
The BANNED Episode Of The Fairly Oddparents

The BANNED Episode Of The Fairly oddparents 🌊Join the channel: The Fairly OddParents is an American animated television series created by Butch Hartman for Nickelodeon. The series follows and describes the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems. The series originated from shorts on Nickelodeon's animation showcase Oh Yeah! Cartoons, that aired from 1998 to 2001. The show was later picked up as a half-hour series on March 30, 2001, due to its popularity. Originally, it ended on November 25, 2006, totaling five seasons, but resumed production in 2008. Production of the series ceased again after Hartman left Nickelodeon in February 2018.As of July 30, 2020, all seasons of the show are available on Paramount+. It is Nickelodeon's second longest-running animated show, behind SpongeBob SquarePants #thefairlyoddparents #fairlyoddparents #nick #pngtuber


4 days ago

Nega Timmy is the first episode of season 5  the episode originally aired on Nickelodeon on February 14th in 2005 in this episode Timmy  accidentally creates a negative version of himself by wishing to do the exact opposite  of what his parents tell him to do the wish was made because his parents became more  strict after they were humiliated on live television for being bad parents the wish was  going well until his parents told him to be good before going out to school and since he  wished to
always do the opposite of whatever his parents tell him to do he became evil as a  result the plot of this episode sounds simple enough right well this episode only aired a  year until it was banned in the US as to why it was banned the answer might surprise you  let's take a look at this episode see if you can notice why this episode was banned so grab  some snacks hit the like button and let's get started Cy the bad parent Hunter here and this  week I'm after another have neglectful parents he
llo Mother hello father can you help  me with my homework we don't have time to help you with your homework like good  parents should we're watching our favorite show the bad parent Hunter yeah so here  go play with this dangerous acid in the street why do you have acid on hand  is he planning on using that on dinkleberg bloom an onion there's their boy  now jackaroo chips these bad parents stink out loud o I know look at what they  did to that poor kid who looks like Timmy and look at that horr
ible ugly  house they live in who's going to tell him Safety First what's he doing  here I thought he was hunting bad parents oh my gosh we're the bad parents right you are Joy see you next time on that  bad parent Hunter oh that's a digy don't that was fun and destructive it was fun  destructive Timmy being humiliated in front of a nationwide audience has taught us a lesson we are  going to be better parents and by better we mean Bossier and more in your face yeah starting right  now untie us a
nd that's an order Cy I'll get you lizard take that you morons who aren't anything  like my parents no more video games until you take out the trash and do your homework and  brush your tooth this instant we're great parents and great dancers you know constantly ordering around your child is going  to make the morning to Rebel more right my life was a lot more fun when my parents  didn't tell me what to do all the time but they're your parents it's not their job to make your  life fun yeah prett
y much the opposite like wives opposite Cosmo that's it I wish to  do the exact opposite of what my parents say what well this is usually the time  when you tell me that this is a bad wish and that he should consider the consequences  blah blah blah because I'm the opposite of fun I love Cosmo so much well not this  time wish away see if I care I wish I had to do the exact opposite of  whatever my parents tell me to do hello Mother hello father can  I watch TV you could if I wasn't trying to be
more in your face so you go  to your room right now okay I won't go to my room right now thanks That's My Boy  and my popcorn oh man this is going to be great you march right upstairs and take a bath  young man stay out here and get filthy great idea hey I was here first fun fact Chester in  the earlier seasons was voiced by the guy who played Malcolm and Malcolm in the Middle well  I guess I better go catch the bus unless you want to tell me something like don't be  late or go to school or don'
t pretend to be sick and stay home playing video games  and eating cheesy pretzels no no just be good uhoh oh no his dad told him to be good and that  means he's going to be the opposite evil pure evil do you know what that means yeah this  is going to be fun unless you want him to unwish the wish no how not fun would that be  see isn't this fun why Cosmo want to married again Turner I don't like that evil look in  your eye that's the evil look in my eye then only one of us can have it who's  it
going to be I thought you only had one tooth apparently it's him this can  only be the work of very B parents oh well time to seek a new career that  doesn't cross paths with the evil Turner preparing to fire the super deadly evil super  laser in one Super Evil minute and Counting that's the worst in just seconds my super deadly  evil Super Evil laser will fire into space and knock down this communication satellite oh wait  that's the worst causing it to crash into Mount diale and re activate t
he DOR volcano nope that  is what are you doing I'm just setting up the camera for when it happens when what happens  then the lava will burst the gdale down then the resulting flood will cause a meltdown of  the dimsdale makeup factory and once people have no makeup all social life in dimsdale  will collapse and life and Diz will cease to exist super evil laser ready to fire Cosmo  we have to stop Timmy well finally what were you thinking how could you let it go this far  see I told you he had
turned the living room into an evil lir yeah I don't remember  telling him to do that Timmy go to your room what room now if you excuse me it's time to  watch my evil plan unfold okay that is it evil young man did I mention  that my laser could also blow up dinkleberg's house H hang on a second  I think our Evil Boy might be on to something here what did dinkleberg do  to Timmy's dad to make him hate him so much welcome to the dimsdale Dam built  in 1948 it is impervious to any natural disaster
except for a huge lava  flow but what are the odds of that the makeup factory that's the place  that makes your dad look pretty we have to do something now honey if Timmy wants  to be evil and destroy the dinkleberg's house then I say go ahead hi Turner bye  dinkle B Timmy I want you to be as evil as possible no no my mother is nothing without  her makeup oh no your father is nothing without his makeup and I'm nothing without my  eyeliner and tooth gloss I wish that wave was gone y h I'm alive a
nd I look f fantastic  yay the deadly wave is gone and Timmy is back to normal and when do we get those  cats sorry Mom and Dad I was just going through an evil phase which is over  for good because you're both such good parents let's go have some ice cream whatever  you say I'll be right there as soon as I say goodbye to dinkleberg all of us whatever you  say don't worry you'll get them next time so after looking at the episode did you notice  why this episode was banned no the answer might sur
prise you if you think it's because  Timmy was playing with acid and try to commit domestic terrorism you're wrong or maybe it's  because of the title of the episode Nega Timmy because Nega sounds like [ __ ] the reason  why this episode was temporarily banned was because of this guy right here you might be  wondering what did he do to get the episode banned technically he didn't really do anything  is more of who he's based off of you see the bad parent Hunter is a parody of Steve Irwin  better
known as the crocodile hunter who's a beloved Wild Life educator in 2006 Steve Irwin  sadly passed away due to a tragic accident with a stingray and after his passing Nickelodeon  temporarily pulled this episode however this episode can still be found on the season  5 DVD in Paramount Plus have you seen this episode let me know in the comments down below  until next time I'm tsunami thanks for watching
