
Talk of the Town: Three Sisters Celebration

Stephanie Scott, director of cultural resources at the Chickasaw Cultural Center, told us about the importance of this celebration. For more Local News from KXII: For more YouTube Content:

KXII-TV News 12 | Texoma

6 days ago

[Music] time now for Talk of the Town we welcome you back to News 12 at 4 the Chickasaw Cultural Center is having its annual Three Sisters celebration next week I'm joined right now by Stephanie Scott director of cultural resources at the center we thank you so much for being here today Stephanie glad to be here I have three sisters uh Laura Diane and Pamela but that's not what we are talking about today right what is the three sisters celebration well the three sister celebration is our signatu
re event at the cultural center and the three sisters is corn beans and squash which is basically a traditional planting system that the Chickasaw people continue to use today how far back does this go well we can't exactly say a time frame but as far as we know it's always been a tradition that's been passed down from gener generation to generation and that's where we come in now uh for this generation and this spring uh tell us what's going to happen in Sulfur well we are going to have several
events including focusing on our Horticultural um Department they're going to be sharing the planting method of the three sisters uh we'll be giving plant giveaways we also hope to have some a lot of people come and experience our traditional food we'll have samples um one of our highlights of course is our traditional Village which is the time period is for 1700s so uh you can go into that Gateway and be able to experience what the Chickasaw people did during that time it's a totally Recreatio
n of that life uh they will be doing traditional games there will be storytelling some dancing maybe stomp dancing um which you know you're welcome to come and join us if you like love to I would really love to and the best part of this is the price yes no charge it's all free to the public and maybe the only thing you might be uh having to pay for would be like if you go to our Cafe which which is where we'll also have several of our traditional menus um that they can choose from that interests
me uh you know I eat very poorly my daughters remind me and my three sisters remind me often that I'm not a good eat what are some of the things that as far as uh nutrition that you're proud of that you know go date back four 500 years Chickasaw were stewards of the land and understood the importance of vegetables that's what they ate not a lot of American cheese hanging around there what are the things you're most proud of that maybe somebody could sample at the cafe oh my goodness we will def
initely have uh what one of our features is a alligator poror boy now I haven't tried that myself but I'm sure it's going to be awesome um and we will also have our what we call our Chickasaw special um and that highlights I don't think that's very healthy but you know um our uh Indian taco and a traditional uh dish which is called pofa which is corn corn soup and our grape dumplings so one of the things that I can say is we do a lot of um things that are found that we farmed um and there was it
ems that was also located probably in the wild that they would incorporate into their meals terrific well help me wrap it up uh times and uh the dates again yes is Actually March 19th to the 23rd um it is from 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. now starp dance presentations are at at 11: and 2 um and you'll be able to come and just enjoy everything across the campus that's a great idea for next weekend Stephanie Scott thank you so much so much we'll be right back after these words
