
Ted Vernon and Kid Duke it Out #choppertown #tedvernon #automobile #southbeachclassics

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4 days ago

so we're gonna have a contest between me and Anthony who comes back with the most money you bet I'm in I go out and I look for something that catches my eye and if it's cheap enough I'll get it clean it up and then eventually flip it how much are these 20 piece would you take 10 a piece there's not really a secret it's all just knowing what you're buying whenever you're buying it knowing that you can make that type of profit on what you buy when we finish and Ted comes back and sees how much mon
ey I've made he's gonna go holy hey Anthony how are you doing hey Ted how are you doing doesn't look like you're doing too good yeah more than you I got stopped you got nothing I got money in my pockets no for an 11 year old you're pretty hard to like so I started the day by buying two phones I robbed them and then I traded the phones for a stop sign which is really much better I'm rolling I'm making money
