
Saving Mizora (for the wrong reasons) in Baldur's Gate 3

Urge must save his best friend Wyll from turning into a blob, but he's also hoping to get a date out of it. In this Baldur's Gate 3 challenge, we have to roll ALL dialogue options and ALL class choices with dice and see where it takes us. Get your Urge Acrylic Stand here: MORE URGE: (Full Series Playlist) Follow us on Twitter for infrequent but (sometimes) fun posts! Join our Discord! #baldursgate3 #baldursgate #bg3

Copycats Gaming

6 days ago

we must save Mizora in Baldur’s Gate 3 because Wyll's life is on the line. but makes all of his decisions randomly with this DICE ROLLER we made Urge is inspired Urge is inspired is she gonna come for us at night? at night? that cat threatened me. It was so intimidating It was so intimidating as you can see... Urge is NOT good at making friends so we've really got to keep our existing ones but But just as we finally got a full party for once Mizora? mmmm mmmm Don't give Urge the choice of making
that happen shut up, Wyll I think Wyll should be the bait Gods not cool, guys did he say that about Wyll? Trying to get a date. yeah, we're immune. so we smacked the sh** out of a pixie lucky guy aahhhhhh well That was boring what if we talk to him can we get rid of the clown makeup first? Just do it. Thanks. I feel like I'm being watched. There's someone crouched right behind me. And she seems to have ill intent. This was all just a cover to get him away from Minthara He needs help, Halsin Go!
What are you doing? I almost had him You should take responsibility for your actions. None of my options on my own. Wyll's my best friend. He makes me happy. I enjoy his company what magic caused this? We're in the.... inn? Where am I? why is he floating? Thanks for bringing us back to camp What if we talk to him again? I can't find Thaniel but I found these What do you have to say, Wyll? we’re in camp Halsin teleports us to the inn Wyll thinks we're still in the tower he looks so angry he’s pr
obably just on edge because we're in Moonrise Towers We're just not ready for Moonrise. Urge knows Come on. Laezel That might be worth a look first. Okay. Only she thought so. No one else did. everyone else was right. It's so nice having four people and it feels like we shouldn’t so many pairs of sandals. If we didn’t have Minthara everyone could get a pair here. And now we can't take any or there's going to be one person left out and it’ll probably be Wyll that's good. We failed every perceptio
n check so I don’t know whats coming up with 4 people Something IS up here. it’s a baaaattle When did we last save? maybe if we summon this guy it’ll get a perception check Let's summon him. its a girl? Damn, she got nothing on Okay. I hope she gets a perception check Cause that’s why I summoned her Her only purpose in life. Perception...? Should I sacrifice her... or Wyll? does it get a perception check? we’re just- we’re just summoning more guys Minthara summoned the lady The lady summoned the
wood woad Where's he going? he’s climbing.. those trees Neither of them got a f*** perception check so it didn’t f*** do me any good did it? we’ll send this tree to get ambushed Wy’lls like Yes!! Finally there's someone more expendable than me. Look at everything that happened Yeah. I just don't know what all of that was. All very important. that guy blasted The other guy, for 11 dmg he blasted him for 1 dmg A bunch of people blasted each other. Okay, let's move on. Yeah, I guess they were just
blasting each other. Where the f*** was Urge’s damage? and then not And then they started blasting each other. So that's the order of events. I end my turn That was like not even one effect of a Yugioh card That was this starter She's temporary. So I guess it doesn't really matter if she dies We're all temporary. so now she does a lot of main hand damage. No, I guess she doesn't shoot every time and then she doesn't do enough to kill I’m gonna poop my pants Imma write that down That's not going
in the video what now? I’ve pooped them need a change don’t care You did not. exciting. just- not 5 I was going to say “not 5” I don't have time for this. don't threaten Urge, kid. You don't f*** know what he’ll do. Who are you? wow, so benevolent. Well, we never know what he would do with his parents when he finds them I would never tell Urge where someone was that I care about. Urge playing hide and seek with a kid was not on my 2024 checklist I just want a little look That's weird. Nice ring
, kid I can take What I please We can't reach him! is this gonna work... thanks, Wyll Wyll gave me a little boost. Great. We can't summon the Dryad again... come on, Rocky! there they are f***ng Rocky Rocky’s OMG Rocky's f*** dead. oh but we got initiative We were already in battle. Right? Right. Thanks, Rocky yeah, Rocky is... absolutely dead but... Woahhhsz Wowzziiess Nice. Honestly, Rocky really made a difference in this battle, even though he's dead. oh we can make another Rocky. Just for a
level 2 spell slot Rocky was good for that. I don't know if he's good for anything. else Well, you never know. I mean, I'm pretty confident Rocky's not good for much. That's rude. After all he's done for you. Now they should all go for Wyll because they can't get anyone else Yeahh Get him! Where do I go from here? I think you just die, Urge Probably heaven NO! Urge! We can steal their gold and their tumors Wyll’s always helping his bro out pushed him when he needed to be pushed to talk to a chil
d Forever dauntless F***, I’m cool Rocky, get out there and... take all that aggro Get them Rocky. I think Rocky strong against these trees. I think you’re- he did 5 They can't even constrict him because he's a rock. Oh, Rocky’s also threatened Well, I think Rocky has a better reason to be threatened. He has seven guys pointing at him Rocky is a little bit nervous right now, he just spawns into the world and it's never in a good situation. He's probably always excited to come out and he's like a
w man, not again. there’s 7 f** guys here The blade will not bend. Did he say “the blade”? I think so. f***r watch and learn ouch This is bad. Watch and learn f*** See ya my job here is done I taught who I meant to teach *pew* Rooockyyy It's heartbreaking. we have 41 tools 42 actually. if you count Urge Don't look at me like that. I stopped transforming. Hopefully he retrieves you soon. She definitely changed clothes. Yeah she's trying to woo him. But why is she so veiny? be in vein what’s this?
Hello He just walked up on him that guy was committing a- He's floating. B***, I’m angelic He just walked up to him casually. He just starts squaring up. That's never stopped me before. He just ignored Urge’s attempt to fight him? That's how you deal with Urge you just pretend he didn't attack you otherwise you die And now he's willing to talk. Now he's curious. I don’t think you can see my soul You’re a fraud I just love the imagery of Urge walking up to him, just casually committing a f*** s
eance, and then he just starts squaring up You want to fight, huh? I'll do it if you want to no. I'd rather not. Will you do this quest for me? depends Not sure. You gonna have to explain to me the terms I might be willing to You don't want to scrap a little bit? I'll take you on. he didn't know anything about this guy. He just walked up to him and just wanted to fight Let’s go Let’s dance. I f*** hate Urge let's tango. I just don't get it. He chooses that option every time, and then he just doe
sn't want to anymore once the guy ignores him alright, I’ll listen I thought we were protected from this. Yeah, we. wait, did long resting get rid of our buff? she should have given us a little bell. is it in our inventory? You didn't send it away or sell it away why would I have sold it? that’s so stupid I'm going to need that back. Just give me my f*** buff Let's see what this does. oh, it opens It's a door Get up there, Wyll help your boy out he really helped his boy out That's for all those
times you exploded me f***r we summon this b*** ahead of time summon this a**hole and... we summon f***ng Rocky and he goes in Rocky rolls into the water. Suddenly our party is quite large. You do have a lot of guys. I don't have all day. My intelligence stat is 8 Don't care. let’s give him the spring outfit matches his hair let’s give him a little bit of freshness. Urges is the most impatient guy I’ve ever seen he’s not very good at pretending He's got charisma. I think my companion is ill. But
it may be mental I had no other choice. She didn't fall for my tricks. I'll give it a shot. I'll try reading. Not the best at it true lovers make Wyll resistant to all damage then blow him up ehhh whatever I don't really care. What are you doing over there? That's kind of weird what you're doing. Immediately. Immediately. I've seen all I need to see. f u She just keeps getting up and getting boinked wtf is it’s our bag of artefacts? We’re using his bag to hold our artefacts we just f***g left h
im there. Beat up his wife. He's just still there in the Bibberbangs classic Baelen this is my own little number I found him twice. He wasn't that good at hide and seek to be honest, I stole his ring I guess he's supposed to walk Kind of like a bear. now he’s just on fire. got his torch up his a** Halsin's a weird dude. a bit of a strange one. Yes. Let's help him Bit dramatic, isn't it? I'm leaving soon as he goes in, we leave Urge rolled 1 as always, And he put Spike Growth on everyone wrong te
am, Urge that's cap. It is not helping me rn He lost concentration on stink cloud because of the f***g spikes. Well, they shouldn't be able t- maybe its okay? That was so close I can't see sh** Is that you, Halsin? Hello? are you in there? I can't tell Ah, there we go Urge just stopped listening to him. Shut up, Wyll In universe Urge just stopped f*** listening to him. Don't care. yeah, this could go an unfortunate direction. I think if we met any sooner, we would have killed him. at the Grove a
lso Yeah. The only scenario this happens is if Urge kills the Grove then saves him That's weird. Who is that? Hello, sir. Are you my guardian? Talk to someone. There's no way. Are you kidding me? He just. He walked up. Casually. Sat down. Let him speak, and then decided to attack. Fancy dying today? I wonder if this is worth the cost. I never consider that. I have no spells. the old delayed shot get them off guard. I tried everything I could to reason with him. He didn't even do anything aggress
ive like he just offered us a drink. And Urge was like no die. good one Wyll It's a pity we had to do that. He left us no choice. There was nothing else we could have done there he didn't seem like that bad of a guy. I don't care about that. Seems like trouble. You're not wrong. that hurt I am a traitor. your bird hates me. You're f***d A real man would have turned them in to a bounty hunter. Well, I hate to tell ya... that's cool. wait He's black! That's not the same raven. What is his purpose?
That's OP against our Raven someone with that could easily 1v1 it we just do nothing to this guy Can't hit him this is great 4% now except me yeah f off, Withers should have left him dead. Well met. we look even dumber than before. he’s FRESH What do you mean? Well, five is an option. Please. If you have to, just leave him alone wow we didn't even offer him food. So sad Better than killing him. It's true. Think I might not open that ever again you lied I'd like to open my chest, please. There's
just- Two options. chest or Halsin whats in there? where’s Halsin? seems there’s no tent for me I thought I'd rest here. unfortunately I appear to have lost my torso. He's just in the chest with no chest In a chest and no chest I was hoping you wouldn't find me here. I'm in a bit of an awkward position. Seems I've lost everything except my head and my arms. At least I still have my torch. Every single glitch is him we lockpick a chest Halsin’s there Who's most likely to take melee dmg? I guess
Laezel or Wyll Okay. I guess she just didn’t wanna equip it Guess I'll take it. I have a lot on my mind Seen some strange sh** lately I can't get that imagery of Halsin out of my head. why was he in the chest? No reason for him to be in there. Hopefully he's not in here as well. looks like a trap I think this might be a trap Guys, What do you think? I think they're waiting for us. “I was hoping you wouldn't find me here” is killing me I’m quite embarrassed. Why did they run through it so much? N
o choice but to keep going. They also felt that way. the bonk is sick let’s gooo roll that die! Look at this little thing on his back I've always hated being a druid. My passion lies in the violin k bro chill. shut up, Wyll Maybe they wouldn't have all been wiped out by someone. That's enough for now. I don't really care. Everyone just hangs out with Minthara Just don't do Ketheric without- (Minthara) Just don't Ketheric- with uhhh Just don’t- I can’t even GET to Halsin without the game glitchin
g out it doesn’t look like it belongs. Hello. he looks even more annoying. Let's go shopping. boy. Well, he definitely looks more Halsin This is a Halsin style bard right here. I'm very happy with how Halsin looks now I’m glad one of us is Nice. Something good here. nope every time I say that there's nothing good there Yeah, what a beautiful man. That reminds me You’re so hunky and muscular How did they capture you? I love Halsin and his outfit Also, I never realized how freaking BIG he is Yeah.
.. Wyll noticed Wyll keeps noticing. Halsin is going to get crushed get outta there He's going to turn around and only have the back half of his body. That's how the chest situation happened in the first place. Don't worry. It's not the first time. It'll grow back it always does They’ll never see me me up here. Bro. how is his eyesight that good? oh, its this guy Why are you guys waiting by that chest? Let's see what this does. Just another door. or attempt to Honestly. Hello Dammit You better s
tay on mine Dammit. That's the stupid gnome. I have your hammer. What now? Should we go show that guy his hammer? idk if it does anything maybe we can, like, torment him a little bit. That's what Urge wanted oh you don’t have an option dammit Whose underwear is that in her inventory? oh she has a second pair? I always keep my backup f*** it Can't quite make this one out its a little bit dark in here. maybe these candles- Ouch It keeps happening. And I don't know where it's coming from. Every tim
e I run up to that, That's a trap right there. I think that's a trap. All right, you b*** Urge coming in clutch his charisma’s so high he’s just OP yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to bring Halsin back All right now that that’s over with Should we just stand here? huddled up? What's going on here? the boys What are you doing to Laezel? Who are we even attacking? We don't even know who were attacking. He doesn't even know who he's talking to. That scared me. Time to die. Wait, did they prevent us from
attacking him? They made someone else attack before Urge could attack. goddammit I was about to f*** these skeletons up You’re not stealing my kill. Who is fighting who? We're. We're aggro on everybody. This is just a three way battle between the Shar shadows, Urge and Balthazar. Okay, so at least the respected Urge’s, intentions who did he buff? just the Dryad? Enchanted? NICE bonk damn, that was a megabonk hello. I am I could be anything at any moment. Here, let’s try that 50/50 then. I might
not be. You're gonna f***g provoke him No. I'm going to attack you in my next dialogue now that I've convinced you. I never said I was going to help. This is your problem, not mine. Well, we got that 66% chance to not just attack him and do something interesting. might need a little bit of my ... bend luck Here, take this companion he’ll help you out. Oh yeah? Well, you don't know yet. Give me that. All right. Here you go. No, I don't want that. I just wanted to ask for it. I was hoping you'd s
ay no. I'm just trying to be a little bit annoying. I wasn't expecting you to just agree and give it to me. I only wanted your help when I thought you wouldn't give it to me. Can’t wait to go see Yurgir now and just immediately attack him No, there's no other way up there except to go past him or jump across this way And I can't there we go give me a little nudge there, Wyll. I can't get over Wyll is a real bro this episode he really had his homies’ backs there We've all got a little few bruises
, but... He's just immediately attacks you? if you come up behind him? Well I guess that's kind of aggressive. I thought he would like give us props. he noticed my shirt for once oh yeah? you're running out of options that aren't the one don't want, buddy. We have so many times to just attack him. Yeah, that's me. You really don't trust Wyll to hit anything I don't. Any moment now. he stole my Wood Woad that’s f**d up Goodbye, Wood Woad I mean he did his best Are these guys all immune to fire? s
o you just hit the Wood Woad? where am I? they’re really f***ng This Wood Woad up they just pushed him down the cliff. They hate that guy Smells weird, don't like it, He listened to his entire life story and then decided to end it. Hello me That did nothing to him. that was an up-casted Searing Ray THAT doesn’t look like Urge he’s like Chad Urge I never knew I was so handsome. He's going to do it. the little phew just sit there being invisible, Urge sh** there’s 1 smart rat F*** you What could t
hat be? Referring to? Urge is so bright Turn one to many But what could that be referring to? Now I’ve got them Please no Guardian Please no Guardian Please no Guardian thank God. It's only an interplanar hellscape Who was that? Don't give Wyll any ideas o damn this is gonna be OP Wyll has been sleeping for the entire last half of this fight. Minthara is actually just bullying this guy. Get him, Wyll You’re finally awake Attack. What's to stop you from turning on me once you're free? That's what
I would do. What about they who attack you? Do you have any gold? I want to do that. That's my job. I'll let you out. But he’s mine Now that you're out, it'll be a fair fight. Put em up chill out calm down Jesus Christ. Holy sh** Wyll can do that. I'm not impressed. he did that when I killed Karlach Also. All right, all right. What does that mean? I can't f***ng do that. don’t give me a f***ng choice. Just give me something strong I’m probably gonna get “Attack” as a f***ng option or something.
Ready to tango. What is going on? what’s wrong with her? Goodbye That was crazy. and she never gave me anything shut up, Wyll Okay. I guess we advanced time or something. So much for that guy. At least I got his hammer I need to long rest I hope she can wait a while. Where's Laezel? She's separated. where is everyone? you left me here she actually has just been abandoned Attacks him after examining. Chill out. What? She's practicing when everyone goes to bed Just gonna hover right over him here
And then put it right in his face. I'll just wait for Halsin to lay down right here and I'll chop it right off don't ever do that again. Didn't ask this b*** will buy anything I tell them stop speaking you are scimitars and still they say this to me All three of us. Hopefully they're more organized than the Harpers that ambushed the caravan do we have any tanks? damn this guy is just really good at concentrating So focused. how is he prone? And he still succeeded his concentration She ran up an
d grunted at that guy that was pretty intimidating. All of my Harper friends have fallen and its all up to me now did he die? That's so f***ng stupid. That was really something. you and who? She's literally the only one alive. Yeah. It was going to be one more guy hyello I am Noodle Boi I like Noodle Boi you're really compensating for only having three team members for most of the game. Noodle Boii Noodle Boi doesn’t have much range. Holy sh** You’re so tilted Urge has never looked that passiona
te I don't know if they fight at mine Okay. She pushed Wood Woad nobody likes him poor Wood Woad Jaheira And her squad are here You and your harpers aren’t coming? I think they should stay on the first floor. They're sleeping. No thanks I think it’ll be the same either way I don't know about look, he’s teabagging Noodle Boi He’s doing his little Fortnite dance I hope we're not too late. What an idiot. Yes, mommy Classic Mommy Laezel Moment. Where’s Mizoraaaa She's in one of theeeese She's in thi
s one. yes, yes, yes. Although, I don't know. I'm, like, excited about it, but I'm scared because what if Wyll dies??? Should we un-equip him? Like, if he leaves do we get his gear back? ok just do it. Just do it. I don't care. I care about Mizora Are you really trying to save our gear here? I mean, what if he's gone? Like, do we want to lose or I mean, that would be kind of fitting if the other ring is forever lost. Urge’s love. All right. We commit to Urge wanting to save Wyll Urge won’t let W
yll down Yes Urge won’t Does he have anything good in here? he's got a little bit of gold here. Just take that from you Wyll.. 26 of our thief's tools also. yeah. You should take those Those are heavy, though. He can keep all this crap at least if he goes to hell he’ll have 19 Alchemist fires and a bunch of barrels to blow them up with Ok, urge Save Wyll. Don't let your homie die Why is Urge getting to have his input here? They should just talk one on one. Leave Urge out of it I should have just
left Urge in the other room. Urge has been rolling intimidation lately. Do we use the tides here? Use everything But what if- it'll give us another chance. You’re looking in the wrong pod Sorry. I could not... We could pump him up Just use everything. We could pump him up AND enlarge him with Wyll do everything you possibly can. He's gonna be pumped and HUGE get it, Urge! smash it That was so anticlimactic. Me either. weird now he's just huge. Sorry, I'm not very intimidating. I did fail to int
imidate that dog. Wow. Don't get lippy with him, Wyll he’s enormous right now. I hope everybody is coming. Where are your friends? They’re all Minthara’s friends Hold on. I need to go get my buddies. They're not very intelligent. They're still up there. Come here, you idiots. the squad f***ng noodle man All right, I got them. if only I’d acted sooner. but I was just watching weird. Sorry about your dad, Wyll. urges I’ve resisted my brain the whole way through. Just don't ask me for it. Something
I would do. what a Chad 12 year old energy Wood Woad can't even get in on the action. Get him, Wood Woad! Imagine dying to Wood Woad I can kill me, though. No, Ketheric! friend... how long is this going to go on? Just come out. not fair. Thanks for that. Wyll We're all gathered here today already. Perfect for a nice cleave. I'm going to stand over there give him a little bonk woah that was a big bonk Got him with the bonk He's ensnared wat o sh** Urge is on, like janitor duty over here.
Guys, I'm not doing damage. Get up. Don't do anything for a turn. And then actually do something. Aylin’s downed again this f***ng angel b*** He enlarged the f***ng boss and he reduced everybody else. Urge isn't even. There. Let's redo the battle. fkin Wyll, hijacking every cutscene I'm not the leader of this little troop. He's down there. He was cleaning up the eggs. just give him some time Will inserts himself into every cutscene why can we interrupt her? I still haven't found the cure though
shut up Most of the time I don't even want that Urge isn't promising anything. Just listening. Oh, everything? I’m a mage Okay. Bye. Who's “we”? Not much. I'd probably leave wow, he really cares about Wyll I'm tired of this. It's getting kind of crowded in there. I've got one guy sleeping in a box, Two of the members of my camp don't like each other very much. One of them is quite wacky. Don't do that in my f***g camp none of that s**t’s allowed there. That's weird. Perhaps we could run the cul
t Laezel and Wyll did not like that our party’s very divided A world where nobody makes their own decisions. that’s crazy We just, like, made a promise to- Rule the world. He wants to punish everyone for what he's had to go through. I make none of my own decisions now I'll make everyone's I don't think my camp can fit you and all your Harpers good one Urge Yeah, I did. Wyll took all the credit, though. I was still climbing up the vines. Urge is just trying to understand emotions. You can be here
, but it's not safe. One of my campmates lost his chest and his legs. and I don't know why or how I think that traveler's chest is a mimic. You want to go? You want to tango? I don't fear you. I just like to fight. his daughter's right next to you And you're sleeping in different tents while you're in my camp. look at Wyll He's always there. He's just always hijacking scenes. I'll just get right in frame just a little bit so you can see me. you’re intense I think I’d prefer your mom. yeah whatev
er I’ve heard this sh** all before where’s Wyll? Who do you think would win The Blade or The Sword? Can I have my ring back? You just ignored what I said, didn't you? ah good old Wyll I love that guy Halsin whittling his f***ng wood GOD I LOVE THE VIOLIN You haven't even updated your dialogue and change that f***ng hat I don't have that. That sounds like bulls**t I never should have helped them first one I'm killing when I get control of the elder brain she also has Noodle Boi with her he looks
like a fkn ghost is he doing his Fortnite dance? Should we say something? look at Wyll Yes, I’m here as well If you want to talk me again. All of my alliances are uneasy. Urge is so distrustful I'm flattered. ah Can't believe I'm in this shot as well just drinking here Not imposing. Stop f***ng blurring me I'm the main character after Urge has been such a prude. Urge wanted an emotional connection he turned down Laezel’s offer I hope we don't have to roll for the image we have of- oh yes.. Yes,
there is more. you’re also Why does that happen with only her? She always goes on like a rant and he just stares. He is quite the hunk There's too many people in my fkn camp. I'm sick of this sh** gonna need to find some schizophrenics.
