
Space Engineers Modded Server: Co Op w/Red_Munchkin_Gaming

This is it! No longer solo, there is a team! Ok... just another player, this begins the CO OP playthrough with myself and Red_Munchkin_Gaming. I started a little before him, I got attacked by a drop pod and died, but was able to relocate and we have a start! This is an unedited video from my stream where I relearn to play Space Engineers. You can find the mod list here: [work in progress] If you want to tip me, go here: Twitch Channel: #spaceengineers #earth #letsplay #twitch #gamerscircle #survival


4 weeks ago

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right good evening good afternoon good morning and welcome to the stream we got Space E
ngineers with a co-op with red Munch and gaming he'll be on in a couple hours so I'm going to try to get a head start start on him and because he's better than I am at this face it I'm still a noob anyways I'm I'm catching my breath CU I ran all the way from the other side of the house I'm fine I'm okay I'm a little out of shape no I'm really out of shape for being a human let me um let me get my head set set up because I was doing other things I did some errands this morning so I have room for
today let's make sure this works I think it works me um mute that all right cool woo all right let me get something to drink here that hit the spot all right untethering the mouse and um taking that off autopilot [Music] cute all right so Rio launching space engineers and by the way if you want to watch both of us when we're streaming at the same time um there is this link right here oh [Music] jeez so there's that did I not okay here here it comes [Music] there it [Music] is all right so I'm go
ing to go to join game favorites there it is there it was here it is now red won't be be here for another couple of hours I just happened to uh be early per I have something I want to try to do later on after the stream I don't know if I'm going to be able to do it but I want to make sure I allow time for it it's supposed to be on and off raining today and I want to run to the lumber the local lumber yard and pick up some Lumber cuz they're not they're not open on the weekends and Monday it's go
ing to be colder supposed to be 73 degrees today with like intermittent showers so if I can get to the lumber yard get my lumber and get back and let it acclimate in the garage for a couple days H woo anyway so this should be brand spanking new we should have a server wipe so yesterday was about me being connect to the same box and uh sting out things where I had a couple little hiccups but I can deal with it and red even offered to try to uh that we split rented server because this is a free se
rver and it works fine there's no problem with it I used to uh when I did servers um I did it through GTX gaming and low MS and I always found a server on the east coast in Virginia I believe red red is connecting just intermittently because he wants to see if we can drop close to each other you know to be Pals and Chums Co-op all right so no faction right now I'm not going to join that faction I don't know maybe I should all right I'll do it join it and then I want a earth drop [Music] pod resp
awn hey look at there nice all right I see no Lake nearby bummer but I see some snow caps I always like having a uh and my gear should be locked right or autolock they're on autolock all right all right so we got some snow caps over there I didn't see any lakes bummer um that's going to make things rather difficult flying around I mean the snow caps were that's all right red oh I can't seem to chat all right hang on and landing gear lock yeah all right so let let's um let's get some perspective
here oops because if we want to go to the Moon we have to have a high concentration of ice or uh for the hydrogen so unless I can get lucky and find like a lake over here let's go check it out doesn't even have to be a big lake because if you try to do if you try to leave Earth with atmospherics you're going to get stuck in space right because they don't work up in space you need atmosphere for atmospherics to work so what you could do is do a combination of atmospheric and hydrogen but then you
have wasted weight once you get into space unless you're going to use that when you go to Mars and just don't use them on moon or something like that so I'm going to I'm going to go over here if there is a lake within jetpack range I will not respawn how come there's two respawn pods that's mine oh that's uh that's Red's there's red all right see you in a couple hours here red trying to find a lake I'm just going to pop over this hill here which still is 10 km flight so we're going to be lucky
enough to have a a lake right here in the middle of this protected Mountain Area probably not would be nice look at there we got a lake all right so what we're going to do is we're going to go down there and do a GPS so this lake is approximately 16 km away this is going to be a very long Hall and um I think depending upon where resource so the black spots in the ice is where resources are whatever they are what I'm hoping is where this little I see resources is there so we'll probably set up ri
ght here so we're going to do a GPS location right here I'm not even worried about the resources that are here all right so if we land that took up oh over half my bottle so I'm going to have to make another bottle all right that's fine so let's do K GPS new GC Lake spot thought if you're able to make a medical room I'll be able to spawn and join straight away there you go okay I'll see if I can that's going to require silver right probably all right so we got that marked and I'm going to grab s
ome ice so that my survival pod will have some all right red take care see you soon all right that hopefully it'll be enough all right so let's get back so which one is my respawn pod the closer one so if I go here that other one's still showing up did I do did I do it wrong oh I did it wrong that's wrong one it's the wrong one there we are all right all right so we've got some ice so we can get some gas do this the basic platform [Music] get a basic Refinery basic assembler we'll grind down our
U our atmospheric so we can get some storage and then we'll start shuttling back and forth with the basic assembler I'll be able to make another uh what do you call it um bottle the Moon looks so [Music] close you can share the survival kit and drop pod with others to join oh oh okay all right so if if I get my survival kit redeployed I can share it with the faction he can spawn there I got you uh thanks kagar appreciate that and thanks for being yesterday and chiming in with suggestions too I
appreciate that very much all right this is all the gas we got I might have to run a little [Music] bit yep [Music] fuel blow ow all right so we got 7 km we got a what shut up I tried at least I found a [Music] lake [Music] going to take a while so what um 10 minutes maybe seven minutes sorry 7 [Music] minutes yeah didn't quite have the [Music] juice but I I do have yeah I do have some ice on me cuz you only get like I don't know what 400 units of ice or something like that I have a feeling with
all the trips well you can't make those with a um survival kit can you I guess my I guess my my fear my game fear is I start doing a preliminary setup only to find no lake at all and it'll be a like hard struggle because like I said if you want to go to the moon right that's our ultimate goal Moon and then Mars is that you're going to need some ice now you can get it from oh you're right right yeah with the basic assembler right you're right you're right you're right but at least now I know so
I have a I have a an early mid game goal you know oh what's wrong with my left arm I saw a microbiologist today they were much bigger than I [Laughter] expected why why do I run so weird oh is that because I have oh there we go all right all right hang on let me do that [Music] ran into something something [Music] [Music] invisible um it's on a hosted server not local [Music] hosted it it's it's um someone that red knows and we're just going to leave it at that somebody he used to work with year
s ago when it was in it nerd you know the box was recently upgraded OS so it's all up to Snuff if um red red was concerned with some of the connectivity issues so it's yeah it's on the it's on the other side of the so I'm in the US East Coast Red's in the UK and the server he's got like a 17 ping or something like that and I've got 137 so I'm I'm no I'm I'm really not worried about if you remember the days of gaming of like 300 ping so yeah not worried but if we seem to have a lot of more issues
as more stuff gets in the game we might look at renting a server maybe a higher-end uh network connection critical I know it's critical stop interrupting my conversation lady that warns me about my jet fuel voice I don't know so right on the other side of that Hill well at least I'm going to get my steps in yeah so get some stone make a platform get a um what do you call it a turbine get a Refinery grind down the atmospherics for the storage basic assembler and then build up a bunch of stuff an
d start transporting it wonder if hang on a sec so I have an atmospheric Miner the butter ball but that's going to require um a lot of cobalt though so I don't have a little tiny ship that I could use to storage to pack everything up up in because all all engines whether the hydrogen or atmospheric require Cobalt if I'm not mistaken [Music] oh [Music] really that's not what I'm looking for medium cargo so if I type in cargo oh I'll be a son of a [Music] gun I thought it I thought the oh oh small
grid small grid [Music] all right that's the cargo but what about the um at Mo thrusters yeah those require grids though oh God the only part of this game I don't like Rovers because you got to worry about Center of mass unless they took that out of the game because the first time I made a Rover it was not very balanced and it was more struggle to drive than to have fun so just drive slow no I think I think the uh game plan is basic platform basic stuff load up on some H2 bottles and start shut
tling stuff over in fact if I take enough stuff I can just just get a basic Refinery over there a drill and make stuff over there without oh wait I'll still need a and a basic assembler yeah I can do it I can do it this was a huge miscalculation on my part not that I did any math on on this whatsoever I did where oh oh [Music] [Music] jeez nice calming music all right we're almost there fuel critical did not need to hear [Music] that gamer stupid fuel critical yep don't need that [Music] I'm goi
ng to turn off my antenna so they can't find [Music] me for [Music] [Music] while on the test server yesterday red had a a really nice impressive ship he had a lot of artillery there's my ship my pod in the middle of the open vulnerable all [Music] right hello old friend what's up oh that's Survival Kit there we go there we go all right [Music] [Music] really all right that's fine what are the chances right all right um [Music] e don't know why this taking forever oh I got a little bit more pers
onal storage here that's why sweet uh okay make sure I can I'll ask that again CU I always forget and I seem to run into problems with um key combinations and voice meter potato one of the key combinations is somehow disassociating my microphone with my input channel on voice meter Harry has decided to go into acting with his wife Megan Markle he'll be known as the artist formerly known as Prince all right I get it all right so we got ourself nice hole fill up on Stone because that's what we're
going to do all right good start go to our pod all right first of all put that there go here go there get some of those going let's go over here get recharged [Music] yeah I got a nice [Music] hole there we go all right we're all top [Music] St [Music] I was prepared I have a fresh beverage here wait for it there we go [Music] or click on the button between the sides of the inventory arrow [Music] pointing oh I got you oh yeah yeah yeah you're right all right so let's um let's move that there le
t's move that [Music] there huh all right we're just going to do a basic [Music] platform [Music] uh torch the server is on the other side of the pond so I have that up so if I'm having issues if my if the number at the bottom my ping rate goes up then I'll know what's going on let's go get [Music] I don't well I guess I guess it doesn't have to be there it makes me feel a little bit better okay is that okay with you I mean it's either I do either have that do this and then do this and then see
what my ping is or I just have it up [Music] there and also if I'm having problems with um so I have a seven-year-old CPU so as long as the simulation speed is right around 1.0 I'm doing good so all right uh let's go get some more Stone I got a whole [Music] here it helped out yesterday when when it went from the 140 and it went up to 600 for I don't know maybe 20 seconds I just kind of sat there and waited for it to settle down do I have progression on I think so um yes we'll find out in a litt
le bit [Music] if not interior blocks are cheaper to make than armor block I didn't know there was an interior block I thought they were just plates to be used for I didn't know they were their own block I I honestly didn't know that oh how do I get out there it is all right do [Music] that [Music] that [Music] [Music] worked for [Music] whatever [Music] all right nothing in the build planner that's now in the build planner I know for for some reason for me the build planner always gets uh confu
sed sometimes maybe I double click and I don't know [Music] it that's true you play this with your brother nice yeah we're going to um I think we're going to do a little burn in Period then we're going to start uh opening up the floodgates to our uh prospective community members let's go here transfer that production and do that I've always I've always thought that I maybe double click because when I go in it looks like it's trying to produce it more than it should he's not ready for a server al
l right uh so we do this do that okay now if I'm going to do a basic Refinery that steel plates oops pardon pardon [Music] sorry hey Destroyer thanks for the six bits appreciate that very much let's grab those grab those and we're still making those all right let's queue up some of those that [Music] [Music] route hey look at that we got power all right so let's go down here do a basic Refinery I think we're going to put it right um let's put it right [Music] there all right then we're going to
add this to the queue go hey qfs thanks for the raid appreciate that very much what's up spacing things I'm trying trying have to get spaced myself raid all right so we uh we're going to get our basic Refinery going uh-oh no no no no no no no you go away you are [Music] bad what is your favorite waffle kfs thanks for the follow appreciate it um we're just sorting our space station out slowly but surely nice space pirate that would be the Ember uh we have three different factions loaded in here t
hat's one of them you don't get any closer now it's a transport so thank goodness it's got minimal armorment [Music] I know I know I know I know medium cargo check check [Music] check huh all right whatever um well what I'm going to do is I'm going to put a uh this right there which of of course we need steel plates for which I don't have any on me but I think um what works for me G Pargo this uh let's go there we're going to put that [Music] there um we do have some mods listed uh someone was k
ind enough to write me a mod so my spawn options were only drop pods from the moon or Earth but our mods for the server it's missing a couple and we'll get I'll get that all updated though there we go grind a block or more off the Pod yeah oh right right right right right um well see we're going to grind I don't need the engine oh no problem and then we're going to charge [Music] I got to get some Stone oh this just going to ask where my hole was found it I guess it would be POS if if I knew wha
t I was doing I could grind down most of the Pod so I can get steel plates a little bit faster than waiting for the refinement process but I I'll I I'll admit there's certain parts of a grind of a game I don't mind [Music] mind let's um get the assembler laid out so right now we have just the refinery in the queue and it's a lot of Steel [Music] plates they're queued up um um I [Music] guess now I'm building them separately so I don't make a mistake because once I did that before and I I didn't
get all the parts for cargo and I was cut off from the assembler so if I can get the refinery built first then I can start taking my stone there let it process take it out of there put it in the assembler and then get things made for the uh for the cargo I'm not a very efficient player at this game so I do a lot of Overkill redundant non-necessary builds there we go that's what I wanted to say there you [Music] go that help some oh we got a functional look at that all right now do I have any I d
on't all right so hang on let's go in here all right so I would like some of those let's move those to the head of line [Music] [Music] no no I I get it I I do I I get it I get it I do I get it I get it I appreciate [Music] it all right so now let's go get some oh almost fell on the ground let's go get some more [Music] Stone oh no so the reason why I'm not putting them together is once before I did that and I didn't get all the stuff I needed for the cargo and I was cut off from the assembler s
o I had to break it down and so this way build them separately break down the cargo and then put it so it it's kind of like I said I I overbuild over engineer because I'm not a very efficient gamer when it comes to this stuff and you tell those commercials to to pipe down so now that we have the refinery I'm going to use that then take stuff over this survival kit I'm going to make another power source so I don't have to worry about power I remember once I had this an assembler and something els
e and one one turbine wasn't [Music] enough so let's get rid of that and that that back in there oh that's right cuz you could go through the cargo you're right you're right it's more for me to have to think about all right whatever um what are we making we're making stuff all right so let's cancel this for a sec and we want to do that there we go that's what I was looking for and then while that's doing that we'll go down and do some more Stone collecting if you just tap the mouse the welder wi
th the welder it will place components but not weld it all right all right that way it just kind of builds the basic Skeletor frame thing you know you go from survival kit to the basic Refinery you go man this is fast you know good morning Saturn and then of course it's not fast anymore uh charge in yay all right so we got a little bit more power generation here sorry just some tips from playing a lot before no I get it I get it uh okay so now we should have nothing there so let's get the assemb
ler the heck was [Music] that that was weird oh [Music] I'm I'm a little scared oh okay it must have been close enough for me to hear it all right [Music] [Music] d the game sound is real low it is is it let's see here options audio sound all right let me turn up that for you a little bit the the tool noise I have the I have the mods so the tools are a little bit lower now are we making stuff that we're supposed to be making got itchy nose oh I forgot to add the stone oh so close I can sit on th
e seat I didn't think this seat recharged I was wrong of course all right uh let's go digging where's my where's my favorite place there it is hey good morning car toys how the heck are you doing you enjoying pal world I think I think I'll be okay I just bad directions you know oh good good I think I'm not going to go with po world and shrouded looks very interesting to me I think is what it's [Music] called oh look at all the IR I have here that I didn't put over there that makes sense doesn't
[Music] it all right I keep forgetting to copy this the bring the you know plain and shrouded now pretty fun building mechanics cool yeah Alex is was even uh slightly uh interested in that too all right so while we're waiting let's go do some more digging so red munchkin will be here in about an hour we'll get uh the old communica communic thing going and um when he joins you guys will be able to use that link oh I'm lost there it is is I'm I'm okay who fine it's fine so close all right let's go
do some more digging because that's fun by the way I've already located a lake it's marked so we're just going to get a a very basic platform up and then we're going to start relocating all right guess I can't here okay oh jeez game paused I didn't pause the game oh I got a connection problem not dropping frames okay we're back uh okay so go over here drop off that maybe having a little connectivity issue here oh jeez okay all right go back and um put that there a little bit oh come on I need t
wo more there we go all right now we need the computers no computers let's go do some more digging whoa that was [Music] magic [Music] [Music] h oh we got a basic assembler all right let's go over here let's grab all the goods give me that whatever all right all right uh okay yeah you're right [Music] [Music] for [Music] yay storage there we go now we're cooking with Crisco or something um now I want to get a oxygen generator there should be okay that that works then let's oh jeez there we go sw
eet there we go um then I'm going to grind down the survival kit G oh I don't know what I just did really oh okay don't forget to make spare oh right right right I'm getting there uh and then kit and let's do that there oh jeez now if I go here I'm going to call survival kit GC share with faction [Music] excellent that works sorry I'm okay all right now that we got some cargo over here let's um get r that stuff so we're held up on production because we don't have any um right okay right into the
depths of the bows of the digging stuff I'm going very sparkly down here [Music] need now just just to make sure grab a battery which requires steel plates there that I was missing that tab there we go let's um let's get let's get let's get this thing going now I like to see stats oh jeez that worked but we're going to get the generator going first oh so close more Stone I'm getting hungry I had breakfast about hour ago time for a snack now I already told Alex I did this I had to go to w no no
no no no no no oh I where's my uh Not Cool Jerk where's my seat all right so I got the gun and ammo and need to uh G no G what am I doing wrong player tools weapons put that there where they at where they at I see you oh there's a couple of them low Health oh I'm going to die critical oh that's not good I don't have any more ammo switching to grinder they're helping me deconstruct where are they I can't see them oh there they are they're flying come on come on get on the ground low Heth they don
't grind down oh well health critical no no no no no where's my um that's not cool I I have a um a kit all right well I'm close to my other one I lost a spawn point but I had a survival kit though uh so I'm not too far it got poofed but it was on I was recharging from it they destroyed it oh jerks all right I got nothing oh hey whoa whoa whoa okay my mistake I shouldn't have jumped out oh I'm going to get sick um where's the chair oh don't tip over [Music] a this is great how come I don't have a
ny tools that's odd yeah I don't I don't okay I lag out I'm lagged out [Music] dude where's my other [Music] they they're by by default on this one anyways they did Mother all right I never got that attacked I never got attacked that early that attacked early so you can't grind those dudes down huh that's a bummer thank you oh my goodness gracious [Music] after a week or two I would let the nasty NPC mods I would let them in oh I got you I mean it's three little robots the thing is is it's pitch
black I can't even see them I think what I did on my game is I didn't have any sun rotation it was always sunny m well I I do have a hole there [Music] already they're flying around shooting stuff can't get okay there's one guy shooting there all right where's my hole at where's my pod come on dude all right he's dead that guy's down low auto aim engaged shut up oh [Music] uh this I'm not going to have any more ammo or [Music] anything [Music] dude I'm at a loss [Music] here hey [Music] you wer
e at a loss last night I'm sorry well I um I got a bad start here actually I had a good start I got drop pods and they're attacking me so I'm going to land I'm going to try to get back to my original location so if you destroy your drop it destroys you somewhere else if you grind down your survival kit and the drop pod you have no place to respawn so if you respawn you'll get a new drop pod now I want to go back over [Music] there okay why are the gear hang [Music] on they're autolock [Music] se
e why aren't they not locking landing gear [Music] lock they didn't lock oh this is come on lock [Music] yeah but the gears are set to lock so they should have locked dude I can hear him trying to lock too all right well I need the dude embarrassing me in front of the wizard does it really and I'm I'm lagged so I I can't oh this is frustrating [Music] sh [Music] fuel low fuel [Music] critical [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] I don't know why my mic gets unassociate
d sometimes sorry about that [Music] I need to um I need to check in with the voice meter folks and see what would be doing that never happened before until just I'm going to say within the last five or six days all right the thing is it was so dark I couldn't see the robots all right after a while they do despawn unless they're still sitting there shooting at my stuff so red will be here in about 30 minutes if I can get my survival kit fixed he can respawn and we can build sorry sir I got scare
d by space meanies and tripped over the virtual audio cable all right let's see if I get start getting shoot at shot at here shoot it shot at uh hopefully they didn't break the assembler oh my respawn pod is gone uhoh this could be bad all right okay oh the refiner is broken okay we need five computer comp can I get to the assembler uh I just uhoh all right where's the survival kit fuel critical that's offline because it's not got a grid under it oh we don't have any power generation oh not good
um uh okay so how are we going to do this we have a Refinery a functional Refinery don't we we do no we don't because we have no [Music] power um let's grind this down and can I repair this okay that's fine okay that's repaired we just don't any power so um I need to do that need interior plates don't have any interior plates that doesn't have any interior plates I need interior plates nothing has interior plates I need one interior plate reiky all right needed some advice cargo has it in plate
s I have plates in my cargo oh oh oh there we go nice all right uh all right so let's get a there we go thank you so all we have to do is um we going to break this down [Music] need girders oh [Music] [Music] jeez [Music] G so I have to make my survival kit uh let's [Music] get dude come on why can't I oh I'm not having a good day grab my the respawn pod that's 2 km away I don't think it's really [Music] there so hang on let me [Music] um [Music] so I don't have any fuel um I can't make anything
because I have no power I need to get girders it's all I need no I don't see my body so now wait a minute hang on wait wait wait I have an idea if um if I grind down this survival kit leave all the stuff here or leave it on my body and respawn I should go to one of my respawn pods [Music] right all right it oh it doesn't have power okay well I didn't know that fuel critical all right so it's a track for sure however if you can write it throw a gyro and no I don't want it I I that that will take
me hours newb at game would rather do this then I'm at I'm at this guy uh and I need gter [Music] right that at least um I can't do girds in a survival kit or can't I can I can't I can't I can't all right so I mean it sounds easy enough but no no no no I think my best bet is to quickly make some girders so I can get that thing up and running all 2.0 there you go all right 15 minutes thank you trying to get stone as fast as possible this pole is not cooperating on game there we go [Music] it's i
s [Music] all right where is that Lake spot where's my other guy at huh oh it's right there wow we what what a start [Music] of course it's always the last one I want to do [Music] [Music] whatever [Music] [Music] didn't make enough GS oh my God how many gs do I need I need what uh [Music] 13 I thought I needed like eight oh well [Music] and then I need What's um hang on computers all right so I think I already got the compu [Music] [Music] right I got [Music] computers [Music] all right hopeful
ly we can get this uh turbine online so this is a pretty rough start for me I mean the location was fine we found a lake that was nice not too far away and uh but yeah I've never had a drop pod show up so early so that was a bummer and uh that one rolling drop pod where the landing gear would not lock I've never come across that before what do we have here oh Cobalt well uh all right Hang on we're going to there we go that was lucky uh probably should have you're right all right so there we go f
inally okay so we got power generation charged up here okay let's get um really I don't have any steel I have oh is there stuff in the [Music] [Music] way come on let go for why is the refinery firing up I'm confused I guess all right so if I turn this off no it doesn't need a battery all right fine can I have any more problems please all right let's do this resources down here here all right yeah it does probably me see if I can't take care of that these are these are things of the game that I'
m not good at knowing you know that stuff oh jeez that was it for [Music] well that was a moment of hysteric um try this one more time [Music] all right so should have a hole around here somewhere it is I don't know what's going on jeez all of a [Music] sudden all right I'm good I'm good all right so let's try to get that cargo up and [Music] uh what are we going to need here um for is really why why didn't you make enough okay I did some all right all right uh thing is we don't have any ice do
we nope so I can't fill that which is almost empty another dilemma and the lake is 18 km away uh probably you're right yeah all right here we go [Music] [Music] took too long for that uh jetpack to get refilled I thought oh no this is going to be [Music] terrible all right then let's uh grab that thanks Lord fuzzy is all right um let's go a and put the ice here and um [Music] generator that requires steel plates nothing in the planner let's go dig up some more stuff [Music] it's a generator so i
t can refill make a couple bottles refill those fly to the spot with some steel plates lay out a basic platform grab some ice bring it back man that was terrible stupid drop pods [Music] [Music] almost [Music] I don't know I'm I'm not running I don't have enough power to run the refinery and the assembler at the same time uh let's see here production ammo uh this needs nickel and [Music] iron why in the production is all that going [Music] on oh I need more Stone anyways what I need to do is I n
eed to do a bio break red should be here soon yeah yeah I did okay with the handgun I died like 16 times but that's okay let's charge up actually what I want to do is say uh survival kit GC plant form go so this thing all it needs is steel plate I never understand why sometimes things get into production queue incorrectly see that's all we need oh okay so now that's up and running now we can do that yay now let's go up here and get another one of these online but before that yes I want to make s
ome more pistol ammo should be another spot for you to name the survival kit to show in the respawn list share with factions at the info so wait a minute hang on there's car toys thanks for the r car toys type survival kit name scroll down in the middle panel all right oh I see gotcha [Music] cool thank you all right so now let's check the production queue here all right uh I also need to make couple of those now I'm assuming you're working on Cobalt all right oh okay here [Music] Stone I didn't
know I could scroll any further on that that was my lack in understanding of the game all right we got got ammo now hey Kutz how you doing uh yeah this is actually I've been refamiliarizing myself with the game on a single player game today is the first day that we do a CO co-host or Co Co-op no Co-op myself and red Munch and gaming who who should be here any moment probably let uh let's go see if he's spun up his stream wait for it wait for it still waiting huh nope not yet anyways you if you
want to watch both of us you can do that tip if you reload with a partial clip you lose the ammo I didn't do a Reload but thanks yeah um um I think we're going to do a burn in with just myself and red and then we're going to open it up to our community so it'll be you know who's ever been subbed followed the longest and Subs get priorities but it's not fair that if you want to play and we don't know you and you sub right now so we have kind of like some not sketchy rules just common sense rules
what am I looking for that all right no Motors yeah we are seriously Why didn't it pick up the motors there's Motors in there I get so confused um yeah hang on so weird so so weird thanks dirty [Music] all right so let's um stuff happen all right so red should be spinning up soon there's a link in there that you guys can click on as separate chat so you can ENT interact and as soon as I get some stuff situated here and he gets in the game I have to go do a bio break I need to get a snack all rig
ht so put this there that there we have enough power generation to run both those machines nothing's in production thank you so now I want to make couple bottles and we already got the ammo so then the bottle should automatically go here and get filled there it is there it is sweet sadly no better resources sorry all right so let me load up with some steel plates 20 is not enough that's still working on [Music] Cobalt all right so let's head over to our Lake [Music] spot and set up our basic pla
tform and then from there okay this was the Cobalt right I guess it is it says ice oh all right that's not the Cobalt one what are the chance you get two I said that was that was Ice that's [Music] weird I've been subbed for 72 months a mod on the channel and have gifted 360 is that enough to join that it's absolutely enough to join the server yes this is where car toys will make the best base the best ship and you know just uh you know he should actually develop games to go no you're doing it w
rong our toys is very creative smart too yeah I I didn't want to that was that said ice but it didn't look like ice it looked like Cobalt I'm not going to be too worried about finding resources from here and there my main objective is to get relocated here cuz from here again ice hydrogen and there's a quite a few of resource spots now are they going to put it on Space Engineers 2 or or just Space Engineers hey look at the big crevice oh yes car toys that's good enough now the last time we did a
co-op it was a couple years ago and we didn't even we didn't have a real objective in line so I think what we're going with is start on Earth build a capital ship so you can get to the moon or build a ship and get to the moon doesn't have to be a capital ship then build a capital ship and I I keep I keep saying conquer Mars now I know you can't conquer Mars but we could come up with something all right so here is where I was going to start that's where I dug some ice a little more all right the
n oh jeez oh what did I do there we go oh I just ran out all right let me do this all right so I hate to do this but I need to uh I got to go use the restroom we going to hang out here my antenna's off my lights off I'm going to do this do that come over here do the BRB and we will uh get this going again and I'll be back very [Music] soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music
] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] all right I'm back all right let's get back to that let's make sure I can in fact my mouse sweet all right and um I got me a ham and cheese sandwich so I'm I'm good and uh red says he should be starting up very soon and he is all right once again you can um use that link there if you want and um let me bring up my Discord it's probably going to give me a call here soon when he does make sure I have my push to talk on and let me test
that this one two one two excellent excellent all right wait that didn't seem to work oh my push to talk doesn't seem to be working I have to wait until he gets in all right let's head back to um platform I'm flying that's what I'm doing I'm flying nice little Valley down there surrounded by some uh big Hills so I think what I want to do is get enough materials to make a turbine and a Refinery but I think to make that process go a little bit faster we're going to hook up a drill so we can get s
ome resources faster that's what we're going to do I'm going to have a bite of my sandwich all right one one hey there's red he respawned here let me oh he fell I don't know how to do emotes how do you do emotes I don't know how to do it all right so let's see here um I need some steel plates I have one steel plate on I guess mine's too um I forgot to grab more ice all right um oh and that one's empty ouch all right man that's a good sandwich for it seems not enough power to run all this stuff h
ey it's red hello hello all right let's try this hello I do not hear [Music] red that's red red do you hear me [Music] red what probably works if I unmute my own microphone doesn't it hello hey red there you are professional streamer can you tell you know I think streamers and people that do audio are two different people yes very very true so how do you do emotes okay uh too many things happening okay set emotes are if you press G so you bring up your normal um ah so you have to assign him to a
key I get you okay yes well let me tell you what happened to me here I don't know if you saw it or you heard about it read about it in the newspaper but uh I was about at this exact same stage when a drop pod decided to show up and all I had was a pistol so I died a few times let me share a GPS I found a nice Lake it's a very nice lake so let me share that with you I just heard an explosion I have been told that that was probably an unknown that just exploded yeah I think it was just over there
in the um in the Sand Dune so that's that's okay so I want Lake spot copy all right there's a GPS for you for the lake H go okay so why why why why does it not make the stuff I need every single time it makes other stuff I needed that and it didn't make it all right so the game plan I was going to do was we have the Bare Essentials here I was going to load up enough stuff to create two turbines and a basic Refinery and I got a little bit of a platform over there but that's about it okay and I h
ave a hole over here yeah I show the hole it's a very nice hole is it a round hole but Hobbits living reminds me of a hole that you're trying to escape from so does that mean that we have to hum The Great Escape whilst going down the hole or have a a softball and bounce it off a wall either one aha okay now guys in chat do you guys hear red okay by the way is he too loud you can hear him fine thanks Flanigan appreciate that man [Music] thanks monster all right let's try this again so I'm going t
o clear out the queue the production queue because for some reason it always happens I need another bottle of gas so I've just fired one into the uh thing to do not a problem should be done meteor storm inbound oh great why is it do see it's doing it [Music] twice [Music] thanks Saturn you know I thought I grabbed sourdough but I think I grabbed Ry man this is so good I'm talking about [Music] [Music] bread I almost there three more plates oh now we need large tubes dang it we are making large t
ubes already did you want to move all this over to the um ice Lake well I I think if we get um Power and a Refinery and an assembler over there don't have to move it all but um I was able to re relocate within an hour yesterday and I left almost everything here okay yeah no problem was just saw you building the drill and I I I misunderstood trying to get the drill made so I can get stuff faster so we can uh build a battery here and get the resources we need to fly over there and build the basics
over there again makes sense yeah for some reason I can't get any to cubes because why we're not mining hopefully this will be it that ship you had on it looked like it was like an allpurpose it had ion it had uh atmospheric and hydrogen and plus a lot of big guns yeah it was one I downloaded from the workshop and then I um I kind of gutted and and re redid a whole bunch of things and stuff it probably would have been quicker overall to actually build one myself but I I can I come up with this
right we need this need this this but then I can never make it look cool it's just a series of boxes so I took something that was on on on the on the site and as I say um gutted basically gutted the insides and reworked bits of it and yeah it it did everything um it's just Rockets are very expensive all right so uh well yeah a flying bread rocks yeah yeah that's me all right I mean the rhino um if you remember Rhino from The Last stream that was um that was probably my nicest inverted com craft
all right so we're going to put this on collect and then we're going to say show area and we're going to say go forward about 150 and then we're going to go vertical about we's say minus 50 yeah all right then we're going to I don't know what he's doing I think he's drilling this turn that on I was going to say you were you were trying to wreck the stuff hey I'm good at Wrecking stuff I when I was at College they used to give me things to test to destruction not intentionally they would just giv
e me things to test if it if it survived the red treatment then it was good good to be released oh do we want to make that lower so then we we don't spoil our view oh that's true all right hang on I mean we need we need to make it look pretty as well you know what do I want to do here real do you know where there's any magnesium have not come across any you can do pistol ammo without magnesium though yeah no I'm thinking um interior defense turrets well the plan was we relocate over there on the
ice Lake I spotted a minimum of three or deposits in the water and then we get a or detector antenna and see what we can find oh okay let me turn the drill off what have you got over there at the moment a very basic platform with a um a series of stacked so you can put a um a turbine at the top so just squares okay so if I do a box over here and then we can put the bits that we need to make the base so we make the mini base and then we just take it and take it straight over or what I was going
to do was I was going to um do an outline of two turbines when I say an outline like just put one down and put it into the build planner get all the stuff needed for that build them to make sure I have all the right stuff deconstruct everything and then shuttle it over yeah pretty much what I'm thinking yeah okay I have in my oh I got stuff that doesn't fit all right so um let's do this is that going to work okay so let's do one two really interior plate great Charing up why am I dying red can y
ou do a battery I can dab that's what I'm doing right now oh um I need an interior plate production all right try this again can't I so then if I do one two so I should have two like [Music] right seem to delete the items out of my all right let's give it a [Music] sec all [Music] [Music] right [Music] h oh huh [Music] that's that gerder for we don't need the gravel do we um until we're doing reactors we're not doing that for a while yeah it'll be uh solar and turbines I think are you eating and
not sharing I made a very nice ham and cheese sandwich on rye bread I want to make some joke about Ry but I I just can't think of any all right uh I just put mayonnaise this time no mustard it's a uh it's a Black Forest ham with sharp cheddar cheese so there you go all right red I got the stuff for a couple turns I'm going to fly over and get those construction so there's power over there Roger my name's Andy not Roger [Music] well I do have lettuce and tomato but I was in a hurry to get back s
o now Alex and Alex Junior are away until tomorrow evening so I'm going all in I got myself a frozen pizza I'm living it up tonight it's a djo stuffed crust pizza I'm going to get a belly ache oh I had we had um BLTs a couple nights ago and um I have changed how I do bacon I this is going to sound weird there's only one way to do bacon instead instead of doing it on a skillet on on the on the stove top I do them on a cookie sheet I put down some foil lay it out oven at 400 for anywhere from 8 to
12 minutes depending upon how much bacon how thick that way you don't get grease everywhere and the grease that's in that you just fold up the um um the foil I I bend the corners up so that way it pools there and I just wait until it cools down roll it up and toss it yeah we're going to have a party tonight [Music] all [Music] right so let's do one right here we do another one right there and then with what I have left we will um expand [Music] that [Music] [Music] all right so let me I'm going
to leave these things here dude I'm going to grab some ice all right all red two turbines are built up I dropped off a couple of extra girs and motors and I'm bringing some ice over to uh where you're at okay and I'm going to take bite of my sandwich too discount says hello or sup Andy hey discount cuz he's down and trendy with the kids like all parents I have found that when adults and Parents try to say the same slang as the generation that is growing up never goes over well it is funny when
you turn around and you use some of their slang and they're like what how how do you know what what how do you know what that is like creps like like your creps what how how do you know what they are that's not allowed you're an [Music] adult by the way creps doesn't mean pancakes just I'm just saying [Music] I was hoping for pancake well that was what I first thought when that were talk about yeah your your creps are good what you're in pancakes and you're not sharing that's outrageous now what
I do have to say that with this starting location I have I'm very fortunate because usually there is an outpost between me and my final destination and no there's not nothing occasion fly give it give it a couple of hours and then it will spoon one in just to mess with you I don't like this game you you CH the mods I know I know I did want a challenge I mean if I have an accurate count I think I've died three times already no two times there it is there's The Outpost 4 km away now there you go
see [Music] turn the drill off did you just turn the drill back on yes I did we'd run out Stone [Music] Roger I have now turned it off [Music] again all right all right so what are you working on to get over there we got a battery here that's nice that's a cool looking battery take a battery over there all right then I will do a basic [Music] refinery [Music] Refinery basic now you're probably asking why don't we just break this one down well if something horribly goes wrong over there yeah we'l
l have this what do I need I need more steel plates so what's being made right now let's get the steel plates first and then construction components and Motors how many buckles does it take to get to the uh ice Lake uh one but I I would pack a second one just in case yeah you say that now sorry what do we need now uh construction components oh no no no don't work on those work on those oh did I bring over the ice did I did bring over over a new batch of ice over here too sorry you want me to bri
ng some ice no I brought some over okay so what do we need computers and more steel plates production computers and plenty of Steel plates here we go oh more steel plates I'll grab still all right do you need a a bottle you're going to be okay sorry I had a close call with the ground oh do you need me to bring your bottle yes please probably best all are you still there at the ice spot yes I am heading there [Music] [Music] now all right what the heck is over there I've never seen that that's a
Expedition base pod between us and our re our [Music] spot okay I mean there are some new ones I've seen so I see a frontier Outpost and then an expedition base pod so it's a base so hopefully it's just a bunch of guns and not a bunch of robots so it's a pod so does that mean it's the pod people I don't know you're welcome 10 km away rer [Music] you were talking about the Rhino I remember I made a ship understanding how conveyors work small openings large openings with you know storage and and a
ll that kind of stuff made something functional did not look pretty at all and the first combat I got into of course I go and hit I got got guns on the side missile launcher on top and they shoot the front of my ship which is where I am so I die instantly so someone says well put your thing in the back and put a camera up FR I go oh yes yes yes so then they shoot out my camera I still can't see yeah so that big ship that I had you saw I had a camera on the front um and it had cameras all over uh
and the first engagement I got with this Reaver um it rammed the front of my ship he's like oh thanks well there goes my camera yeah if it's an Impaler that's exactly what they do they do nothing but kamic cazis uh I got some suggestion from chat over here since that we have Cobalt we should probably upgrade our tools yeah that's a good [Music] idea [Music] there you go bottle than is that that Ball's bigger than the backpack I was scared too [Music] now if we could get a cargo and assembler an
d a drill we don't have to go back to the platform anymore oh we'll need to probably break down the uh or find some silver maybe yeah we'll need some silver hey [Music] py I'll go ahead and uh work on a basic assembler [Music] going down there have you already had all four of your naps already and you you want to do something and you can't see you don't understand what I'm doing I'm working yeah I know it just looks like I'm playing a game but I'm I'm actually working my job I really enjoy my jo
b talking to the cat not the ground s says hey hey made to the PUK looks like we just throw a stone and hit the Moon from here pretty much all right let's go in here make bottle and let's see on tools we do the enhanced enhanced enhanced and we go in here bottle oh jez enhanced enhanced and enhance all right let's get charged up okay then we go here and we go character tools and we drag this to there drag that to there there and then we drag that all right so I'm going to do a basic assembler he
y i' I've lost the [Music] base all right I'll send you another GPS thank you you can dismantle the old tools for a bit of resources oh that's right in the assemblers you can do disassemble that's [Music] right um I think I will I'm just going to store I wasn't that far off oh wait how come oh so Jen there we [Music] go is there anything at the respawn pod well uh unless the game has uh made it disappear there's a survival kit there [Music] okay all right I'm heading over with the basic [Music]
assembler okay oh that guy's getting close I'm going to fly this way oh is that the Cobalt that's magnesium found some magnesium oh nice I'm going to die I've run out of energy oh no why oh okay wait oh no I haven't I found the seat yay uh what am I doing yeah you [Music] [Music] okay [Music] e these things are too close maybe I can fly into their radar I can't see the ground did you make it okay yeah I'm at I'm at the I'm going to recover your your pod then it gives us materials as well we'll [
Music] do we're having to fly in a roundabout way because there's two vehicles flying around that base pod thing ah yeah I say one 4 K away from me I did pick up some magnesium that I'll bring back oh very nice when I was uh relearning the game I had turned this sun rotation off not a big fan of flying in the dark but you know scary it's a nice little Lake all right so we got some power generation we got some power storage we got a basic uh Refinery and then a basic assembler and I should be abl
e to store some I don't want to store anything all right so let's um let take what we got kind of add to the St for here oh I didn't mean to do that and what I guess I could do oh jeez is inventory I got some Stone all right all right so the assemblers made there I dropped off some stone that I picked up getting the magn iium so there'll be some resources there I'm heading back to the spot or to the platform I just saw lightning strikes great you want a challenge s you yeah at night though I don
't want them at night [Music] exactly I have flights yay I'm going to create the O2 H2 generator and take that over Little Star a little star okay I'm taking the um the conu the landing pod which will then give us a whole bunch of materials that we can then use to make over there [Music] you assuming I don't get shot down yeah I'm giving them a wide birth oh that is very close I'm threading the needle and I'm going to get shut down oh seem to have lost oh I'm going the wrong way I got so distrac
ted I was flying towards the Pod you were at instead of the platform they're shooting sir well run he likes to live on the [Music] edge you had to say there was no bases didn't you Andy I knowx I know I know I know the whole failure of this Mission will be on my shoulders guy's way too close what is it shadow oops all right so let's drop this off maybe we can get the magnesium and I want to get a g generator that there he's way too close so if um G Gatlin gun I want to put that where that is tha
t requires steel plates which I don't have any do now ouch a let's charge up all right he's he's making some Headway that's good let's find the generator let's get that bottle charged that bottle charged okay we're not making that stuff because okay so let's go to the drill on the drill off the drill huh that's interesting try that again all right so we got functional generator we have ice over there um I want to get this gun made what metal grids that's made from why is there no metal never min
d I saw him in there I'm confused I need four Motors four grids [Music] so there there's eight grids right there and for in mode I don't know why never mind I don't want to argue all right so we got a gun not afraid to use it so let's go to that and we'll make on your next trip over would you mind bringing 25 computers if you could cuz I'm trying to set up the or detector and um I don't have that many computers no problem hang is uput okay I'm going to do a one more item this requires a steel pl
ate do I have steel plates so let's grab this that that [Music] gin turret huh nickel really kind of hard to [Music] believe all right what do I need first uh let's get the plates done let make sure we're still working on plates this move down here oh no work on plates please okay fine for don't understand why it's not working on plates well oh incoming metors Joy oh I did not see the warning over here I didn't see the warning I just came out the hole and saw meots actually don't worry about I d
idn't realize at the time that you put a assembl over here so I've got those computers now oh okay we'll do yeah I'm I'm very confused why is nothing being worked on is the assembler full no now it's finally working on plates yeah I don't I was working on stuff back here instead of up there I thought that was the front of the queue other items require less iron so it makes it first oh okay okay good janky right so then what I'll do let's cancel those so some sort of a un yeah somebody unschedule
d break yes all right now what do we need uh okay so now if I go to my planner seem to have a heck of a time trying to cancel out of the item there we go jeez that took forever let's try this one more time that's added to the planner right there it is let's go and turn on drill okay let's turn off the [Music] drill should be absolutely nothing in production now that didn't make any sense large steel tubes 34 Motors did I not oh maybe I didn't add it to production oh that's possible there it is a
ll right all right my next trip over I'm going to bring an O2 generator and a drill and fill Co [Music] [Music] for good looking into a mod called production quote I think it's called where you can set minimum amount well we got izes so as soon as we get up and running we'll have Izzy set so I just find this frustrating that I think I'm doing it right sometimes I get too much queued up and sometimes I don't get what I ask for it's weird all right so we got all that uh let's get charged do we hav
e cargo a storage over there I forgot I'm building one yay all right uh going bring the Magnesium all right so let's go ahead and um should be able to set up Izzy's inventory manager now yeah well I think we want to get enough cargo laid out too to make sure so can I is there a reason why I can't make where where oh it's under bullets not enough magnesium all right so I'm just going to leave what's here there we go I forgot to check my fuel good heading over Roger Andy not Roger there's no cat a
t my feet so new code word when I say bad guys I'm going to say bunnies so when I say something like thank goodness there's no bunnies around that way it won't jinx it Rock Jack so I only see two bad bunnies instead of five so that's a good thing game doesn't care okay last time there was the Pod the frontier Outpost and there's a shadow an arrow and something else floating around we also got a a mod or a script radio spectometry which is good for when we get out there and try to find resources
amongst um the asteroids I'm uh I want to see how that one works out CAG have you ever used that one might need to start a new survival kit at the new base just miss yeah we need some silver he's got the or detector going so hopefully we can find some silver oh there a mod called radio spectrometry it helps you find minerals in the asteroids versus you flying close enough and seeing what's there oh good good you flew the pot over wow all right so there's the cargo is that the cargo that's cargo
all right so let's put [Music] this we'll put this that say up that's up then there's a left and a right too somewhere excellent oh cool all right all right you've got a drill here sir oh thank you nice job on flying the pot over here by the way n you're welcome this is what I do all the time is I I fly the Pod around and then what you can do is you can find ores so all you need is a remote remote control in the front and a gyro um and you can dismantle the um the Thruster underneath and the par
achute pod and you you can get quite a few bits or if you're prepared to sacrifice some other bits like the antenna um then you can you can make the bits that you need to fly all right uh we need to find some silver what do you need for the or detector um 10 detectors I think Grill uh we need nickel for that last time looked collect and setting up the drill right now yeah I need nickel show area and we're going to go forward 150 how did that poke out anywhere drill on oh we're getting some silic
one me turn off the silicone off on wouldn't you know it that when the random spot I picked forward gets uh Stone and silicone so I just uh turned the silicone off okay all right I think what I want to do is create a little bit more cargo don't need that anymore and speaking a cargo that's full so let's turn that off go that that that that's really cool Craig I'm looking forward to that sorry just waxing lyrical with chat about being old and and how you know when you're getting old cuz everyone
else is about 12 years old now I I I the whole whole old thing is like when you like spraying something and instead of taking a week for it to get better it takes like 3 months we're just saying like over here one of the saying was you know when you're getting old when when the copper it looks like 12 and a a Rememberance Sunday I was saying to my dad those two coppers in front of us at what point did they leave school because they're so young and and they there smaller than me and there was a t
ime when a copper used to have to be 6' tall oh I need already got the metal grid all right why do I need more metal grids I have four Le I'm reading that right four four I already got four metal grids dang it there we go so do we have Cobalt over here we don't it's over at the other spot all right I'm going to go grab the Cobalt from over there bring it over here okay yeah I'm going to he's probably using that though so I don't we don't have enough ice oh [Music] used to have three bottles oh I
do come on got one metal grid see here if I do that nothing in production so what's grinding here that stuff all right that in production uction that seem to work he's getting his detectors nice there is a cat [Music] well evidently I had grids all right never mind oh no it's that one now for the life of me I could not get anything to show up even with an or detector until I put an antenna yeah you'd need to sit in a chair cuz you're not you're not part of the base unless you sit in a chair or
you use an antenna so if I sit in that chair over there I'll see or uh I don't think so because it's that is a ship that's attached oh I got you but I was I was leaving it in that ship because um it will recharge us here without a kit it's also got an or detector on board so um if you change it its um radius you might pick stuff up in [Music] it all right so I right I'm heading over back to get the [Music] Cobalt so yeah if we can find some silver we could leave this survival kit over here we've
got Cobalt and we got magnesium 300 M away Platinum oh which is probably an asteroid um but we got Cobalt in the middle oh again that's probably an asteroid never mind ignore me I will okay try holding the drill at the same time oh yeah you've only got a range of like 35 M or something like that discount how the heck are you doing guys if you if you want to watch both streams at the same time you can try that so since you have that respawn pod I'm going to turn that GPS location off okay clean
up the heads up display a little bit so those just tuning in or been here for a while didn't know um that respawn pod was where I started the second time um I found a lake which is where we're setting up our camp at our platform um this this one I'm going to is my second resawn and um I I I got the platform barely up and running with power Refinery assembler a little bit of storage uh I was just working on the drill so I could do a little bit more a little faster uhoh military installation okay
and all of a sudden a drop pod showed up and all I had was my pistol and three magazines so yeah so what I'm going to do is go get the Cobalt so we can finish our storage he's got an ore detector and hopefully we can find some silver cuz I'm going to leave the kit over here um so if that gets attacked and smashed we have a fallback point now this has a gun tur at it too so it can defend itself I'm going to pick up the Cobalt that I located somewhere I flew over it and I forgot to GPS it and I al
ways have this luck that I I end up finding it somewhere again just grabbing some more caffeine we'll do it was in a boulder I mean that's the magnesium I don't remember where the boulder [Music] was so did it make it made the ammo what are we missing magnesium powder it looks like all right so uh all right let me go fly and get some more magnesium so that will have some ammo we got a bit of drill now too o there's a lot of stuff here what do we got here we've got silicone no thank you silicone
no thank you more silicone I thought I saw the uh or blemishes but oh there's magnesium also here too and ice this might be easier to get the no yeah's that saw there it is don't do that yet got a better drill too here we go hey right where's the different color Rock should be showing up soon there it is all right that's not [Music] bad all right so drag this over there should see this being worked on right hey Sam what's up all right well let's um turn on the drill that's doing that let me get
charged what is your favorite waffle zigal thank you so much for that follow appreciate it very much and you asked about my favorite waffle I heard it wa I pressed the key twice sorry here let's try it again there we go here's my favorite waffle all right let's go here turn off the drill that's a Refinery off the drill production all right yay so I I think it was lacking iron go back to there put that there I'm I'm here to grab the Cobalt I'm okay been walking on a hill for 1 hour and how are yo
u I've been sitting in a chair for the last 4 hours so I'm okay rmp's getting a little sore so I'm going to take take um some of this magnesium with me right and let's get the bottle filled up sounds like I drink too much I need to fill out my bottle all right so if we look at the Gatlin it's got ammo production uh bullets there we go all right I didn't leave the drill on right is off all right all right let's head [Music] back we have a Expedition base pod we have a military installation that I
have to thread the needle take the high road H and then then there's a strike Corvette oh this is going to be tough um let's go this way I'm a little kaput so I got you I hear you Sam it's hard work need out yeah I will uh when he gets back I'll check to see if he's upgraded his tools yet [Music] [Music] is yeah bunnies are breeding thank you for saying that evidently the code word is not working that well sometimes flying the roundabout you come across those Boulders that got resources on them
sometimes like that one that looks like [Music] iron it is I got any room I do all right let's go up here where we go uh nickel I think I got lied to oh it's right there that's not where worth it not worth [Music] it another Boulder this one has got silicone all right that's it just appear out of nowhere and scare the life out of me thanks sorry all right magnesium here's the Cobalt and uh there we go more cargo all I brought some magnesium thank you um so I've got the control seat set up I'm j
ust going to set up an antenna so that we can actually see but it seems that there's not a lot of stuff around here well if I fly on the lake there's one spot right here with a bunch of stuff another one over there so that's two spot that's two spots three spots there's four spots on this Lake that got some sort of resources oh okay fair enough I mean there was one that was Cobalt and it turned out just to be asteroid see what we got iron over [Music] here we have magnesium too ooh nice all righ
t um hang on uh okay let's do a Gatlin [Music] no no it does not there's bad guys all over the place because we have mods installed that does [Music] that what's going on here [Music] that's why okay I had dropped magnesium in there so the stone got behind the Magnesium okay I'm making a Gatlin turret at the top that'll be connected to the conveyor so we can just put ammo in the system okay [Music] still have to find silver [Music] is SW I brought some Cobalt over guess Cobalt got all no it's ri
ght there oh thank you oh all right so that should be functional right um yes all right so he still working on stuff let me queue up a little bit there if I fly over here we have an antenna oh oh they're going to see us to a soprano oh wait need [Music] [Music] I see gold and silver excellent I'm going to fetch some silver so I can make a kit [Music] this game has had me hooked since I I picked it up seven years ago always good to see other people take into the game thanks sir uh well yeah I kno
w it's [Music] funny uh okay here we go get some silver well I'm I'm relatively a noob at this game because there's always the better way of doing it which I either don't want to or I don't know about it Gunner all right only time I knew a Gunners when I was in the Navy there was a gunner Sergeant he and I always played a lot of frenzy uh coin operated game for those that remember those days trying to get to the silver really nice guy it did some reason the silver is moving it is now we're makin
g some progress oh wait silver means we need a real Refinery all right well I just thought about it to refine silver we need the real Refinery don't say that in front of our Refinery it'll become Neo it'll get upset uh we need the older Refinery there you go that's better he was a gunner in the Royal artillery so I kept the title nice um Alex's brother in the Army he does he teaches to do position uh uh coordinates and stuff like that for artillery one of the many things he teaches small world i
t's going so much faster to start slowing down there we go actually we got we got load around us now now that I've got that all detector TR and running we basically got everything we want around us do you see Cobalt um I don't see Cobalt all right all right so we got everything we want except for Cobalt and iron so okay we've got everything we want except for if you look if you look at the base if you face away if you face towards the um the lake the mountain behind you and look to the right pro
bably outside of the scanner range at the very outskirts of the lake is a deposit that does have iron down there you had to ruin perfectly good Monty Python I did I'm sorry it was a very good Monty p and joke but the attempt was there um there is well allegedly Cobalt one km away from the base behind the base but all right ouch my [Music] head Platinum from uh doing a build and repair it looks like I need to go to our cargo any cargo would be nice drop that there drop that there here it hurts so
I assume you're going to work on the bar yeah I've just set one up all right um see I'm going to expand over here a little bit by our power so we can put a larger refinery in place maybe there there nice Cobalt all right I'm going to go fetch some Cobalt up here okay I'm going to turn this antenna off CU I just realized we're broadcasting we do what is your favorite waffle oh my favorite waffle gosh I never get tired of that question I don't hang on let me find this Co oh jeez Cobalt think it's
right there my favorite waffle WAFF right there I didn't ask him his favorite waffle he just followed him oh it's traveling uh if I eat one and I try to make one at home with thick homemade honey oh I um I grew up with my father making uh honey butter and um I I assume you can do almost any honey but the honey he used wasn't the clear look it looked like a a butter almost so he took butter or margarine and honey and I don't know what ratio but man on waffles it was to die for well it was really
good I don't want to say it was die for but I don't want to die by Waffle you know there's a script for the build and repair Auto CU missing component and I pass that along to red and since we have izes we just think that would conflict so I think if we have Izzy's going making stuff that needs to be made the bar is going to see that the build repairs will see that and just use it from there so yeah uh hindo to told about that one too uh they do conflict but it's a good script for you're ready
for I got you oh I got you oh hey Brady how you doing all right coming up on Cobalt there it is Cobalt I'm getting Cobalt that's all right don't worry do you think we have enough cargo to set up Izzy's yet oh yeah that would help with the the building repairs a lot absolutely I'm just uh configuring this to get rid of the Pod cuz I don't need the Pod anymore all right H trapped where's my way out there it is is that ice what is that magnesium all right the base at do we got any ammo for our gun
we don't I'm still carrying in Cobalt room would you mind if I shifted some resources so we can get some ammo created for our gun up there that's right so what are we doing doing that so what we need is I'm just going to cancel that then if I go to control panel no not that inventory Refinery oh we don't have any any stone oh okay there it is finery that there there we go now we're making some ammo red what's up red [Music] all right so we have some bullets in our big gun now yay all right so I'
m going to give the build and repair of workout I'm going to place down a Refinery okay maybe I need steel sheets don't I yes I do all right G we're fine put that there steel plate did I not get a steel plate oh didn't I did not steal the steel [Music] plate there I got one finally all right now I did it all right let's see what we got here oh okay is that the refinery yeah okay yeah I was just going to have move over here but we can do that later I changed the build and repair from walk to fly
what does that actually do fly means it will if if it's not connect if it's not within walking distance I basically it will build I have found that if you leave it on walk if there's like a radius versus fly has no radius someone probably correct me though oh okay is it that it can only M could walk be it can build blocks next to each other that are attached but it can't skip a block fly means it works off grid there's a 75 M radius for from the device and that was chat okay not me thanks BR wel
l done chat carrying us streamers as always it's true I'm looking for the nearest First there we go all right sweet all right so what does it need it needs uh steel plates so go in here all right and that tells me that we're not we finding Stone so we're going to go to our drill and turn that on I know I know I know I get you all right so there we go let's switch that over oh oh oh all right so we need this Refinery so we can do the silver so we can make our survival kit yes all right cargo that
one's full that one's almost full so let's go to production control and turn off the drill building repair still needs we got metal grid so that's a that's a good [Music] thing so if I go to production oh ship has been disconnected from the terminal what is your favorite waffle Brad thank you so much for that follow I appreciate it how are we doing on progress here wow look at that it's going to be done all it needs is the grids and the nice so once again if we go wait wait wait wait wait oh we
got oh oh that's only one all right that that's a basic so this still needs 1,00 steel plates so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and how many 13 and I'm here wondering why the program is not working and forgetting that I turned the block off I'm so good at this game yeah I I'm not I believe I have everything queued up for the refinery to get off the um you know okay cool launch pad here he said he turned off the antenna I still see stuff though oh the antenna is still on I thought you said you turned it o
ff yeah I did I reduced it to 1500 M oh okay I just thought I misunderstood no no I just changed my mind as I always do I'm going after an unknown signal that's 1.2 km away good luck with your cow covered drill then I got my gun last time I did this I had to chase it thank you all right see what we get oh well I got plates of both internal and steel and an enhanced grinder which I already had ooh all right that reminds me I'm hungry for hamburgers [Music] now by the way my chat was reminding tha
t you need upgraded stuff still Maybe yeah I just work that one out I'm I'm sitting here going I need upgraded stuff but thank you I have a grinder for you yeah I've just upgraded that one but thank you and all right so what am I looking for let's put that in there and let's do this let's help it out all right I I did he was he just upgraded though all right how we doing on Stone still have stone is the drill still on the drill is off all right so let's take Stone and Refinery take a look at con
trol before uh build and repair uh okay so steel plate 19 displays bulletproof glass one computer all right [Music] for well it's getting there just 830 odd plates how big well we're still in our infancy stage uh we've got everything we need to survive except for a survival kit our survival kit is over there at the gamer Circle platform about 19 km that way we've relocated here but we don't have any silver but I found some and uh we're just waiting for that to get built then we have survival kit
then we can start thinking because our goals are set up a base defend it because AI uh make ships that we can leave and go to the moon but before I get to the moon I want to try out the mod the radio spectometry cuz you can scan asteroids and see what minerals are in them land on the moon create another base defend it build a capital ship and then we're going to go to Mars and and Conquer it so and since we only do this on Fridays it's going to take a a little bit I think all right so inventory
Refinery okay production all right so wait almost there well 600 more steel plates and this refiner will be online Co I okay inventory Stone finer refinery last time uh red actually did a whole underground thing with uh disco TCH and all sorts of Stu I can't build help build the um Refinery uh all it needs is uh steel plates you got some and you can't apply them Well normally it would tell me what I need oh don't worry no I I I caught the um turn hard cuz 's clever yeah I'm just making sure the
steel plates in the queue we're doing Stone and the building repair is very busy yeah there's so um I I've set it so that there will be a minimum number being gotcha uh Brady do you guys want we sure do probably next Friday since we're kind of doing a burn in making sure we have no hiccups with the server um we're going to be inviting members from our community I think we're set for 10 total people so that would be four and four and it'll be on Fridays so I would suggest um send me a DM in Disc
ord saying that you're interested um and then we'll uh we'll take it from there we had a server before and we did have community members it worked out pretty good too yes it did all hazy there's gold nickel silver Plum is probably from uh meteorite oh good Brady production oh no no control where's the build and repair 3,265 plates oh dear that's doing the whole base so if I go to my inventory look like We're stopped maybe cargo huh where's the uh no plates being made the assembler oh iron Reds a
ll right I think Izzy is uh interfering with building repair in what one well it wasn't making any place for a second there I was making other stuff cuz it went from while the building repair for some reason recognized it only needed like 600 and then now it's up to 3,000 plates see is the whole base now which is weird bu repair the build and repair you you looking at the build and repair you mean yeah build and repair says it needs 3,200 some odd that's to complete the whole base so it's going
to right okay yeah I don't have to explain no that that makes sense sorry I thought you were looking directly at the I thought you were look doing the thing where you can look at the uh device that's being built with your your torch and it tells you what and I was like why that doesn't make sense that it suddenly go up but yeah it sense if you're looking at the bar that it do the whole the whole base yeah it's about 500 a little over 500 ready for that so do we have stone we're still refining ye
s okay so it looks like we're out of stone yes so let's see the drill on uh put go put a d after the plates it'll do autocrafting uh chat over here says if you put a d after the plates it'll prioritize the plates okay I'm I'm out mining at the moment but if you want to do that okay you can or I can do it when I come back yeah I don't want to C you I'll be back in a minute uh the second number on the plates line uh they say the second number on the plates line I think the only time I ever set up
izes is I just went with the default stuff and it worked fine yeah last time when we started making priorities and things like this that's when we had [Music] problems production D is disassemble only P for priority is what you mean uh yeah you're right P for priority yeah where to go Brady you're going to make me disassemble everything oh it says right there ah I see it says right there yeah I just put it in oh cool I see it all right I can understand now all right all right so let's go in here
again let's check out oh okay oh jeez uh okay and good thing you brought the pot over otherwise we'd be flying back and forth to recharge there is actually a seat here now as well that you should be able to sit in I saw that yeah but again that's another reason why I when I start I um modify the the Pod chat was telling me actually you can actually modify the Pod slightly um and it'll actually get you to the Moon oh with the hydrogen engine yeah I mean would makes sense be a long journey and qu
ite boring for a stream I think sitting there for like 50 minutes just heading towards the Moon Yeah Electro made that mod to where instead of having all the other respawns it's just space Moon and Earth pods and I did the I did the Earth the moon ones and it wasn't a pod it was actually a Rover which was cool all right inventory Refinery cranking hard Stone lots of stone control on the build still 3,100 all right we're getting close moving slower because I think it's it's working on these as we
ll hey look at that our server room out side scared all right this is the slow grind tell you what when I have the build and Repair on and it completes the base for you because you just do the single weld sort of blocks because if you ever get attacked one shot it destroys that little temporary block yeah this is what worries me about the um the uh the Power Sphere Spire at the moment that one shot and that would just come down yeah so I think once that's done we want to build a couple more simp
le um assemblers so that we can then build things quicker what assuming that the refiner just keeps going and going and going and going and going so we end up with ingots that we're not using it's slowly getting there are you finding bits and parts on that to disassemble yep what is this excess denied that's rude we've passed the 700 Mark yay and a a remote control right because that seat you can't really pilot from I think all right so let's do it again let's do inventory let's do stone check t
he refinery looking good U plenty of stone drill's not on it is off and production still cranking away on on the uh plat yes that one flying around it's not moving then if we check the battery what does it say uh to available recharge in 5 hours so it's not overly depleted or depleting cool up boy hey you doing almost there there you go red [Music] nice oh you painted the dismantle color so it would do it too I got you yeah it's just he never got around to it so now I have to do the automatic jo
b I mean rude Mr build and repair thingy yes yes I know I know you buy these robots to do all of these tasks and you have to do them yourself it's looking a bit little bit baggle now that's what you call a bebone yes inde [Music] you know I saw somebody playing around with an AI mining bot and I thought wow that's a lot of work I didn't know there was a mod that did AI stuff oh 988 so close yeahi enable I think oh we used to have that mod because we thought we needed it for uh um or another mod
can't remember but we're not using that so we didn't do it AI enabled right yeah oh it was that they had little AI dudes run around like uh Builders and and uh uh diggers and stuff like that CVS is having problems with their Robo checkout oh someone didn't check it out very well oh we're almost there guys very excited CU then silver and then a kit or whatever so do we want to get a kit or a couple cryopods which one do you think um well to be fair cryopods aren't going to make much difference as
long as we put our kit in um in the cargo containers I think medical is probably better because then that's the respond point isn't it oh yeah well either one of them the kit or uh the medical you're right medical Bay yeah run out of stone oh no M Bay model has been updated and it charges so much faster oh cool all right shed over here says medical Bay has been updated and charges much better now so yeah um it was it was basically held down F and get done um on the base earlier I've turned the
drill back on he seems run outu all right and running all right Silver's now being worked on on the finery or it was keep getting moved around oh chat over here says that stone needs to be taken out of the refiner priority in order for silver to stay being refined yeah I didn't know that I makes sense so how about we do a medical and then we'll do a couple more basic uh assemblers after that yeah it sounds like a plan all right I'll let you pick the joyous location I've just changed is's so ther
e is nothing prioritized now so whatever you put in should um words should get worked on yes thank you I'm here to help red I need it trust me now does the medical have to be tied into the conveyors or is it just something we want to put on a corner somewhere so it gets power um if you you need to have it connected for the refilling of hydrogen and oxygen but battery but Power it can be anywhere [Music] all right well we need a a respawn for here just in case something Dreadful happens absolutel
y yeah so medical o look at that thing so temporarily I'm just going to put it right oh jeez what do I need I need an interior plate [Music] all right I placed it and I don't know if I'm happy with it if not move it well we're going to put two Basics I mean that's fine we can always we can always connect it up if we want to yeah that's what I [Music] figured well we're going to go for basic assemblers so we can get the basic stuff going faster um so speaking of Refinery okay we put that back the
re under Stone let's check on our Stone Supply Stone Supply is good in fact I'm going to put the Cobalt down here maybe uh dang it stop I need an empty cargo that one's not empty none of them are empty we have uh we have stone it's just the basic refinder decid to work on Cobalt versus Stone yeah I think I think huh did you change it cuz it's just changed it changed it was on Stone and it's gone back to Cobalt again no I didn't do that so uh where's the drill that off I'm turning off the drill s
o I can eat up some of the stuff yeah sorry I turned it back on cuz I thought we'd running out of um Iron I didn't realize at the time it was doing Cobalt I I'll make the priority again to be stung trying to find some empty cargo but we have to go through the stone here so let's eat through some Stone faster move the Cobalt and the silver so I'm going to manually do this I'm going to put Stone on both of these so we eat through and make some room let build and repair do some building and then I'
m going to put uh silver and Cobalt on the new Refinery and leave Stone on the basic refiner Maybe where's the assembler at is that getting full nope good [Music] oh I know it's way faster oh I didn't want to do that sorry my bad looks like stone is sticking as the priority yeah I've changed it I'm just looking through cuz if you want one to be assigned to one thing I have to tell izes not to use it I can't remember how to do that all right so we got down there oh had room all right yay build an
d repair where are [Music] you all right so steel plates nothing in production oh there we go all right I'm I'm talking to you and I'm not pressing the button um so you want you want the one Refinery doing silver so to do that I need to put it to manual um and so I'm I'm putting that in that Refinery name there oh yeah I was just I was trying to grind through all the stone because we didn't have any space and plus we needed the plates and then as soon as we had some space then I made the basic R
efinery Stone I was just manually doing it and then I put uh silver and Cobalt on the new Refinery y oh oh I got you oh oh or like that okay yeah so by putting manual then that means that the other Refinery will do whatever it thinks it needs and by having manual we put in that one whatever we want it to do so that that means it won't automatically do silver it won't automatically do stone unless we move the ore into that for it to do it all right I think uh things are moving along now yep just
interior plates are needed so if I go over here should see interior plates production now let's move those up you can build sworders for the refineries well we got izes it's going to keep as soon as we get caught up it's going to do it all for us it's almost done no there 20 more is all we need uhoh we need five more interior plates for medical to be done and then we can plop down a couple of basic assemblers okay yeah I'm just was working on that just been told by chat how to do something oh wa
it a minute a bunch of plates right there why aren't you using them weird oh all right I missed the I missed the medical components being needed also Okay so what you can do is you can put exclamation Mar special in the name and then in custom data you then put the ore that you want it to work on so what I've done is I've said basic Refinery is only doing Stone oh okay all right the normal Refinery I'm going to take out manual uh and then izes can run that gotcha [Music] what is that missing Cob
alt oh we need Cobalt oh we need to uh refine some of that Cobalt for the medical components I thought I needed just silver miny uh Cobalt yeah so so what I'm reading there is if you need say 100 steel plate and you need 90 um grids for instance it will do the 100 steel plates then it will do the 90 grids if you have 100 grids and 90 steel plates it will do the 100 grids first and then do the steel plates and so if it needs needs more in uh Cobalt ingots than iron it will refine cobal well the t
he new Refinery is now grabbing Stone instead of sticking with one it needs to gunfire yeah shouldn't have me your well there there's 300 kg of cobalt all right see to make the metal components all right now it's making them yeah it looks like silver is on the low part of what it needed how we doing on refineries that's good looks like we could use some Stone we ran out of stone well at least it means it's moving through the the stone very rapidly yes uh come on give me that last one cool no yea
h it's actually cheerwing through the iron as well right sweet yeah oh I can change my up so I think that's why the main Refinery is doing stone is because it needs over Cobalt because it needs more of that than it needs anything else all right Medical's done um wherever you want to put the basic assemblers yeah all right I'll finish doing that I I'll put the basic assembler in now there there's two spots in the back which would be good for him kind of put him out of the way Al looks dangerous c
heck on our Stone Supply Here plenty of stone in this system check on the refineries cranking through the stone is fine and um oh oh he put real had to move away from the base the welding flashing is my head you did real refineries I thought you were going to go for basic no no I was just going to do two um two of those cuz they're they're more efficient I believe yep than the basic ones so basically this should be running on automatic to yep look at that nice so if both the refineries are worki
ng on Stone and as long as we keep Stone so room room we'll go to control on the drill I just turn on the drill so we can top off our Stone okay all right and turn that off Refinery Stone and stone very nice if we go to the build and repair is over work which did you turn off the building repair you said something about that right uh no no sorry what I was saying is I've had to move away from the base because there's so much flashing going on my whole screen is flashing with the welding effect a
nd it's affecting my eyes so I've had to move over here for a bit so that I don't have a an entire screen flashing but chat just told me Brady bills just told me there's a mod that um wers I strain mod so I'm just looking at that oh cool wow those are coming along [Music] nice still need um 310 computers and I guess the Iz has got a certain number it's going to [Music] make weird noise like the grill is on oh it is my bad now there's 10 computers in the build and repair curious why those haven't
been applied I take them out build could be full oh well it's not full production all right so we're making metal grates inventory it's not full all right there we are now it's making more [Music] stuff focusing on computers cool all right so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to type in assemblers and this one we're going to call this one primary I learn how to spell and the other two will do the cooperative oh so close so on izs does it know how to use the assemblers in coopertive mode or
do we just not even use that function uh it balances across them oh okay I need to go so it doesn't use isn't using Cooperative mode directly but it's using balance ing so it is kind of it is kind of D Cooperative but it's just balancing across them itself I think it turned off the Cooperative sorry it's just in the darkness with it being dark having that bright light going off it's actually it's it's getting to me a little bit to stand away no no just go look the other way I do like how quickl
y that charges that's really nice uh need more computers queued up how's that come along there they are um I've got an ad break so I'm just going to take a quick break we'll do come on 70 more uh so how is the Stone Supply coming along oh we still got Stu refineries are both cranking away on it that's good I type in cargo that one's fairly empty but it's holding stuff a lot of stuff so let's go ahead and uh turn on the grill that one's almost full wait for this one to get almost full then we'll
turn it off that's almost full that off computers please there some so the plates oh nice so it's uh doing up the base nice yeah the plates are on priority which is fine it's it's doing some plates or I'm sorry it's doing some some computer with my help my help uh got an air fryer for Christmas holy cow that thing is awesome no idea how it can cook so much faster than an oven smaller you know versus a bigger oven yeah when I would say 5 years ago uh Alex at the office party the secret santa she
got the air fryer and it was an Insignia and it was a fairly basic model and the first thing we were doing was french fries and uh we were amazed how well cooked and you know quickly same temperature only needs three4 of time and then sometimes you can adjust um there's a website out there that says if you're making something and it doesn't have air fryer instructions there's a website that will show tell you you know what model air fryer you have or brand I'm sorry brand and what to adjust the
temperature to so if this says cook this at 400° well you set your air fryer at you know 325 or something like that but yeah so energy saver Cooks food I I've been on a kick of taking real potatoes and using a mandolin and using the um what do you call it the um the Julian slicer so I get actual square square french fries little oil salt and pepper homemade french fries back all righty so congratulations ler I'm happy for you yeah it's pretty awesome being held up on computers cool okay very clo
se I can actually make waffle fries with the mandolin it has the uh the the shredder not the shredder um yeah a shredder it has a shredder attachment I made them for because Alex loves waffle fries too she liked them I know there we go love the ninja foodie 8 in1 digital air fry oven love that thing ours is a COR SE and um we actually when we got it worked fine for a couple months and then the display started getting all hieroglyphic on us so I reached out to him because it was still under warra
nty and they said can you give us a picture serial number and a video I go sure I can do that they sent us a brand new one he said use that one as parts and I swear after about a couple weeks the display started working fine so we actually had two air fryers uh the oven we have the LG actually has a um air fryer mode so we didn't bring over the other [Music] one I know oh 100 we have another assembler online now yay Le I think it's [Music] working it's just uh you know if it's a important to it'
s a healthier way because Alex's folks did French fries the frozen ones but they did it in a deep fryer and uh you know they were not convinced at all and when they were seeing uh the Savings in time and the flavor you can we even cook our frozen hamburgers in it it's a little messy in there you got to clean it but [Music] yes so if I go to production so that's oh look at that wait wait is that the one that's that should be okay we not getting some stuff here inventory Refinery oh okay so we nee
d to go control drill on ran out of stone oh did we run out of materials yeah I got it coming now okay but the the the upgraded one of the same brand is actually a a dual basket so you can set temperatures on the two different baskets so if you're doing I don't know vegetables in this one and then you're doing Fries over here and they have two different you can do that I thought that'd be cool we don't need it it's on the want list all right let see here that one's full that one's full so let's
go turn off the drill hey that heavy block all right both assemblers are online excellent What I've Done Andy is I've done heavy grids over the medical bit so if we do get attacked um that's reasonably protected who have placed a cower I was thinking more like respawn but cower works as well D speaking of ammo do we have any ammo oh we do all right well red I think we have a really good starting base that I'm going to have to uh sign off no worries I've got another couple of hours so I'll um see
if I can expand and uh get us more even more productive yeah I would uh if if I had some input I would say try to focus on some more guns maybe spicy meatballs if possible funny you should say that I'm thinking we need to have an enclosure and we need to have some Pew pews excellent idea cuz it's only going to be so long before uh our luck the bunnies you know the mean bunnies oh yeah them bunnies you got to look out for them bunnies all right so uh I'll hang on one sec I'll be right back all r
ight guys that's going to be do it for today tomorrow Saturday it's my day off wish me luck I'm going to bring some plywood home here in a couple hours and I may or may not do something I I don't know but um guys let's go raid uh Mr red there all right and uh I appreciate everyone's help I really do thank you so much for it again Electro I'm very excited that you got the air fryer I it's the little things really is oops so we're going to pop over we're going to do that there it goes and um I wil
l see oh so if I go over here now is this respawnable red can we respawn at this medical place um I would have thought so yes as long as you use it make sure you use it all right shot Cara somebody's raiding me some BL called game of circle thank you Andy you're welcome all right so if uh is this how you I can't all right so hang on hang on I go over here do medical room share with faction spawn name medical or ice Lake medal room all right all right red I'm out of here I'll see you later later
thank you very much have a good one
