
Shreveport Dragon Ball Z fans react to the passing of Akira Toriyama

Toriyama influenced an entire generation with his creation of Dragon Ball Z by bringing anime and his story telling to American audiences.


4 days ago

well the world pays tribute to the man who influenced a new generation of pop culture and art Akira Toriyama the creator of Dragon Ball Z has passed away suddenly at the age of 68 according to his website His Life and Legacy touched the lives of so many and continues to do so here is what locals had to say anime itself wouldn't be this big deal I think in America had it not been for Dragon Ball becoming what it was it's been such an influential show that you know it's touched thousands millions
of people as an anime fan that it is a huge loss to the community Dragon Ball Z began airing in America in the 9s alerting many in the country and its kids to a new world called anime dragon ball specifically such a big part of my childhood from whether it was um waking up and watching it on like a tsunami I know growing up in the early 2000s is uh seeing uh tunami play Dragon Ball and seeing anime the anime go from this Niche thing get made fun of to oh look to this big thing was like it's main
stream now back in the early 90s just waking up every Saturday morning just to watch Dragon Ball fans talk about its influence and inspiration inside sports card Louisiana it was during the cell Saga and my favorite character personally was young team Gohan and whenever he went Super Saiyan 2 against s when s was hurting all of his friends and family it's just still to this day I get goosebumps over that I even I love that moment so much throughout the Dragon Ball history that I got it tattooed
on me pop culture like Star Wars and everything else you can get talk about that with anybody and everybody uh people may know more people may know less about it but you can still talk to somebody they might go oh yeah it's the blonde one guy from that one thing he screams a lot doesn't he or they might go oh yeah I know what Kamehameha is and the story also connected across cultures in Mexico there is a huge cultural phenomenon that what's interesting it's something that not only that the kids
of the younger Generations really love but it's something that they can share with their parents as well I don't know if a Toriyama ever knew how much he uh how much the black community loved him Donald Wayne is our new News Room editor he says Aira toriyama's writing and World building inspired his creativity it's part of the reason I started drawing cuz growing up a lot of back to the black community thing if we don't draw nothing else we would sit and just draw Goku or Vegeta reflecting on to
riyama's storytelling of strength through perseverance it shows that you know family and friends are always first and you got to protect those things that you love I mean look at Goku he was always fighting to protect those that he loved even Vegeta leaving its lasting message of always pushing past your limits to become stronger



The newscaster clothes is signature Goku's clothing. Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama.


Her clothes can't be a coincidence!


Who chose her top needs a raise


Whoever picked her outfit needs to be given huge props.


I like that the anchor chose to wear those colors reflecting Dragon ball suit. RIP Akira Toriyama


She is a lady of culture. She’s wearing the same colors as Goku’s Turtle Gi.


She's definitely a Dragon Ball Fan if she's wearing that and got her editor to talk about Dragon Ball's Influence. Spot On!


The news anchor is probably a Dragon Ball fan too! now I know how Android 18 looks like rocking Goku's uniform. Rest In Peace Akira Toriyama🙏🏽


Out of the TV news reports I've seen so far covering this, this one is the best in my opinion


She definitely rose her palm to the air as a kid when Goku shouted "PEOPLE OF EARTH, GIVE ME YOUR ENERGY!"


Her clothes said more than any other interviewee.


Thank you for wearing the colors of Son Goku. RIP Toriyama. Age 35 male here, DragonBall was my childhood.


So apparently Android 18 is a real person with fire goku drip!!! 😂


Rocking Goku’s gi colors 🫡


Akira Toriyama, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, all people who affected the black community. Edit: Since people keep getting mad, I just wanted to say that my comment had nothing to do with race. I know it effected everyone, IM NOT EVEN BLACK. I made this joke cause people made a joke that piccolo is black.


Dude, the newscaster's clothing is Goku's!!!! That is such a sweet and heartwarming touch!


Huge respect to the news anchor for her clothing choice in memoriam.


Wardrobe department deserves a raise.


Her outfit speaks a lot--is she a DBZ fan too? That's not a coincidence!


Akira Toriyama is not dead. Why? Because someone is only truly dead when they are forgotten. I can assure you… Akira Toriyama will never be forgotten. Legends do not die