
The Planet Jupiter - Short Space Documentary | Paradox UnBound | 4K

#jupiter #space #documentary #shorts #shortvideo #2024 All of the inner planets have felt the effect of Jupiter, and Earth certainly wouldn't be the planet it is today without it. Please Follow Us On Social Media! Kw: space,space documentary,nasa,space exploring,nasa documentary,space edit 4k,space documentary in english,paradox,paradox unbound,planet explore,space journey,space explained,black hole,black hole explained,wormhole,worm hole explained,universe explaination,multiverse,voyeger,apollo 11,moon, mars, jupiter documentary, jupiter documentary 2023, jupiter documentary national geographic, jupiter documentary 2022, jupiter documentary bbc, planet jupiter documentary, nova jupiter documentary, planet jupiter documentary tagalog, bbc jupiter documentary

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1 month ago

as the young Jupiter circles the sun it clears a path through the gas cloud that envelops the early solar system but that process causes it to do something alarming Jupiter begins to spiral inwards plowing straight through the region of space that would become the asteroid belt when the young Jupiter moves through the primordial asteroid belt things get scattered around things get gravitationally deflected and as a consequence of all of this gravitational interaction more than 99% of the origina
l mass that was there is basically now gone the asteroid belt has been disrupted over time by the movement of the giant planets and this has acted to throw material from the asteroid belt out of the asteroid belt into the outer solar system these protoplanetary cores like series were never able to graduate to full-fledged planets because there was just not enough material in the orbital neighborhood when Jupiter passed through the primordial asteroid belt it starved series of material halting it
s growth and the dwarf planet was condemned to live out its life as a cold Barren Rock but siries isn't the only World in our solar system whose development was cut short Mars would suffer a similar fate at the hands of Jupiter after marauding through what would become the asteroid belt Jupiter enters the region of space where Mars is forming continuing its Journey spiraling towards the Sun as Jupiter bulldozes inwards its immense gravity scatters material in all directions some is sent careerin
g into the sun
