the one by one foundation and what we hope to accompl
ish here after that uh the meetings are simply support group meetings four family members and friends of the incarcerated and we will meet every third thursday at st pius again from six until seven in the evening all right every third thursday thank you so much for being here with us this afternoon all right so you can find out more about one by one foundation by heading over to our website at our quad cities dot com
