
Sports betting now live in North Carolina

Sports fans can now place bets using one of 8 approved online sports books. STORY:

WFMY News 2

2 weeks ago

as we speak all phones and devices across North Carolina mean sports fans can now place bets using one of eight approved online Sports books the state Lottery Commission set noon today for when those betting Services could go live people 21 and older have been able to pre-register with those sites since March 1st and now you can officially place a bet in person or by using an app users will have to attach a credit card to create an account we talk with Elon University associate professor David b
ino about what fans need to know when you sign up for these apps there's a couple ways that they can verif verify your age and who you are uh one of it's through your the last four digits of your Social Security number paired with your birthday they use online databases the same way you might get your credit checked um other sites it depends if that's not enough they'll require you to take a picture of your driver's license and then take a selfie to basically match your driver's license
