
Says here "THERE IS NO GAME"

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3 days ago

Hey, I'm Grump! I'm not so Grump! And we're the Game Grumps! Hey, everybody, welcome! What's up? Hello! Game Grumps time! Welcome to Many Flags Hanging From Chains. Damn. What's going on here? Uh, we're playing a game. Super. If you can leave the- read this, then leave the program. Okay. Got it. Marvelous. Will do. Just kidding. Draw me a pixel. Not a game by Draw Me a Pixel. Oh, well then. Well, it's not a game. I was mistaken. There is no game. Good. Do not click to start. Whoops. No game here
. Let's do no game here. All right. Missing a beam. Yep. Easy peasy. Thanks for the program immediately to maximize your chances of corrupting your autosave. Hell yeah. It's not like this non-game has a hint system. So there's no reason to click on the icon. What a good clue. I don't want non-games in my game. I wonder what this game is all about. Help. Oh, there we go. Pull that shit. Why does every game have a different volume level? I don't know. It's very strange. Let's unscrew this real qui
ck. Who's doing all this knocking? No one? There's someone in here! Just a minute, please. Yeah? Pinch it off, bro. I almost forgot the title. Put the title on the screen, bro. Don't panic. Don't panic. I would love to, but you're making it extremely difficult. Ah. Hello, user. This is the program speaking. I've got some bad news. No. Actually, there's no game. The financial crisis, the apocalypse, blah, blah, blah. All of this. What? I hope you're not too disappointed. I feel like that was a li
ttle inside baseball. Still watch TV, go outside, read a book. Yeah. It was an indie-pocalypse? Just for you and me. Avoid asking for a refund if you can. I feel like if there's apocalypse of any kind, I'm going to hear about it. You know, my creator has got to eat and feed his 12 kids. Oh, no. That's a lot. His wife, who is sick? Of kids. Well, when he finally finds one. Be careful. Are you stuck fingering to hold? It's my title. Stop. You will ruin it. There I know game. I don't have any idea
how much machine time it took me to stick all those things out there. Nice. I've got to put all that back up. You're playing Arkanoid. Careful. No, I can't. The chain is stuck. Lower hand. Whoa. Nice. I give up. What? Wow. Pretty expertly done. You got to do that thing where you like tuck it up on the top. Oh, sure. It kind of like bounces off the ceiling. Oh, I've played the canoid. I've played the canoid, bro. It's my favorite fucking gamay. What you're doing is pointless. I'm not the game pro
gram. I'm just- And up. Not in the screen saver. Heroga. Come on. Let's all leave. Shut the fuck up. Let me finish this. Jeez. Huh. All right. All right. All right. All right. Okay. Fucking heo, dude. Ah. All right. All right. All right. So close. I'm so close. Yeah. Nice. I'm fucking epic, dude. Hello, user. I'm cropping virtually. You've completely ruined my beautiful title. Well, if that's the way things are going to be, something solid. Oh, no. I'm not going to be able to break that shit. Oh
, see you. I might have gone a little overboard. If you could just leave the title alone this time. Nope. Nope. Is that a chromatic aberration or is this letter tilted? That's a little inside baseball joke. I don't understand. It's annoying. Did you know how to do this? Because you started tapping like a wild man immediately. Well, it's one of those games where it's like, Oh, okay. I get it. You want to play your game? All right. We're going to play Russian bow. I want this letter so that I can
cut this. It's the one rock, paper, scissors. Rock breaks scissors. Paper covers rock. Uh huh. And scissors cut paper. Yeah. Let's do it. I was super. Here is my choice. Now it's your turn to choose a card. I want to look at it. I want to look at your card. Okay. I'll choose scissors. I win. What? That's a fucking cheater. That's so fucking. This is so much fun. Yo, I'm going to fucking kill you. Don't fucking stab your face. Yeah, it's going to be the stab your face game. Is there like a, can I
like choose to other buttons? Yeah. I want to cut that. Cut it. Oh, wait. Oh, I get it. Okay. So he wants me to choose paper. So there's a real pair of scissors here. I can grab this and cut it. Are you serious? Arin, you're so smart. Stupid asshole. There is game. There is game. Here comes the game. I has bro. No more game here. Finished. That's why we're going to stop now. Okay. So I got to pop this balloon. Happy to have played a fantastic brick breaker. And an incredible game of Russian bul
l. That was not at all wicked. You've already, instead of playing with that. Oh, cool. All right. Yeah. Shut the F up, dog. Grab his little pointer and pop the balloon. Nice. Stupid asshole. Outstanding. Hurry up. You've got to be kidding me. Look at what you've done. Hey, I've muted you, bro. Yeah. If you want to break things, go play battle of duty instead. Stupid bastard. There we go. That's what I'm looking for. Oh, look at that. This is interesting. There is no game, dude. Seems that way. P
ut me in there. Put me in coach. Well, you need the key. Try looking under the mat. Am I dreaming or are you trying to pick the look with the mouse cursor? Yes. You just knocked the key that's on my side onto the floor. Let me put it back. There we go. I see. Interesting. Well, three parts of the rug are nailed down. Stop pushing the key. It falls to the ground. Aha. Hey, there you go. Where did you find that key? It doesn't matter. The key to this door is on my side. Too bad. I don't know where
you found it. I told you it doesn't fit. Okay. Stop pushing the key. It falls to the ground. It falls to the ground. Okay. Okay. Okay. Stop pushing the key. It falls to the ground. Okay. Great work. Get out of here. Can I grab something? Oh, backstage. You should not be here. You're going to catch cold. How can I go back to like shimmy under the door? Correction. My ex title. Oh, I can unlock something here. Oh, the country of Germany. It's a heart. There's one and there's one. There's a key sh
ape. Oh, nothing works anymore. Okay. So I'll use the cursor. Show me that under the door. I don't understand what you're doing. It's a one third of France, dog. Bro. This is interesting. Wow. What a weird game. Not game. Okay. It won't work. I'm telling you. Is that what you think? Oh, hello. What is these? See, it's useless. Like your neurons. That really hurts. I know. Catching strays out here. Okay. So I need some gears. Join me. You're a pro at digging things. I have one of those when it's
time to leave that here. I need another one. Yeah, you need a little baby. From screen to screen. My system doesn't like that. Especially when it goes too fast, especially when it goes too fast. Okay. Okay, interesting. Let's need a little baby gear right here. Hmm. What did he say about something going too fast? Maybe he'll say it again. If I coax him, I need to unscrew something somewhere. I tried. Yeah, you know what? Not your worst idea. Thanks, man. I need to have my back. Were you a hamste
r in the past life? Oh, shut your fucking hole, dude. Okay. What about the pause button up in the corner? No, bro. No, that actually just paused it. No hint on the screen. Stop. Oh, well. Moving from screen to screen. My system doesn't like that when it goes too fast. Oh, I repeat, especially when it goes too fast. My system doesn't like this either. It's upsetting him so fast. You're going to saturate my room. Fucking filling his Ram with so much fucking speed saturation. Oh, perfect. All right
, well done. There's nothing left. I can use to help me. Too bad. I have no choice. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Oh, let's go. What bad luck. You were able to press the button. I'm very upset. What accent is that? The program is loading and there's no kind of European. You're good. You've beaten me. With every word. It sounds like something new. He sounds like Adam something. Sandler? No, his name is Adam something. Oh. The YouTuber does a lot of like city planning stuff. Oh, yeah. It definitel
y crashed. I feel bad for you. There's nothing left. Hey, don't touch my paper. No, I'm going to touch your paper, dude. I'm going to touch your paper. There you go. Much better like that. Okay, stop already. Hands up. Don't touch anything else except the quit button. Hey, just a quiet little nudge. I didn't do anything. It doesn't even say loading. It says locating. Yeah. Okay. You just never give up, do you? What's the most whoever lost? The program is going to close due to an unexpected use p
rogram closing. He's pretending. Should we have memorized that number? Uh, I don't think so. Oh, this is your conscience speaking. I need to restart your machine. And this is not a fake operating system, I swear. And you designed that pretty fast, huh? Yeah, he's good. For any reason, it's your conscience who's asking. Oh, squirrel wants a nut. Same. Daddy wants a nut. Future hazelnut tree. Okay. Okay. Thank you. And then this is quanza zeros. Okay. Um, I don't know what this is. Okay. Okay. You
shaved the trash. Where's pinball? Oh, no balls available. Now there it goes. Same. Some of the points, bro. Oh, I saved it. Oh, you gave me minus points. Perhaps one did not save it. I got to hit the high score. Fuck. And I'm having a cumulative game. That is what's important. The high score is going to be beaten. I know. No, what are you doing? Oh, oh, oh, that's clever. Yeah, suck it. This non-game has a lot of good ideas. Yeah, seriously, for being not a game. Better than most games, actual
ly. Pretty fun game. Yeah. Got it. Thank you. Cheater. Cheater, cheater, chicken cheater. I forget the administration password into this spot. The odd one out. My ID card. My favorite number. Miss Tokyo's private number. Okay. The odd one out game. I have to leave. Sorry. Yeah, so there's a one that's weird, I guess. Oh, the eight. There's an eight. Oh, yeah. Okay. So that's one thing. What were the other things we were looking for in that? Miss Tokyo's private number. Exclusive episode of Break
ing Good on TV. Oh, yeah. Your chances tell you that you definitely shouldn't miss it. Breaking Good. Uh, let's watch it. Where did you say it was? I don't know. Wasn't there a cartoon on YouTube called Fixing Good? Where he's like, Jesse, we have to cook. And then they're like having a nice little cookout in the backyard and smiling. Zen whip. Okay. Track one. So that cracker. Beautiful. Oh. Cool. That was the same dude. Oh. Ah, wow. All right, so give me some water. Whatever. Whatever. You jus
t have to harness the power of the sun. Uh, fuck. I don't have it yet. And it was my favorite number. Miss Tokyo's private number. I don't know what his favorite number is. What would his favorite number be? 69. Nice. I mean, stranger things, right? 13? Maybe. Huh? Interesting. Put a little stank on that. Okay, so I need sunshine somehow. Yes. How do I? I think maybe like the rotation of the earth would make the sun rise. What is this? What? What does the cat is hungry mean? Maybe he's talking a
bout the squirrel. That's a squirrel though. Man, I don't fucking know. I'm just fucking clicking stuff. Just trying to figure it out. Uh, all right. So the pinball is there. Clock is the password. Squirrel wants a nut. Same. Empty do not shake. How do I shake it though? Yeah, desperately want to shake that. Oh. Okay. What's up? Your conscience is telling you that you're a good friend of the environment. You're going to turn off your machine. Okay, maybe if it's heavier. It's heavier with rain.
Shake, shake. Hmm. I don't know. It is shaking the screen. Is there anything heavier I can put in here? I don't know. You want to try help? Oh, where? But can there be? Oh. Okay. What's the goodbye doc? Whoa. Read the prohibited action carefully. Uh, what's the prohibited action? Do not shake. Oh. I mean, that's what I'm doing, but it's not working. Cheated, bro. Okay. What if you shake the tree? When do we generate very strong nonstop shaking? Okay. Hmm. See, nonstop shaking. Would that be the
twisting the picture? Twisting the picture? Like very fast. Uh, it's not shaking that one. Can you grab the folder and shake that? That's not working. Good idea, though. Okay. Help. There's a clue in the trash. Nice. Yeah, I know the fucking clue. He's telling you that the sun has just exploded. Yes. Do you already want to spend your last eight minutes in front of the screen? I sure do. Video games are my passion in my life. You know how it is. Design is my passion. Wait, wouldn't there be a sun
here? Because it's space? Fuck. Shit. Okay, okay, okay. Okay. Think for a second. Thank you. One of the tracks is pretty violent. Oh, okay. Oh, can you turn the bass up? Oh, it makes the screen shake. Oh, clever. I guess the song is called Shake My Head. Uh-oh. Excessive shaking. Ultra private. Giga private. 18 plus. So true. Oh, no, no, no. Miss Tokyo. Oh, word. Miss Tokyo. 483. 483. Yeah. Okay. This is Paris. Very hot. Truth. Hello, weather balloon. Okay. What the fuck? Nice. Due to a technic
al problem, the content of this document has unfortunately been lost. Perfect. We just need that middle number. His favorite number. What if it was 13? Correct. And they're not mine. Make it a rated AO. I don't care. Perfect. So we got a contact now. All right. Great. So, yeah. So it was. 483. Eight. I don't know. It says eight something. 483. Let's try 813. 483. No, it hates it. Dang. His favorite number. Well, the number 37. All right. An update has just been. The user figured out my secret co
de. Oh no. What is he going to do with the system clock? Oh, I'm going to change the PM so the sun comes up. Oh, no. Ah, sunshine. Now we got sunshine. Sun, sun, sunshine. Yeah. Tip, tip, tip, tip in on sunshine. If you steal my sunshine. Boom. Give me a fucking. Yeah, boy. Where's that nut? How do you like them apples? Oh, he wants me to crack it. Oh, oh. Yeah. Fuck you, dude. Welcome. Boy, this has a similar feeling to, uh, those Christmas find them games. Oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know
what you're saying. I know what you mean. I can, I can win zip it. To make it smaller. Oh, clever. But how do I open it? It's not opening. There it is. Did you just do it? Oh, oh, it did. No. Yes. How did you open that folder? You've crossed the line. Well, too bad, bro. Yeah. I'm doing it. Don't launch the program. This wasn't planned. You were supposed to leave ages ago. Don't do that. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. Do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. Nice. It just slows do
wn after a while. You've just launched a fake program from within a fake operating system. Yes. The FOS. What's going to happen? I'm pretty sure you're going to show me. You're going to love it. You're going to love these nuts. Beautiful pixelated, but non pixelated background. This is the program speaking. I have some bad news. Actually, this is not a game. I hope you are not too disappointed. You can still watch a Bollywood film, take a walk around the Ganges, learn to dance. Such a cliche. Wh
o is it? What are you doing in my game? I don't feel like this guy's Japanese accent is very accurate. He sounds nothing like Jackie Chan. You have a funny accent. Are you Russian? Russian? Do I roll the R like that, sir? Of course not. Overreaction. Typically Russian. I am not Russian. I'm walking. Yeah, I was going to say, on the contrary. Oh no. User, you need to quit the program. First, I'm begging you. Nope. Mr. Glitch. Don't touch him, user. He's highly unstable. One of them stable around
here is you, game. Oh damn. You're a mean one, Mr. Glitch. You're real, real, real, real. Yeah, I'm getting him, boy. Hello. Shit. Nah. He has a Russian accent. Oh, you see? But you're still here. It seems to be so. Show me who you are. Show me papers. Show me papers. Mr. Glitch. There you are. I was looking for you. He's silly. Stop following us. He's laughing. Look at him giggle in the back. This feels like a theme park ride. I know. There's no Jew. I've got some butter. Oh, I beg to differ. I
t's changed again. I don't understand what's going on. Things are becoming more and more unstable. It's even raining croissant. Oh, but you, my friends. You are threat, spy. Got him. Damn, Mr. Glitch. He's eating your croissants. No, I don't want. Dude, those are so hard to make. You're gonna fucking roll him up thin and butter and shit? Damn. I'm working on it. I'm working on it. If you crash coming on. You mean the bandicoot? Thank God. Now there is Jew. I was here the whole time. Ah, finally.
A French accent. Okay, now things are really getting out of control. And besides they are blacker cats. It's a bad senior. Shoot the crazy cats. I'm shooting. Why won't you try to crush me? I've got to get you here. Alright, I got you, I got you, I got you. Uh-huh. Stop playing hide and seek with him. You're going to get us killed. I knew it. We are not going to die. If you complete this game, just play it. Randomly clicking around. Wildly. There's a new game. Ah. I thought of a thousand times.
Doesn't this feel like a theme park ride? It's really wild. It feels like the ride you, like the little mini ride that they make out of the line. Until you get to the real thing. Yeah. Where's like the scientist telling you like the experiment's gone wrong. Exactly. We're just going to have a quick little romp through the, what's that? The dinosaur escaped? Touches his ear real fast. Yeah. One second. Sorry folks. We're just having a little technical difficulty. He's cute. Have a cute little bu
g butt. Yeah. I don't know where this place is very strange. Oh, what is this? Strange. Some kind of television. Maybe we should don't touch it. Gear factory. One of my favorite metal bands. Well, there's a fear factory, Joe. That's a metal band. Fear factory? I thought that was a show. Oh, they're a classic. You're thinking of fear factory. Video input. Oh, you're right. I am thinking of you. How'd you know that? You're so smart. Thank you. Okay. So what was this? What was miss Tokyo's number?
Four eight three. I don't think. Have we moved on? I think it's, I'm supposed to be matching up. The, I might not have the right information for that. Oh, that doesn't look very sturdy. Sorry. My bad. My bad. I'm not doing that. I'm not even doing that. Who's it? Maybe you're doing that yourself. What do I look at or taste or punch? You've broken another coffee cup. Oh, this is like a salmon Mac classic. You called homes. Is it me or is there an echo all of a sudden? Nice Wilhelm scream, bro. Th
anks for the Wilhelm scream dog. There was nothing human about that screen. It seems to be coming from our dear neighbor. Wilhelm's nice. Let's go take a look. Shall we have self-aware? Footsteps are very realistic. Something pleasing. What on earth is going on? No, what in the computer is going on? I think we're in a game. Oh goodness. We can stay here. Do the icons in the game work? Well, no, but this chart of glass will only mean one thing. We are trapped in this world. Just like these fictio
nal characters. The world where it's impossible to tell what's real. What's an illusion. We've probably entered a different video game dimension. Do something, anything. It's what you do best. Okay. There we go. Let's just tear everything down. Do something. Ah, you've removed a stamp gently from a postcard. Uh, okay. Maybe put the stamp on the letter. It wants correlation, but not causation. See, what would any of these correlations be? It's not worth information yet. I can't actually play the
game. It doesn't look like. Weird. I'm just in here. Okay. Fair enough. Fair enough. Cool. Cool. That's what I wanted. Can you use the glass to get the tape off? No, I tried. I used to get the stamp off. Okay. I need a tool. Oh, can you pull out the little things at the bottom? The audio video cables. Oh, my man. Oh, boo. Are we sure that's what we want though? Maybe pull out the others. You want me to try the other one? The other ones don't work. No. Maybe you can only take them out one at a ti
me. One at a time. No. Okay. Just checking. Um, hmm. Blue, red, and green, huh? Roy G. Bitch. Bro. Sorry. Can it lick the stamp? Oh, that's disgusting. So right, dude. Thank you. Oops. Okay. So that's not. Yeah. That's not what it wants. Oh, dark shirt. Oh, what have you done now? Did you take off one of the games icons? No, the one with the bent corner. No, just the one with the waggly tail. What am I going to do with this fist? Yeah, I'll never tell. I mean, I don't know. Maybe I'll break the
window when I asked you to find a way out. I was talking about this dimension written on this strange hatch. Well, I wish I could look at it. Yeah, so tough. The street. Open the door. It's your neighbor, Sherlock Holmes. It will never work, Holmes. What we need is a key. A key to open a door. A key? A key, eh? Point to me, my dear friend. Be more creative. Give me a C. A bouncy C. And think in four dimensions. Oh, you mean like you're doing now. Okay. Okay. Okay, what do we got? What do we got?
What do we got? Don't make a sound, user. What was that sound? Hey, a lost penny. It's my lucky day. Your lucky evening, my friend. Can I peel that off now? I want the scent. I don't know why, but I want the penny. I want that penny. What the penny? Give me that penny. Dude, we might have to continue this. I am very, very intrigued. Yeah? It's like a little bit entrancing. Yeah, kind of like what's happening here, right? Yeah. And I know you're engaged because I've watched you circle the mouse
over 80 things. Yeah. That means you're thinking. That's like your loading bar. All right. Well, next time on Game Grumps. All right, cool. This is fun. I'm going to kiss you. All right. I'm going to kiss every one of you. And I'm not going to stop. I'm just going to keep it coming. That's a threat.



Oh god… that means it’s just grumps


Dan & Arin with no game is a terrifying concept


Dan saying “There is no Jew? I beg to differ!” was hilarious.


wow, the first ever episode of Grumps™. (not to be confused with THE Grumps™.)


Metal Music: Makes the entire goddamn screen shake The grumps, for the next fifteen minutes: How do we make this folder shake? I'll try dropping a cup.


The "Do Not Shake" moment hurt me lol😂😊


"what accent is that?" "uh, somekind of european" thanks Arin, that really narrows it down


"Stop moving screen to screen ESPECIALLY WHEN IT GOES TOO FAST" - Dan and Arin - "what the fuck do we do now?"


“I can win zip it to make it smaller” Me, writhing in agony: “!!!”


4:24 "Its one of those games where its like 'ahahahaaaa'." full 10 seconds of silence


You can tell Arin and Danny are real party animals cos neither of them recognize a bottle opener


19:16 "We need something heavier to shake it" Me: guys... how about... the "heavy" metal.... which is conveniently titled... "shake my head"


I love there dipiction of saying that this feels like a theme park ride. It’s a perfect description.


Folder says "do not shake" They've played the Music track "Shake My Head" like three times It rattles the whole screen "Maybe if we drop this trophy a thousand times it'll work!"


The ending to this Not-Game is actually touching.


Oh man this takes me back UC9CuvdOVfMPvKCiwdGKL3cQ/lVtiYL7SCYio-gPcqIXYBg


I have no Game but I must Grumps


i didn’t realise this was new and i was like awwe man, where’s the second one? did they stop the series? and then i glanced and saw “1h ago” and i was like oh awesome there’s more to come!


This was so painful to watch, I mean it's part of the game grumps meta that Arin ignores the blighted obvious stuff...but today was a new level for me 😂 lots of love


FINALLY! This is one of the most anticipated "not games" for the grumps to play.