
“‘Rogue One’ will flop”: Political correctness ruined “Star Wars”

(LANGUAGE WARNING:) Gavin McInnes of says diversity is taking the fun out of movies and TV. MORE: Never miss a new video: PLUS ***

Rebel News

7 years ago

Oh, hi! It's you guys! Uh... have you noticed that progressivism is ruining entertainment? Chicks and diversity has to be in everything. I know this has been around for a long time, and it's very obviously... commercials everyone has to be mixed race and stuff and look, I have a pink phone. I have a visible minority family; I get it. It exists. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. But even if I was a progressivist liberal, I would go: "can you stop cramming my own agenda, cramming homework into ALL of my en
tertainment?" You're ruining it! Like that show Black Mirror on Netflix, awesome show, unbelievably well-written. Shocking. You know how they say Christopher Hitchens was freakishly good at debating? This show is freakishly well-written. But everyone has to be black and we need to have a perfect pizza pie of genders and preferences in every episode It's distracting. And it's boring. And I noticed this when I was watching Star Wars. Now I don't, I'm an adult and I don't think it's normal that adu
lts care a lot about Star Wars. Sorry guys, don't freak out! Don't threaten to kill me! But I have kids. And I'm watching it, going... have this cool chick in it, and she's got her lightsaber, and you go: "Chicks don't do that, you just ruined the movie." And by the way, you're bad at your own agenda. That black guy you made, the storm trooper dude, you made him to be such a sweetheart that he has no personality. He's just like this empty Don Cheadle robot who's just... ...anyone's dog fo
r a bone. "Hi. What's that? I don't exist. I'm basically the dog from Battlestar Galactica." And then now the new one is coming out, and they're going to ruin that, too. Lemme explain something to you about the vast majority of humans: Boys -- and not even all boys, but let's say a good 72% of boys -- have fantasies about going "Pow pow, pzew pzew pzew pzew pzew pzew!" The wimp boys don't. And, as far as girls go, *pffff*, maybe 5%. Maybe the tomboys, it's very rare. They usually end up being le
sbians. They have fantasies about that. But now, because we have to ram this diversity down everyone's throat, it's all about chicks, and it's all about anti-male, and even if you do agree with that, why are you ruining science fiction with it? I just read the other day, what did it say that one of the writers, he said: "Please note..." (he's Miles McInnes, basically) "...that the Empire is a white supremacist" and then he puts in brackets: (human). If you are white supremacist and you're not a
human, it's not racist. 'Cause you're not a human. Like, no one cares about white robots being white supremacists, or white lizards. So, you don't have to add "human," you fucking moron. But yeah, it's a white supremacist human organization, and then another guy adds that, this is the other writer for Rogue One (the first guy was, what, Chris Weitz, and the other guy is Gary Whitta.) He goes "Opposed by a multicultural..." I can't even do it without laughing! These guys are being super serious a
bout their super awesome new Star Wars "...opposed by a multicultural group led by brave women." Ooh, I'm scared! Stop trying to scare me, I'm not scared of that! I just go "That doesn't happen." It's like Nick DiPaolo says "I can't watch movies anymore. I can't, uh, my suspension of disbelief can't handle... "...Angelina Jolie beating up six berets. Green berets." But okay, check out this commercial, let's show the Nissan one. This is, you know how your mom is always fantasizing when she's driv
ing about being shot at by spaceships? 'Cause women love science fiction so much. You checked off the box of Nissan, Nissan. You checked off the box of the movie. You checked off the box of diversity, great. You fit all three into this commercial. You forgot plausibililty. No women have this fantasy! Yeah, please initiate simulation. Ooh, I'd better move! Swerve! Watch out for the big thing with the feet! It's gonna get you, Mom! Stop! A droid that's valuable might be crossing the street. Whew.
"Honey, I did a droid simulation... "... on the way home from my friend's tea party where we talked about Real Housewives all night, and I almost hit a droid." I almost hit a *black* droid. Human matters! And this goes back to, Duracell had a similar ad but it was for girls, and I really want you to see. Skip ahead to right when the kid is fighting in the hallway. This is plausible, right? This little Aryan boy fighting them. *Pzew! Pzew! Pzew!* Yes! Most boys have this fantasy, and it's really
awesome, by the way. Dad: "Everything okay, bud?" Boy: "I'm not sure yet..." Mom: "Hurry..." Stop, stop! Out of the two people that are gonna run up to a kid, who's -- by the way, has Aspergers, he has mental problems if he's panting from a Stormtrooper fantasy. "They're upstairs, Mom!" ... Give your kid less Adderall. But the Mom does not run up and hand her son the lightsaber. Moms don't do that. "You goin' outside to play cowboys and indians, son? Here, take this six gun. *Pew! Pew!* Blow the
ir fuckin' heads off, boy." So, he goes outside and you can't miss this girl. Boy: "Lisa!" Lisa: "What took you so long?" Stop! Did you see that?! She might as well have a glass of bourbon and a cigar in her mouth. "What took you so long?" Like, that's *more* than Indiana Jones. She's tougher than Indiana Jones. Show that again. Lisa: "What took you so long?" Then she beats up two men whose only job in life is *murdering*. Women don't have these fantasies. "We need more female superheroes!" No w
e don't. Women don't fantasize about breaking a bank robbery apart and getting all the bad guys. They're not as strong as us, for one. Alright, that's enough. I'm especially pissed off 'cause I waited forever for Jason Bourne to get on demand, and I had to pay $15.99 'cause it was only available to buy. And I'm watching it, going: "Wait a minute. Why is this insanely hot woman over 50% of the movie? What's her role, now?" Oh she's a hacker. She's a hacker? She's a hacker who's going to bring Jas
on Bourne back. By the way Jason Bourne's mad at the government because they killed his fucking father. And this chick is the hacker who's going to find him, and go: "We need you back, buddy. What took you so long?" Hackers don't look like this. Hackers look like *this*. You just ruined another movie by CRAMMING your agenda into it. Look, I'm not liberal, but it's gotta get to the point now where even liberals are going: "Can you stop cramming your homework into my entertainment?!" By the way, j
ust as I said with Ghostbusters, this Rogue One is going to flop. Hi folks. That was a Rebel Media short. I have my own show on Rebel Media called "How's It Goin, Eh?" you gotta pay for that one. Check it out right here.



Disagree I don't care if there is a female lead. I care when they have to point out "Oh look at me im a woman and I can do action too" that's what ruined the new supergirl tv show not the fact that she was a woman.


Gavin, I enjoy your analysis on many topics, but this movie will not flop. The Star Wars name as a whole draws too much support from all over the demographic spectrum. And I didn't even know anything about the whole "dumpstarwars" until yesterday. Not everyone will boycott a movie because some PC loser writers said something dumb.


Why is this guy getting so upset over fictitious situations displayed in film and on television? It's fiction. It's meant to entertain. If people don't like it, then why don't they just find something else to do that they enjoy?


"She might as well have a glass of bourbon and a cigar in her mouth." that made my sides split


Gavin, normally I agree with you, but this time, I do not. Lots of girls in my generation love Sci-fi and had these sorts of fantasies.


Well... I guess you were wrong.


Growing up (35-40 years ago (fuck I'm getting old!)) all of us boys used to play cops and robbers and cowboys and Indians running through traffic with very realistic looking cap guns. As we hit our early teens, we (not our dads) built mini bikes and rode them up and down our streets (while avoiding the cops trying to harass us). Girls did their own thing and all was right in the world.


The female lead in Rogue One is actually done really well, unlike Force Awakens. It doesn't feel forced by a liberal agenda and, the best thing about it in my mind, they don't make a big deal that she's a woman. In Force Awakens they had to portray Rey as a strong independent woman while in Rogue One Jyn is just like everyone else (maybe a little more badass but that seems to be all main characters).


In a galaxy full of aliens, artificially intelligent robots and spaceships that travel at the speed of light, a woman being strong is distractingly unrealistic


I have to agree with you about Force Awakens. Rey was a scavenger, then magically she becomes an amazing Jedi and herself untrained beats a trained Sith lord who has more powerful capabilities than possibly Anakin and Luke Skywalker. But because she is a woman she has to be an automatic untrained badass. Jyn, however, we know why she is a good fighter. She has been charged with: forgery of imperial documents, possession of stolen property, aggravated assault and resisting arrest. That builds skill. The cast isn't that diverse, but more diverse than usual. However it does not hinder the movie experience, like Force Awakens, where Fin was put there because they thought people would call them racist if they didn't.


it's funny how feminism does a fantastic job of praising masculinity by teaching that women should be just like men


I was gonna be like "hey, some girls are like that, I loved playing star wars as a kid" but then he finished his sentence and, I was a tomboy, and I did turn out to be a lesbian. Toushay.


The German army didn't have African Americans in their army. But for some reason, battlefield 1 has it.


Ah, I get it. This is satire. And old dude trying to tell the young generation how to feel and how too life. Classic. Laughed a lot.


I don't understand this rethoric. Why would a movie flop because it has a female lead character, or because it uses a more diverse ethnic cast? If anything, The Hunger Games proved to be successful BECAUSE it had a strong female character as the lead role. Now, I'm not a fan of the Hunger Games series, mind you. But I do know that Jennifer Lawrence got to where she is for a reason.


‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ Tops $323 Million at Worldwide Box Office


I'm a woman. And when I was a little girl I would sit around and day dream all damn day about having dragon ball z powers. I would literally spend all day day dreaming different story lines of myself in the dragon ball z universe, kicking ass. By ten years old I was writing out these stories and publishing them online. I would read batman comics, I would play video games all day long. And guess what when I was an adult I grew up and went to school to learn how to be a pilot. I've had a very adventurous life and have done plenty that many men are too wussy to even attempt. But guess what? I'm also a hot as fuck feminine woman who wears heels and make up and cute dresses, Im not some butch lesbian. I still am an avid video game player and I mostly play violent war games, zombie games, or sci fi games. I've read pretty much everything by Phillip K. Dick (best science fiction writer in my opinion), I play dungeons and dragons, I love to play sports, I play magic the gathering, I have even worked in scientific research. I am so sick of hearing people tell me they are "so impressed" when I tell them my interests or see how good I am at video games or that I "don't look like the type of girl who would be into that". Well what the fuck do I exactly look like I'm into? Just cause I have a vagina and I'm feminine, everyone gets to assume all this stereotypical bullshit about me? Fuck that. I'm so sick of it. Why is it impressive for me to do typically male oriented things? who gives a fuck, it's just what I happen to like. Why aren't people "so impressed" when men do typically female things like dance ballet or have an interest in fashion? I don't get it. My interests that happen to be more male dominated don't make me impressive or somehow superior to other females, it's just what I like.. I'm not a social justice warrior by any means, but I'm honestly super happy to see more badass women in movies and television. They need to be represented because they exist. So many women are brave and badass every day and they deserve their time in the sun and representation on screen too. Why should that bother this guy so much? because it doesn't fit his idea of "how women actually are"? Women ARE ACTUALLY fucking individuals who can be any number of things, including what's shown in star wars. Fucking deal with it and stop whining like a little bitch.


What you really mean is, White Men were not the lead protagonists.


Star Wars: The Force Awakens is about an interracial couple running away from a hooded man swinging a burning cross. This offends me. #Triggered


just want to point it out: the empire has always been racist, but only against most (not even all) species aside from Humans, and the rebellion was a conglomerate of all species of the universe, but: 1. the rebellion was never led by mostly women, it had a 1/5 th female ratioin leadership, with Mon Mothma and Lea Organa being in the leadership mostly through influence they got from their birth... 2. there were important female figues in the Empire as well (Juno eclipse; the Emperors Hand: Mara Jade, etc.) and ALL humans were accepted into the ranks of the empire. nothing to do with white or anything.