
Siri roast battle!πŸ”₯ who won? πŸ‘€

Siri Roast Battle #4🀣 credit: CodeJohan


3 days ago

hey Siri your mom is so fat when she got hit by a bus she asked who threw that rock your mom is so old when someone told her to act her age she died your mom is so dumb she stared at orange juice for 12 hours because it said concentrate your mom is so stupid when a burglar broke into her house and stole the TV She chased after him shouting you forgot the remote your mama's so poor she can't even pay attention your mom is so fat she makes Humpty Dumpty look like a bodybuilder okay okay we're done
we're done like the video I won no subscribe if I want



Siri scard me..


Siri won 😊


I like the button


Every time I replay this video when he says β€œSiri” my Siri actually turns on.


Nice vid bro




Siri won




Siri wins all the time


Siri totally won

