
The Sneaky Dirty Little Fantasy Modern Women Try To Hide From Men!

The Sneaky Dirty Little Fantasy Modern Women Try To Hide From Men!... In this dating advice video, I will share the dirty little fantasy modern women try to hide from men that you need to be aware of when dating or in a relationship with a modern woman. Men have many modern women issues, but I will focus on one dirty little fantasy in this video. Pay attention to these secret desires and watch the entire video. When you understand women's nature, it will be easier to know whether modern women's dating is making modern women unhappy or happy. On the other hand, the fantasies women hide from men can make it hard to understand women. Take heed to this video to learn about the secrets women have. I want you to know the sneaky dirty little secrets modern women have so that you can have better experiences dating modern women. Once you know the fantasies women hide from men, it will be easy to leave them wanting more. Embrace this dating advice to learn more about modern women and their secret desires. As your wingmam, female wingman, and dating coach for men, I want to make dating easier. I hope you find this dating advice for men helpful. If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for: - Modern women - Fantasies women hide from men - Secrets women have - Modern women's hidden desires - Modern women dating and more, well, I believe this dating advice for men video will give you the clarity you need. =============================================== Men's Resources❤ FREE INSTANT CONFIDENCE CHEATSHEET: ☎️ Need one-on-one coaching or counseling? Use Online.Therapy and get an automatic 20% discount with this link: WakeUP2Luv GET AN AMAZING GIRLFRIEND! ("Life-changing!" ~ Steve B.) =============================================== I hope you enjoyed my video "The Sneaky Dirty Little Fantasy Modern Women Try To Hide From Men!" Watch this dating advice video next, “10 Secrets Women Don’t Want Men to Know (JUICY❣️)” 👉 =============================================== DISCLAIMER: Anna is not a psychologist, licensed therapist/counselor, medical advisor, or lawyer. The videos are opinions only, not advice. Therefore, you are responsible for your actions and the results thereof. Obey the law. If you have mental health issues or are considering harming yourself or others, seek appropriate help immediately. =============================================== #ModernWomenHiddenDesires #SecretsWomenHave #FantasiesWomenHideFromMen #ModernWomenDating #ModernWomen #UnderstandWomen #HiddenDesires #SecretDesires #DatingTipsForMen #DatingAdviceForMen #Wingmam #winggirl #courtenayryan #joyanima #emilywking #sadiapsychology #oriontaraban

Your Wingmam

1 year ago

مرحبا شباب، ماذا تفعل كل الفتيات بما في ذلك النسويات شهوة سرية للرجال؟ ومن هم النسويات؟ أسرار صغيرة قذرة؟ هيا نكتشف. مرحبا بكم في النصيحة فقط. أنا متأكد من أنك تدرك نحن نعيش في وقت عصري. الكثير من النساء يتصرف مثل الرجال ، يرتدون ملابس مثل الرجال ، يمشون ويتحدثون مثل الرجال ، ما زالوا يمزحون كما لو كانوا يغازلون الرجال. لأكون صريحا ، كنت مذنبا من نفسي وإذا تعلمت سيتعلم. يرون كل شيء على أنه منافسة ليكون أفضل من الرجال. وفي العلاقات أنت رئيسهم وترفض القيام بأي أعمال منزلية حتى لو كانت حصتهم العادل
ة. وتطبخ لك العشاء ماذا ، الذي يعارض صعوده ضد النظام الأبوي. ظنوا أنهم كانوا حديثين محاربو الحرية، لكن الشيء لا شيء من هذا يجعلهم سعداء حقًا. قد يتصرفون هذا ما يريدونه حقًا لأنهم تعرضوا لغسيل أدمغتهم للتفكير ، لكن في أعماقي هذا ليس ما يريدون ويرغبون. ما المرأة الحديثة وغالبا نسوية لا اقول لك هل يريدون حقًا وعليك التحكم. ما يريدون حقا لك أن تحكم ليكون قائدا. عدم السيطرة عليهم ، لا تهيمن عليهم ، ولكن لقيادة والمفتاح يريدون التأكد أنت تحكم بطريقة هذا يجعلهم قادرة على ترك وتشعر بالأمان في قيادتك بطر
يقة تجعلهم حقًا الشعور بالرعاية والرعاية. بعبارة أخرى ، تريد المرأة أن تكون قادرة على التعامل معها للاستسلام لقوتك الذكورية. أنت لا تصدقني، هناك الملايين الروايات الرومانسية هناك تقرأ الفتيات وذاك هو القاسم المشترك. إذن كيف يبدو أخذ السيطرة؟ يعني اتخاذ القرارات ، اين تذهب لتناول القهوة أي مطعم سوف تأكل ، أو على الأقل ، أعطه بعض الخيارات لتقرر من لكنك تتخذ بعضًا من تلك القرارات. النظر له إذا كان لديه حساسية أو التفضيلات بالطبع لكنك متقدم. أنت لا تجلس يسأل أين تريد أن تذهب التفكير في أن هذا هو الش
يء الصحيح الذي ينبغي عمله. لا تريد النساء الرجال حسن المظهر ، شباب لطيفون جدا. يريدون رجلا مع القوة والمهارات القيادية. وإذا كان لديك مشكلة يريدك أن تتعامل معها لارتداء سروالك الكبير والتعامل معها بفاعلية. في الواقع ، إنه يريدك فقط أن تتعامل معه يريدك أن تقرر مسار العمل. الآن ، هذه كلها مهارات التي يمكن تطويرها. لأنه عندما تبدأ في القيادة تصبح الأمور أكثر سهولة. سوف يحترمك أكثر وستكون علاقاتك أكثر سلاسة. وإذا كنت أعزب سيكون للمرأة انجذاب أعمق لك. يوجد الكثير من الرجال اليوم يخاف أن يقول أو يفعل
الشيء الخطأ ، من فقدان موافقته. لكن عندما تكون رجلاً سيكون ممتنًا حقًا لذلك ربما ليس خارجيًا لكنه في الداخل سيلاحظ ذلك. ضع فقط عندما تتصرف كشخص ستكون فتاة. لذا لا تخافوا من قيادة العلاقة إذا كنت بالفعل في علاقة أو أنكما تتواعدان. أو أنك تنظر فقط إلى ذلك لأنه إذا لم تكن لديك الثقة في القيادة ثم ستنتهي في علاقة مليئة بالدراما مع النساء السامة. أو سيتم رفضك فقط قبل أن تصل إلى هذا الحد. سوف ينتهي بك الأمر تمشي من النقانق التي يحق لها الحق. أو سوف تسمع العبارة انت رجل جميل، لكني لا أشعر بذلك وستكون ع
ازبًا إلى الأبد. لكن إذا كنت مستعدًا لبناء ثقتك أن تكون من نوع الشخص التي تريدها النساء حتى بعض هؤلاء النسويات الشوق سرا رجل رجولي ثم تريد إلقاء نظرة برنامج WakeUp2Luv الخاص بي سوف يأخذك إلى هناك. شكرا لمجيئك هنا بارك الله فيك. (موسيقى) (موسيقى) (موسيقى) (موسيقى) (موسيقى) (موسيقى)



WakeUP2Luv GET AN AMAZING GIRLFRIEND! ("Life-changing!" ~ Steve B.) I hope you enjoyed my video "The Sneaky Dirty Little Fantasy Modern Women Try To Hide From Men!" Watch this dating advice video next, “10 Secrets Women Don’t Want Men to Know (JUICY❣)” 👉


I had two women at my job say men are threatened by strong successful women. I said no, they don’t want masculine energy from their woman. They got very defensive.


if a woman ever says she's just not feeling it, drop her like a rock. either you don't feel like she's worth the effort or she's controlling. either way move on and save yourself a bunch of time


True, but then there’s the other part. When she leaves/divorces you, as society encourages her to do, she will claim that you were “controlling”.


This might make some peoples head explode, but last year I started dating a feminist (didn't realize it when we first chatted, but on our 1st date it was obvious), once I realized, my whole attitude changed. I took charge, I told her about my experiences as a Jarhead, I asked her questions about herself, but totally led the conversation. After I dropped her home, she was giving me the standard feminist spiel about the date, but she was leaning in close, so I just took her in my arms (she is a tall gal 5'10, but I'm 6'2"), swept her up & kissed her for nearly a minute. When I set her down, she was literally panting, as I walked away, I said "I'll call you." To which she responded, "I'm free this weekend, actually from Thursday thru Sunday". Needless to say, we went out again that Thursday, & she was exceedingly more submissive & agreeable. So she definitely wanted to be led, despite all the feminist, girl power, boss bitch persona....


💥💥 Treat her like a queen… And she will treat you like a servant…


If you 'man up' and she does NOT thank you for it ; if you act like a man and she does NOT act like a woman - walk away as fast as you can...


I’m glad you said “all women, including feminists,” because that’s the important point. Feminists aren’t unique in that secret desire. It’s part and parcel of being a woman.


One of the very finest videos I have ever seen. All young men (and old ones) should watch this video and take notes. Thank you ma'am for your wise insight and willingness to share.


I keep hearing certain women proudly say that they intimidate men. I always explain that it's not fear. Men love smart, successful and independent women. However, some of those women are combative, defensive and annoying. We just want peace. We're not intimidated 🤣


My ex wife always said that she wanted me to lead, however when I would try and do as she asked (lead), it lead to hate and resentment because while she wanted me to lead, she wanted me to lead exactly how she would do it. We are not the same and we don't do things the same way, we don't think the same way. Men be careful on this one, and women if you want your man to be a leader, learn to follow. BTW I own my own businesses and have been and am currently a manager over many people at another business, with both men and women.


The other day, I went to a party and there was this hardcore feminist, deep into all these ideas, shaved and colored hair, all the clichés basically. Who was her boyfriend? Basically among the most cliché masculine guys you could have. And this made me go "Hmmm, it's as if all these ideas are just compensation"


I stand by and agree with everything that Anna said in this video. Anna, as always, thank you for making incredible and life changing content. Keep creating amazing videos and keep up the good work Champ! I got your back! -Team Anna Wingmam


I love the ones that say they like someone who is confident and doesn't always agree with them but challenges them. As soon as you do challenge them and question them they get upset and say you're arrogant lol. This proves they like the idea of things but can't handle the reality.


For a 4 minute snippet, this one was action-packed! Well done! I hope the LORD is blessing you coming & going! Stay well!


My lady said i’m controlling sometimes. I say it’s called good sensible leadership. She mostly agrees since Work At being a renaissance man and she does realize how important that is to her security. She’s attractive and most people say yes to her and does expect the same from me so at times I push back and it works. Thanks for the advice.


Great topic Anna. Men need to hear this and be comfortable and encouraged in practicing leadership.


“In fact,she just wants you to deal with it”😂 its soo true. I felt like a punching bag when I heard her say this.


Thank you, Anna. You are spot on! The only exception I can think of is the sneaky covert narcissist. They must control every part of you and when you do step up in the proper, manly way their sense of competition and jealousy kicks into high gear.


Very helpful thanks. I did 10 years of partner dance classes, and after initally thinking I should ask discuss with my partner what moves to do, I started clearly and strongly leading them, and my partners responded well.