
Reading ONLY the FIRST and LAST Mortal Instruments Books 😱📚

A video where I read only the first and last book in the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare - and I haven't read this series before! Prepare for confusion... Check out the first episode of the FIRST and LAST series, where I read Throne of Glass and Kingdom of Ash, here: Join my patreon for as little as £1 a month for additional perks and bonus content from my channel: ✨ You can find me socially here ✨ Instagram: Twitter: Goodreads: Twitch: Wattpad: ✨ Support My Channel ✨ Ko-fi: Patreon: Wishlist: ✨ For business enquiries, e-mail me here ✨ gavinbooktube(@)gmail(.)com ✨ Timestamps ✨ 0:00 Introduction 4:32 Reading and Cat Cuddles 5:23 City of Bones 14:56 City of Heavenly Fire Predictions 16:21 City of Heavenly Fire 28:40 Wrap-Up ✨ Books Mentioned ✨ City of Bones by Cassandra Clare City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare ✨ Scribd Code ✨ If you'd like an extra month free on Scribd when you sign up for a free trial, you can use my link and we'll both get the extra month free: ✨ Patrons ✨ A huge thank you to ALL my Patrons and the following in the Nevermoorians and Frosthearters tiers (as of July 29, 2022): Abigail B ✨ Agnes ✨ Alysia ✨ Amanda ✨ Amanda R ✨ Amber ✨ Amy ✨ Arya ✨ Áslaug ✨ Astrid ✨ Betty ✨ Brooke ✨ Bryn ✨ Caroline G ✨ Caroline M ✨Cece ✨ Cece Reads ✨ Cecilie ✨ Colleen ✨ Cora ✨ Crystal ✨ Dana ✨ Danielle ✨ Darcy ✨ Drea ✨ Eileen ✨ Elizabeth ✨ Emma ✨ Erin ✨ Evie ✨ Fi ✨ FrankieReads ✨ Genny ✨ Georgia ✨ Georgina ✨ Grace ✨ Gretchen ✨ Hailee ✨ Harrie ✨ Hattie ✨ Heather ✨ Helen ✨ Holly ✨ It’s Christmas, Like the Holiday ✨ Jackie ✨ Jade ✨ Jelke ✨ Jeni ✨ Jenni ✨ Jess ✨ Jessica ✨ Jordan ✨ Kalista ✨ Kari ✨ Kat A ✨ Kat L ✨ Kayla ✨ Kelli ✨ Kelly ✨ Kelsey ✨ Kirsty ✨ Larissa ✨ Lauren ✨ Leanne ✨ Lindsey C ✨ Lindsey F ✨ Lisa ✨ Liz ✨ Lizzie ✨ Louisa ✨ Marta ✨ Megan L ✨ Megan M ✨ Meghan ✨ Mia ✨ Mickenzie ✨ Mindy ✨ Minouschka ✨ Moni ✨ Monica ✨ Natalia ✨ Nickie ✨ Nina A ✨ Nina K ✨ Novice Reviews ✨ Olivia ✨ Paige ✨ Pris ✨ Rabea G ✨ Rachel ✨ Samantha J ✨ Samantha N ✨ Sarah Wa ✨ Sarah Wi ✨ Shebraska ✨ Stefana ✨ Steph ✨ Tracey ✨ Victoria ✨ ✨ Music ✨ The music used in this video are from Epidemic Sound. #MortalInstruments #CassandraClare #Shadowhunters #CityOfBones

Gavin Reads It All

1 year ago

well i'm a dumb [ __ ] hi welcome or  welcome back to how to train your gavin this is my second episode of first and last i do  explain what inspired me to do this series in my previous video which was reading only the  first and last book in the throne of glass series by sarah j maas but essentially it is a series  that i'm doing where i read only the first and the last book of a series i've never read before  following up on throne of glass i thought the next series that i could do which i nev
er had any  interest of reading ever but i do for this series like i don't mind doing the first and last one for  it and that is the mortal instruments series by cassandra clare i will already be reading the  first book which is city of bones and the sixth book in that series which is city of heavenly  fire i believe and this is why i'm a dumb [ __ ] because i didn't want to buy the books  okay i didn't want to buy the books because i just knew that i wouldn't want to keep them and it  would be
a waste of money so i went to my library but they don't have the books so i thought oh  maybe someone's just checked them out i will wait for them to bring them back but that just hasn't  happened and i was a dammit that i wasn't going to buy the book i wasn't going to use a credit  on audible for the audiobook it's not on the uk script it's unavailable in my country and i wasn't  gonna buy the kindle versions either like i wasn't even gonna go and get it secondhand or phoebe like  none of that
i was just not going to put any money towards the mortal instruments i didn't want to  do it so i was waiting and waiting and waiting and then on libby i checked out city of heavenly fire  but they didn't have city of bones like it was on hold so again i'm waiting for somebody to release  that hold and it just wasn't happening so i was like okay right i'm just gonna have to go for  the kindle version it's half price at the minute let's just do it and bear in mind i've been doing  this humming an
d whoring for the past week and a half nearly two weeks and so i went on amazon  and i went on the kindle page for city bones and i've actually ordered since 2013. i bought it  on the 10th of october 2013 i've had that [ __ ] on my kindle for nine years nine years and i was  waiting i was waiting for ages for somebody to release a hold of it or return it to  the library and it just wasn't happening so i had it the entire time [ __ ] the calls are  coming from inside the house so now i can actual
ly start because i do have it anyway so uh why did  i just check i should have just checked i need to solve this kid loud i have so much on it from  like the past 10 years that i've forgotten about and obviously city bones was one of them i must  have bought it after watching the film because the film came out in 2013. i can't really remember  the film that much but i don't remember hating it and i also saw the first episode of shadowhunters  the tv series and i reviewed it for spoiler tv and ka
t mcnamara who played clary i think followed me  on twitter after that i'm just gonna double check does she still follow me oh my god she does she  still follows me what the hell so yeah i reviewed the first episode inspired tv and she loved it  and followed me and apparently she still follows me so that's amazing and i do recall liking  the first episode of tv show but i never really continued after that so shadowhunters the mortal  instruments cassandra clay honestly just wasn't for me so i do
n't really know the whole ins and  outs of the storyline of the shadowhunters series the mortal instrument series but i do think it's  like kind of an urban fantasy young adult series we follow clary who is told that she's special and  i think she had vampires i don't know okay our 15 year old protagonist clary she witnesses what  looks like a murder but the victim's body has vanished into thin air what's even more strange  is that her best friend simon couldn't even see the attack take place ne
xt thing chloe knows her  mother is disappeared and a heinous monster is in her apartment so there is like this whole world  of werewolves and vampires and things like that that's kind of opened up in front of clary's  eyes and she meets young shadowhunter jace and his friends isabel and alec i mean to be fair  on paper it sounds right up my street and you're talking to somebody whose favorite show back in  the day was true blood so i'm gonna spend my day reading cydia bones on my kindle and hop
efully  enjoy it i will let you guys know what i'm thinking of it and then once i finish sydney bones  i will start listening to the audiobook of city of heavenly fire and hope for the best i mostly will  be confused i will try and do predictions at the end of reading this see if any of that comes true  probably not the throne of glass series really threw me through a loop but you know that's my  own fault for skipping six books in the middle of that series so yeah i'm only skipping four books 
hopefully there's not that much difference between city bones the city of henley fire but we're gonna  find out so stick around to see that and don't forget to give this video like if you enjoyed and  subscribe if you haven't already okay let's go found what we're looking for in life call us crazy but things are finally  right if you and i the future is so it's been about seven hours  since i filmed the introduction and i'm only to chop this in you might not know  this about me but i get distrac
ted so easily and a lot of my friends and a lot of people i'm  subscribed to on youtube uploaded videos so i was like you know what i can just take a little bit  of a break after the first chapter watch the video and then i went on the second chapter and then i  couldn't stop with the videos so my bad i'm only two chapters in and you know what i'm not hating  it i'm not hating it so far i do find clary to be very whiny so i'm not really gelling with her as  a character just yet but i hope there
is character growth there was some friction between her and her  mum in the second chapter and i do know from the synopsis of the book that her mum disappears  so i think we're gonna see clary clary clary learn to love her mum more maybe to be a more  responsible daughter because when you're 15 and going out of clubs that's naughty so here having  to go on vacation with him um and i think it's her mom's boyfriend or something i i don't know  the ins and outs of that kind of family dynamic and th
en she won't get punished yeah so far it's  fine the first chapter was a little intriguing but it hasn't blown me away yet but at  least the writing i don't find awful and i feel after reading dennis viper's worst  book i've ever read i don't know if you know that the writing style of books can't get worse  than that one so allow me to read a bit more yeah i don't really have thoughts but all i  want to do is just like listen to music and go about my business instead we're reading  we are readin
g and it's gonna be fine i am in desperate need of a haircut and i will get  one i will get one right now i look like [ __ ] my kids are driving us up the wall this morning  they're being tripped me up left right and center i've had to put these these strings in here  because i've been glowing my neck and everything little [ __ ] oh i'm just sick i'm honestly  sick today it doesn't have that reading this i'm not loving it i'm finding really boring like  it's not offending my eyes or anything i d
on't think it's terribly written and i was expecting  worse not gonna lie but i'm just so bold like i'm halfway through i'm 52 through and not a whole lot  has happened now i mean we started off with quite a lot of interest and things you know and then  clary's mum went missing i think i updated you in chapter two in chapter three her mum got taken  she had this like really sinister phone call with clary and now this whole shadowhunter world  has opened up which is fine like that is quite intere
sting and learning about different things  but god damn his classical made this so boring if the chapters weren't so long which i know  it's kind of more like a pacing issue i guess but i'm just not invested in any part of this  world the characters are coming across as quite again like flat and whiny which  is fine because it's a teen book it is so you know 15 year old clarice is allowed to be  a bit you know whiny and [ __ ] but yeah so far i'm just not really connecting with anyone we've  jus
t been introduced to what's his name magnus and i'm on chapter 14 which is the hotel do  mort but i'm reading this and i'm just saying no originality to it like i'm reading this and i'm  thinking i'm sure i've read something like this before and i do believe that this was what harry  potter fan fiction i can tell i can tell mundy's characters as well i can kind of see how they're  a bit of a ripoff of like a harry potter character or even like a buffy character and i'm this could  pass as fan fi
ction absolutely but the fact that it's trying to pass is something original is  making me laugh it's making me laugh so as expected i'm not loving it but i i i feel like i  recall some kind of controversy with cassie clay from years and years and years ago about some kind  of copyright stuff like did she actually like take whole things out from buffy yeah more instruments  began as harry potter fan fiction i can tell and honestly again like i don't mind fan fiction  and [ __ ] but like when it'
s something like this where i'm just it's so obvious i'm just like  how did this get published oh apparently she got her lawyers on those so-called auto works for  plagiarism or who had merely spoken out about that just like if they're writing [ __ ] don't come  for me ain't got no money to get a lawyer yeah this is a long read so i'll not mention it  i'll bring it up again because i'm sure all of this has been resolved maybe like it's been  a long time since all of these accusations and drama c
ame out so i probably shouldn't be  digging it back up again especially for a video where i'm reading her books like i'm late to the  game what can i say yeah so far it's boring it's not really peaking my interest i i'm getting some  kind of flashbacks to i think either the movie or the pilot episode of the shadowhunters tv show  so some of it is coming back to me such as how her mum has put like the spell on her so  that she's suppressed a lot of memories like that was i mean it was pretty obvi
ous  actually done that i'm not gonna lie like it was obvious at his moment so clary was like i  wonder why my memories are suppressed and [ __ ] well obviously it was her mum obviously her mom  is hiding a lot and also there's somebody called valentine who i think is like a big bad villain  who is rumored to be back which honestly has just given me such goblet of fire vibes is valentine  voldemort so i'm not loving it and i'm not hating it i'm on the fence with it but i do have half  the book l
eft to go it is the next day and i really wanted to get it done yesterday honestly  i i was just distracted i could barely focus because i was so bored and i was like you know  what i'll watch a lot of youtube videos instead so that's how i spent my lat all for my day  yesterday so back on it today it is raining it is a lovely weather to read in the house i also  try and get some housework done as well because i think that will make me feel better the sick  thing about all of this is that i didn
't hate it it's not good by any means and i'm probably  only going to give it like two and a half stars but like i was expecting way worse however why  do jase and clary have to be related why that's just really strange to me really really strange  especially since they're kind of pushed as this couple during this book i mean fair enough they  didn't really know about it beforehand but it was still a bit weird it was still a bit weird a bit  of a weird reveal also i've noticed that cassandra cla
re cannot reveal [ __ ] like what i mean by  that is when she reveals something like a twist like it's not really suspenseful it just happens  like the whole valentine stuff it was just said it was just stated and there was just no  like level of suspense to it no kind of easing into it building up the suspect it was  just said and it was that was it and i was like okay well i guess i should just go [ __ ]  myself then other than that other than that i still didn't really like any of the charact
ers  i mean clary did grow on me by the end of it but i think that was because like a lot of the other  characters like particularly the male characters would treat her like [ __ ] so for instance  simon her best friend absolutely loves her but when he sees jace and clary kiss he like  flips out on her and then he treats her like absolute garbage and he keeps saying like he used  all of these women all of these girls when really his heart belonged to clary but then treats clary  like [ __ ] beca
use she doesn't reciprocate the feeling and i'm just like simon who's showing  their ass right now it's you you're the problem boy toby what's the hugs don't you baby i love  you i love you so much so that entire got off the laptop so he was an absolute [ __ ] and he just  tried it like [ __ ] and then at the same time jace took offense to clary kind of pulling away  from the case like he was the one who initiated the kiss by the way and then as soon as like  that conversation between simon and
clary happens jay's treats her like [ __ ] and says uh you  kiss me and she was like no you kissed me and like yeah he kissed her and he just treats her  like absolute [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] anyway it was just messy it was just very very messy  i don't like any of the male characters alec i really wanted to like him the most because he's  algebra but because he attract clary like [ __ ] like everyone else i was just like i really don't  like what you're doing right now because alec is like
in love with jay it's like he fancies jace  he can tell and so he automatically hates clary because jace is interested in clary and clary's  interested in jace so alec automatically is an [ __ ] to clary but he sees some like really  nasty [ __ ] like some awful stuff to her and i'm just like dude he even like pushes her  like very hard like when i read it i thought that he'd slapped her because of the way cassie claire  wrote it again it's like not very well written i kind of got mixed messages
with her writing style  but when he turned abusive it was like come on dude like oh my god not a single likable character  quite honestly i feel like clary is probably my favorite character but that's not saying much  considering i'm just i maybe feel a bit sorry for her the most because she has gone through quite  a bit sympathy does not make you a good character but here we are i didn't love it i didn't love it  about two and a half stars i think is still pretty decent i will round it up to a
three oh maybe i  might go down to a two i don't know because again like it still didn't get any more original as the  book went on it was still a chore it was still a chore i was born you know what two stars two stars  that's what i'm giving it i've talked myself into it now i remember how bloody long those chapters  were and how slow it went so now it's time for city of heavenly fire yes i am skipping the middle  man so my predictions i think clary and chase are gonna be a couple even though
they're related  because valentine is the big bad there's gonna be like a big war with him i feel like maybe all  of the werewolves and vampires or whatever will team up with the main characters to take valentine  down it'll be a fairy battle of hogwarts s kind of conclusion i didn't really care about anything  else really for me to make any more predictions other than that i feel like there's gonna be maybe  one main character death there's gotta be there's gotta be some kind of main character
death in  this right my cats are being so cute right now i'm sorry i'm so distracted look at yes man are  you cleaning each other yes oh you're just so cute you're just so cute actually giving tope with  bath ash i actually give them topping with bath yes yes you are is your beautiful invested  spot so obviously i don't have high hope for city of heavenly fire but i will not rate city  of heavenly fire because i did that with kingdom of ash i didn't rate it because it's a bit unfair  for me to s
kip all the middle books and not have the context for it so i won't rate the city of  heavenly fire but i will be able to listen to it because i have it out on libby so we're gonna  do this i might put on a face mask pamper myself and read this goddamn book transformed into a  demon from the shadowhunters world i just changed into this and i want to see what my cats react  like to this because i mean it's so convinced that i look like a cat myself so i really want  to see how my cats react let's
test it out oh yeah oh yeah hey guy look at my face oh yeah oh  sorry do you not like it huh yeah oh yeah oh you actually like it i thought you'd  be scared oh but it's actually a light kit oh well that was a [ __ ] bust no clue who  any of these characters are i keep trying to do face sighting it just doesn't  recognize so i finished the prologue i don't know any of the characters is this going  to be some kind of like throne of glass thing where people change their names in the middle of  the
series so like is emma clary is jay sebastian like who is anyone oh i think sebastian's the  bad guy you seem quite bad he had like the the fairy cup or whatever was [ __ ] cold um i'm  sure it was called like the mortal cup in the in the first book have they changed the name of  that as well i don't know i don't know anyone's goals i don't know what i'm supposed to expect  i haven't even read the blurb of this yet i feel like maybe these are just brand new characters i  mean they could have be
en introduced in an earlier book i don't know but like i should probably  read a summary they need to start making a face mask for people with beards because again like it  just doesn't touch the bottom half of my face in this dazzling and long awaited conclusion to the  acclaimed mole instrument series clarion a friend okay so she hasn't changed her name emma must just  be a new character or somebody who was introduced in the previous books clary and her friends fight  the greatest evil they ha
ve ever faced clary's own brother oh sebastian woman is on oh so sebastian  is clary's brother wait so is is sebastian jace then because it was revealed that they were  related in the first book so has he turned evil oh god that's actually amazing sebastian  walker is on the move systematically turning shadowhunter again shut up now that sounds really  good bearing the infernal cup or the infernal cup yeah not the fairy cup sorry he transformed  shadowhunters in the creatures out of nightmare te
aring apart families and lovers as the ranks  of his endorkent army spell and darkened army the death eaters what's the difference the embattled  shadow hunters withdraw to idris idris but not even the fame in towards the fella county alicante  i've been there before it's a really nice place i think it's probably one of the few places in spain  i've been and with the nephilim trapped in idris it will guard the world against demons when one  of the greatest this summary is just as [ __ ] long as
the [ __ ] chapters and this i could have  shown this and get bored when one of the greatest betrayals the nephilim have ever known is revealed  clary jace all so sebastian isn't chase that's a letdown isabel simon and alec must flee even  if their journey takes them deep into the demon realms where no shadowhunter has set foot before  and from which no human being has ever returned love will be sacrificed in lives lost in  the terrible battle for the fate of the word for the fate of the word i
think there's some kind  of spelling mistake on the summary here for the fate of the world i think that's supposed to say  in the thrilling final installment of the classic urban fantasy series of all instruments well fang  [ __ ] it's the last one in the mold instruments i'm all right so i mean half of it does interest  me the summary went on far too long yeah i did say that it would be some kind of wall and stuff so  interested to find out if i end up liking this one i'll still not rate it but
i still want to have  a good time the audiobook is like 20 hours long two times speed it is okay something called  the heavenly fight has entered jace's body what that means is anybody's guess  i am assuming it's a bad thing could be something that makes them more powerful  yeah it could be anything also clary blew chase a kiss they do know they're related right are  they still related i need to double check this you know what i don't care if i get a spoiler  i just need to know if this incest
thing is actually going to be something or not i'm  just going to go on google at the end of city of bones valentine tells them that clary  and jesus siblings which as they discover later in the series is a lie okay why the f why the  [ __ ] why why the [ __ ] was that even a thing what when james found out from valentine  that they were in fact not siblings jace was eager to tell clary but decided so when  he thought that clary was happy with simon oh so clary and simon what did they did they g
et  it on clary eventually discovered that she wasn't jason's sister but nothing changed in their  relationship to her relationship with simon oh well i'm just so confused as  to why that would even come up to be honest like that's just so weird well i'm  i'm glad they're not related but that's still an odd thing so if they get together i won't repulse  as much so that's alright are they together though are they together now is simon and clary still  together because clary went like that to jace
blew him a case so i don't know if i was taking  a friendly way oh wow like i just don't know um i need to i need a read on apparently  okay i made two seconds later literally i should have just read on because they've started  making out jason clary let's start making out there together okay mystery solved update time so  it's the day after i'm 20 in i did end up joining mel and liv on some patreon sprints so i did get  to 20 which i think is pretty good progress for my first kind of half day
reading city of  heavenly fire i mean a lot has happened hasn't it a lot has happened between the first and  the sixth book wasn't it wow so what i'm getting is alec and magnus were a thing which i kind of  feel like i knew from the tv show because i've seen a lot of people ship them so i kind of knew  that was a thing but apparently they've broken up alec had betrayed magnus i think i mean that  hasn't really been explained very well but there was another character talking to magnus  saying oh
you should like forgive him and stuff and he's never been happier than when he was with  alex so i don't know what happened there i don't know the drama the relationship drama between  them but apparently something happened and they're not together and honestly i love matthew  d'addario and harry shum jr like so much so like i really do ship them in terms of the  book i mean i still don't really like alec because of the way he was in the facebook but i  bet he had some character growth between b
ooks two and five to make him a bit more likable  and it seems like clary and isabel they are friendly as well now and i think jace can't  really be that intimate with clary because he has this heavenly fire thing inside him and i  think they're trying to find a way of getting rid of it and i i just i yeah that's kind of how  i'm following along to be fair i'm following along with this one more than i do with kingdom of ash  it's not as like dramatically different to city of bones i think you kn
ow we still have pretty much  the same characters with the same names and it seems like they have a set purpose a set goal and  yeah there's a clear villain as well in sebastian and it it's it's absolutely fine you know i'm  not hating it i'm actually not hating it like i would probably give it like if i had to give  it a rating right now in the first 20 percent it would be like a three stars i think it's on  paul city of bones for me but i'm not going to i'm not going to read it because it's un
fair but like  still i'm just i'm kind of liking it so i'm going to continue listening to the audiobook i need to  change my library room around a little bit today because i have my best friend of 20 years we'll  be moving in and i am letting him have the room upstairs so i'm going to be trying to fit a bed  in here i bought a new bed it's coming on saturday but i need to fit a double bed which i'm thinking  of putting like here but that that was where my island used to be pretty much so i've ha
d to  move the island further down and put it like so i've got this kind of little runway like  there's a runway for middle grade down here i think it's pretty cool but it depends  on how the bed looks when it's in and i've set it up because i think this is enough  room i think this is enough room like here without it being like two  in the way i don't know i'm fixing things so that's what i'm going to be  doing as i listen to more city of heavenly fire i told you get out stop it can you get out
please  i can't get out i can't grab you oh come on you're probably comfy about your nails digging into  my side is not comfy at all oh go on get out you can tear me down you  can try but i'm unbreakable the fire's burnt the wind  has blown my heart of stone i'm so good so you're telling me i read this  entire series and not a single person died literally i was hoping something would happen  where a main character would have something of consequence happen to them like don't include the  whole
like simon forget about the shadowhunter world and whatever because by the end of the  book he starts remembering again him and isabella stronger than ever [ __ ] that i hate retconning  i hate recons i hate when a character gives something up and they just get it back anyway  what's the point what's the whole point in that whole thing i haven't introduced this segment  i've finished and like i know like this is like the worst idea in the world this is probably going  to be the very last first a
nd last episode i ever do because i just i spend 20 hours listening  to that i mean 10 hours because i did have it on two-time speed but like i could have used  that time or why see i could have used that time read and babble by rf1 you know like why didn't  i do that why didn't i do something like that i'm silly so yeah i finished it what happened to  valentine like i just remembered as well because i was talking about sebastian the last update  i'm like what ever happened to valentine i i i do
n't know it was fine it was fine i feel  like if i had been more into the series i probably would have enjoyed the final book a bit  more because a lot does happen there is like a lot of stuff happening in the childhood world we  got introduced to like the cd court i mean i say introduced it was probably introduced in nearly a  book but like there were some things for sebastian and like some like alliances being placed together  and you know things happening confrontations and some of it was goo
d like it wasn't like painful  to read but like at the same time i'm just like it could have been a bit more explosive more  people could have died so yeah i genuinely didn't care about anything else saying i didn't  care about weddings i didn't care about people getting back together i just didn't i just wanted  someone to die and i didn't get it essentially i just wanted somebody who was a main character to  die call me a [ __ ] i'd agree with you i would genuinely i've got nothing else to say
other  than i just spend that entire time listening to this book and not really understanding all of the  context like why why why does this series exist honestly i don't know i don't know because what  do i benefit from this what was the actual point i would say i understood it more than i  did kingdom of ash when i did the throne of glass first and last series i did understand this  quite a bit more it wasn't as glaringly different but yeah there are some loose ends  still to wrap up in i jus
t i don't know i i'm again i would never read cassandra clay  and i'm never gonna read cassandra clare again am i glad i did this no i'm actually not  glad i did this literally guys this is like the end this is the series finale i'm  canceling this series right here right now there was no point this was a waste of time  everybody's watching this right now thinking everybody could have told you this and everyone  did say this and i should have listened this is one of the very few times where i se
e  guys who are right this is this worst idea i've ever had it is i'll give it to you i'll give it  to you this one time yeah just wasn't all that enjoyable and of course it wouldn't be enjoyable  because i didn't read books two through five i see i'm canceling this series is there  another series you would like to see me read the first and last one i don't think i  would do this again i genuinely don't think i would do this again so that's the end of  this episode and potentially the entire ser
ies thank you so much for watching i really appreciate  it don't forget to give this video a like if you enjoyed it and subscribe if you haven't already  leave all the comments down below tell me how stupid i am i will absolutely take that and i  will take it with grace i will i will take it with grace i won't block anyone a huge thank  you to my wonderful patrons for their support i do have a link to my patreon and all my  social medias down in the description box if you want to check me out on
any of those and  i will hopefully see you in the next video bye why why this was the stupidest vlog i've ever done



The problem with that series is its really two separate trilogies with the same characters. So the vast knowledge gap is hilarious


Love the fact your prediction was dead on for book 3 and has nothing to do with book 6 😂


Cassandra Clare used to write Ron/Ginny fanfic and I feel like that really gives context to some of the stuff in this series.


This is so chaotic I love it. When I was younger I actually used to sometimes start series at book two or three if the library or bookstore didn't have the first one because I was terrible at being patient.


Not realising you’ve already bought something on Amazon is ICONIC 🙌🏼


Lol I love this I wouldn’t mind if you did this again maybe with a trilogy so the gap of knowledge is only one book. It might not be that bad for you. But as a viewer I love this series it’s supper funny to see someone be completely confused about a series you read and understand.


Love this review! City of Bones is a guilty pleasure for me. I was obsessed with it when I was 13. I enjoy it a lot but if people ask me if it’s good, I genuinely don’t have an answer since it’s so nostalgic for me 😅


Would love to see a video of you organizing your kindle! (Need to do it myself haha)


Do a series where you read chapter 1 - 3 - 5 - 7- etc so uneven first and go back to read all the even chapters after you finished it the first time. I have seen someone do this and the confussion in round 1 and OH moments in round 2 where really funny


What a fun and chaotic idea for a series! The first book of TMI is... rough. Lol I do love so many of her books though, especially The Infernal Devices. I think she wasn't quite ready to be published at the beginning but definitely learned as she went.


"The call is coming from inside the house." 🤭 Also seeing the boys grow is marvelous! ❤😸😸


nooo don't cancel the series, these are soo fun to watch


Never clicked on a video so fast! I love this little series! X


You can't cancel this series! We love it! I especially love it cause I don't plan on reading any of these books. 😄 And you need to do a video just on how you make your coffee. They always look so nice! ☕🖤 Also, the kitties!!!!!! Omg so adorable! My tuxedo cat always bathes my black cat too! 😻😻


"I just wanted someone to die" lol It promised life or death in the summary. I feel like there should've been more death


🤣 my gosh, you're so wonderful! I love you! Watching your videos always makes me smile. "Heavenly fire. That could be literally anything." 🤣🤣 and it's just literally fire of heaven. It was definitely an insane yet amusing project idea. Especially picking such long series!


This video was chaos and I LOVED it. I was such a big Mortal Instruments fan in my teens but compared to Cassandra Clare’s other series I think you can tell it was her first one!


Oh thank god you continued this chaos! This has been one of my favorite series of videos you've done so far.


I’m here in the comments again begging you to do this with The Gunslinger and The Dark Tower I think it’ll be the biggest success ever for a series like this! Also I’ve loved both of these both times because I would never read these books either so it’s nice knowing what you think regardless of context!


ur dedication is honestly outstanding