
Small Steps, Big Results: Nurturing an Action-Oriented Mindset - Order a copy of my new book, ”Passion Struck,” today! Picked by the Next Big Idea Club as a must-read for 2024. The Passion Struck Podcast is HERE!! 💥👈 Listen, follow, and rate wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts OR watch here on YouTube. New episodes drop every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday! --- Do you dream big but struggle to take action? Feeling stuck is a common hurdle, but what if the key to unlocking your confidence and achieving your goals lies in taking small steps? This episode of Passion Struck with John R. Miles dives deep into the power of an action-oriented mindset. Learn how consistent action, not waiting for confidence, is the secret weapon for building self-assurance and achieving big results. John explores the science and psychology behind this approach, shares practical tips to get you started, and reveals how small steps can lead to self-discovery and ignite your passions. Get ready to be inspired to take action and watch your dreams become reality! Ready to cultivate an action-oriented mindset? In this video, you'll discover: * Why confidence comes from action, not the other way around * The science-backed benefits of taking small steps * Practical strategies to overcome fear and procrastination * How action can lead to self-discovery and ignite new passions * Actionable tips to get you started on your journey Leave a comment below and share what action you'll take today to move closer to your goals! Thank You to Our Sponsors: - This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at, and get on your way to being your best self. - Brought to you by Cozy Earth. Cozy Earth provided an exclusive offer for my listeners. 35% off site-wide when you use the code “PASSIONSTRUCK” at - Brought to you by Nom Nom: Go Right Now for 50% off your no-risk two week trial at Try Nom dot com slash PASSIONSTRUCK. --► Subscribe to the podcast: --► Subscribe to Passion Struck Clips: *Our Patreon Page: Time stamps 0:00 Introducing Passion Struck Podcast 4:47 Action drives confidence, not the other way around! 7:46 The brain's capacity for neuroplasticity, 11:42 How to achieve lasting changes in our behavior and mindset 17:04 Five practical steps that to nurture an action-oriented mindset Want to watch more in-depth interviews with some of the world’s most insightful people? Find full episodes here: Connect with John R. Miles: Learn more about John: Visit the Passion Struck Podcast: Visit the John R. Miles BLOG: Follow John on TWITTER: Follow John on INSTAGRAM: Like John on FACEBOOK: #passionstruck #johnrmiles #intentionalliving

John R. Miles

5 days ago

coming up next on passion struck being action-oriented builds our confidence and it's not just talk imagine stepping up to the bat each swing that you take strengthens your muscles and your resolve similarly when we tackle tasks head-on our self assurance grows it's a proven fact engaging in constant action leads to a stronger sense of self-confidence welcome to Passion struck hi I'm your host John AR miles and on the show we decipher the secrets tips and guidance of the world's most inspiring p
eople and turn their wisdom into practical advice for you and those around you our mission is to help you unlock the power of intentionality so that you can become the best version of yourself if you're new to the show I offer advice and answer listener questions on Fridays we have long form interviews the rest of the week with guest ranging from astronauts to authors CEOs creators innovators scientists military leaders Visionaries and athletes now let's go out there and become passion [Music] s
truck imagine standing at the edge of a cliff gazing into the vast expanse of your aspirations and dreams below lies a Terrain brimming with potential for success and fulfillment yet you hesitate believing that you need the wings of confidence to LEAP towards those dreams this belief anchors many in place trapped by the idea that confidence must come before action and that you must feel entirely assured before pursuing your dreams but what if you had it backward all along welcome to an explorati
on that challenges conventional wisdom and invites you to consider an empowering perspective confidence is not the starting line but the Finish Line it's the byproduct of action not its precursor today's episode is a deep dive into the action-oriented mindset challenging the myth that one must feel ready or confident before making moves toward their Ambitions initiating action even in the smallest increments can gradually build your confidence and momentum fostering a more positive and resilient
approach to navigating life's challenges and seizing its opportunities leveraging insights from Behavioral Science and psychology I'll examine how taking action ignites self assurance transforms fear into strength and morphs distant dreams into achievable results through the lens of a compelling real life story I'll illustrate how this principle comes to life setting the stage for for a deeper understanding of the dynamic relationship between confidence and action embark on this journey with me
as we unravel the potency of adopting an action-oriented mindset today's episode will show you that the route to becoming passion struck isn't laid with confidence but it is forged through the act of doing itself today I want to introduce you to Maya a young graphic designer who dreamed of launching her own creative agency despite her undeniable Talent Maya was paralyzed with self-doubt as well as the fear of failure she believed that she needed an unshakable confidence to start her business a
confidence she felt she sorely lacked the dream seemed distant more a figment of Her Imagination than a possible reality however Maya's journey to realizing her dream illustrates the core TR illustrates the profound Truth at the core of today's discussion action drives confidence not the other way around one ordinary Thursday marked by a mix of frustration and a spark of Courage Maya took a small but significant step she registered a domain name for her agency this action minor as it seemed was
her Leap across the chasm of Doubt each subsequent day she committed to taking at least one boundary expanding action that took her closer toward her goal be it designing her logo reaching out to potential clients or simply setting up her workspace with each action Maya noticed a shift the mountain of fear began to erode replaced by a growing sense of capability and momentum she hadn't waited for confidence to arrive instead she summoned it through her actions by the time that she officially lau
nched her agency Maya was not the same person who had hesitated on the starting line she had become a confident entrepreneur not because her fears had vanished but because she had moved through them one action at a time Maya story is more than an inspiring tale it's a testament to the transformative power of action it vividly illustrates how stepping forward even when we feel the seeds of Doubt can ignite a journey of self assurance and achievement as I delve deeper into the psychology and Behav
ioral Science behind an action-oriented mindset Maya's experience illustrates the path from Fear to action to confidence the transformation from positivity to proactive action and the ensuring rise and confidence can be better understood by diving into the psychological underpinnings of an action-oriented mindset Central to this understanding are the concepts of self-efficacy and the critical role of neuroplasticity in habit formation Canadian American psychologist Albert ura's self-efficacy the
ory is foundational in this context suggesting that our belief and our ability to succeed significantly influences our motivation and subsequent success and various Endeavors as Bandera proposed self-efficacy is enhanced through personal achievements vicarious experiences verbal persuasion and an individual's psychological State we can significantly boost our self-efficacy by taking deliberate action and witnessing the fruits of these efforts setting off a chain reaction a further action and suc
cess Kathy Colby and educator and best-selling author offers another valuable perspective around this concept she posits that believing in one's own capabilities is critical in assessing cognitive strength for Kobe self-efficacy encompasses not just the beliefs in one's capabilities but also the determination and perseverance that are required to overcome obstacles and utilize innate abilities to achieve results this view aligns with the idea that self-efficacy involves a robust sense of determi
nation alongside the belief in one one skills in my new book passion struck I also delve into how self-efficacy is a foundation for success and a critical element in harnessing one's passion and turning it into actionable outcomes now let's go into neuroplasticity and how we can rewire our brain for Action the brain's capacity for neuroplasticity its ability to forge new neural connections plays a pivotal role in this transformation engaging in new actions strengthens specific neural Pathways su
pporting the acquisition of new behaviors and the cessation of old unproductive ones this process of neural adaption underpins the transition from positivity to an action-oriented mindset illustrating how consistent intentional actions can rewire our brains making us inherently more inclined to take initiative and embrace confidence grasping these psychological principles provides deep insights into the essence of an action oriented mindset it underscores the power of taking action not just as a
catalyst for external achievements but as a transformative force that reshapes our internal World enhancing our belief in our own capabilities and reconfiguring our mental framework to support a life marked by confidence resilience as well as active engagement as I dive deeper into the underpinnings of the psychological aspects of an action-oriented mindset behavior science offers complimentary insights that amplify our capacity for self- assuredness allowing us to create a proactive life embra
cing an action-oriented mindset kickstarts a ENT feedback loop that propels us toward our goals every action no matter its scale fuels a sense of progress and accomplishment this isn't just about achieving tangible results it's about the personal perception of moving forward of making strides towards our aspirations this newfound confidence becomes a driving force for further action creating a cycle where each step brings us not only closer to our objectives but also solidifies our faith in the
capacity to achieve them this self-sustaining cycle of action and confidence grows more robust with each iteration Transforming Our actions into more significant achievements over time this Dynamic process has the power to shift our self viw from one mirrored in uncertainty to a stance filled with assurance and determination it transforms obstacles into stepping stones and instills a sense of purpose as well as proactive engagement in our lives feedback loops while foundational to our psychologi
cal functions also play a crucial role in shaping in our behaviors operating quietly in the background they influence a wide array of our daily habits from what we eat and how we exercise to our commitment to learning and growth these Loops act as the Unseen architects of our habits stiring the course of our actions and ultimately our lives with silent Precision habit stacking a concept popularized by James CLE in his groundbreaking book Atomic habits showcases the power of taking small steps to
wards personal growth the method weaves new behaviors into the existing fabric of our established routines leveraging the strength of habits that we've already Mastered by doing so habit stacking harnesses the existing momentum of our daily practices in the feedback loops than inform them this approach streamlines adopting new habits by tying them to our actions without thinking it ingeniously minimizes the resistance that's typically encountered with new challenges building upon the solid base
of our habitual behaviors for example coupling the act of brushing your teeth which is a wellestablished habit with the practice of stating affirmations transforms a mundane activity into a powerful vehicle for cultivating a positive mindset every morning and every evening the smart pairing facilitates the seamless integration of new positive habits and strengthens the reinforcing cycle of action driving us toward our objectives similarly the Kaizen method rooted in Japanese manufacturing practi
ces but widely applicable to personal development emphasizes continuous Improvement through tiny almost imperceptible changes we you can achieve significant results by focusing on small manageable improvements over time without the overwhelm and fear that often accompany more drastic measures this method aligns with neuroplasticity that I discussed earlier demonstrating how consistent incremental actions can lead to Lasting changes in our behavior and mindset we create a powerful Synergy when we
integrate these Behavioral Science strategies and the psychological principles behind an action-oriented mindset this combination explains why starting with small all steps is effective and provides a practical roadmap for implementing these changes through feedback loops habit stacking in the Kaizen methodology we can gradually build our confidence and the resilience needed to tackle challenges that come our way reinforcing the action confidence feedback loop and fostering a life of proactive
purposeful engagement the significance of an action-oriented mindset becomes even more pronounced when we consider the impact of mindset on our capacity for Action Carol W's seminal work on mindsets offers a crucial lens for which to view this impact highlighting how our abilities influence our behavior and our approaches to challenges at the heart of DX's theory is the distinction between two mindsets a fixed mindset where individuals believe that their abilities are static and unchangeable and
a growth mindset where individuals see their abilities as qualities that can be developed and altered through dedication and hard work this perspective shift is absolutely critical for establishing an action-oriented mindset as it underpins the very belief that we can improve and overcome obstacles through action adopting a growth mindset is inherently tied to the willingness to engage in action even in the face of potential failure this mindset encourages resilience as it frames challenges as
setbacks not as insurmountable barriers as opportunities for learning and growth it Fosters persistence by motivating individuals to persevere through difficulties recognizing that effort and continued action are are Pathways to Personal Mastery moreover a growth mindset cultivates a Readiness to take risks it supports the idea that stepping out of our comfort zones is a test of our current capabilities and a necessary step towards expanding them this mindset complements the action confidence fe
edback loop that I previously discussed as taking action despite the uncertainty or fear of failure becomes a critical mechanism for personal development and confidence building the Synergy between a growth mindset and an action oriented approach is powerful by embracing the belief that our competencies and our abilities can expand through intentional effort we are more likely to engage in small incremental actions that lead to significant change over time this integration not only enhances our
resilience but also empowers us to take calculated risks that are necessary for our growth and innovation in summary the power of an action oriented mindset is magnified when underpinned by a growth mindset together they form a dynamic frame workor for personal and professional development emphasizing that our ability to grow adapt and Achieve our goals is fueled by a continuous cycle of action reflection and resilience this holistic approach to action and mindset not only propels us toward our
aspirations but also transforms the very nature of how we engage with the world around us building upon the interplay between a growth mindset building upon the interplay between a growth mindset and an action-oriented approach we arrive at a pivotal realization action is not merely a vehicle for achieving predefined goals but a powerful tool for self-discovery and the unveiling of new passions and interests the act of doing engaging with the world around us through intentional targeted actions
mirrors our latent interest and undeveloped passions it's through trying new things facing challenges and stepping outside our comfort zones that we often stumble upon aspects of ourselves were previously unexplored this path to Discovery is iterative with each actions providing insight into what drives us what fulfills us and ultimately what makes us come alive the Mantra of action before passion historically contrast the idea that one must wait for a lightning bolt of inspiration to strike bef
ore embarking on a journey to pursue their goals instead the approach posits that passion is often discovered in the midst of taking action by engaging in diverse experiences and Pursuits individuals can uncover hidden interests and develop new passions that weren't Apparent at the onset this perspective encourages a proactive exploration of life's possibilities emphasizing that passion is cultivated through engagement not predestined Discovery adopting an action-oriented approach to discovering
our passions implies a dynamic relationship with our goals it suggests that our aspirations can evolve as we do shaped by the experiences that we accumulate and insights that we gain through action this fluidity allows for a more open exploratory stance towards life where the Journey of becoming is as important as the final destination in essence action builds a conduit for self-discovery a means to unearth and cultivate our passions by embracing the philosophy of action before passion we allow
ourselves the freedom to explore to experiment and to grow into our potential this approach enriches our understanding of ourselves and expands The Horizon of what we think is possible guiding us towards a life that's filled with purpose conviction and fulfillment embracing an action-oriented mindset is a transformative process that opens the door to self-discovery passion and personal growth here are five practical steps that you can do to nurture this action-oriented mindset first start by de
fining clear specific and attainable goals break down larger goals into smaller more manageable tasks to make you feel less overwhelmed setting and achieving small Milestones will build your confidence second cultivate a positive attitude towards challenges and failures view them as opportunities for growth rather than as set backs the shift in perspective encourages resilience and a proactive approach to problem solving third develop a routine of planning and prioritization spend time each day
and week planning and prioritizing your tasks identify the most urgent and important tasks that align with your goals planning helps you focus your energy on what matters most and reduces the time spent on indecision fourth practice decisionmaking strengthen your decision-making skills by making small decisions quickly and confidently this practice builds your ability to make larger more significant decisions with ease remember taking action is a valuable learning activity even if it may lead to
mistakes and then finally cultivate discipline and consistency action-oriented individuals are disciplined and consistent in their efforts develop habits that support your goals commit to performing them regularly even when your motivation waines discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment by implementing these practical steps you can begin to cultivate an action-oriented mindset that propels you towards your goals Fosters self-discovery and transforms challenges into opportunitie
s for growth throughout this episode I've delved into the dynamic relationship between action and confidence challenging the conventional belief that confidence must pred taking action instead I've discovered that confidence is often the fruit of taking action cultivated through engagement perseverance and the willingness to step into the unknown as we conclude I encourage you to embrace the action confidence cycle in your life start with small achievable actions embrace the process with an open
heart and a curious mind recognize that each step that you take brings you closer to your goals and builds the foundation for a confident resilient and passion struck life this journey towards confident and achievement is not linear nor is it without its challenges however by committing to action believing in the process and recognizing each step's transformative power you unlock the potential for for profound personal growth and fulfillment let this be the moment that you choose action over he
sitation propelling you into the future where you not only dream of what you could be but also have the confidence and determination to make it a reality so take that first step today no matter how small embrace the action-oriented mindset and watch as the cycle of action and confidence unfolds leading you towards a life of purpose passion an unparalleled achievement I hope you all enjoyed the show and I wanted to thank everyone who wrote in this week and especially those who tuned in to today's
episode you're about to hear a preview of The Passion struck podcast interview I did with Jason Redmond who's a retired Navy SEAL and repeat New York Times best-selling author of The book's Trident and overcome Jason uses his 21-year Navy SEAL career to relate the mindset that Navy Seals have used for decades to lead and build Elite teams and deal with the highest levels of adversity and how these skills can be utilized in your life and your business what I've come to find is that the most elit
e perform perers they're always taking small incremental steps to be better so I like using running as an example if you're running 8 Minute miles and you want to get to a 7-minute mile you're not going to say if I've been running consistent 8 Minute miles I'm not going to go out and run a 7-minute mile tomorrow instead maybe it's hey over the next 3 months I'm going to cut 15 seconds off my mile time to get to 7:45 so we lay out a plan maybe it's a six week plan whatever it is we're we're drawi
ng this down while we're doing it we're getting up into the zone of discomfort but after a while now that becomes the new comfort zone your new comfort zone becomes 745 and now we push it just a little further so that's how I do it and that's worked for me in my life and I think that's how you manage that fear that anxiety that change remember that we Rise by lifting others so share the show with those that you love and if you found today's episode on an action oriented mindset useful and defini
tely share it with somebody who can use the advice that I gave on today's program in the meantime do your best to apply what you hear on the show so that you can live what you listen until next time go out there and become passion Str





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