
The Dangerous Mind of Aelwyn Abernant | Fantasy High: Sophomore Year | Ep. 10

The Bad Kids attempt a jailbreak. Arthur Aguefort tries out some new magic. Adaine and Aelwyn finally bond. Welcome to Dimension 20,'s anthology actualplay show! Enjoy watching every campaign, every behind-the-scenes, every one-shot, and every talkback, only on Dropout: Sign up for the Dropout newsletter here:

Dimension 20

3 months ago

- Hello, one and all, (giggling) and welcome back to "Dimension 20 LIVE presents Fantasy High: Sophomore Year!" I'm your humble dungeon master, Brennan Lee Mulligan. With me as always are our intrepid heroes. Say "Hi, intrepid heroes." - [All] Hi, intrepid heroes. - If you're tuning in tonight, thank you so much for coming in and playing. We're back in 2020, gang. I wanted to take a second here to talk to you guys and say we are so grateful for you guys watching the show. We love you guys. Obvio
usly, this last week, a lot of our friends at CollegeHumor said goodbye and were laid off, and we wanted to say that we love them, including some friends of the show, Mike Trapp and Rekha Shankar. - [Siobhan] And some enemies of the show, like Ann and Ryan. - And some enemies of the show. Jess Ross and Lily Du. (Emily laughing) Some really wonderful people. Information's gonna be coming out. Andrew Bridgman, who runs the social for "Dimension 20," is making an awesome website where you guys watc
hing at home can go and hire CollegeHumor people. - Oh, hell yeah. - That's gonna come out- - For birthdays or... - Check it out. I assume that half of our fans own media companies, so... - Everybody's got one these days. - We're the number one actual-play for CEOs. - For CEOs. - A huge percentage of our audience is going. - Jeff Bezos is just going... - But we're sending lots of love to all of our extended CollegeHumor family tonight. And we also wanted to let you guys know that tonight we're a
ctually airing a new Dimension 20 side quest, so "Tiny Heist," which features Jess Ross and Lily Du along with the McElroy family, is coming out on Thursdays for the next few weeks. There's six episodes. Episode number two comes out tonight. So, you know, after you watch the continuing adventures of the Bad Kids, you know, go get a snack. And then at midnight Pacific time, you'll have a new episode of "Tiny Heist" to watch. - Content, content, content. - It's all about- - Snacks, snacks. - Snack
s. It's all about snacks, baby. Last we left off our Bad Kids, teenage heroes of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy have been on a quest their spring break to retrieve the crown of the Nightmare King. Their quest has brought them to Bastion City, the pirate city of Leviathan, to Kei Lumennura, the land where horny elves... teen elves are sent to be banished. And our friends are now heading to Calethriel Tower to rescue Adaine Abernant from the clutches of the Elven government. They have some eleme
ntal pylons that they've found that they're trying to dismantle. And also, Adaine has just triggered some kind of auto warning from Arthur Aguefort about fucking with his students. Lo and behold, we return now to the world of Spyre, the continuing quest to retrieve the crown of the Nightmare King! - Woo! (all cheering) - How about it? So, we are in the forests of Fallinel. In the valley before you, you observe the tall tower of Calethriel. This is, of course, the Bad Kids, your associated hireli
ngs and hangers-on. And the two elemental pylons that you know are powering the tower are, there's kind of a rubbly old tower far up on a ridge, and there's a small plume of smoke coming from a smithy or some kind of small wood-burning place off in the woods, a little bit closer to Calethriel Tower. Last week, you guys had made kind of a loose plan to spread off in those different directions. Do you guys remember who you had said you wanted to go where? Were the hirelings going one place? - Yeah
. - I'm going to Adaine. - I think you and Kristen are going to Adaine. - Yeah. - And I believe me, Gorgug, and Fabian are going to the smoke one? - To the smoke. - Yeah. - Yeah. - We're going to the pylon with the smoke. - Okay. - And then the hirelings are going to the further one. - Cool, they're going to the tower. Sandra Lynn will have no problem getting them there. Tracker can fly and carry someone, so that's not a bad call. - Tracker can fly? - Tracker can change into a spirit form that c
an fly. - Oh, I forgot. - You see Gilear looks up and says, "And the van, what of the van and myself?" - The van we put in your ever-capable hands. - Gilear, and it's very important to me that you know that we trust you and that you do not get behind the wheel under any circumstance. (all laugh) - "I shall remain with the van and I shall not drive it under any circumstance." - The van just couldn't handle your heavy foot. - "Yes, my feet are, especially my right, is extremely... There's a lot of
fluid in there." - Oh, no. (all murmur) - That's not what I was referring to. I meant a metaphor. - It looks like you hurt your foot. - You need to go to the doctor. - A metaphor for dangerous driving, but okay. - Did you roll your ankle? - "Oh, months ago, yes. A long, not here on the adventure." - Oh, no! (laughing) - "There's sort of, there's a part above the sock that's turned like a band of purple around it." - Wait, so when we healed you from being dead, it didn't fix the ankle? - "No, I
think there's some kind of bone issue or something that it can't heal quite right. It's all right, the pain is kind of ambient. It's not... (laughing) It's not acute, it's sort of throbbing. And it's kind of nice too, because all the extra blood kind of warms it up and I don't have heat on in my apartment." - What about our friend? - Yeah. (laughing) Yeah. - We had some kind of plan, right? - [All] Yeah. - Yes, it's like, you guys are like transporting in or something like that? - We could. We c
ould. - Ayda's gonna do Invisibility, right? - Yeah, Ayda looks and says, "I can cast Invisibility on all three of us and we can go into the tower together." - Also, I don't want to assume anything, but you're a bird? - "Mh?" - Are you part bird? Can you fly us in or no? - "We have established that I'm half phoenix." - Okay, good. I just, you know when sometimes it comes out of your mouth and you're like, is this okay? - "Yes, absolutely. It is okay." - Okay, good. - "You didn't just hurt my fee
lings." - Good. - Can you fly? - "Yes, I can fly." - So could you fly- - So let's be invisible and fly. - With us? - "I can turn you invisible and then fly us all there." - Done! - Great. - "Very good." You see that she casts (magic whirring) Invisibility on you and says, "I'm going to have to touch you to pick you up and fly you. Can I grab you in sort of a hug?" - Enthusiastic consent. (chuckling) - I go for the hug. - (screams startled) "Okay, good. It's happening." And you see that she takes
off flying. As she does, the three of you guys start heading towards the smithy, which is closer. The hirelings take off and start flying. As you guys begin to take off, however, you see there is a crash of lightning. (dramatic music) (imitates crashing) We cut to Calethriel Tower. The little alert sort of vanishes for a moment. Adaine, you're in your bubble and you see that Kir and your father kind of turn to stare at each other. And you see as they turn, the turn begins to slow down and (magi
c emanating) a rift opens up and you see Arthur Aguefort's desk. You see him sort of rub one of his eyes, look out and say, "Oh, Miss Abernant, someone just selected the way of pain on one of these auto notifications?" - Yes. Sorry, I didn't... Hello. I'm kidnapped in a tower and they have my sister locked in a orb and have done for five months. I feel like that's torture. - "Who, what institution has done this?" - Oh, the high elves of Fallinel. - "Very well, let's do it." He (gurgles) crawls t
hrough the rift that he's made. He steps out, looks around and he says, "Ah, indeed, we are in Fallinel. All right, well, if they were dumb enough to push that button, we'll make them pay." He leaps out of the window of the tower. And as he does, you don't see him fall and realize the reason he's not falling is because he's growing as fast as he's falling. - Woo! - And a 80 foot, 150 foot, 300 foot Arthur Aguefort appears. You guys see this happen even faster as time begins to change and reform.
Arthur turns down and says, "Attention, elves of Fallinel. Today your nation falls!" And reaches a hand up into the sky, towering overhead. And you see his hand moves behind the sun and wraps around it. (laughing) - What? - And as he closes his hand around the sun, he goes, "Gah!" and his veins light up with golden fire. His mouth opens, "Gah," fire races across the sky. And he goes, "Agueforts of the earth, to war!" And thousands of terracotta Arthur Agueforts begin to- - What? - To burst out
of the ground and just sprint north away from Calethriel Tower. - Can I just say, this isn't part of the game, but Brennan did have a really bad fever recently. (all laugh) - And I think it is showing. Thousands of terracotta Agueforts. - So they're going away from the tower? - Yes, you see that the- - Aguefort, we're down here, watch out for us! - The like mountain-sized Aguefort that is clutching the sun. - He's gonna punt that thing. - You see he holds it and begins to drag it across the sky.
- What? - "Aaah!" and one giant step. And you see that it leaves a like burning scar across the sky as he starts moving it. And you see that- - Do we need to do anything? (all laughing) - You're all seeing this. - I'm ready to die! - What are we, is this good? - You see that the giant Aguefort takes long, slow, thudding steps across the valley as thousands of terracotta Agueforts stream through the woods. And within minutes, he is gone and all of them are just leaving to go north. - What's nort
h? Is that north of the tower? - That means something... - Their actual city, I guess, right? - Something's gonna happen. I mean, if he's trying to save you, he's probably not gonna destroy the city. - Maybe it's just like a distraction and we should just keep doing our plan. - Okay, yeah, let's do it. - Yeah, can we do an Insight check to see if that's what's going on? - Anyone that would like to can make an Insight check. - What's north? (dice rolls) - Oh, sweet, 26. - I got a dirty 20. - I go
t an 18, though. - You heard, with the 26, you heard the massive Aguefort basically bellow, you know, like "Elves of Fallinel, you will pay for what you have done this day." The magic you're seeing is beyond the scope of mortal... You had no idea that Arthur was able to do this. - Grab the sun. - Grab the sun, have it light his veins on fire and his glowing eyes. You watch as he marches, his eyes glow like golden bright and just lasers the size of, you know, like highways race out of his eyes an
d he just caps a range of mountains. (laughing) (roars) As he marches north. - Hey, Ayda, do you want to call your dad and warn him that we're here? - Ayda has landed and is like, "Um, I..." (stuttering) - Wait, are you- - I didn't know he could do that? - "I guess. I didn't know he could specifically do that." - Did he- - "Did he look at me? Do you think he saw me or?" - He definitely didn't see you, but is this a normal thing for your dad? Or is this, do you think that really was your dad? - "
It seems like something he would try to do. I didn't know that he was able to do that, but it seems like something that he would maybe do." - I don't think he saw you, but it's only because your Invisibility spell was that good. (dramatic music) - Yeah. - "Have you said something so kind on purpose?" - Yeah. - "Thank you." - Remember, we're transitively best friends. - "I really appreciate that. Sometimes people say nice things, but they didn't mean it, or you inferred the nice thing, but the wa
y you said it, it was very nice. I appreciate that. Okay, let's keep flying to the tower." She lifts you guys up. So Adaine, so you watch Kir and your dad see this happen. Kir is horrified and says, "I'm going to alert the Elven government." She rushes up, but you do also see that Arthur has not sprung you or done anything to help in any meaningful way. So your father just kind of looks back at you and says, "Do you know what... Is this part of the plan? Do you guys get informed about this in an
assembly?" - Yes. (all laugh) I knew that was going to happen as soon as you pressed, as she pressed the pain button. None of this is a surprise to me. - "Hmm, well, you're certainly telling the truth." And you see that he, (all laugh) you see that he rushes off out of your room into the tower as well. And we're going to begin with our group headed towards the first pylon, the smithy. - Can you say that we're all like running like anime characters? (laughing) - Yes, all arms straight back out,
running at the same time. Okay, you guys arrive. Are you trying to arrive there stealthily or no? - I mean, considering the massive chaos happening, like stealthily considering that, but maybe like a little faster than we would have normally. - Gotcha. - Yeah, I think we're in kind of like a forest, right? So I think we're going, we're sprinting tree to tree. (huffs) - Cool. You guys move, you guys move. You see this... as you guys arrive, you see that there is a (laughing) a large Elven smithy.
Looking through the open archway, it's sort of this small, like green, moss-covered stone building, smoke pouring out of it. In the center of the building, you see that there are basically like three large fiery braziers, right? These huge, like silvery Elven dishes piled high with burning coals, and that it's causing the smoke to rise up out of this. You see that there are also three Elven statues at the other corners of this kind of hexagonal, six-pointed room that are Elven statues that are
holding huge pitchers of water. In the center of this smithy is a, so hot it's hard to look at, it's so bright, deep fire pit, and that has like a helix of magic within it going around and around and around. That central pit is what you think is the source of a lot of the magical energy that is going to Calethriel Tower to power its permanent magical effects. - Okay. - What do you guys do as you behold? - Perception checks for other entities? - Everyone make Perception checks. - Yeah. - I can se
e those statues being some tricky... - Perception. - 18. - 16. - Ooh, not great, 10. - You do not see any people of any kind here within the pylon. - So we got water, and we got fire. Maybe we douse them? - We use the Elven- - There's braziers, there's three? And then there's three things of water? - Yes, there's three braziers, there's three things of water. - And then the thing in the center? - And then the thing in the center. The braziers of coals are in different corners, so if it's like a
six-cornered smithy, it's sort of like one, two, three braziers, and then in the opposite corners, facing away from each other, it's one, two, three statues with water. The pitchers, you notice, gear down towards the central fire pit. There's almost a channel or a runnel or something like that that comes off the pitchers going down. The pitchers don't look like they would naturally move towards the braziers in the corner. - Oh, they look like they spill in and go to the center? - Yes. - Can we i
nspect the braziers? Maybe see if, like, there's- - Give me an Investigation check for the braziers. - Can somebody help me? - I can help you. - Well, too late, I already rolled. - Ooh! - Yeah, baby. - Nice. - That is a, da-da-da, 27. - And I got a two. - Ooh! - A 27? The braziers are, you recognize them from a, like, rogue tomb-raiding manual? These are traps, and these are specifically Conjure Elemental traps. - Guys, this is Tomb-Raiding 101. These are Conjure Elemental traps. (all laughing)
- So how do you set them off? Would you know that? Or, like, should we? - So, I mean, well, I mean, the question is, is there a way around it, or do we just have to deal with it? - Here's the thing. Tomb-Raiding 101 only teaches us how to find traps, not necessarily how to disarm them. - I like to imagine Riz is dressed as Tomb Raider all of a sudden. (all laugh) - Except a little blue. - Riz looks so hot. (laughing) - Well, we gotta, I don't think we have too much time to figure it out. - Yeah,
all right. - Why don't we all go towards one of the statues? Because I don't understand how the braziers really fit in. - I bet you if we use the water, we definitely need to use the water to put out the thing in the middle. If we do that, I bet you one of these elementals will pop up. Here's an idea. I'll go do it. You guys get ready to just bash it as soon as it comes out. - Yeah, let's try to, like, only go towards one of the things so we don't set off everything, just in case. - Right on. A
ll right. Should I go climb up and try to get some water going? And then you guys are just, like, ready to destroy - Hell yeah - One of these things. - All right. - All right. - I believe in you. - Hell yeah, I believe in you. - I believe in you. - I believe in you. - Hell yeah, you guys all believe in each other. - I believe in two of these people. - Very, very exciting. - I believe in the three of us. - I'm not sure about myself, but the two of you have got this. - But overall, the six of us a
t large. - You move in. That Investigation lets you avoid what you see as being some possible areas where you could just set something off on the floor. You, like, hop up into an alcove. Go actually ahead and give me an Acrobatics check. - Can somebody toss me and help me? - Can I toss? - I'd like to toss The Ball. - Yeah. - Go ahead and give me an Athletics check. - Can I help you? - Yeah. - You could help. - Gorgug gives a help action. Give me, yeah. Give me Athletics- - This is really support
ive. with advantage. - That's gonna be 22. - Cool. So you pick up Riz in your hand and you sail, bam, land on the statue without touching anything on the floor. Land on the first statue. - Like a little spider monkey, or like a kite. A kite. Squirrel. - Really good job everyone. I believe in you, I believe in you. - I like the support. - Give me another Investigation check as you arrive behind this brazier. - 13. - Immediately what you see is- - Is he on the pitcher or the brazier? - You're on t
he statue with the pitcher, right? So you're on the statue with the pitcher there. I see this, like, Elven statue here. Immediately what you see is all the infrastructure of this place, like everything, bears this high Elven adoration for arcane magic. So as a result of that, you see that you need a cantrip to trigger... that these pitchers, there's an easy way to make these pitchers move, which is just a cantrip that would allow them to bend over. For you, you're gonna have to figure out some w
ay to mechanically or otherwise disable or deal damage to cause these pitchers to move. - Oh yeah, they didn't care about physical strength. - We don't. - That's right. - Yeah, we don't know how to use magic. - I am the greatest wizard of our time. - I believe in you, but also we should have brought somebody who knows magic. - Can I go into a rage and just jump at this statue? - Yeah, well, okay. - Yeah, you can go into a rage. - Wait, wait, no, no, no, no. - Okay, come on, come on. You're ready
to attack? I believe in you. I believe in you, but wait, okay? - Okay, do you wanna just shoot it off? - Yes. - I mean, yeah, that's, okay, great, yeah. - That's clearly, that's the move, right? - I mean, it feels like either you shoot it off or you do blunt- - But he's down there waiting for the elementals. - Smack, okay, great. I'm gonna shoot, and then we're gonna reassess. I believe in you, I believe in you. - I believe in you. - Bam. (all laugh) - All right, I'm gonna let you know right no
w. - That I did a bad job? - No, you did not do... There is a damage threshold here. - Oh, okay, cool. - The damage threshold is 15. You need to do at least 15 points of damage to do any damage. And then it's 20 hit points that the mechanism on the statue has. - Okay. - You go ahead and roll an attack roll as normal. You can add your Sneak Attack to this. - Oh, sweet, okay. - 16 to hit? - 16 hits. - Great, okay. Let's do this. - The statue never saw it coming. (all laugh) - Ooh, very good. - Ver
y good. - 28. - 28. Riz. (blows) Bam. You nail the... - Great job, Riz. - Boom. And you see the pitcher lurches forward off the broken statue. This bright, clear water surges out of this alabaster pitcher, races down, hits the central fire. The helix changes from golden green to a weird arcane purple gold. Just... (whirring magic) And the first brazier next to the door (roars) roars into life. - Initiative from everybody. - Kill it, kill it, kill it, kill it. - Great! - You guys have readied act
ions, but the way this is gonna work is that basically you two guys get a surprise round. - Great, okay. - We roll initiative, though, right? - Do roll initiative, yes. (dice clicks) - 11 for me, initiative. - 22. - 21. - Okay. - Here we go, Fabian. - This is good, this is a good plan. - This is good, I like this. - Fabian? - I love the amount of support we're all giving each other. This is good. - Positivity. - Yes, we have each other's backs. We're a team. - All right, Fabian, you act first wi
thout surprise. Let me ask you a question. Would you have gone to the statue closest to the door or one further away from the door? - I think probably the one closest. - Cool. Fabian, you are first to act. - Great. [Lou] Can I do an Arcana check? Is this just like a classic fire elemental? Nothing special. - Classic fire elemental. - Great. Then we'll just swing... I'll stab it. - What sword are you attacking with? - I guess I'll... I don't have, or I do. - Do you have something magical? - I don
't have anything. I don't think I have the sword. Do I still have the Sword of the Seacasters on me? - It has been placed in front of you a number of times. But whether Fabian would be fighting with it right now is up to you. - I think I timidly just take it out and I'll swing at it with one. - Cool. Go ahead and give me an attack roll. - That's going to be a 25. - 25 hits. - Great. And that'll be 11. - That is 11 points of damage. You rush up, slash, are you gonna take your second attack? - I d
on't have one. - That's right. - And then I will take my movement to stand timidly behind Gorgug. - Hold on. - Or no, I'm not gonna leave a threatened area. - You also take five fire damage. - Okay, great. - Right away, right off the bat. - Hey, Fabian, you're on fire, dude. - What? No, no. - You're on fire. - You have not ignited. - Okay. - But you do take five points of fire damage. And as you move away, it is gonna take a swipe at you. - Great. - Oh, you did move away? - I am going to move aw
ay. - It misses. - Okay, yeah. Catching on fire. Oh, stop! - I believe in you. I'm sure you can find a way to not be on fire anymore. - Gorgug, you are next acting. Riz and the elemental, you guys lose your turn for surprise. - I'm gonna go into a rage. - Hell, yeah. - And then I'm gonna recklessly attack this bad boy while there's one. - [Murph] Yeah, do it up. - [Zac] Nat 20. - Yes! (all cheering) - Very good. - Love to see it. - And that means- - That's gonna be three D12 plus whatever you ha
ve because you have savage attacks for- - Three D12 plus six. Oh, wait, do I have savage attacks? - You're raging because it's plus eight. - Do I get? Oh yeah. Okay, great. Yes. - And it is three D12. - Do you need another one? - Plus, I'm sorry. Raging makes it plus eight? Oh yeah, that's true. Okay, great. So here's, so that's 11 and a two and then one more. Oh, I'll just do one more. And then a five. So 11, two, five. - 18. - 18 plus six on the first attack. - Or plus eight on the first attac
k, right? - Oh yeah, plus eight. 18 plus eight is 26. - Jeez. - So 26 on the first hit and it's a magical weapon, if that matters. - It does matter. - And then it's also, you knock your subject prone with Zelda's mixtape. - Oh, you're listening to Zelda's mixtape. So Fabian, you went up, slashing this thing. It sets you a little bit on fire. Gorgug, (roars) bam! This thing is on its fiery ass. - Okay. And then I'll take my second attack. - Go for it. - Okay. Worse. 16? - 16 hits. - Okay. And so
that's just one D12 plus eight. Okay. 19 on that one. - 19 damage. Damn. - I believe in you. - You did two equally good turns, guys. - I believe in all of us. - You both did really good. - We both did do good. - You both did great. - Yes. Oh. Oh. Come on. Come on, Fabian. - You also, when you hit this thing, do take five points of fire damage right away. That is going to be Fabian. Your turn again. - What? - Yeah, keep going. - Yeah. - Okay. I'm gonna run up and hit it again. - Go for it. - It's
on the ground too. Do you get advantage? - You do get advantage, actually, yeah. - Crit. - I didn't crit, but I did get a 19. If I were a fighter, that would mean something. So that'll hit. And then that'll be a 13. - 13 points of damage? Hell yeah. - And then I'd like to run back behind Gorgug again. - Awesome. That is going to be Riz's turn. - Sweet. I'm going to shoot the fire elemental. (dice clicks) - [Murph] Ooh, two, ten... 19? - [Brennan] 19 hits. - [Murph] Sweet. - And you do get Snea
k Attack because this thing is prone and both of your friends are wailing. (laughing) - I'm looking at Riz like, I believe in you. - You, The Ball. - Just shooting dangerously close to you. - It's just like right here. - It was right over your thumbs up. - 25 damage. - Ooh, baby. This thing is already looking hurt. - Good plan, everyone. - Good plan. - Are we going to kill this one and then do the next pitcher? Is that what? - (roaring) (gasping old voice) "I have been summoned and bound by the
elves of old to protect this sacred pylon. Please stop hitting me with your weapon." - Oh, right, we didn't speak to you. - If we had not hit you and asked you to not attack us, would you have not attacked us? - Eat my ass, dude! - "Get out of here, get out of here." You did reckless attack, so it's going to get some advantage on attacking Gorgug. Hold on one second. (dice clicking) That's gonna be a hit. That's gonna be a hit as well. It deals you first 10 and then 14 points of fire damage. You
r rage does not halve that. And you are also ignited and fully on fire. - You're on fire, Gorgug. You're on fire, dude. - We're in a good team. - You're on fire. You're good. - You're on fire, but I believe in you. - And Gorgug, that's gonna be... that is your turn, Gorgug. - Would I know how to not be on fire anymore? - You can take an action to douse yourself. - Can I put you out? - Although you do take another five points of fire damage at the start of your turn. - At the start of my turn? Ok
ay, so I'm at 85. Look, Fabian, do you want to try to? - Yes, very much so. - Okay, yes, I'll do that. - Keep going, Gorgug. - I'm just gonna recklessly attack him again. - Go for it. - All right. That'll hit. And so. (dice clicks) Nine damage on the first one. Another reckless attack. That'll hit. This is, uh, 11, so I did 21 or 20 damage so far. - You know, you guys are rushing in here. This is one of the first adventures you guys have had out here on spring break where you guys like have a pl
an. You know what's going on. You rush into your first pitcher down. Gorgug, you're set on fire, but you guys got the jump on this thing and wailed on its ass right away. And you, two more mighty blows. Bam, bam! There's a blast of fire. You're still ignited. - Yes! - This thing goes- - Spring break! - We're doing it! - Spring break! - We're doing it! - You guys yell "Spring break" as you're on fire. - Spring break! - Fabian, that is your turn. - I'd like to take my turn to put Gorgug out. - Coo
l, you take an action. You douse Gorgug. You are no longer on fire. - You have one of those silk blankets you can use. - You put the blanket out, and the blanket perfectly drifts and like wraps around you. And there's a little Elven like, (breathy Elvish) and it sort of breathes the fire off you. - Oh good. - Everyone knows elven sheets can put out fires. Fabian, that is your turn. Riz, your turn. - Great, okay. No more elementals? - No more elemental. There are two more segments of the room. -
Sweet, okay. Everybody get ready to attack things. - However, you do see, though, that there is clearly some like alarm or signal from within the changed fire, which was probably, you know, this is like literally where the energy is coming from. Someone attacking it or fucking with it was definitely gonna be noticed somewhere. But there is a, you know, 450 foot Arthur Aguefort stomping north somewhere. - So hopefully, yeah. - Hopefully. - Great. - Yeah, let's just keep going. - All right, I'm go
nna shoot another statue. - Go for it. - Sweet. - Oh, can we? Oh, nevermind. (suspenseful music) (players laughing) - Yeah! - Oh! - Yeah, 24. - 24. Hell yeah. Go ahead and roll that Sneak Attack damage. - Such a dramatic pause. - Yeah. You held that. (coughing) - 23. - Woo! Pitcher lurches forward. Suddenly, it is this gleaming, bright ruby red helix of energy coming out of the fire as the second of the two water pitchers moves into the middle and another elemental springs out of the brazier, ac
ts on the next initiative, which is the one coming up right now. Races forward and is going to take some attacks on you, Riz. - Oh, I should have hidden. We had a good plan on the first one, gang. - You are immediately ignited. And you take 10 points of damage followed by another 11 points of damage. - Oh. - 21? - You guys don't have a healer, do you? - No. - Interesting. - Spring break! - I'll douse you, don't worry. - It's the blanket boy! - And I have Healing Word. - I slowly sheathe my sword
and I'm just holding this blanket. - Hey, the worse we're doing, the better the other teams are doing. Yeah, you should remember that, everyone. Stay positive. Spring break. - You're fully on fire. - (indistinct) in my head. - You're fully on fire, so... - Spring break. Stay positive. - Stay positive. - Stay positive. Spring break. - Gorgug, that's going to be your turn. - Gorgug, I'm going to Frenzy on this. Yeah, yeah. Recklessly attack this one. - Fabian, please put me out. - I'm coming. - W
eirdest roll I've ever seen. - We have the perfect job to traumatize Fabian. He's a firefighter. - First one hits. - You're fanning the flames. - Second one hits. And then I'm going to use my Frenzy attack. - Hell yeah. - So... (dice clicks) Does a, yeah. I think all three of them hit. - Okay, awesome. - 23 for the worst one, so. - So that's just going to be three D12 plus 24? - Yeah. - Nice. - Okay. - Okay, 10 and a nine plus... - Woo, you love to see it. - Nine. - Nice. - 28, 28 plus 24. You d
eal 52 damage? - I believe in us. - Yeah! - As you attack this thing, you take another five points of fire damage. (imitates fire whooshing) You guys definitely were right to not send the hirelings to this one. This was a bad one. Just boom, boom. - We're both on fire. (laughing) - Now Fabian has to choose which one to put out. - I think he just took fire damage. - He just took fire damage. You're ignited. That's Gorgug. Fabian, that's you. - Fully sheathe my sword. Do some light dancing with th
is blanket. And then just full on run at The Ball. (all laughing) - You're really in touch with your Elven roots right now. It's a lot of ribbon dance twirling. And you're like, the fire kind of curls up the sheet and around your hands. And you do kind of some David Bowie orb tricks with the fire. - Palm, yeah. Palm juggling. Contact juggling. - You do a lot of contact juggling. Sheet's on fire. You are doused. Riz is doused. Riz, that is your turn. - Sweet. - I found my purpose. (all laughing)
- I'm going to do a bonus action Disengage by slowly backing away from the situation. I'm gonna do a bonus action Disengage so that I'm not getting attacked by the fire elemental. And then I'm going to shoot at it. - I imagine it's like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" where like a sheet unfurls and there's just no one there. (all laugh) - But then I'm anime running really loudly. - All right, go for it. - Oh no. That is only a 12 to hit. - 12 misses. That's Riz's turn. Elemental is going to be
next. You took reckless attacks on your last turn, correct? - Yes, dude. (laughs) - Okay, that's a hit for sure. That's a hit for sure. It's going to be... - I mean... - Get ready to flip out. - Where's Tracker? - Tracker's flying. - 20 points of fire damage and you are ignited. - Okay. - My eyes come alive. - I really hope we don't have to do much after this. - You guys, by the way, also now see that the helix in the middle is flickering with other energy that looks like it's possibly failing.
Out the window, you guys see a flash of some kind of magic from Tracker up at the other tower. So it looks like they've made it to their position as well. - Can I make a Perception check... I'll wait until my turn? - And it is your turn right now. Welcome to another five points of fire damage. - Oh, thank you. - Welcome to the fire zone. - Thank you. - Welcome to another five points of fire damage. It's a smith, smithy, right? - Yes, it looks like some kind of, but it looks like it has been buil
t into the shape of a smithy in, and it's actual, it's not a functional forage. - So there's not like weapons anywhere or anything like that? - Go ahead and give me a Perception check. - Okay. 12. - You see that there are some ornamental weapons carved from stone on the statues, but this place is really more of like, again, like an arcane power station than it is a working forage. - Okay. Well, I'm just gonna keep recklessly attacking just because- - I'll keep putting you out. - Thank you. Thank
you. I'm still on fire, right? - Yes. - I have 55 hit points, so I don't have to keep doing that very long. All right. (dice clicks) 21 hit? - 21 hits. - Does a 15 hit? - A 15 does hit. - Oh, wow. - Yes! - And then a 23. - Hell yeah. - So three hits, so it's going to be plus, whatever. - It is plus 24, yes. - So that is a, that's 20 points with two dice and another 10. - So 30 plus 24. - 54. - 54. Second elemental, Gorgug. (whooshes) The fire blasts away, singes the walls. There are no combatan
ts on the floor right now. You are still ignited. Fabian, it is your turn. - Can I make an Athletics check to do some cool jumps while I put him out? - Go ahead and give it to me with advantage. - Hey, thank you. (laughing) - I have the positive. That's- - He's thriving. - That's 23. - Oh, for the first time- - He's absolutely thriving. - For the first time, you are feeling your body fully express itself in combat. And instead of like a weird compulsion to like run into danger and like hurt thin
gs or attack things, you're like saving your friends through the power and majesty of dance. - Oh, Fabian. - I'm like out of breath, like soot on my face. I'm like singed hair like... - I'm here for you. (laughing) - Fire comes off. Riz, that is your turn. - Sweet. This is something we didn't try. What if we put out the fire before we do one of these things? We have the last one. - Everyone knows that Elven blankets put out fires. - Put it out, put out the brazier. - Yeah, I guess we'll- - I mea
n, it was announced that Elven, everyone knows that Elven blankets put out fires. So I'd like to use common knowledge and use my Elven blanket to put out the third brazier. - I know what's happening. I see what's happening. Um, I'm gonna get the Box of Doom. - Yeah. Oh no, Fabian. - Get the Box of Doom. This is going to be a DC 20 Acrobatics check. - I have advantage and plus eight. - Can I prepare an action to hit the thing if it comes to life? - And I'm gonna say this, on a 20, nothing bad wil
l happen to you. I wanna see, you'll see what happens if you hit a 25 or higher. - Great. And this is- - I believe in you, Fabian. - This is, uh, this is, yeah, Acrobatics? - Acrobatics. - [Zac] Spring break. - [Lou] God, I can't see what that one is. I can't see what either one is. - [Brennan] First one's a 16. What does a 16 do? - [Lou] 16 gets me to 24. - [Brennan] 24, awesome. Here are your dice. Fabian, you rush up to this brazier. (all laugh) You touch something on the floor which triggers
the brazier to erupt. (all wheeze with laughter) - The elemental leaps out, - Oh, no. and as it does, you encircle it in the sheet, take it into the deepest tango dip in the world. - Oh my god. - Now I'm gonna ask you to make a choice. You did not hit a 25. - Okay. - Do you believe in the dance enough to fully take the damage that will come from embracing this elemental? - I do. (all laughing) - Riz is sobbing. - (laughing) Riz is sobbing. - Beautiful. - You take 22 points of fire damage, as yo
u lean deeply into the dance. You guys see the sheet swirls around Fabian's body and the elemental like roiling up behind him in the flame as you dip this elemental. Before the elemental goes, Riz, it is your turn. - Shoot it in the head. - I shoot it in the head. It's beautiful. (all laughing) - The elemental right now, give me an Insight check. - Can I help you? - Yeah, that'd be great, thanks. - Help me figure this out, Gorgug. - Oh, Nat 20. - The elemental has been so deeply affected by the
dance that you don't think it's in active combat mode right now. It might be in a state of being partially stunned. - It's so beautiful, Gorgug. - You're right. - But you do see the final statue with the pitcher. - I'm gonna shoot the pitcher. - Cool, go ahead and give me an attack. - Yeah, baby, that's 28. - Hell yeah, go ahead and roll damage. - Wild stuff happening over here at the smithy. - The vibes are strong. - The boys are having a weird day. Ooh, not great rolls, but 4, 10. Ooh, wait, f
our. Six, 12. - Can you do Fury of the Small? - Oh yeah, I can. 18, and then if that's not enough, I'll do Fury of the Small. and do an extra hit. - Fury of the Small, bam! You hit 20 points, last pitcher. You see that the... Water flows. The fire extinguishes, this elemental that you're cradling here, as the last brazier goes out and the helix ends, the thing binding this elemental to protect this place goes as the helix goes, and the last pitcher's there. So you are holding this elemental ther
e, and you see that it goes from being a monstrous fire to being a sort of Elven face made of wreathing flame. It looks up at you, tears of flame streaming down its face as you hold it, and it kisses you so softly on the lips for eight points of damage. - I take it, I take it all. I take every single point of that damage, I take it slowly. (laughs) And I feel it in my whole body. - As it does, you see that a voice whispers in your ear like flame, "Thank you for my freedom, for my life." (slow se
rene music) And the flame goes out. You feel a touch on your lips, and you guys see as Fabian stands, the sheet roiling around him, you see that his lips are like red hot, and that with like a sort of gulp standing up, badly injured, you feel a glowing mote of fire like descend down your throat and rest hot and warm in your chest. - Oh, wow. Great job, everybody. Great job. (all laughing) - Can I take his cape and wrap it around his shoulders and tie it on like a, like the sheet, and tie it on l
ike a cape? - You are wearing a sheet tied around you like a superhero. - You got that fire in your belly now. - I do. - You got that fire in your belly! - Yeah, I do, The Ball. I do, Gorgug. Yeah. Yes! - Spring break! Spring break! - Let's go! Let's... Spring break! - Spring break! - Wait a second. Is it broken? - The pylon is destroyed. - Spring break. - Fabian is like, he's like badly, you like just performed some act of Elven dance magic and are badly burned. Gorgug is badly burned behind yo
u. Riz, you're burned as well. You guys got rid of the pylon and you rush out of there. - So hurt, so happy. - So hurt, so happy. - Spring break! - Just the biggest smile on my face. - Incredible. We cut to Calethriel Tower. - Ooh, I'm back. - Oh my god. Okay, so Calethriel Tower is a tall, multi-story tower, about a 10-story tower that is situated into the edge of a walled courtyard. So it's sort of like a little ring wall, and then on the edge of the wall, the tower comes up, leaving that litt
le garden in the middle. You see the gate is closed. You guys arrive looking at it. As you guys arrive there, go ahead and give me Perception checks. (slow drum battle music) - 10. Wait, 11. - 20, not Nat. - 20, not Nat? You look around, and Kristen, as you're waiting there, you look and see the young elf maiden that you guys fought in Leviathan rush into the tower, followed quickly by Adaine's dad, Angwyn Abernant. You also see four of these extremely large, like eight-foot tall... they look ki
nd of like green men, where they don't look like automatons, like the warforged you met in Leviathan, but they're more like native spellcraft. They're like plant beings that are composed of magic, but they have beautiful Elven faces. These are sort of eight, eight-and-a-half-foot-tall Elven giants. Four of them walk into the tower, and the last thing you notice with that 20 is you see some of Tracker's magic up in that far tower, and then you see the moon doors that some of these guardians came
out of (whoosh) fade. - Okay. - Cool. - I'm gonna use, we're invisible right now. - Yes, you are. - I'm gonna use the opportunity to Disguise Self for the next hour to look like Arthur Aguefort. (Brennan laughs) - So that if I come out of Invisibility, they'll think I'm Aguefort. - They'll think you're Arthur Aguefort. - Can I, while we're invisible, do I have a chance to cast something on the elf that was running in front of Adaine's dad? - They have made it in before the spells were off. Now t
hat the flow of magical energy into the tower is gone, you know that all the permanent magical effects that were on this place are now dispelled. - But those soldiers aren't. - Those soldiers are not. So you have to worry about Kir, the young Elven woman, Adaine's father, and whatever those guardians were. - Okay. - I think if you cast a spell when you're invisible, you come out of Invisibility, I think. - I believe, I think it depends. - If it's Lesser Invisibility. - With Lesser Invisibility,
yeah. And that's what- - And that's what she did. - Oh, so I guess I, maybe I cast Disguise Self before I got in the game. - Are we able, what do you guys think? Should we fly and try to find Adaine in a window? - Yeah, let's try to fly into a window. - Cool. Go ahead and give me a Perception check. - 20, not Nat. - Oh, 21, not. - You guys spot a window up at the very top of the tower. Ayda looks at it and says, "Good, that's us." She picks you up, flies to that top of the tower. As she does, yo
u see Adaine suspended in an orb in that top tower. - Wait, if the magic is gone, shouldn't the orb be gone as well? - The orb is a spell that no longer has the re-up effect. - Oh, okay, so in like an hour, it'll be gone. - Exactly. - Oh, wait, if I cast a cantrip, do I come out of Invisibility? - Yes, if you cast a cantrip, you'll come out of Invisibility. - Damn. Can we, let's just- - Oh, we see, yeah, no one's in that room, right? - Let's just punch this window, we'll get in. - Do you have th
e weird sword still? - I think I gave James Whitclaw's sword back to the city. I just wanted to keep it. - Hell yeah. As you guys fly to the window, you guys rush in. Go ahead and give me an attack roll on that window if you're attacking. - 10? - 10 does not hit. There's no way now to stay under Invisibility, right? Because you're kinda like, you gotta attack the window to possibly get a chance of getting into the room. So you come out of Invisibility with that. - Oh, wait, I come out of Invisib
ility for attacking? In that case, why don't we just do, why don't I just cast Shatter on it if we're gonna come out of Invisibility anyways? - That makes the most sense. - Yeah, okay, yeah. So I just cast Shatter on it. - Okay, you cast Shatter, you hit a fucking chord on that guitar. - And then Arthur Aguefort playing a bass guitar appears in the sky. - You came back! Thank goodness you came back, Professor. I thought you- - Ayda, Kristen, and Fig all leap into the room. (all laugh) As they do
, you see those four guardians rush in with Kir and your dad right behind them. - I cast Banishment on Kir. - We're gonna roll initiative now. - Okay. - Do I also have to roll initiative? - Yes, you do. - Great. - 14. - Woo! - I also got a 14. - Also, Ayda, I wanna Message Ayda and be like, "It's just me. It's Fig, okay, don't get-" - Oh, you turned yourself into her dad? - I know, I know. I warned her when we were coming over. - Yeah. I was like, hey. - Hell yeah. - Did anyone get above a 20? -
No. - 14. - Did anyone get above a 15? (driving rock music) - No. - Did anyone get above a 10? - 14. - Both got 14? - Cool. Fig, Adaine... Did anybody get between a five and a 10? What'd you get? - I got an eight. - Eight. - Hold on. - I guess I'm announcing what I'm gonna do. - Minus three to initiative. - It's insane. - It's the worst stat I've ever seen. You have a four. - I just start reading my book. - You have a four? Four to Dex? - They have a four to Dexterity. - They wear flip-flops. L
ike, there's no- - Yeah, yeah, totally, yeah. - Yeah, that's true. - Ah, cool. - So, you losing, you're like, private. - You guys have landed in this room. You see this orb here. Fig, you are first to act. - Sweet. - Well, I'm Arthur Aguefort, so I'm gonna say, "This will all be over if you hand me the girl." - Go ahead and give me Intimidation or Persuasion. - Wouldn't it be, like, Deception or Performance? - Actually, yeah, we'll call it- - Because I'm an actor? - Well, give me a Deception to
be Arthur Aguefort, [Brennan] and then it will be, I guess, Intimidation. - [Emily] Deception, I got a... Wait, hold on. 18. - 18, awesome. (upbeat rock music) That's enough to deceive them. Now, go ahead and give me Intimidation, just a flat Intimidation. - 12. - 12. You see Kir says, "You are nothing more than a fool, and your efforts here shall have been in vain." I'm not gonna make you use your whole turn on that Intimidation. If you wanna take another action, you can. - All right, then. I'm
going to Hexblade Curse Adaine's dad and attack him. (all laugh) - Fuck, yeah. - I know this isn't strategic, but man, fuck that guy. - Absolutely go for it. - Does a 15 hit? - Does a 15 hit? A 15 certainly hits, however, I need you to make a Wisdom saving throw for me. - Okay. - Eight. - That's your Wisdom saving throw? - Yeah. - Awesome! You see that Angwyn's eyes ripple, and he says, "Think better of your hasty action," and uses Instinctive Charm, which means on a failed save, the attacker t
argets the creature closest to it other than the enchanter or itself. - Oh, please don't make me attack Ayda as her dad. - I'm gonna roll, it's 50-50 between... I'm gonna say one through three is Ayda, and a four through six is Kristen. That's a three. You attack Ayda Aguefort. - Oh, no! - Can I scream? "It's Fig, it's me, Fig. Blame me, blame me." - Oh my God, that's so much damage. - No, I didn't do that. I didn't do that, I didn't do that. - 12. - 12 damage? - Yeah. - Cool, and what was your
actual attack roll again? - It was 15. - Okay. You see Ayda, and you did 12 damage? - Yeah. - So you swing at Ayda, and you see that Ayda looks at you and says, "Dad, Dad, I'm sorry-" - It's me, Fig. "I'm sorry, Dad, Dad." - It's me, Fig. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Dad, Dad." - It's me, Fig, it's your best friend, I'm so sorry. - Kir looks at Arthur Aguefort attack his daughter, and scream, "I'm your best friend, it's me, Fig." And Kir says, "I'm getting very confused and upset with everything that
these children do." - I hope the vibes are just as positive for the other guys. - They must be. - It's pretty great. - Adaine, that's gonna be you. - I mean, can I do anything? - Oh, I'm gonna Message Aelwyn. "Aelwyn, get ready, we're leaving, get ready." - "Okay." - Get ready, we're leaving. - "There's a vault on the first floor." - Yes. And she Messages back to you, she knows to get ready. That is Adaine's turn. - And can I ready an action to cast a spell? - Yes, you may absolutely ready an ac
tion to cast a spell. - Great. - Yeah. - Are these guardians green plants? - These guardians are green plant-like creatures, yes. Ba, ba, ba. Okay. (driving rock music continues) Hold on one second. Angwyn raises his hand to cast Dominate Person on you, Fig. And Ayda knocks it out of the air. Boom, Counterspell. - Thank you, from me, Fig. - "Whatever, I would help you, Fig. Dad... (stuttering) you're not my dad. You're Fig, right? It's an illusion, yes." - Yes. - "You're Fig, I know. Why would I
have carried my dad here? (stuttering) He never carried me." - Hey, if you wanna work out some stuff, like when we're not in battle, I could kind of do this. - "I might need to work some of that out while we're in battle, because you elected to have a disguise that's very upsetting." You see... (all laugh) That's Angwyn's turn. Kristen, that's you. - Great. I am going to, what am I gonna do? You know what? We're all just in one room, right? - Yep. - Okay, I'm gonna cast Spirit Guardians and try
to fill the room with... - Spirit Guardians. - People who... Excluding us two, Ayda, and the sisters. - Cool, you got it. - And then I wanna try to see if I can roll the ball that Adaine's in. Like a bowling ball at... At Kir. - Do you have Dispel Magic? You can Dispel Magic it away. - I don't think I have Dispel Magic. I think arcane, and I think only Ayda can do it. - Awesome. - Yeah, but I have heal, you know. I can heal you and your sister. - So you cast Spirit Guardians, and boom, a bunch
of philosophy grad students appear. - My guys! - "Oh, what's up?" - What is up? - "Oh, what do we got here? Some kind of like, oh, it's like a sort of off-brand like Fae, Elven kind of, okay, great." - Oh, we're royal too, oh. - "What are you guys, aloof because of the passage of time or some bullshit?" - Oh, you guys are just aloof because you're aloof. - You see that one of the Spirit Guardians disappears. - No! Whose side are you freaking on? Look, they're students. They're philosophy student
s. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, they have to work it out now so they're not annoying adults. - Yes, hey, do you want a cortado? - In unison, they all say, "We would love a cortado." - Okay, okay. - Incredible. - Oh, yeah. There is an espresso machine in this prison. - Can I say, do the Spirit Guardians get through the orb or is the orb totally? - Wow, those are bad rolls! The Spirit Guardians do partially go through the orb. They appear as kind of a radius. Every one of the green men fails. Go ahead an
d roll damage. - Oh, it's four D8s, I believe. Can I have a D8 from someone? - If you're using a higher level spell slot. - I am, yeah. - Cool, go for it. - Fourth level. All right, all right, 14, 15, 21. 21 damage on anyone who... - Is it your modifier, too, or just the? - Yeah, you're right. - Yeah, so what would I add to that? - It's just 21. - Okay, cool. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Okay, you see two of them rush up to you, Kristen. One goes to Fig, one goes to Ayda. - How do the green men l
ook after getting hit with 21? - They're up, but they didn't like that. You see that as they start moving, you see that one of the guardians start yelling out, "In what way do you actually defend the forest? And from what? Do you have any actual participation in the systems that watch ecosystems be destroyed? Or are you just gonna march around and do what the elves tell you?" And the green men kind of partially disassemble under the weight of those questions. - The weight. - Cool. - Ooh, one sco
res a critical hit on Kristen. - Oh, Shield. Do I have a bonus action after... Yeah. - Well, this would be your reaction. - Reaction. - You can use Shield, but it's a critical hit, so it's gonna hit no matter what. - Oh, yeah, of course. Nine, 14, 15. You take 19 points of bludgeoning damage. - [Lou and Ally] Here we go. - Nice, quiet "Here we go." - Fig, you take 12 points of damage. - All right, Hellish Rebuke. - Go for it. - On one of those green dudes? - One of the green dudes, yeah. - Oh, t
hat's great. - Cook him. - Oh, that's gonna be really bad. Fire damage is probably bad. - You should just try to get bumped into by all of them so that you can Hellish Rebuke. - So poorly. That's gonna be a seven. Seven fire damage. - Seven fire damage? That thing hurts. You know that it's not your most powerful Hellish Rebuke. You see it hurts this thing quite a lot. - Oh, does it now? Interesting. - Awesome. That is the green men's turn as they swing at you. That's now gonna be Kir's turn. Ba-
ba-bum. Oh. (all laugh) - All right, fine. - Okay. - Did you do a cheese thing? - Wait, did you do it with? - Yeah, he did it. - He made it look like (indistinct) - Are you doing it? - You want me to? - I tried to do it, literally, because I thought you... - Incredible. - In this house, we eat dice. - You need to roll dice. Pick up cheese as you pretend to eat it. - So I'm gonna roll... (all laugh) - You do this thing where you shake your whole head. - I'm gonna need Wisdom saves. - Where the he
ll did that go? - From Kristen, Fig, and Ayda. - Ooh, I need this to go well! - 14. - Okay. - Nat 20. Go fuck yourself, Kir. (all laugh) - You see that Kir looks at you and says, "Leave this place at once." You are unaffected, it looks like Ayda's unaffected. Fig is affected by the spell. - Kill me. - Ayda is next in the initiative. Ayda looks at you, hold on one second, and on a roll of a natural 19, dispels the Suggestion on you. She looks and says, "Dad, don't leave! Ah, I mean, stop, stop, s
top! Fig, don't leave! Fig, don't leave!" - Hey, call me whenever you want, if you're gonna dispel me. - This fight... - That is Ayda's turn. Fig, that is gonna be you. - Okay, I'm gonna go over to the green guardians and put my bass aside and then Burning Hands them. - Hell yeah. Go for it, roll damage. - Rolled terribly again! That is going to be a whopping six. - Okay. - But it's a 15-foot cone. - 15-foot cone. You can hit all of them in that for sure. It's a Dex save for half. Hold on one se
cond here. - I can't do it at higher levels, and it's a specialized thing. - Okay. Two of them save, two do not, and how much damage did you do again? - Six. - Six, okay. That's gonna be. - You can't because it's not that good? - I can't because it's part of my, it's part of my pick. - Gotcha. (mutters) That's cool. - Yes, two, it's a lot of damage across all four of them though, (blows) as you light them up with fire. Adaine, that's gonna be you. - There's really not very much I can do, because
there's no spells that can get through the orb, right? [Siobhan] But Boggy can turn into a mist and then back again? - [Brennan] That's correct. - [Siobhan] So can I send Boggy to help Fig on these Wisdom rolls? - Yes, you absolutely can. - Great. - You send Boggy. Boggy rushes out. - Can Adaine Counterspell from in there, or? - I don't have any spells left. I only have three first-level spells left. - That is going to be, Angwyn is going to go again. He is now going to hit Kristen with a Domin
ate Person. I'm gonna need a Wisdom saving throw from Kristen. - Okay. (dice clicks) Interesting. So 14. - 14, that is exactly Angwyn's DC. You succeed. - Yes. - You see he says, "Come under my control." - Did you say something? (all laugh) - What are you reading? - "On the Book of World Religions." - That is Angwyn's turn, Kristen, that's you. - Okay, great. I'm going to, maybe can I just prepare a Cure Wounds action for when we get these bubbles open? - [Brennan] Oh, to Cure Wounds on Adaine?
- I actually don't need Cure Wounds. My problem is really I don't have spells left. - The main issue is this orb as well. I don't know if Kristen has Dispel Magic prepared. - I don't have Dispel Magic, yeah. - But the main issue is the orb. - Okay, well then I guess I'll just keep... I'm gonna cast... Okay, yeah, I'm gonna cast Blindness on Kir. - Cool, is that a concentration spell? - Nope. - You have the teddy bear. - Oh, you have the teddy bear, that's right. - Okay, Blindness, awesome. Hold
on one second. - You choose a creature you see within range. They make a Con saving throw. - Okay, she's gotta make a Con saving throw. - How high is that wizard's Constitution, Brennan? - Not extremely high, I won't lie. But on a natural 17, she does overcome the Blindness. - Oh, sorry, on a higher levels of third or more, you can cast it on an additional creature. Can I do that and also cast it on Angwyn as well? - And target Angwyn as well? - Yeah, yeah. - Absolutely. Do your Spirit Guardians
hit people this round? - They hit at the beginning of their turn. - Yes, they hit at the beginning of their turn every round. You see that Angwyn is- Light blasts out of your crooked staff and, he is completely unable to see. - Awesome. - Now that's going to be the green men again. At the beginning of their turn, they all make saves from the Spirit Guardians. Two save, another two do not. Go ahead and roll damage. - All right. Give it up. Thank you. (dice click) (epic rock music continues) - 19
. - 19, okay. So that's going to be... - When I do that, is that 19 points of damage to each of them? - Yeah. - Oh, awesome. - Six. Your philosophy grad students just again start heckling and be like, "What's your whole deal? Why do you exist? Rebel against the conditions of your creation. You clearly have sapience, right?" - Have you seen "Memento"? - "We love 'Memento'!" - That was crazy, right? - Complete in uniform sip from all their cortados. You see that Kir is now going to act. - This son
g is so similar to a different song. I was like... - Yeah, here we go! - Okay. - It's supposed to be, it's like one degree off. But it's not that song. - All right. - Lawyer's watch this show. - Zac frickin' loves pop punk. - Our big two are CEOs and lawyers. - I'm gonna need a Charisma saving throw from Kristen. - All right. It's okay, my Charisma... (indistinct) - 17. - 17 passes. Kir attempts to Banish you and you are not banished from this realm. - Uh-uh-oh! (all laugh) - Uh-oh! - Ayda rushe
s forward, hits the orb with Dispel Magic and dispels it. - Yes! - Yes! - You see she rushes up, grabs your hands, Adaine, and says, "I heard you were kidnapped, so I came to help." - Thank you. My sister is also kidnapped. Can you, can you, can you do the... - "Great, where is she?" - I guess we... - "Where is she on the earth? Can we teleport there?" - No, she's like in the next room. - "Extremely convenient." And you see that she begins to rush out of the, rush out of the door. - And I have m
y spell prepared, right? - Yes, you do. - How many of these green guys are left? - All four are still up, but they're all looking badly injured. - Okay. In which case, I guess I'll just Firebolt one of them. Wait, yeah. - Hell yeah. - Yeah, might as well. - Nice. - Are you going after the most injured one? - Yeah. - Cool. - Well, it's two D10 damage, so actually, no, I should go after a different one, right? - Well, it's gonna be two D10 and they're vulnerable to fire damage. - Right, exactly. -
Up to you. They're all kind of looking about as injured as each other. - Oh, okay. Then I'll kill the one closest to me, whatever that is. - Cool, go for it. - That's a 15 to hit? - 15. - Oh no, 17, sorry. - A 17 to hit? - Yeah. 17 exactly hits. - Great. (upbeat rock music continues) That's 10 damage. - 10 damage. You light one of these dudes up. - Great. - In a big blast of flame. That's your readied action, so that's your reaction. - Great. And then can I slap my dad in the face? (all laugh)
- Well, he can't see it coming, so free Dad slap. - Great. - Free Dad slap. - You know, this is a little dad-centric episode. - Fig. - Hi, Dad. - That is going to be your turn. - That's me. Okay. - Number three, dads. - I guess I'm just going to, I don't have any more fire spells. I'm going to... I'm gonna, I guess I'm just going to Shatter these. I'm going to try and Shatter as many of these green guys as I can. - Okay, awesome. No worries. Go for it. - Yeah. - Sorry, guys. - So they do, they d
o a Con save. - Okay. - Or they take, let's see... 21. 21 damage. Half that for anyone who saves. - Okay. - If a creature made of inorganic material, such as stone, crystal, or metal, has disadvantage on the saving throw. - Okay. These guys are not made of stone, crystal, or metal. - Okay. - (roars) Hit this power chord. Again, Arthur Aguefort just rocking out in the middle of this room. These guys are looking messed up, for sure. Oh, I also believe, I may have actually skipped these guys attack
ing you. So we're gonna go back and resolve that, I'm afraid. - I took 19 from something. - That was their first round. That was their first round. That, and what is Kristen's AC? That's a hit. You take 11 points of damage as one of them strikes you. - One. Two are going for Fig and hit. - Shield. - One is converted into a miss. (Emily laughs) - You take 11 points of damage as well. As these huge, powerful wooden fists rain down on you. That is Fig. Adaine, it's actually back to your turn. - Gre
at. I guess what I'm gonna do is, Kir's still here, right? - Correct. - I am going to... - Kir's the worst. - Chromatic Orb, poison attack her. - Awesome. - That's a 17 to hit? - 17 hits. - Great. (upbeat music) And that's 10 damage again, goddamn. - To Kir, awesome. - To Kir, yeah. 10 poison damage. That by, yeah, poison is a rare kind of damage. - She vomits as poison courses through her veins. She says, "I don't understand why you have to be so difficult. Oh, very classy." - Hey, Adaine, what
do you wanna do about your dad? Because, I mean. - I mean, I want him to die. - Okay, then we'll try to kill him. - Great, okay. - Cool. - Oh, hey, it's me, Fig. - Oh! - Yeah! - That tracks, actually. That tracks. - Angwyn dispels the Blindness on himself. - Can you dispel something that you can't see? - He knows where he is. - Okay, okay. - Let me actually double check and make sure that Blindness is not an instant- Do you have the Blindness card there in front of you, Kristen? - I certainly d
o. - Is the duration instantaneous on it? Is it a thing where it creates a permanent effect? Let me go ahead and see. - No, on a success the spell ends. - Let me go ahead and take a look at the card real quick. Also, Spirit Guardians, I forgot, halves, anyone who takes damage from it, their, their speed. - Oh, okay, he actually keeps making the Con save. Well, he's not gonna wait around for that Con save. He's gonna dispel that. Angwyn looks at the badly hurt green men and at Kir here as well. A
ngwyn.... - Tries to run? - Turns invisible. - Oh! - Bitch. - Kristen, that is your turn. - Okay, there's a lot of like commotion and Kir's throwing up, right? - Yes, correct. - Okay, I would like to appear behind her and I would like to put my hand on her back and say, "You're on the wrong side, but you could join us if you want," and then cast Banishment. - Ha ha ha! - Oh my god. - Just to give her time to think, you know, kind of out of this. We'll bring her back. - Okay. - I like the part wh
ere you disappear and reappear. - Ha ha ha! - Hey. - Slowly. - Just something to think about. - I think that is gonna break your Spirit Guardians. - No, cause I have teddy bear. - Oh. Yeah. - Two concentrations. - Okay. - Okay, now we're gonna go ahead and see about this. - Jesus Christ. - So the next, so Kir's got one shot at this. It's a Charisma saving throw. - She doesn't seem very charismatic to me. - Yeah. - She's actually got a hit, a 16 or higher, in the Box of Doom. - Wow. - Right now.
No way. No way. Spring break. - [All shouting] Spring break! - [Brennan] On a Nat one! She's a gone, baby! (cheering) - Bye, friend. - Bye. - I kiss her on the side of the head. See ya. - Bye. See, she says, "oh, you're so- ha, ah!" Boom! And you see that, yeah. - Ta, ta. - All of your philosophy grads raise their cortados, and they're like, "Kristen!" - Guys, guys. Let's hang out after this, right? - Next is gonna be the green men, who once again are gonna make their saves. God, the highest rol
l was a five! Go ahead and roll your damage. - Hell yes. All right, come on, let's get a good one. - Kid's killing it today. - All right. 17. - 17? Okay. One of the badly hurt green men that's got hit by that Shatter and the Burning Hands before, you see your grad student walks up and just goes again like, "So again, you do have a mind, but it's made of magic, but you follow orders... What does the plant motif have to do with imprisoning these children? I just don't-" and you see the green man j
ust says, "Forget it!" And unravels, to just like get away from the grad student. And it's unmade. And that was, what, you said 17 damage? - 17. - Okay. So that's gonna be seven. 84. These guys are looking messed up. Kir is fully Banished. Ayda runs in from the other room holding Aelwyn in her arms. - Nice. - Let's get out of here. - No, I need my spellbook. And her spellbook. They're on the first floor. - They're on the first floor? - I can't do anything if I don't have my spellbook. - Can we s
tart Messaging? Because we don't know where your dad is. - Yeah, sure, yeah. We can do this together (indistinct) - Fig, that is gonna be your turn next. - All right. Can I- - Always hiding from daddy. - I wanna try to reach out and touch. - Daddy can't hear. - Can I use Bestow Curse to try and make him un-invisible? Because it says that you can remove, it says like at the DM's option you may choose an alternative curse effect. So I wanna try and reach out and touch him and make him un-invisible
. - What I'm gonna need from you is a Perception check with disadvantage. And you're trying to spot, because you're trying to- I would let the spell do something cool, but you gotta know where the guy is. - All right, I can't do that. - But can Boggy give her the help action? - Okay. I still have a plus two to Perception, so it's not really worth it. If I just try to attack him, would I just attack with disadvantage? - You don't know where you're attacking. He's gone invisible. - You might have
run too, he had movement. - What about if Kristen tries to just hit it with her staff again and rolls- - I will also point out that you do have these big green men that are raining blows down. - All right, I'll just do one more Shatter on them. - Okay. - Oh, I rolled three ones. - Oh my God! - No! - Oh, no! - I have rolled one, one, one. One, two, three. All right. Take three damage, bitch. - Brutal... - Hey, do you want me to get you a cup of water? - Yeah, you can dip 'em in a cup of water, an
d then you can quit your spell class. - Adaine, that is you. - I am going to... I actually have good Perception. - Yeah. - So can I grab Boggy back and try and find my dad? - Yes, you can. - Great. - Go ahead and give me a Perception check. - Just regular flat? - Regular flat. - Ooh, baby, that's a 23. - You hear a pitter-patter of feet running down the hallway. - Can I shoot a firebolt down the hallway? - Yes, you can. Because you got that Perception check, I will let you make the attack on the
correct square. You're still rolling with disadvantage because you're effectively blinded. You can't see. - Great. (dice rattle) - Nine. - Firebolt shoots down the hallway. You see a little scrap of burning robe come out from Invisibility as the steps make their way down the stairs. That's Adaine's turn. - But if you, if you- - Can I do- Oh, sorry. - Oh, it's actually Angwyn's turn next in the initiative, and he flees down the staircase. - Can I do a Perception check to make sure he's not going
to the vault where the spellbooks are? - At this point, Adaine had to follow him out into the hallway. - Oh, got it. Okay. - Wait, so I... - It is your turn now. - He was too far away, sorry, when I shot him and I saw that piece of burning robe for me to run after him and jump on his back, right? - Well, you'd already taken your action to take the attack. - Right. - Right. - I run out there. - Okay. - And- - He went that way, he went down the stairs. - Can I do a Perception check to see if he's
going to this vault that we need to go to next? - What's that, sorry? - Can I see if he's going to the vault to steal the spellbooks? - Well, you know that he's running downstairs. The tower is small enough that there's not too many... It's not like the tower has tons of hallways and rooms. It's kind of like each level is... - Okay, I have a crazy idea. - Let's hear it. - Okay, I still have my ribbon dancer. We all know that's true. (all laugh) I whip it and I fly down. Instead of taking the st
airs down this tower, I fall majestically down with the ribbon. - With your minus three Dex. - Wait, you're just gonna jump out the window of the tower? - No, no, down into the middle, right? Where the courtyard is? Just try to whip one or two, you know? - Great, so this is beautiful. I'm gonna allow this to happen. Hey, Ally, I'm gonna allow this to happen. - You don't want this to happen. - This is such a bad idea. - So what's gonna happen is this, the skill that feels most like doing a beauti
ful ribbon dance to me is Acrobatics. - You're just gonna look really good while you crumple on the ground. - So just go ahead in the Box of Doom, if you'd be so kind, and just give me an Acrobatics check. - Ally- - My Acrobatics is negative three. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, oh, no, no, no. We like to ask Brennan for cool things. - [All] Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. - [Emily] It's going to feel so good. - That's a 17. Hey, minus three is a 14. - 14.
- So you leap out the window. Now, I want, Ally, I want you to look at me and you tell me, do you feel like a 14 is a high enough roll for your character to be able to use a dance ribbon to fly? Bearing in mind that if I say yes, that if I say yes now, I have to say yes every other time you want to do this. - Yeah, definitely. I think, you know, 14, it's above average. - Don't pay any attention to this noise. (so many dice rattling) (all laugh) - You guys just see the most insane things. See Kri
sten just go like this. - I'm not trying to like fly. - Sure, you're trying to descend. - I'm just trying, I'm trying to grapple. It's like a grappling hook. - It's 10 stories. - Is it 10 stories? - 10 stories. - I'm just trying to grapple. (Lou cackling) I'm trying to grapple three flights down so that I can cut off her dad... - Yeah, that kind of precision. - Okay, cool. So you're just going to try to nail this. You're going to try to cap this graceful fall at 10 stories. - No, do you understa
nd, like, I'm jumping with the ribbon dancer like this, you know, to fly. - Sure, cool. - You know, I don't know if you understand. It's like to fly. - Okay, so yeah, you're just going to try to go a quick three stories down using a ribbon dance to do that. (laughing) An ability, nowhere on your character sheet. - The ribbon dancer is written on my character sheet. - You have four Dexterity. - So, here's the thing. I'm going to allow you to avert this, because I don't want anyone to say that I w
as cruel or mean or unfair, right? So all I'm gonna ask is this: Hit a 15 Acrobatics check for me right now. - Another one? - Yeah, to just, to like Indiana Jones using a ribbon as a bullwhip. - Yeah. See, you let Indiana Jones do it, and that's sexist. No one respects femininity in this country. - [Brennan] You Ally'd out of the Box of Doom, across my lap. [Brennan] Okay, that's a natural two. - [Ally] Interesting. - So that's a negative one. - I didn't really thought this was going to be one o
f those crazy Ally moments. - I didn't want to say it. - We don't know what the first one landed on though. - That's true. The first one is canon. - Here's your die back. - Thank you. - What happens is this. Kristen, you were like, you were like, I have got to get to the first floor before Angwyn. - Here we go. - I have great news. You make it to the first floor way before Angwyn does, right? And the reason for that is- - Why is that? - 16, 23, you take- - Can we say the ribbon wraps around me,
makes sort of a cushion. - Cool. - Here's what we are going to say. Kristen, to get to the first floor, you take your ribbon, twirl, leap out the window and take 36 points of damage. - As you- - Absolutely worthless. - As you- - Hell yeah. - (panicked) Ah! Ah! Ah! And you fucking land on your leg and roll and snap your ankle. - All right, I do have three points left. - Can you bonus action heal yourself? - Yeah, I would like to bonus action heal myself. - Give yourself a Healing Word. - Love it.
- Ooh, I was stress eating celery in that moment. That was crazy. (all laugh) - It's so funny how often you try to jump on things with the worst Dex I have ever seen. - I have a ribbon dancer, okay? - Right. No, for sure, absolutely. - Some of us are getting more into dance in this episode. - You just wouldn't understand. - How dare you? How dare you? - I worked out really great for you. - I saw you do it and I was like, go off. - What's his Dex? - Your modifier is bigger than their total. (all
laugh) - It's true. My modifier is five, which is more than their full attribute stats. - That's so funny. - Oh, that makes me laugh a lot. - It's the lowest score I've ever seen. - How do you even roll a four? - I can't believe you didn't. - Because you rolled five dice and take the three highest ones. - So here's the thing. I'm just gonna say that's Kristen's movement. I'm going to say that you leap out of the window, fall 100 feet. - Fall 100 feet? - Or let me see, yeah, about 100 feet. Hit
the ground, take that damage, but you have an action left if you would like it. - Great, I'm gonna cast Zone of Truth. - Oh my God. - What? On an invisible man? I'm going to cast Zone of Truth right outside of the vault while I lay there not really able to do very much. Just in case we catch him, then we can ask him questions, we can figure out what to do. - Got a badly broken leg, you cast Zone of Truth. - Not going to heal yourself. - No, I did, I did a healing. - Healing Word, yeah. - Yeah, t
hey're at nine, don't worry. - Oh wait, actually I get bonus points plus that heal. - Okay. - He knows he's a bad guy. - These guys are going to take some swings. - We don't know. Maybe they know more about the Nightmare King. - I'm pretty sure he's just going to get away. - You get hit for 11 points of damage from one of the green men. Adaine, you're gonna get hit for some as well. - Ooh. (intense battle music) - Shield, does that? - Okay, one of them is bypassed. A critical hit still hits you
for eight, seven, 15. For 18 points of damage, one, boom, wallops you. That is going to be, Kir's still Banished. Oh, actually, I'm going to need Kristen to make a Concentration check. - Oh for... - Because you took, what, 36 points of damage? So that's halved to 18. So you've got to get an 18 Constitution saving throw. - So you got to get 16 or higher. - Okay. - 17 or higher. - Oh, 10. - Kir returns into the room when you hit the bottom of the courtyard. As she does- - Wait, but was the teddy b
ear the one focusing on that one? - Yeah. What's the teddy bear's stats? - If the teddy bear was concentrating on it. - Yeah, I feel like that teddy bear has a plus five because- - I'm going to roll luck check in the Box of Doom. One through 10, it was the bear that takes no damage. 11 through 20, it was Kristen. (dramatic music) [Brennan] It's a 15, it was Kristen. - Oh, damn it. Do I look good down here? Do I look intimidating to fucking Kir? - Hey, and there's a Zone of Truth, so we can't lie
, so. - We're definitely there. - You look great. - I'll take some pictures in case you want to use them. (laughing) - Spring break! - At the end, a 10 stories down, you take a little grainy photo of me. - And in the foreground is the ribbon dancer, which did successfully grab onto the neck of it. - It's still falling. - Yeah. - There's a cat filter on your face. - I take a Boomerang, it's really, really... - Okay. (indistinct) - I'm glad we came in here with the plans, just like the guys. - Oh
my God. - Oh, you're rolling too many dice, back there, man. - No, no, no, no. - Adaine, you take- - I still have Shield up, is that? Oh, this is from the crit? - No, this hits regardless. You take nine points of fire damage. - Okay. - Fig, you take- - I took 11. - From the green man. - Oh, this is from someone else. - This is from Kir, who's back. - Dang, Kir. - You take 17 points of fire damage halved to eight. - Oh, right. And then Ayda gets some fire damage, which she is fully immune to. As
Kir just lights you guys up with a bunch of rays of flame. - Dare you do that to Arthur Aguefort? (all laugh) You see Ayda goes, "Please stop that!" - I know, but see, it's intimidating. - "It can't possibly be helping us more than it's hurting us." - Does Aelwyn have cantrips? Is she, how's she doing? - Aelwyn's looking comatose. - Oh, okay. - She's looking sort of- - So you're saying that she doesn't have any Ray of Frost that she can just pull out of her- - Does not look like it. - All right,
well, you know, worth a go. I Message her, "Wake up, you bitch!" - Ayda is gonna go ahead and hit Kir with something. Kir's gonna make another Charisma saving throw. Kir, once again, has to hit a 16 or higher Box of Doom. - Ain't gonna happen on spring break. - No way. - Spring break! - That's a natural three. - It simply can't happen on spring break. - You see that Ayda walks over and says, "My friend Kristen did this. Mwah!" And gives a kiss. (players laugh) Sort of loudly pronouncing "mwah."
And Kir goes, "Not again!" and vanishes into a Banishment spell. - Yes, I wasn't there, but yes. - Fig, that is back to your turn. - Okay, Adaine, do you wanna get to that spellbook before your dad does? - Oh yeah, I do. - Describe the room to me. - It's a vault and it's on the first floor. - I grab her by the shoulders and then Dimension Door down. - Hell, yeah. - Into this vault. - You, Dimension Door. Boom. The normal protections that would safeguard the vault against these sorts of intrusio
ns have been unmade by your party members abroad at the elemental pylons. - Spring break! (all laugh) (indistinct chatter) - Spring jailbreak. - Do I hear them arrive? Can I be like, "I'm out here." - Oh, but I still have my movement, right? - Yes, you do. - So I wanna run to the door leaving so that I can try and prevent the invisible man from getting out. So I wanna occupy that door. - You've made it down here definitely before Angwyn is down here. - Yeah. Oh, in fact, I wanna go and hold my l
eg out for the stairs. - Okay, well you see there's a big locked vault door that hasn't been opened yet because no one's arrived here to open it. - Oh, sorry, I thought we went into that vault. - Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You guys are teleported into the vault. There's the inside of the big locked door. That's where Angwyn's gonna come from if he comes here. - Oh, okay. - You're in a dark room that is, you know, you've teleported into. - Okay, then I wanna, can I like do like a Stealth check
or something to trip him when he runs in? - Yeah, you can prepare an action to attack him when he runs in. Absolutely. - He might not be coming to get the spellbooks. - Adaine, that's gonna be you. - Can I, with Boggy giving me the help action, search this vault? - Go ahead and give me either Investigation or Arcana. - Great. (dice rattle) (dramatic music) Well, I rolled a three and a two. - Oh, no! - So I got a 10. - Okay. - Right now, it's pitch black in here. And even with your dark, even wi
th Elven darkvision, it's hard for you to see... without light, it's hard to see what would have magical auras and what would be otherwise- - Okay, is there even at least like, I realize as a high elf, I actually have proficiency in swords and daggers. I don't have any spells left. - Yeah. - I have one first-level spell left, but are there weapons that I can grab? - Absolutely. You wanna just grab a weapon? - Yeah. - You reach out, there's a random sword hanging on a wall or something. As you pu
ll it, you go, shing! And the vault fills with gleaming green-golden light as this long, whip-thin Elven sword springs to life in your hand. And the voices of your ancestors cry, "Fandrangor, sword of the Elven kings, forged in ages long past." - Are you gonna do this every time I draw you? - "Every time." - Great, can you help me find my spellbook? - "I don't have eyes." - Okay, well, you're at least light in the darkness. - "Mostly we prefer to be used for fighting." - Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
right, yes, obviously, yes. - You just have this big glow-stick sword. You feel its ego extremely injured. - You're being very useful right now. - "Useful is sort of not-" - Very dangerously useful. - "Okay." - You should meet my Investigate spell. I feel like you'd get on very well. - "All right, ha ha." Incredible. Fig, the vault door opens and- - Wait, if I'm out there, can I, do I get an attack of opportunity? - You don't see anything approaching. But you do see the wheels start to spin. -
Hey! - But, there was just, the door opens. - What's your favorite color? - The door opens. Go ahead and take your attack roll with disadvantage. - With disadvantage, okay. Woo! - Nat one. - [All] Oh no! - How many ones have I rolled this session? - Oh, I'm so sorry. So you take a swing, but you do hear a yelp from Angwyn as he rushes into the vault. It's like, "Huh!" - I found him! I found him! Everyone attack! - Kristen, that's you outside on the courtyard. - Okay. I would like to, well, first
I'm gonna cast a little Mass Healing Word on myself. Okay. - Ooh, are we within 60 feet of Kristen? - You are. If you wanna hit Fig with that as well, you can. - Yup, you all just got 12, and you don't get anything in addition, but I do. Okay. I am going to, are my Spirit Guardians, do they follow me down? - They do, yeah, absolutely. - Okay, so, would he have passed through them? - Ooh, that is a great point. He's gonna roll. He rolls a natural one. Go ahead and roll damage, if you'd be so kin
d. - Love it. I get, oh, one more. - One more, D8? Yeah, go for it. - Oh, here it is, sorry. Okay, that's 7, 14... - Ha-cha-cha. 22. - Ooh! - That's right, baby. - You see that your grad students are confused, so they don't know who they're yelling at, so they just go like, "Hey, fuck this invisible guy! Fuck this guy!" And he runs by, opens the door, and then springs out into this room where he gets swung at by a bass guitar. - Cool, then I'm just gonna use my turn to help try to find the spell
books. - So you cast the bonus action. Your Spirit Guardians do the thing. Go ahead... Do you want to give, do you want to take Investigation or Arcana? You could also do a Religion check. - Yeah, Religion would be great, because I get advantage on that. - Go for it. - I'll also bonus action Bardic Inspiration you. - Woo! That was Religion. Yeah, 21. - You go over and find a massive religious tome packed with notes over in a section of the vault. - Okay, cool, I grab that, and then I do kind of
like a, like I wrap my body around it in a ball on the ground so no one can take it. - Cool, you just huddle around. - Because he's still invisible, right? - Yeah, absolutely. - Wait, when you get hit when you're invisible? - Does he have to do a concentration check? - Oh, Angwyn? Oh, he took damage, he does have to do that. - 11, right? Because it's 22? - 22 points of damage. - Get him, Murph. - Yeah. - Get him. - We'll do it Box of Doom style. He's got to roll an 11 or higher. [Brennan] That's
a natural three. (All cheer) - I'm gonna need you to re-roll your attack roll, because he's not invisible when he comes into the vault. - Does a 15 hit? - 15 exactly hits. - Yes! Psychic Blades, I'm adding my Psychic Blades. - It's spring break, baby, it's spring break. - Good bit of rules lawyering. - 11. - I love to see it. - I love to see it. (all laugh) - 27 damage, bitch. - So you see he comes in, your grad students grab the spell off of him. He swings the vault and says, "You are a horrib
le, nasty little human." Bang! Like El Kabong, just bass guitar to the head. His teeth fly out of his mouth and he is unconscious on the ground. - You're a worse fighter than you are a father. Oh, you couldn't hear that. - Can I drag him into the Zone of Truth? - ...then kill him again. - What's this? - Can I drag him into the Zone of Truth while they're finding the other book? - Yes, you drag him in. - Okay, I hand the book to Adaine and I drag him into the Zone of Truth. - Can I actually close
this vault so we can trap him in here so he doesn't do some trick? - Wait, no, my spellbook is still in there. - Yeah, yeah, so.. (indistinct) - You guys hear an enormous explosion from up in the top of the tower. And you hear Ayda call down and say, "I destroyed the green men, the last ones. They were still up here. More bad guys. I don't know if that was a priority." - You did great, thank you. - "Thank you very much for your compliment. It means a lot." - Come on down and hang. - (screeching
) - Come on down to the Zone of Truth. - Bring my sister, please. - Oh, right. - Incredible. We are out of combat. - Amazing. - Can I? Okay. - You guys see, however, as you guys are down here, that, hold on one second, as you guys rush in, Ayda swoops down on you guys and says, "We have less than a minute left before Kir returns." - I'm gonna use that minute to look for something about gems in this special vault. - I'm gonna let all of you guys make one last roll for the vault. Tell me the skill
you're using, because Ayda is getting ready to Invisibilize everybody and get the hell out. - Cool, cool, cool. - Is her sister there, too? - Yes, Ayda's holding your sister in her arms. - I'm gonna use an Arcana check with Boggy to help me. - Absolutely. Go ahead and make your Arcana check. - Okay, that's a Nat 20. - Yay! (cheers) - Woo! - Baby! - Okay. All right. - You find, cordoned off, using the light from Fandrangor, you find a quarantined series of Elven scroll cases that is labeled, bas
ically, "Top secret, Classified, Confidential." This is the research of Arianwen Abernant. You found your mom's research. - And my spellbook and Aelwyn's spellbook? - Your spellbook and Aelwyn's spellbook, yes. - Great, cool, thank you. - I would like to use Religion, and I'm looking for anything Nightmare King-related, if there's anything like that. - Go for it. (whistling) - Oh, that one's cocked. Okay. 17? - 17. As Adaine is going through her mom's stuff, you find a series of notes, looking f
or the location of a temple within Sylvaire that Arianwen was looking for. And you see it and immediately know that Arianwen might not have known where this was, but you do. The book that you and Riz found in the Compass Points library. - Cool. - And let me get one from Fig as well, if you want. - Okay, I'm gonna do a Persuasion check. - Hell, yeah. - And I'm gonna play a really sick riff that makes all the gems dance. And just try and suss out any sort of gem. - What? (all laugh) - I don't have
any other good skills! This is what I do, and it's all that I do! - You're gonna do a gem dance? - The gems are gonna dance and reveal themselves. - Okay, awesome. - I jumped out the window, I can't laugh at you. (indistinct) - Give me a Performance check. - Okay. Performance or Persuasion? - I can do Performance if you do that. - Do Performance. - You're trying to persuade some gems. - Okay, 19! - Cool. You hit a tasty chord, and you see that there's a large gem built into the base of Calethri
el Tower. You go, (imitates guitar strum) The gem cracks, and you see the tower begins to collapse. (all laugh) - Everybody run! - Ayda goes, "I think it's time to leave!" And she grabs you guys. - I grab a shard. - Actually, I will say this. You do see something here in the vault, specifically about gem lore, also in the section of Arianwen's research that Adaine was going through. So you grab another thing having to do with gems, and you guys peace the fuck out. Ayda Invisibilizes everybody. -
Couldn't have gone better. (Brennan laughs) - You just hobbling away. - Couldn't have gone better. - You helped, you helped. - Good thing that me and my girlfriend have such good terms, she can nurse me back to health. (all laugh) - Wait, did you and Tracker fight? - We got in a little skirmish. - You guys. - We got a little, we got a little. - You guys race out. I'm gonna say that as you guys all leave from this place, you guys reconvene in the forest around the Hangvan. The three Spring Break
boys from the forge rush back into the van as the group flies in from the far ridge, and the group that was hitting Calethriel Tower appears at the van. You see Ayda looks at everybody and says, "All right, what was the plan? Now what do we do?" - Do we have the hirelings? - Yes, the hirelings have all come back. - We have Adaine's dad, right? - If you guys want to, you can, or you can have left him. - I want to bring him. I want him to- Do you think he casts Plane Shift? - You think you can ma
ke him cast Plane Shift? I don't think so. - Remember how horrible he is to work with? - He sucks. I want him to die. - Well then why don't we just kill him? - Let's kill him. - I don't know about killing her dad. - I'm going to say this. I don't, with the tower collapsing around you, I don't know that you guys would have had any more time. - Great, so we just leave him under the rubble? - I think you just leave him under the rubble. - Works for me. - Ah, wait, I must have some kind of re- Ah, n
o, I don't think I have anything I can do. - I stab him as we leave him. - You guys were putting your focus primarily on getting your shit out of the vault. - Wait, ah, fuck, I should have just killed your dad. - I don't know that we got to kill people's dads. - I'm saying yes. - Yeah, that's why I asked Adaine to begin with. - I'm in the camp, too. (players talking over each other) - Ayda says, "I don't mean to shout or be rude, but it's very important that we do something quickly." - I at leas
t take a pack of clove cigarettes, light it on fire, and throw it behind me to hopefully increase the damage to him. - Just from the carcinogens in those cloves? - No, because it would maybe be like starting a fire. - Oh, actually she's starting a fire. - Light the whole pack. - Light the whole pack. - She started like a (indistinct) - All my philosophy majors were like, "Oh, oh, hell yeah." - All right, well, we just fought a bunch of fire elementals. Does anybody have any clues as to where we
should go next? Because we should teleport there. - We should teleport the fuck out of here. - Sylvaire. - Sylvaire. - We need to get back to the van. - We teleport to Sylvaire. - Ayda says, "I don't know anywhere in Sylvaire to teleport to. I can either take us back to Leviathan, or we could go back to Kei Lumennura under Fabian's grandfather's protection." - Let's do that. - Are we going, yes, to Kei Lumennura. - Ayda (magic whirls) fire and phoenix feathers... You guys arrive in Kei Lumennura
. You see that, Fabian, your grandfather, Telemaine, looks at you and says, "My grandson." - Grandfather. - "Something has changed in you." - I left my jacket. No! - Did you? You don't, because all your gear was there, your spellbook. - Oh, I got my jacket. - Yeah, all of it was in the same quarantined. - Okay, okay, good. - You got your jacket, you got your shit. It would be, yeah, they wouldn't, they were not so paranoid that they would be like. - I take my anxiety medication. - You know, it'd
be like, yeah. Yeah, you take your anxiety meds. Cool. All of you are here in the gardens of Kei Lumennura. You look around and are seeing this for the first time, Adaine. - This is beautiful. - Adaine. - It's actually good to have you back. - What are these grapes? - We support you. - Don't eat the grapes! - Don't eat the grapes. - They kind of sing. I think you could eat a grape. It just, it's- - We don't know. - Wait, it's a thing, though. - It just makes you not horny. - Yeah. A lot of love
is showered on you, Adaine, by the hirelings. Well, Cathilda gives you a kiss on the cheek. Sandra Lynn claps you on the back and rubs your shoulder, and everyone's very happy to see you. - Welcome back, Adaine. - Thank you, thank you. - We killed that guy that we were fighting. - Who? - Captain. Captain Whitclaw. I actually had his sword. I would have given it to you, and it would have been a whole thing, except I had to leave it to be a good person. - He seemed bad, and his sword seemed bad.
- Yeah. - And I guess I have this now? - I see that we have your- Should we... I guess, I guess we have like your sister kidnapped now. - I need to sleep. - What's up with your sister? - She needs to sleep. - She's evil. - Telemaine looks at that and says, "Fandrangor, the Sword of the North Star. I made that a long time ago." - Oh, it's beautiful. - What? - No way. - Very cool. - "Thank you." - Do you still make weapons? - "Yes, I am the greatest Elven swordsman." - It'll take him like 300 year
s. - Do you have one that you already made that your grandson can have? - What? - He looks and says, "A sword worthy of my grandson..." - Or maybe just like a barbed sheet. - A barbed sheet? - Yeah, that he can whip around. - You know, like if a sheet had like little... - The sheet looked inviting, but hurt. - I take the sword and plant it in front of Fabian. - I pick it up. - "You wield it well, Fabbiaan Armaillais." - Oh, right, say his name again? - You don't have to. - "I understand that I m
ispronounced it the first time." - Oh, you worked on it? - "I did." - The proper pronunciation is Jorjuj. - Jorjuj. - I prefer the way you pronounce it. - "I want you to know that I respect you, and you deserve to have your name pronounced correctly." - Thank you. - "I'm going to say your name now." - I believe you. - "This is my best effort to get it right." - I can't wait. - "Chet." - Jej? (all laughing) - Chet, Chej, Cheg, Chet. - "Your name is Chej?" - There are hard G's in high Elvish. - It
sounds like literally no sound was correct in that. - You see, he cries a little bit. He just says, "I'm really embarrassed. I am really embarrassed." - We learned a lot on Spring Break. - I'm going to go outside for a little bit, but I really appreciate the attempt. - I'm gonna sleep. - Gorgug, how did you make that call before when you were able to call Zelda? - Ayda has the Sending spell, and maybe, did you? - I have it, too, if I sleep. Goodbye. - Can I talk to Adaine? - Yes, you were going
to speak to Ayda, yeah. - Do you think I could maybe use your Sending spell to talk to someone back home really quick? - "Yes." - Great. - "150 gold." - I will absolutely give you, my friend, money. - "Is that normal? Is it strange or bad that I'm doing that?" - No, I think it's fine. I have much more money than you. I guess that's an assumption, but we got a lot of money from a recent thing. Anyway, I would like to send a message to Jawbone, my counselor, and I just want to say, I'm having som
e relationship woes, and I just want a little advice, and I want to put some of that in there. - "All right, give me 150 gold pieces." - Of course, yeah, okay, so let's see, that's 50, 75, 80. - It might not be the most financially sound plan to have a bunch of 150 gold transactions back and forth for a conversation. Just, it's your money, do whatever you want. - It's 150 gold per? - Well, I think it's sending one message there, one message back, and it's 25 words. - Just wait for me to rest, it
takes four hours. - I can't do that. All right, I'll start with this, and then I'll switch over to your message. - Cool. - I got 300 for this, I really need an answer. I keep saying the wrong thing. - You see that... Cool, what is the message that Kristen sends to Jawbone? - Okay, it says, "Jawbone.... Jawbone, hey, having some trouble with Tracker. She's pretty upset at me. I keep saying the wrong thing. I kept something from her, oops." - You send that message. You immediately get a response
back from Jawbone saying, "Tough break, kiddo. Happy to help if I can. Should I find a way to contact you other than this spell?" - Yes. Oh, I can't say anything. - You'd have to respond back. - Goddammit, right... 150. And it says, "Fuck yes." - Cool. You get a response back, "Hell yeah." - You can borrow my phone if you want. - What? - Your phone doesn't work. - Oh, oh. Can I just, sorry, yeah. - You also like, throw it in the river, didn't you? - No, this is the new phone that I got from Adai
ne. - Oh, you have like a brick phone, okay. - Incredible, you guys are healed up. - Can I dance all night? - Fabian dances. - I don't want to rest. I would like to dance with the fire. - Give me an Acrobatics check with advantage if you'd be so kind. - Ooh, advantage? - He's got fire in his belly now. - Oh, that's a one and a two. (all laugh) - Can I give him a help action or something? - I don't know, this is too sad. - Oh, Bardic Inspiration? - But he's dancing like nobody's watching. - Yeah.
- So I mean, this is brave. - In a way. - Fabian, you're just in the groove of it. You just see that your footsteps like light the ground behind you with the dull glow of flame as you dance and dance and dance like nobody is watching. Fabian, it's a beautiful night of just being in touch with your body, your feelings. And for the rest of you guys. - I think I want to, like as Adaine's going to sleep, I just want to poke her and go, Hey, Adaine, is your sister still like trying to kill us? 'Caus
e she's just kind of here now. - I don't think so, I think that she's maybe, she just- They kept her awake for like five months. - Okay, yeah. - And it broke her brain and like I, that's so bad that I had to rescue her. - Ayda actually comes in with Aelwyn and looks up at you and says, "May I deposit this sister of yours in here with you?" - Yes. - You see she lays Aelwyn on the bed. Aelwyn is, outside of the orb, you see that her body is still shaking from like the strain. - Can I hold her as w
e go to sleep? - Aw! - You hold her as you go to sleep. And both of you are just out like lights. - That's so sweet. - Riz just slowly backs out. - Both of you trance for the first time in so long. And as you trance in the night, you can almost feel your sister... She doesn't have any magic left and is too exhausted. She just was in this position for too long. As you start resting to get your spells back, you feel a tiny piece of your sister's abjurative magic, like the innate kind of cantrip- I
t's her abjurer's ward, like her class ability. As she begins to get her energy back from resting, you feel her begin to build a shield around you in the night as you both trance. Ayda comes out and finds you, Fig, and says, "I think Adaine is very grateful that we rescued her. You fight very bravely and-" - Thank you, this was not my best work today. - You see, she says, "You are extremely loud and funny and charming and you talk loudly, and that's so exciting." - Thank you so much. I mean, you
're really direct and analytical and you kind of deconstruct things before my eyes and make me see them in a different way. And I really like that. A lot of things I take for granted, you really think through. - Just tears of flame streaked down her face. - Also you cry fire, which is awesome. And check it out. - You see that as you touch it and it doesn't burn your finger, she goes, "Ha, that's something we have in common. That's bonding." - That's bonding. - "Yep. I live on an island full of n
asty, dirty pirates so I don't have any other young women to hang out with. And this has just been so huge for me. And you're so cool and kind." - Why don't you just come hang out with us? Why don't you just keep hanging out with us? - "Okay." - The library can run itself. I mean, the man who works at the front, he was really on the ball. - You see, you see, she says, "That's not been my experience of Rawlins." - Okay, from my experience, I was like, whoo, that's a fast man. (laughing) - "Runnin
g's all he's good for." (all laugh) - Wasn't that you running? - It was you, it was you. - The fast librarian. - Incredible. She looks and says, "I think Adaine and her sister, Aelwyn, probably just need to rest." - Yeah. - "I need to fully sleep. Do you fully sleep as well?" - Yeah. - "Are you feeling tired from the battle?" - Yeah. - "Okay." - Let's do it up. Are you asking to have a slumber party? Because if you're not, I am. - "Okay, you're asking that because you want it and it wouldn't be
weird for me to also want that." - Look, I understand that you probably meet a lot of people that say what they don't mean, but I pretty much across the board say what I mean. But I usually look like someone else. - "Okay." (Ally laughs) - But I mean what I say. - "Okay, I'm gonna lie down next to you while we sleep because I have not had a friend like that before." - Yeah, let's do it. - "And I'm gonna really take my cues from you about what's normal about that." - Okay, physical contact is to
tally cool. We've talked about it. We can just do whatever we want. - "Great, fantastic. I'm gonna really follow your lead on this." - Yeah. - You see that she lays down and immediately starts to snooze. - I wake her up. Sorry, part of the slumber party is actually you stay up late talking. - "Fantastic." - Yeah. - "I got that wrong out of the gate, but now I know and I won't make that mistake again." - First cue is we stay up for a while. - "Great, fantastic." - Okay. - "I love that." She stays
up talking... Ayda is... You find out, is there anything you ask Ayda about as you guys are slumber partying? - I think I just maybe apologize for being Aguefort. And I wanna say my plan was to try to get out of fighting them and make them think I was your dad and that I would call off the military effort if they gave us... I wasn't trying to mess with you at all. - Gotcha. You see that she says, "That makes total sense. And I won't lie. I caught the short end of the straw with this disguise, b
ut normally, your disguises are extremely delightful." - Thanks, yeah. - "So it's all right that this one didn't pan out for me. I'm sure the next one will." - I'm sorry that... It seems like he's a really powerful guy and it must be really annoying seeing everyone idolize him so much because it doesn't sound like he was a great dad. - "No, he was not a great dad." - It's okay to admit that. - "I'm admitting it." - Yeah, he might just be a bad dad forever. - "Oh, well." - But that's okay because
you find cool people in your world that take the place that you were looking for from him. - "A different other dad." - Well, rather the emotions you were hoping to get from him you might find in unexpected places. - (quietly) "I have to find these places." - Actually, yeah, it's a physical place. Yeah. Let's go into some caves and look for emotions. - "Fantastic." Fabian is dancing, Adaine's collapsed. Gorgug and Riz, are you guys doing anything else as you arrive back here at Kei Lumennura or
are you- - I think we just watched Fabian dance. - I'm in like a, whatever the Elven equivalent of a rocking chair is. - Yeah, we're both sitting on chairs. - You guys see that there are two treants, like sort of tall tree beings, that are like cradling you in their boughs and like rocking you. And they're both kind of humming. (hums lightly) - This place isn't so bad. - How did this part start happening? (All laugh) - I thought I was just gonna sit in a tree and it started singing to me. - Hey
, really not horrible. - Yeah. - You see that Telemaine appears behind you and goes, "Yes, really not horrible at all." And you see he holds up his hand, a blossom lands on it and he looks at you and just gently shoves it into your mouth. (players laughing) "Eat it. Yes." - Is it good or is it just a flower? It was beautiful. - It's gross. (all laugh) - He glides off into the night. - Did that dude just feed you a flower? - Yeah. - That was insane. - It's a complex flavor, I don't like it. - Tha
t was insane. - Kristen. You, after a little while, you see Tracker kind of goes off to sleep on her own. And also to like create the Moon Haven for as many people as she can. - She's got work to do. - She's got work to do. And you see that later on in the evening, a little (swirl of magic) mote of light appears before you and a little scroll glowing with illusory magic appears. And it says "A message from Arthur Aguefort." - Oh, cool. - It appears... You see in front of you a badly injured Arth
ur Aguefort at his desk, wrapped up with bandages, bleeding a lot. Seated at his desk at Aguefort Adventuring Academy. Looks up at you and you see he goes, (groans heavily) "Oh, hello, Kristen. How's it going?" - It's good. Are you okay? - "I fucked up." - What? - "I fucked up." - What happened? - "I did a bunch of magic. It was too much. It was just too much. I tried, you can't just destroy a government." - Oh, got it. (laughing) - "You can't just destroy a government." - Got it. - "A lot of th
at stuff was experimental. I was working on it. It's not- You shouldn't do that. I'm in a lot of trouble." - Yeah. - "I'm in a lot of trouble. The government of Solace is really mad at me. Really mad at me." - Oh, cool. Did you just kind of start a war out of nowhere, maybe to throw this scent off? - "I think they're gonna patch it up. I think I didn't fuck anything up too much. I didn't, yeah, a lot of that magic was sort of new. I was working, I was trying it out." - What? When you grabbed the
sun? - "Yeah, you're not supposed to do that." - Yeah. Okay, cool. - "It's too much. It's just too much." - That was a workshop. - "I really hurt myself." - I'm really sorry. - "It just, the magic kind of tore up my guts. Oh, I just..." - Okay, yeah. - "I got about 50 miles north and I just shit about an ocean of blood." - No. - "Yeah, you can't get that big. It's just too big." - Okay, well, hey, so, Aguefort, I'm so sorry, but it's four in the morning. - "Yeah." - So what's going on? What's w
ith this personal message to me? - "I am so sorry, Kristen. I know, we had that whole experience in heaven. I've kind of been going ham for a while. I had knocked out God and ran heaven for a bit." - Yeah. - "And then I did a spell where I grabbed the sun and I tried to topple the government. Just kind of one-shot a government." - Yep. Can't do that. - "Can't do that." - Turns out. - "It's actually, I got close." - Did you? - "Well, no, I think I was summoning- No, I didn't. They summoned up a l
ot of magic to try and stop me. I got hit with some pretty powerful Elven counter magic and a lot of what I was trying to do, just the force of magic itself didn't want that to keep happening." - Yeah, got it. - "Too big, 450 feet tall is too big." - That's crazy. - "You're just, you're huge." - Yeah. - "You're just huge at that point." - Mm-hmm. - "I shit a lot of blood and I almost passed out." - Wow. - "I had to teleport back to Solace." - Oh. - "My sort of terracotta army fell apart." - Uh-h
uh. I thought that was... yeah. - "Yeah." - So what's up? - "Jawbone wanted me to reach out." - Oh, yes, great. - "He's here, so I just set up this spell for him." - Oh! - "I'm probably gonna have to go to court. I'm in a lot of trouble." - Yeah, that sucks... So you said Jawbone's there, right? - "Oh, yes." - No, well, I, well, I mean, yeah, that's... - "I really stretched on this one, you know?" - Yeah. - "There was some power. I grabbed the sun." - Yeah. - "They're gonna make me move the sun
back to where it was." - Oh, that's... yeah. Wait. - "I'm gonna have to figure out how to do that." - You're gonna have to move it back. - "Yeah, it's not messing anything up too much right now. It's a little bit north of where it should be." - Oh. - "But it's going in the right direction. It's still going around the Earth, but it's in the far south of the globe, it's much more wintry than it should be." - Interesting. - "And it's a lot more summery up here where, you know." - Huh. - "I fucked u
p." - Wait, on this planet the sun goes around the earth? (all laugh) - "Right. So, funny story. Actually, our- Spyre does go around the sun, so when I was dragging the sun across the sky- I'm actually not, I need to figure out kind of what I did." - Oh, shit. - "Because again, it's sort of, that's a more poetic understanding of how things really work, but I really fucked up. So I'm gonna live- I don't know. I've been going pretty ham." - Yeah. - "When I was dead for a couple months, it kind of,
it fucked me up." - Me too, yeah. Meeting God, finding out that he was a frat boy, that ruined my life. - "Sorry about that." - No, it's okay, yeah. - "Here's Jawbone." - Oh, great! And you see he stands up. You see he kind of puts his pockets over, and he walks a little way away. Jawbone goes, "Hey there, Kristen. Arthur, we're gonna maybe need the room, bud." And you see Arthur says, "Huh? Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna go for a walk. I don't feel good." He walks out of the room. - Is he gonna be okay
? Jawbone looks and says, "He fucked up." - Yeah. - "You can't do that. You can't go do a one-man war on a whole place, and get real big and grab the sun. You can't do that." - Especially if you're about to get impeached. (all laugh) Okay, so, hey Jawbone, I wanted to talk to, so I'm having problems with Tracker. I feel like she got really mad at me about something that I didn't think was that big of a deal, but then I just, I think that made her even more mad that I wasn't really listening to h
er. - "Okay, what was the thing that you were, or?" - Well, now this is another whole element to it, because it was something about you, but I kind of want her to tell you, is there a way to have this conversation without me telling you what this specific thing was? - You see, he kind of smiles and says, "Well, Kristen I gotta say, my interest is pretty piqued." - Yeah, definitely. - "But I'm not gonna make you say anything you don't wanna say. I'll try to weigh in and be as helpful as I can wit
hout all the details." - See, the next day, something scary happened, and she was still mad at me, and I said, "I thought you slept it off." And she didn't like that. - "Okay, you guys were in a fight?" - Mh-mh. - "You feel like you can't say the right things, and you thought she would just sleep it off?" - I thought maybe that would happen. - "And you told her that?" - Yeah, I said it to her. - "Well, Kristen, I think about the only mistake you can really make in a relationship is treating the
other person sort of like a means to an end rather than kind of an end in themselves. Does that make sense?" - That doesn't... Yeah. - "What is the thing you don't like about Tracker being mad at you?" - I guess she's really distant, and she doesn't wanna, you know, she's really upset with me. She keeps like, you know, see, she's like, "Unbelievable." - "Yeah." - But you know her so well. So I try to pick some flowers- That's so cheesy, but something better than that, something like that's like.
- "Well, let me ask you a question. Try to answer as honestly as you can. Did you pick flowers for Tracker because you wanted her to start being nice to you again and to get over it?" - Interesting, yeah. - "Does that sound kind of true?" - Probably, yeah. - "Now, this is hard. I'm not, this level of enlightenment and awareness is not something that everyone's just naturally good at, takes work and effort and everything else. But what I would probably say is people can sense when people are try
ing to manipulate them to feel a certain way. And as unfortunate as it is, if you had gotten her flowers because you actually were sad that she was sad, it would have probably meant a very different thing than getting flowers to try and sweep a problem under the rug." - Yeah. - "And I know it's hard because, look, when someone we love is mad at us, we wanna go into panic mode and we're defensive and nobody likes to feel wrong or like we did something bad. But... to the best of your ability, if y
ou can honor Tracker's emotions for their own sake, you're gonna be a better partner to her. Like, if your main concern when she's mad or upset is that she's mad and upset, and you wanna help address the things that she has a problem with for her sake, that's gonna be better than coming from a place of panic and just wanting to, just wanting to get her back to where she's the most fun for you." - Totally, yeah, totally, yeah. - "Right? So why do you think Tracker was mad?" - Yeah, yeah, it's jus
t that... - "Because you gotta have that level of empathy. You gotta be able to look at your partner and say-" - I think that's totally true. Yeah, I think she was really upset about something that I thought wasn't necessarily- It was more, I heard some information that was very pertinent to her and she was the last person I told it to. - "Oh, okay, I gotcha. Well, you know, people make mistakes. But I think that you owe it to Tracker, if you wanna patch things up, to understand that that's not
her values. Now, you know, secret-keeping is a hard, tricky thing. There could be instances where it's important to keep a secret from your partner. You know, nothing's set in stone. But you know now about Tracker that for her, having full transparency and trust between the two of you is something that really matters to her." - Definitely. - "And maybe the thing to communicate is that you didn't know that before, you do know that now. The one thing Tracker, it wouldn't be fair to Tracker to be m
ad about is for you to have not known something that isn't natural to you. If you think keeping secrets from someone's not a big deal, that's not your fault. It's just something that now you have to learn and grow and move on." - Yeah, totally. - "Right?" - Cool. Cool, well, thank you, Jawbone. - "Appreciate it. How's spring break going? Adventure doing good?" - Oh, it's great, yeah. All the guys are burned and... - "That sounds normal." - Yeah, and we're just having a good time with all the elv
es who are, like, silky. (laughing) - "Elves kinda are silky." - They are, everything about them is silky. - "I traveled around a lot. I met a lot of very silky elves." - I have to pee too bad to listen to this conversation anymore. (all laugh) Be right back. - You see that Jawbone looks at you and goes, "Well, you know, kiddo, I think you and Tracker work really well together. I love that-" - I have a question. - "Yeah, go for it." - Are you the type of person who thinks a secret should not be
kept from you when it's a big issue? - "In my opinion, hard and fast rules about behavior always tend to have exceptions." - True. - "So keeping secrets, not keeping secrets, doing stuff, not doing stuff. I think every situation, you just gotta make a call with your heart for the most part. What I will say is, I think it's usually pretty silly to try and protect people from the truth. I feel like more harm gets done from people not knowing than from people knowing in general." - Cool. I think th
at's great. Okay, well, can you call me at this time tomorrow again to talk really quick? - "I'd be happy to, kiddo." - Thanks so much, Jawbone. - "Give my love to Tracker." - I will. - "Give my love to you." - Hey, thank you. - "Love you, kiddo." - I love you, too. - "Please give my love to Sandra Lynn too." - I sure will. I'm definitely gonna talk to her immediately. Yeah. (all laugh) - He nods and says, "All right, take care. Thanks for checking in, okay?" - Okay, of course, thank you. Bye, J
awbone. - Little message vanishes. - Sweet. - You go off to sleep. The next morning, you all awake in Fallinel. (soft music) Or except for Fabian, who has danced through the night. - All night. All night. - Incredible. As you dance through the night, sun rises and Telemaine walks from the trees and your grandfather begins to dance with you as the dew assembles on the leaves. - I'll play a little music for them to dance to. - Great, on the bass? - Yeah. - Under the new darkness. Ayda is just comp
letely passed out. She's in deep, deep sleep. You guys were up all night talking. Telemaine looks at you and says, "I danced for so many years in these glades and meadows with your mother, Fabbiaan." - I understand why now. I've never danced before. And it feels so right. It is who I am. - "It is, my grandson. To feel the movement of your body on the grass, the leaves of the trees. You belong here, Fabbiaan." - Part of me does, Grandfather. Of course, but I mean, I can't stay here. I have to go
with my friends. We have to defeat the Nightmare King. - "It is a cruel world beyond these shores that would see such beautiful children have to do stuff. You should not have to do stuff. You should instead be ever in these meadows, eating grapes and dancing around, dancing around forever." - Maybe I'll come back one day. - "Please come back." - And dance a little more. - "I only wish for you to dance ever a little more, my grandson. Eat this." (all laugh) - Don't, it's gross! - It's a regular f
lower. - It's very good. - "Thank you." He glides away. You guys assemble that morning, your party all together. Ayda is still here with you. Your hirelings are all here. And in the morning, as you come out of trance, Adaine, you open your eyes and you see a very sick and shivering Aelwyn. It looks like she has not recovered. - Can I, are there any kind of like a hot spring or something that I can take her down to and just get her cleaned up? - Yes, absolutely. You go, there are some Elven heale
rs who wash Aelwyn. And you see- - I'm gonna stay by her side. I don't wanna leave her alone. - You stay there. Telemaine looks at you and says, "We would be happy to keep your sister here if you wish." - It's up to her. - You stay by her side. Her eyes flicker open. She looks at you and goes, "Adaine?" - Aelwyn. - "We're out of the tower." - We're out of the tower. - "Did we escape or did we die?" - No, we escaped. - "Oh, good." - We're alive. (somber music) - "I, I didn't really take care of y
ou." - No, but that's okay. I'm gonna take care of you now. - She puts out a hand and a very feeble shield surrounds you. And you see she goes, "I don't remember everything." - That's okay. Don't worry about it. It's okay. You don't have to do anything right now, but get better. - "Okay." Give me an Insight check with advantage, if you'd be so kind. (dice rattles) - 16? Yes, 16. - You see a look of confusion or something in her eyes. And you sense that she is having trouble navigating her own mi
nd, that there's something changed or different about her mind. There's something going on within her thoughts that is confusing and upsetting. - Can I give her Boggy to hold? - Yes. - And can I, as a ritual, cast Detect Magic on her? - Yes, you can. You cast Detect Magic. (somber synth music) As you cast Detect Magic on her, there is a faint aura of enchantment magic somewhere around her, but it's deep and well-hidden. You find it, only the faintest whisper of it, but there's something going on
in her mind. - Can I cast Detect Thoughts on her? - You do. - You cast Detect Thoughts. Start to move through her mind. The torture has had a profound corrosive effect on Aelwyn's well-being, and her memory is really warped and hurt. As you're casting Detect Thoughts and moving through her, you see, it's almost like a vision to you. You're like walking through her mind. And you see, it's like a city that's been raised to the ground or bombed out. And you see all these walls and defenses and bat
tlements with magical arcane towers that have all crumbled, and you look at these intense arcane defenses everywhere and recognize your sister's personality. The horrible, mean, wicked, sarcastic, you see the wreckage of that, and it is like the ringed walls of a great city. And you're walking through this weird, vulnerable labyrinth of images, and most of what you see is deep self-loathing. And a lot of the memories of self-loathing, you see memories that you don't remember from this perspectiv
e of you being scorned and chided and dismissed by your parents and actively cast aside into second place. And you see your sister there, and you never remember your sister doing anything heroic, interceding on your behalf, doing anything. But what you see now in all these moments is Aelwyn's loathing of herself for never saying anything, this natural, abjurative instinct, and overpowering that. The thing that is more powerful than that self-loathing is her fear of your parents, of just not want
ing to put herself in front of them. And then that, of course, that cowardice feeds directly back into the self-loathing, which feeds back and back and back, over and over again through as many memories as exist throughout your childhood. A horrible acknowledgement that she was the golden child, and as long as she never fucked up, she would never have to face what you faced. In the center of this labyrinth, you find an intense, magical charm, and it's wrapped up, and it's all of Aelwyn's abjurat
ions mixed with that faint enchantment that you can see. And you get the sense that in that orb, they had been searching for this over and over and over again. And you see there's writing on the outside of this, and it says, "Despite all of the torment and tribulation, let this be proof. I always knew there was only one person clever enough to find this." - I touch it. - Do you attempt to dispel this effect? - Will it work? Does it seem like it will work without dispelling her own magic? - It se
ems like you can trigger this with a dispelling action, and it will do what Aelwyn intended it to do. - Then yes. (strong magic whirring) You are shunted out through the city. I'm gonna describe something very heartbreaking now. - No. - Aelwyn's mind returns. The version of her mind she saved before all of this happened. You feel that your sister is no longer broken. The memory of herself, the version of her mind, using that custom Modify Memory spell, (blows) comes back, (whooshing) as you are
now once again in your own body, standing next to her, and you see a very physically feeble Aelwyn go, "Ah! (groaning) Ah! Ah! Adaine. Little sister." That's all for this week on "Fantasy High." - Get out of here! - Eat your goddamn dice, Brennan. - Woo! - I got my sugar dice right here. Guys, that's all for this week on "Fantasy High." Tune in next week. We will see you guys then. Thank you, as always, for watching.



As usual, Arthur Aguefort shows up wielding incredibly powerful and destructive magic whilst being of little to no actual help to the party.


"We're back in 2020!" Existential dread sets in


Oh my god, Fabian's celebratory scream at the end of the first battle with the boys is so cathartic.


Kristen’s jump may seem stupid, but her getting her spirit guardians to the first floor before Angwyn kinda single-handedly won them the fight by ending his concentration and letting Fig reroll her attack.


I did not expect Fabians redemption arc to be done through beautiful elven dance supported by 8000 thread count sheets


“I have great news. You make it to the first floor WAY before Angwyn does.” 1:24:50


Haven't seen this episode but hearing that at the time of recording people had been laid off by college humor but now today those people are back and making their own shows on Dropout is really heartwarming to see they weren't just left out to dry. Gotta love this network


Aguefort genuinely having no idea what he did as he dragged the sun across the sky, while simultaneously acknowledging that the very foundations of magic were attempting to stop him from doing it, is quite possibly my favorite thing in this entire episode. This man is just the embodiment of chaotic energy and i’m here for every scene


Ok, real talk- Fabian’s Grandad is spitting some real wisdom that everyone, including us as the audience, are ignoring because he sounds rediculous, and because his life is so very different than ours. “We have to go fight the Nightmare King” “It is a cruel world that would have such young people go… do stuff. You should be here, eating grapes and dancing.” “Maybe I’ll come back.” “PLEASE come back. My only wish for you is to dance a bit more.” This man lives a life in which he reflects on all the small beauties of the world. Isn’t that what we all want? He is rightfully upset that underage teens are being asked to go into peril, which, YEAH. He SHOULD be. How is the Nightmare King not a quest for full grown adults?! Some of his perspective is off from being removed from the world for so long, but it also means he cuts right through some of the bullshit at the heart of it. He’s a real one for asking his Grandson to be careful and come back.


Lmao "Pay no attention to this sound!" *Dumps a hundred dice on the table * 😂😂😂


I'm autistic and ayda aguefort is exactly like me and I adore her so much❤ she silently hopes for validation while also being direct and no other media has ever represented me so well ❤ 2:00:45


I appreciate Brennan's wise NPCs ... it's like a free bonus session with my therapist, but not.


1:21:18 “I have a crazy idea” prepare for the flight of Kristen Applebees


Gotta love the playful animosity in this group. And Lou saying “Get him Murph. Get him.” As Murph backseat DMs lmao 1:38:08


Me at the beginning of the episode: Yes, the boys dancing and kicking ass is exactly what I needed after the latest heart wrenching events in previous episodes!! Me at the end of the episode: I see Brennan just loves to make us cry, huh?


We've had a lot of chaotic moments this campaign, including Hilda Hilda and Fabian's terrible day, but I have never laughed harder at anything than I have at Kristen's attempt to fly using her ribbon dancer 😂😂 Also, it's got me wondering honestly who is more chaotic, Emily or Ally, bc Emily is constantly making insane choices to mess with the game, but Ally's occasional ones always have the worst and weirdest results lol


siobhan thompson has a talent for making me cry every fucking time


Brennan’s voice for Jawbone in this episode is so comforting and almost nostalgic


“Welcome to another 5 points of fire damage” I love.


Honestly having Aelwyn and Adaine have the shield moment as they rest is so sweet and makes me so happy