
Soil Ecology from the microbe’s eye view – Edith Hammer

Abstract: Soil is arguably the most complicated biomaterial on the planet. It is the largest terrestrial carbon sink, and the most species rich habitat on earth. Microorganisms driving biogeochemical cycles live and interact in the soil’s intricate pore space labyrinth, but they difficult to study in realistic settings because of its opaqueness. We recently developed microfluidic model systems that simulate the spatial microstructure of soil microbial habitats in a transparent material, which we call Soil Chips. They allow us to study the impact of soil physical microstructures on microbes, microbial behavior and realistic microbial interactions, live and at the scale of their cells. Using microbial model strains, we could show the partly opposing influence of the pore space geometry on the growth and degradation activity of the two microbial groups bacteria and fungi in synthetic communities. Different fungi, including litter decomposers and mycorrhizal, showed contrasting space exploring strategies when studied at their hyphal level. Inoculating the chips with soil brings a large proportion of the natural microbial community into our chips to study natural communities including their complex food webs, and self-organizing interactions with soil minerals in early aggregation processes. Chemical imaging of microbe-mineral interactions at nanoscale at synchrotrons reveal aggregate development and microbial gluing agents. The soil chips enable us to study the influence of trophic interactions such as the presence of predators on bacterial and fungal nutrient cycling, and various predation strategies of protists otherwise difficult to culture. Beyond the scientific potential, the chips can also bring soils closer to people aiming to make more to appreciate their beauty and increase engagement in soil health conservation. Biography: Edith is a Senior Lecturer/Assoc Professor in Soil Microbial Ecology at Lund University. Her research focusses on microbial processes that drive the nutrient cycles in soils and are the base for healthy soil functions, such as its enormous carbon storage. She has developed so-called soil chips, microfluidic micromodels that mimic soil pore space structure to study organisms and processes embedded in their spatial settings. Those enable the study of microbial processes and interactions at cellular scale, including organic matter degradation and physical occlusion, trophic networks and microbial behavior. With a strong background in fungal and mycorrhizal ecology, she has recently been broadening her projects to complex communities also including the often-overlooked protist. With help of imaging from the soil chips she also wishes to increase awareness of the fragile ecosystem with its intricate biodiversity. She leads the branch for climate and C-cycle science of the Swedish strategic research environment BECC, the Section Soil Biology at the European Geosciences Union and a recent initiative for soil microbe outreach (“soilwatching”). The Biodiversity Network is interested in promoting a wide variety of views and opinions on nature recovery from researchers and practitioners. The views, opinions and positions expressed within this lecture are those of the author alone, they do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Biodiversity Network, or its researchers.

Oxford Biodiversity Network

4 days ago

so I think we're going to make a start everyone  so I have the pleasure today of introducing Edith Hammer uh who is is currently a senior Le lecturer  and AP at lund University in microbial ecology she's a pi at the biodiversity in ecosystem  services and a changing climate lab and I'm very excited to introduce this talk because I've  been following Edith for for quite a number of years and seen some of this work beforehand  elsewhere and it's absolutely fascinating and had everybody on the edge
of their seats so  I'm really excited to be able to introduce her today to talk to everybody um Edith has a  special interest in the effects of microscale soil structure on N nutrient cycling and carbon  Dynamics and on the microrisal symbiosis and her group has been using the uh microfluidic chip  systems to simulate the environmental conditions and symbolic and symbiotic interactions found  in soils allowing for video capture of microbial decision-making and behaviors oh I don't know  if the
mic's on see I got a comment from on live um just before we jump into uh Edith's talk  I just wanted to give a little plug to some of the other talks that we have upcoming in the nature  seminar Series so on Tuesday um we have Anna karolina coming to talk about Amazon flux where  uh she'll be talking about her work disentangling biodiversity ecosystem function relationships  through energy flux perspectives and on Friday next week we'll have uh Jerome Lewis who will  be talking about building co
llaborations with indigenous and local communities using extreme  citizen science so please please do come along to those to and uh I would love to Now bring up  Edith to give her a fantastic talk thank you thank Thanks it's a pleasure to to be here it's my  first time in Oxford and I'm really Blown Away by the city it's amazing and I also like  we were just in the park talking about how important it is to have Nature close by and I  I wonder like when was last time you have been digging into th
e soil with your hands maybe  even like when have you kep your hand dirty is that something you that's great because  I mean like then you probably agree with me and uh it's I think it's the most fashion  ecosystem we have on Earth it's um there's you probably have heard that there's more organisms  on a spoon of soil than there there's humans on Earth and it's the species densest habitat  on Earth and there's also more than twice the amount of carbon in the soil compared to all  the living biom
ass and the atmosphere together so there's a lot of superlatives and um what makes  this ecosystem so so um special like how how do we get this huge accumulation of carbon there for  example if we compare a water ecosystem to a soil ecosystem um there is also free Carbon in what  ecosystems um but so much less it's like three orders of magnitudes less carbon compounds in  what ecosystems than there is in soil but like here nanomolar and micromolar but um in addition  to the huge differences in t
he carbon accumulation we also have way more organisms in the soil that  are super hungry they want to eat that carbon they are hungry organisms in the water system  as well but they are much better at taking um what is there and if we but but the soil uh  microbes are seriously hungry if we add some very easily available carbon from the outside to  the system it goes like and it's being respired within a few hours only it takes much longer if  if it's diluted in the water body and to my mind th
e reason for this big difference and for this  huge accumulation of carbon and of species well is this the micro structure that we have in the  soil this is um flight generator through a soil aggregate um uh constructed by John Crawford  um based on a micro c um measurement of a soil Aggregate and there you can imagine what your  life as a microb might be if you have to find your food in this Labyrinth and also try to  not become food yourself at the same time and I have been interested in physi
cal soil carbon  stabilization for a long time so the part of how can um Can things hide in the soil ecosystem  can organic matter be specially hidden from the composers and what what is spatial availability  for microbes to start with so it's a little bit like this pcman game from the 80s but very often  when we study soil Lucas systems that's what we do with them we completely destroy the stru  there has a lot of good reasons I mean like if we want to have a more homogeneous data set  and for
a lot of questions it's maybe not so important but we miss a very important very very  intrinsic characteristic of a soil if we destroy the structure each time we we do experiments  and that's why we have been developing these soil chips those are transpar transparent um micr  labyrinths that we can integrate into the soil we can either put them right down into the soil or  take soil into the lab and then have this like a cyborg uh system where we have a technical easily  U microscop um window t
o the soil um that's the way we construct them we start with designing uh  a spatial design for a certain research question and um then draw this in aat um transfer this to  a photo mask and produce kind of a stamp um that we pour a polymer over that is breathable um it's  good culturing conditions and so on and takes all these micro structures uh down to nanometer  scale can this material take and then we can study things under the write this was us in the  in the um in the clean room when we p
roduce the Masters and then we can study uh ecosystems  um with uh soil ecosystems with these either by having um cultur strains and uh small model  communities or having the whole soil um put as an inoculum we have been working with them a  lot um as static systems really as labyrinths for quite some years but we also getting into  flow those recently and we think that these micro models represent at least some parts of the  soil microhabitat quite well because we have these um very small struc
tures that um represent uh  the word at the microbes experience much better than if we have them on a plate or in a in a  tube um the word at the microscale is quite unint unintensive um to to what we know from  our everyday experience we have um very much higher uh impact of surface tension on capillary  forces um flows that we experience usually is turbulent but Flows at microbes um experience  is laminer and uh for them going through water is like for us maybe going through honey um uh  and a
water bubble oops I wanted to run this video can be completely impossible for bacteria  to to go past even though if it's only a small small water bubble a bacterium will never  be able to pierce through the meniscus of the water surface even though there's  a fungus that very happily just grows through um and we think that these Microsystems  can be quite a handy tool for soil ecology because we can simulate a lot of factors that  otherwise have been difficult to do simulating physical heterog
enity but even chemical um we  can get a lot of different microbes in there to study interactions uh we can also get roots  in there to study um plant microb interactions and there's this uh approach of culturing the  unculturable uh where we have a system um that allows for flow of metabolites but having still  spatial separation so that things don't grow dominant too easily so that you can culture up  to like 50% of the soil microbes suddenly which otherwise is more like 2% or so um but back 
to the first question we tried to answer what is spatial availability for microorganisms we  started with um designing uh a labyrinth chip which was kind of five experiments in one where  we wanted to test different special patterns and how fungi react to this um so we had um  angles uh with um pore spaces that opened up and so on and we have been inoculating them  with one two handful of different um fungal species and uh I guess few of you are myologist  um so I'm giving you a little bit of he
lp of um remembering what species we have we had quite  some different um uh Forin strategies in them we have these U coprinellus that is a little bit  like a maritan runner very very very many highi um very fast growing far growing and then we  had this little funny guy SBE that was growing very giggly and didn't really seem to have a  plan often then we had the our zombie fungus uh that was going with a super um dense front  and like plowing down even parts of our chip and destroying them real
ly really strong H and  then we had this one snaky one that uh like to to grow uh and um get stuck in corners and do the  snake um snake structures once in a while and they have quite different um strategies to explore  space here our zombie goes with all fource and and almost grows like the water flows um at the  scale While others are um exploring much sparer also um it's good to know that there's no re W  and there they're just growing in air so they're just really exploring um where they may
be can  find something here and if they are offered with a little bit more space after long time of  constriction we wanted to see do they take that space do they branch in these spaces um and we  found a couple of species that did and a couple of species that don't like pretty consistently  at that scale this is like 150 microns here and then we thought there was some previous work um  saying that um highi want to have an obstacle to induce branching does that happen then if there's  a PO and t
here's a little sand grain to come do then they explore the space if um if they are  forced to take a decision and then Branch it was a bit the same like those species that always  Branch they Branch also happily when they hit the obstacle those that usually don't Branch they  rarely Branch even though there's an obstacle um and we wanted to know what are difficult  structures for fungi like where in the soil pore space could be um could be areas that are  very difficult for them to access and w
e have been looking yeah could be that um funy like to  go radial and straight maybe they don't like to go through uh sharp angles so have been setting  up um channels of different angles and that was true for most species most species don't like  to uh to continue in channels that uh have um acute angles except for the snaky one it loved it  and it grew much much further in uh in the very windy roads than the other even not even didn't  care but it preferred them so it was funny to see and this
is how it looks like in a time lapse  so it's totally okay with these 90° which are in the direction of the growth but but already if  you just turn the 90 degrees that they sometimes uh are 90 degrees towards the growth Direction  and it's very difficult for a lot of species already so it really gets stuck there and kind  of clogs this whole Channel until in the very last part of that weekend when we took that  time lapse it found a way to continue and we have also been putting a micro fungi i
nto these  um chips which was uh quite complicated because of all the plant part that you also need to  have but we managed in the end and um they have a very distinct um way of space exploration  and um I mean they have their carbon Supply from the plants so they are not carbon Limited in  systems um and we thought that they maybe are even more prone to go and Scout around because  they maybe have the opportunity better to go and look into spaces that are less attractive  for separate troughs t
hat always need to find uh energy um resources as well um we found that  also these angly roads were not very preferred by um the ab vascular microle fungi but it was  very funny because in these H you can really see the decision like it tested it for a couple of  micrometers and then saw no there's nothing for me to get here and it's uh getting uncomfortable  then it takes all its movable biomass all the cytoplasm back and translocates it somewhere  else so here we have a intact highi and here
we have a retracted part and it does that very  very frequently here's a bit more complex um part and you can see the cytoplasm streaming  but you can also at the same time now let me see if I get this wrong we have here detour  that is cut off wasn't deemed necessarily here a here is a no I do like this here's a corner U there was nothing to get so  those parts are abandoned again also if you remember uh the other fungi  exploring or not exploring um um open spaces and that were pretty much pro
grammed by um  by their species identity of what they wanted to do that's very different like um there's a  strong responsiveness in this avascular microle fungi that reacts very strongly to obstacles and  was like branching every almost every time when there was an obstacle coming in its way and  the funny thing I don't know if anybody has ever worked here with cultures of of a vascular  microa maybe you because I was super amazed to to see that they're doing this they are producing  spores in
our chips and uh usually they are these beautiful balloon round balls when you siiv the  soil that you can use for speci identification as well but they form them in this Labyrinth space as  well and they take the shapes of of the the space that they have um making me realize like in my  master seases long time ago I have been counting spores uh for estimating inoculums we probably  rarely get them out and um uh and this is also probably the reason for that uh people see that a  vascular microa
really change um soil properties for example the water huling capacity because  they change the horse base distribution quite a lotten um then we wanted to go the next step  further and uh not only look where can microbes get and go but also what is happening with  organic matter in different spaces so so um for the next series of experiments we have  been adding fluorescent organic compounds into the system to see where and how fast and to  what extent organic matter is being used and degraded
um and um we have been doing this in  a in a neat model system using one fluorescent bacterium one fluorescent fungus and then a  florescent substrate as well we started with a chip that um had some more variations  of uh angled roads and our hypothesis was a easy path for organism microorganisms is  something that they like to find their food but if the road gets more windy they uh get  a little bit angry and if it gets even worse they get really angry and think this is uh  too much effort so o
ur hypothesis was the straighter and easier the access to food uh um  the more easily and the stronger it will be used um and uh we hypothesized um that would be this  the case for fungi because we just uh found these things in other experiments uh we were not so sure  how we would find this with the bacteria because we thought they can go everywhere there's a water  connection so they can't really go everywhere but we also strongly found less biomass less less  bacteria and also less um organic
metad degraded in systems where we only had bacteria and we  think it's a little bit because they're like vacuum cleaner robots they uh go back and forth  and if they are in a windy road they probably use more energy and resources to go into the wrong  direction to um to exploit things um probably so we have a decreasing biomass uh with increasing  spatial complexity and also a decreasing uh substrate usage organic matter um degradation at  least when fungi are there as well but then a soil agg
regate is rarely having super long windy roads  only but it's more like a labyrint and the next experiment we did was uh designing a space filling  fractal landscape where we have um more or less connectivity of our paths so we were using the  hbit curve uh in simple versions of the Hilbert curve we have um roads that are connected like New  York City maybe um uh squares going everywhere and then we have something that's maybe more like old  Oxford where a lot of dead end streets uh and and uh s
mall um alleys that uh that are not connected  and again our hypothesis would be that in a connected um system we have a higher availability  um both spatial access and uh and um uh energy um input to to get to these resources um than in a  very highly intricate Labyrinth system and that was straightforward for the fungi um the more  dead end streets we have in the system the more difficult it is for a fungus to go through they do  after a while but it takes them quite a long time so the system
is being explored M at a much slower  space uh pace and here's a little time lapse again of fungi entering and then we found  something that we were not expecting I was quite amazed I'm not a um a person having  worked super much with bacteria and then suddenly we got these swarm uh pack hunting  um systems here in the system and then also especially in the more intricate labyrinths and  that was already hinting at something that we did not expect to start with because if we look  at the bacteri
al biomass it increases in the uh more complicated labyrinths in the more dead end  labin and the organic metal usage increases very strongly there uh there was a surprise to to  me being not the bacterial physiologist but it probably has to do with um the onset of quum  sensing and enzymes not diffusing so easily so that um the organic metad degradation can  be done in a much more efficient way probably so there's more work to to do in this in  this story we have been looking into the higher sp
atial details because we have these  labyrinths um as a whole um we have a higher degradation activity when there's a complicated  Labyrinth but how is it if we look into the very deep parts of this Labyrinth um depending on  how far uh an a space here is from the entry and then we saw um that um biomass fungal biomass  steep steeply declines but um bacteria biomass until the very deep Parts first increases but  then decreases and the same with Organic metad degradation so we have a strong enhan
cement in the  complicated labyrinths but not deep inside them so there um the hypothesis uh of organic matter  maybe being physically occluded uh again can hold um next things we're doing but that's all  very recent is to look at resources which are not spatially homogeneous but patchily located so  we have started to build little nutrient patches that we want to play with and um also instead  of only looking at um fluorescent reporters and so on we also look at more detailed  chemical changes
uh with especially with Ramen spectroscopy which we can do through  the chips inside at the micrometer scale as well um but when have been doing quite some work  now with real soil chips where we use real soil as an inoculum um and we either can take this in  um and and inoculate or incubate them in soil for for weeks or months depending on what we want  to do or we take soil into the lab and then we can also do to um time lapses on the microbial  community that comes into those chips you see uh
a gift of uh a bit more than a month of  EX experiment where there was also it was a Airfield system to start with um after a while  fungi come in and they drag water with them and then the whole other microbal community follows  and you have a very high turnover of the highi as well and working with soil we realize yeah we  have this um Pacman allery but it's probably more like this does anybody of you know that  board game yeah uh for for you that don't it's um every time it's your turn you t
ake um  this one of the cards and you push um a row of this Labyrinth so it changes each time so there  are new um paths emerging emerging and also new Dead ends um starting uh and you can annoy your  uh your play partners by um putting things into their way and that is probably what's happening  all the time in the soil for space as well here is um a shot of a chip that was drying a  little little bit um we had it um out in the air for a while and then water is being  dragged out from the chip
and at this scale it's really like a tsunami and this is only  a few uh nanoliters of water moving but if you are in these small pores this is having  a really big effect and we have been trying to qu ify this a little bit as well by particle  tracking and can speed this up a little bit and I I just uh told you that I also studied a bit  of geography uh a long time ago and I love um space spatial things and isn't this a beautiful  um uh flood EST opening up uh at the micrometer scale there we ha
ve areas that are super high  velocities and if you a microb there you you better hold on um if you are just 50 microns  away from there there probably nothing happens for quite a long time but maybe you also don't  get so much resources to your spot so there's always this trade-off but it's a very strongly het  heterogeneous um landscape that the microbes are facing and um I also have been realizing more and  more that decomposers are not only deconstructing things but they also constru workers
they really  shape their environment um glue things together build things build their word and they um are  very um important for for the structure that we have in the soil that are their word but  they have been uh contributing creating it a lot as well right uh not not only by gluing but  also by pushing uh new past this was our zombie um fungus that has been really destroying our  chips here on each of those Corners where it should turn it didn't want to um and um I  was asked by yep to brie
fly talk a little bit also about um synchrotron work and he's  not here unfortunately but I now talk about this anyway and we have been looking at these  gluing activities of fungi um as well uh at the high scale again so we have been taking different  fungi with different minerals uh and grow in them this time on plates not in chips um on optical  Windows like this even with a vascular microle fungi um to then study them um under the sticks  and beam line uh at some different synchrotrons looki
ng at the um chemistry of the exodites that  emerge when different fungi get in contact with different minerals and how uh the interactions  between the cell and the mineral then is so we can see that um fungal exodites um touch uh  easily a mineral that they come across and they even like float and flip across those exodites  uh and start to cover um cover the surfaces also on the other side of of the fungi um and in  some of the cases some Ecto micro isal fungi even uh induce um reduction of o
f the minerals  so we have a iron 3 to iron 2 reduction which probably is super important for their way of um  accessing organic matter via um radical producing um so that um there is this gluing  effect but there Al can also be more chemical alterations um um induced  quite strongly then by by a single high and uh we also have been recently looking at  um how a bit larger scale Aggregates are built up um by labeling batches of um completely  deaggregated soil with Rare Earth elements um so we c
ould uh for example label a batch  with straw with one Rare Earth element and a batch with maze very different carbon nitrogen  ratios um oops um which are benefiting more the fungal decomposition Channel or more the  bacterial decomposition Channel and see then when we mix them how newly formed Aggregates  are being um being uh constructed and we see for example large areas of the maze Bri  batches still coherent uh while the straw batch has been intermingling more and and  being distributed to
much smaller chunks uh in in a newly formed aggregate so um or  the organic matter but also the microbes are playing a very important role in cre creating  the structure um of the environment they live in um something that I think is important an  important advantage of using those microchips in soil ecology experiment is that we can  combine the very high controllability that we can do in lab studies with relevant ecosystem  comp lexity and uh we have for example been studying ecotoxicology qu
estions by uh looking at  how microbes react um to nanoplastics um with soil inocular um well we can look at whole microbic  communities um and how they're affected by a pollutant in this case um Plastics and we could  see that uh bacteria for example grow much worse when uh when they are swimming in a soup of  of plastics and the same was happening with fungi uh but only for a while um we realized  that some fungal Hy the first coming into an area that is polluted are actually attracting  those
plastic particles and they are getting stuck on on the hyi threads um so the green  here is the plastic the red is the fungus and the first hiy have been cleaning up uh the  whole environment there that was quite amazing to see we have been testing this under very  many different conditions and also with uh other species and with um soil uh in ocula  and that was quite consistent was uh funny the Swedish media took this up as the fungal  vacuum cleaners uh that are um our hope now for solving t
he plastic problem I don't know  if uh if I would go so far but it was very interesting to see that this um was happening  that um the plastic particles are adhering so strongly um we also have a couple of exciting  Master students um working with uh different ecosystems one um with uh biooss from Greenland um  where we have with climate change um more time of the year where there is no snow cover and then  we get much um uh Stronger free star Cycles in these ecosystem so we have been simulating
uh what  happens if uh we mess around with free star Cycles um of these um uh of these biocrusts and the first  thing that I before doing this didn't realize well is that freezing is such a physical disturbance  as well um we are freezing here live under the microscope and you see now there is like a lot  of water movement first and here's the ice front coming and it's pushing the organisms the Hy all  the minerals around sorting it quite neatly and um such a incoming ice front can like kill 50
%  of the organisms very easily and we have been sometimes chasing some protees and some didn't  survive when these very sharp ice fronts are coming in um and then we have been looking in to  how organisms interact again here with space and we found if we do this freezing thawing often uh  then there then we have a much higher colonization of the labyrinth spaces than the Open Spaces  and this is probably because there you have much more refugia left because the ice front is  coming and pushing
also all the all the dissolved salts they accumulate stronger and um lower the  freezing point so you have water pockets in the dead end um parts that you can also then very see  in these areas so there's like at minus8 there is a lot of areas in the so that is not frozen yet  where um the organisms and happily can continue living uh while in the open areas uh there's  a higher risk um of of dying them apparently and another master this is uh was by Eric um  actually out in the field in Kenya an
d that was also amazing that we could get off a uh handhold  mini microscope that was doing well enough work to to do um studies right in the field in Africa  so that was also really nice he was looking at the effects of biochar uh on so microbial communities  at the cellular scale now here again and in order to um to work with real soil inocula we  have been looking into uh deep learning image recognition because we again of course want  to estimate biomass and cell numbers and so on so we star
ted with um um segmenting bacteria and um  this is working quite well um so far so we can count bacteria but not only count but also then  at the same time get their spatial distribution their size and morphology and that is something  which is probably very nice complement to a lot of uh DNA studies where you don't get all of  these informations so doing both at the same time is something that we're planning to do  in our future experiments now uh so we can measure the organisms and the biodive
rsity  and we also want to study the biodiversity much more we have been starting with pilots and  we're going to do um the summer a lot of field work um uh looking at a lot of different land  use types and this was um the pilot where we were taking some samples from Arab field and the  adjacent Cow Meadow and the communities look like this you can you guess what was the cow Meadow  and what was the plow field that was in the winter though but probably you can guess or so  that was quite strikin
g to see that difference there are organisms but they are so wet way less  so high abundance in the meadow compared to the plow field like 100 times or 50 times more  um protest abundance similar and then also the protest richness uh also very very strong  difference um and that then gets us of course also to a lot of thoughts like what can we  do to increase soil microbal diversity soil Health um I've been just discussing with  Jed as well like should we and can we rewi soils is that something
like I'm not at all an  expert in this field at all but that's maybe something very interesting to discuss with  you here today I mean very important things of course preserve the structure like don't  destroy the structure and do as much as you can to to rebuild soil structure because  that's the of this microbial diversity um also vegetate as much as you can and like  sometimes the municipality was asking like what can we do in Lun municipality to increase  our carbon storage and so on there's
a lot of things that they can do but like a very simple  thing is like don't mow the the grass in the park so much that's very easy thing because like  uh the you probably notice the the length of of the leaves is very um strongly correlated to  the root um development as well and of course all the carbon also then going to the rest  of the the soil Community feeding the soil by vegetating but also like by adding organic  matter if it's needed if you take away organic matter in agriculture for
example and um of  course that's uh super important to have the healthy ecosystems uh because they will also be  the base for our own health in the end you know probably the one health concept but in agriculture  it's probably difficult to get a really amazingly healthy soil ecosystem because that's what we want  to have in the end like something like this that is full of highi and full of different organisms  there's a little silia there's like hundreds of bacteria just in this uh image here we
need to  have a strong um good plant biodiversity and um perennials so there are big challenges um for  agriculture to to be sustainable for their soil ecosystems um and I think I've been realizing  more and more the last years that I'm actually maybe in the wrong business because I'm a  natural scientist but I think all these big issues these big Frontiers for sustainability  they and the social sciences uh because it all come comes down to what we decide to do and not to  do and so on and uh
that's why I think it's very important for me personally now also to spread  the word of how amazing and how exciting and how special soils are like all these creatures  that there are that we don't know anything about uh that we have hardly studied and like no  lay person knows what's going on under our field and uh kids love Pokémon yes that's great but  we can maybe make more realistic Pokémons for them as well so that they learn something uh  useable at the same time as well and we just rece
ntly started a little YouTube channel where  we compile uh a lot of the videos that we take and we explain what's happening and uh hopefully  very soon there will be more this what so far is one video up but more to come hopefully and with  this I want to conclude and thank you so much for listening so I just wanted to say thank you so much for  such an incredible talk and every time I see those videos it's just blows me away completely  uh for the work you've been doing and and the the work you
're furthering um I'll take this  opportunity now to ask some questions or if there are any questions in the room um for  Edis and uh we'll also probably take some from online as well sorry well I I said  I told myself I wouldn't butt in because I'm no longer active in the field but I'm just  blown away of course do you think it's possible that you you know we have a gut microbiome  that everybody's begun to be very aware of and we're eating flax seeds and blueberries and  so on um do you think
there's a soil microbiome that has evolved to create the right sort of  spaces and to build its own architecture I'm pretty sure that there's super much feedback  going on all the time yeah I mean they have been involved the microbes have been evolving in  different soil parent materials and um adapting uh and and creating their own word that they  are um home in they have been building their home and they have been involving in this  I'm pretty sure and I also like very much the comparison we'r
e getting more and more aware  of uh all the beneficial and important microbes that inhabit us and I sometimes say like I don't  want to have any strange dietary uh um tips or whatever I think I just need to think I need  to feed my microbes when I eat or so we have to think the same with our soil like we need to  feed also because it's a living tissue kind of as well am I poing you this so that people online can  hear um yeah thank you very much does it does it work oh all right all right all r
ight sorry um  I was wondering what happens if you take one of this um uh tiled field and turn it back into a  CO pasture uh how you know do you have any idea how long how long it takes for the diversity to  to come back and and also would it make sense to have soil transplants as you would do with the  gut microba to to inseminate back and the the Lost diversity yeah absolutely I think that's  a a good way to speed up uh regeneration of of a degraded soil is to to have some soil from  NE we hav
e also been just discussing this U an hour ago um the possibility to buy in ocular  for example for micro isal um species uh to put in into a foreign environment is probably  much less efficient than if you take just an inoculum from near buy of a healthy soil and  get a community in oculum um the exact timing of how long it takes uh for for um Community  to reestablish I don't know uh it depends of course Very Much on how degraded the system  was like how degraded the habitat is as well I that'
s also like a long time ago synchrotron uh  story um my very first time I wanted to look at um organic iron in that um in soils iron is  bridging between minerals and organic matter lot is very important for building up structure  um I was trying out some um some techniques and I didn't get any differences in my experiments  with the technique I was trying to measure and I thought okay now I going to uh measure something  that was really extreme where I last year added 20% volume organic matter
into meshback that had  been in the soil there was a Tunisian soil also very degraded half desert soil so that must be  like really strongly affected because it got so much organic matter I still couldn't see this  on the molecular level because um it takes so much more time for a soil to build up that stru  structure to have um the degradation of organic matter turned into U dissolved organic matter  and into exodites and stuff that can create those structure and those um also organic  Min orga
nic metal mineral interactions so that wasn't at all enough with 20% organic  meta for a year in a Tunisian soil to make any difference there so building up uh from  a very degraded habitat can take quite a long time um thank you that was absolutely  mind-blowing uh was just fascinated by seeing that uh completely blown away um I guess  a two-part question the first one is more sort of social is like when you're looking at those uh  videos like as as scientists you get in trouble for like anthro
pomorphizing uh fungi and things  like that but I find it very hard not to sort of look and see oh like traits foraging traits is  sort of personality and stuff so that sort of first question is is uh what are your thoughts on  that how do you deal with it but but the second one more actually looking at those traits so you  have that sort of very direct zombie uh forager and and and the the snake like one um have you  had any conjectures of sort of the types of soil environments where one might
flourish versus  the other and whether you know there's there's any way of relating that to the to the sort of  field environments yeah the the zombie fungus for example um they are all lit decomposers  that we have been comparing there um in that first study to your very first question we we  don't anthropomorph anthropomorphize them in the scientific papers we only for a talk um  and the the zombie one goes for much larger chunks of litter so more like Woody Parts  uh of of small root pieces a
nd so on so it needs to uh be much more like protective of the  resources that it finds uh has to invest a lot of enzymes so it's important for it to have a much  denser melium then some of the others there's a a dang uh decomposer for example that uh is  really opportunist that uh has to deal with longer distances to to their next uh research  patch and so on and is therefore more prone for for uh foraging far instead of dense even if  there's no nutrient reward to any of them in those experien
ce yeah thank you for a truly beautiful  talk um so I work on antibiotic resistance and so I'm fascinated by the ability of some fungi and  soil bacteria to make product antibiotics and I was really intrigued by all the different sort  of space filling strategies that the fungi have that you show but the bacteria you studied  mainly look like they're sort of planktonic and just swarming around but there are some  filamentous bacteria in soil like streptomyces so is there any Prospect of investig
ating how  they behave I guess the structures have to be much smaller because they're just smaller  but yeah I'd like to know about that yeah I also definitely would like to to work uh with  filamentous bacteria we haven't done it yet um uh it would be possible to construct smaller  um smaller spaces that even would challenge them uh and I mean like that's always the thing  like we want to challenge them um but it's also for microscopy if you have spaces that are much  larger than the organisms
and things overlay a lot um which makes it more difficult to to image  them so that would but it would be technically definitely possible um I've been thinking in  like now we are especially constraining size exclusion in our assistance by the um the ceiling  it's only 10 microns high so you get quite large organisms but then they still need to squeeze  in the Z Direction um and it's possible to make like a stair wise um lowering of the ceiling  as well at some point so that would be very nice a
ll thank you thank you for the talk uh so  I'm curious I work a lot with tropical forest uh like across the four tropical continents and  and I was wondering in one of your slides you put kind of like the higher number of of perhaps of  tax that you have for bacteria and fungi at the same time kind of increases if I understood  properly the the composition of organic mat matter uh well I don't biomas was there was  only one species Okay so my question would be would you what kind of relationship
would you  expect like between funga and bacteria for the composition of biomass or or M organic material  material across the tropics um uh in these kind of pristine ecosystems in which for example only  climate changes there is no anthropogenic direct effect and the second is to what extent would  you be able to if we have a lot of soils from many different tropical forests would you be  interested actually using some of it for your analysis as well that you have been showing  absolutely um t
he interactions between funi and bacteria are very different depending on the  the specie identity um they often are competitive in our experiments also usually like as soon as  we put both in both grow on a bit lower level because they share the same resources um when we  have been looking at a soily ular where we have a large variety we see often also so um mutualistic  interactions or at least um bacteria that are very happy to follow um fungi um both because they  probably um get a little bi
t of free meal there but also because of the hydraulic conductivity  um that the the fungi drag water films with them so they can only move across air pockets um via  them but then we have been showing in a study that um the um uh amount of of fungal highy in  a poor space is very strongly predicted for the amount of bacteria we find in there because of  this they only can move and um disperse uh over air pockets when when there is fungi making water  Bridges but not in all cases there was quite
some varation because I think there are quite some  antibiotic producers like in some areas there's High Fe but it's completely bacteria free as  well so there's a lot of different combinations possible I think we're going to take some  questions from online so I'm going to pass to see them just one online question from  Sarah um she's from a climate Action Group that's got a film called six inches of soil but  her question I think you mentioned just relates about the YouTube um uh video that y
ou're doing  and and how can you make this kind of research and presentation more accessible to schools  and children um and is this where some of the changes that we we need to see are going to be  about kind of inspiring the Next Generation to think more about soil and so I I don't if you  could maybe mention uh what the YouTube channel is and and sort of what reactions you've had  from from this kind of work with with younger uh school children and so yeah this is still  very new so not super
much reactions yet um I think like we have like 13 um Preen numerations  yet so not very very early but I totally agree with Sara um that it's super important to um to  get children closer to uh to soil biology um and we just have been ordering more of these uh field  microscopes as well because the one that was with the master student in Kenya we left in Kenya for  them um so that we have something to live be able to look at uh at soil uh communities also then  in the classroom and that's some
thing I want to do uh a little bit on the site in the future as  well brilliant so if we have no more questions I just want to say thank you so so much again for  such a wonderful presentation and uh yeah and there will be a drinks reception in this room  afterwards so please stick around Mill around and have lovely chats and yeah thank you very  much again and we'll see everyone on the next one
