
The Third Temple Is NOW Being Built And Something TERRIFYING Is Happening!

The Third Temple Is NOW Being Built And Something TERRIFYING Is Happening! Jerusalem is the place where nothing will be the same again. You see, they are going to build a third temple, and it's not just going to cause ripples throughout the Jewish and Christian world, but also across the entire region. And this isn't just some news; it was predestined to happen thousands of years ago, and it could mean that Jesus will return. Christians are hopeful, while Judaism looks on with reservation. Solomon once said that Israel doesn't feel complete without the Temple Mount. The story about the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem is very important and meaningful. The Third Temple is more than just a place of worship. It's a symbol of hope for many people. For Christians, it means the return of Jesus Christ. For Jews, it means going back to their old, sacred ways. Some people believe that building this temple is what God wants and that it's necessary to bring back the people of the Bible to their homeland. Salomon, an important figure in this story, thinks that Israel wouldn't really be complete without the Temple Mount being the center of the country. Building the Third Temple, though, is not easy. There are many difficult issues to sort out. The place where they want to build it, the Temple Mount, is not just any place. It's the most sacred place for Jews, where the Al-Aqsa mosque stands, which is the third holiest site in Islam. So, this place is very important to both Jews and Muslims. The Third Temple is FINALLY Being Built But Something TERRIFYING Is Happening! The Third Temple Is NOW Being Built BUT Something HORRIFYING Just Emerged! The Third Temple Has Been Shut Down After Something CHILLING Just Happened!


11 days ago

Jerusalem is the place where nothing will be the  same again. You see, they are going to build a third temple, and it's not just going to cause  ripples throughout the Jewish and Christian world, but also across the entire region. And this  isn't just some news; it was predestined to happen thousands of years ago, and it could mean  that Jesus will return. Christians are hopeful, while Judaism looks on with reservation.  Solomon once said that Israel doesn't feel complete without the Temple Moun
t. The story about the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem is very important and  meaningful. The Third Temple is more than just a place of worship. It's a symbol  of hope for many people. For Christians, it means the return of Jesus Christ. For Jews,  it means going back to their old, sacred ways. Some people believe that building this temple is  what God wants and that it's necessary to bring back the people of the Bible to their homeland.  Salomon, an important figure in this story, thi
nks that Israel wouldn't really be complete without  the Temple Mount being the center of the country. Building the Third Temple, though, is  not easy. There are many difficult issues to sort out. The place where they  want to build it, the Temple Mount, is not just any place. It's the most sacred  place for Jews, where the Al-Aqsa mosque stands, which is the third holiest site in Islam. So, this  place is very important to both Jews and Muslims. The situation involves a lot of politics,  religi
on, and history. For example, on the 74th Independence Day of Israel, Itamar  Ben-Gvir, a politician from the Jewish Power party, went to the Temple Mount. He said it was  time to build a Jewish synagogue there. He was referring to a religious rule from the Book of  Exodus. This shows how complex the situation is. The discussions about building the Third Temple  in Jerusalem are filled with different opinions, beliefs, and claims about the land.  It's not just about making a building. It's about
what the building  represents for faith, history, and the future of a very important place. As this  story continues, it's like a big event where what people believe and want comes together at a  very special place that many consider holy. The story of reconstructing the Third Temple in  Jerusalem is very complicated. It involves old prophecies, current political problems, and a lot  of history. In the middle of all this, there's a big difference between what ancient texts say and  how people u
nderstand them today. And there's also talk about the Antichrist, a major figure in these  prophecies, which adds another layer to the story. In the Bible, especially in parts like 2  Thessalonians 2:3-4, there's a story that connects the appearance of a bad figure,  known as the Antichrist, with the building of the Third Temple. This story is repeated and  explained in different ways in various religious writings. The Antichrist is said to enter this  holy place and commit a big disrespectful a
ct by putting himself above God. This story mixes real  things we can see and touch with spiritual ideas, and it combines what's happening now with  what has been foretold for the future. The Antichrist is not just thought of as  a bad person. He represents the worst kind of wrongdoing, which is thinking too highly of  oneself and not respecting God. This idea goes way back to the beginning of badness itself,  starting with Lucifer, who was the first to turn against God. The story suggests that
the real  problem isn't just building a temple but something much worse and deeper – the idea that people's  hearts and minds can turn away from God. According to Christian beliefs, it's really people's  hearts and minds that are God's true home. This big story is about more than just making a  building. It's about a huge fight between what God wants and what people, in their pride,  think they want. This battle happens inside people as much as it happens in the world of  politics and religion.
As everything unfolds and everyone watches, the events about the  Third Temple show how beliefs, prophecies, and what people are like inside are all  connected in a very complex and deep way. According to what some religious texts predict,  the arrival of the Antichrist is a major event in the story of the end of the world. This  person is expected to be very charming and persuasive, tricking a lot of people. The  trickery isn't just done by human means; it's said to involve evil forces too. Thi
s  lets the Antichrist do amazing things that grab people's attention and fool them. Some believe  that this massive trick is part of God's plan, as mentioned in parts of the Bible like 2  Thessalonians 2:11. This verse suggests that God will make the deception so strong that  people who have ignored the truth and chosen bad ways will end up believing the lie.  This is seen as a kind of punishment for those who constantly refuse to accept the truth  that's shared through Jesus Christ's teachings
. There's a serious warning here about being lazy  in getting ready spiritually. It's thought to be a big mistake to wait until these events  start happening to look for salvation. The reason is that when these times come, it will be  really hard to tell what's true and what's not, especially for those who have already turned  away from Jesus Christ's message. The idea that God might make people unable to see the truth  can be a tough one to understand. But in the context of these religious beli
efs, this isn't  just a random act. It's seen as a fair response, kind of like a legal decision, against those  who have knowingly and repeatedly chosen to ignore Christ's light, which, as scriptures like  John 1:9 say, is meant to shine for everyone. As the temple's story deepens, hidden truths  and tests of faith emerge from the shadows. Chapter 2: The Darkness of the Other Half The story about the Antichrist's miracles  plays a very important role in this tale. The miracles mentioned are not
just any miracles;  they are described in a particular way as 'signs and lying wonders.' This means that although  these miracles will seem very real and amazing, they are actually meant to trick people and lead  them away from what is true. This idea connects with the concept of evil tricks by Satan. The  Antichrist, who gets power from Satan, will use these amazing but fake miracles as a way to trick  people and make them believe and follow him or her. The phrase 'lying wonders' really highlig
hts  how these events are tricky: they are 'wonders' because they seem miraculous and very unusual, but  they are 'lying' because they are part of a trick, helping the Antichrist's false plan rather  than sharing the truth that comes from God. The miracles and amazing things that happen  because of the Antichrist are actually a kind of test for people's faith. They help to show  who really believes in the true message of the Gospel and who doesn't. This time is a warning  to not wait too long to
believe in the truth, highlighting how important it is to accept  the truth before this big trickery begins. It's a serious reminder about being careful  in understanding what is true and the danger of not accepting the guidance that comes  through Christ, repeating the message from the Bible that everyone must decide for  themselves how they respond to the truth. In the stories from the Bible, when  the Jewish people ask for a sign, especially in Matthew 12:39, it's a very important  moment. I
t shows the relationship between Jesus, the miracles he does, and what the people back  then expected. When the religious leaders of that time asked Jesus for a sign, they were  really asking for absolute proof that he was the promised savior, even though they had  already seen many miracles. The way Jesus answers is very meaningful. He calls that  generation 'evil and unfaithful,' showing that they are not loyal to God and refusing  to see God's power even when it's very clear. This situation b
rings out a deeper  meaning about faith and the role of miraculous signs. In the Bible, signs usually  support the authority of a prophet sent by God, but they are not just for show or proof. They  have a deeper meaning and reveal important truths. Jesus talking about 'the sign of Jonah'  is about his own death and coming back to life, a huge miracle and sign, but it's something that needs faith and a deeper understanding  to really appreciate its full meaning. Paul also talks about this when he
says,  "Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom" (1 Corinthians 1:22). This shows  that during that time, people had different expectations, like looking for miraculous signs  as proof of a prophet's truth. But the stories in the New Testament guide us towards a deeper  understanding of faith, one that doesn't always need constant miraculous proof but is based  on a deeper realization of spiritual truths. The story also makes it clear that there's  a difference between real signs from God
and fake ones from false prophets. Throughout  the history in the Bible, God uses signs to confirm His messages and messengers,  like the miracles of Jesus and the signs in the early church. But the Bible also warns  about being tricked by fake signs and wonders, which can lead people away from the real  faith. This shows how important it is to have a solid faith and the ability to tell the  difference between what is true and what is not. Talking about God's wish for a temple,  it's clear that
while the temple is important and there's a desire among Christians  to rebuild the Temple as a place to worship God, this is not exactly what God wants the most.  Understanding the history of the temple helps to see this perspective. The Temple in  Jerusalem was first made as a holy place for the Ark of the Covenant and as a central  place for the Israelites to worship. Over time, it became a symbol of God being with His people.  But the prophets, like Isaiah, pointed out that the building itse
lf is not what matters most to  God. God says He doesn't want a building; He wants people to obey and do what is right. This idea  comes up often in the Old Testament, criticizing worship that is just going through the motions  without real devotion and living a good life. This is seen in Isaiah 66:1-2, where God  says: "Heaven is my throne, and the Earth is my footstool. Where will you make a house  for me? Where will I rest? Didn't I make all these things?" This shows that God is all-powerful 
and it doesn't make sense to try to limit Him to just one space. God prefers people who are humble,  sorry for their mistakes, and respect His words. This changes the focus from buildings to the  condition of a person's heart. What God really values is humility, being sorry for doing wrong,  and having a deep respect for His teachings. Deeper into the story, where  faith shapes the future, the line between sacred  and profane begins to blur. Chapter 3: Architects In The Abyss The idea that the
temple will be reconstructed  by Jews who do not believe in Christ and are not following God's teachings is a key point  made in verse three. This idea comes from the belief that after Christ arrived, the  old agreement between God and people, shown by the Temple and its animal sacrifices,  was completed and replaced by a new agreement. To them, offering an animal like a lamb is  just as pointless as offering a dog because they have turned away from Christ, the ultimate  sacrifice. This comparis
on strongly shows how old ways of sacrificing animals are no longer  effective after Christ sacrificed himself for everyone. The Bible doesn't say anywhere  that Christ or his followers were told to build a physical church. This point emphasizes  that, according to the New Testament, the real church is the community of people who believe in  Christ, not a building made of bricks and stones. Instead, Christ told his followers to spread his  teachings everywhere. This task, known as the Great Comm
ission, is considered the most important  job given to Christ's followers. Let's look at these words: "He told them, 'Go everywhere in the  world and tell everyone the good news. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved, but  anyone who doesn't will face judgment.' This part of Mark's Gospel highlights how important it  is to share the message of Christ with everyone, everywhere. The early Christians were known  for their strong desire to share their faith, and they were often accompani
ed by miracles  and signs that showed their message was true. In reality, God prefers a spiritual temple  over a physical one. This idea marks a big change from the old belief that being close  to God meant being in special buildings like temples. Thinking of a spiritual temple means  understanding worship and connection with God in a more personal and inner way. It should be a  temple where everyone who believes in God gives their purest and most sincere heart to honor  and worship Him. This me
ans that what makes a temple real is not the stones and wood it's made  of, but the love, honesty, and dedication in the hearts of the believers. It's about how true  and dedicated people are to God on the inside. God doesn't really want His followers to  be overly focused on rebuilding the Temple, especially if their hearts are not truly with  God. This point stresses that simply building a temple is not enough if it doesn't go along with  a real change inside or if God is not truly felt in the
believers' hearts. The focus should  be on the spiritual condition of people and on growing a close and personal relationship  with God, rather than just building physical structures. Historically, temples and special  tents (Tabernacles) were made by hand and, after a lot of effort and sacrifice, were believed  to be places where God's presence would be. This reflects how, in the past, people thought God  was present in certain special, holy places. But, with Christ's sacrifice, the  idea of w
here God is has changed. Now, God's temple is seen as being inside us, in our  spirit, and it's not something you can build with your hands. This shows a major shift in  religious thinking, especially in Christianity, where Christ's sacrifice is seen as fulfilling or  completing the need for physical temples. God can now be found within people's spirits, making a  physical temple unnecessary for feeling God's presence. The followers of Christ are meant to  spread his teachings in all kinds of pl
aces: in markets, places for praying, and in homes  where they invite new believers to continue sharing God's teachings. This shows how sharing  the message of Christ and his teachings is not limited to traditional temples or religious  buildings. It's an invitation to a broader and more open way of practicing faith and  spirituality, where any place can become a place of worship and anyone's heart can be a  temple if it carries God's presence. The story moves from focusing on physical things to
focusing  on spiritual matters, putting more importance on personal belief and the changes that happen inside  a person rather than on outside religious rituals. Christ is seen as the Temple, and in a  way, we are too. For those who believe, God becomes the temple. People who believe in God  and accept Christ, who brought us back to God, are part of Christ. As followers of Christ,  we are seen as God's temple. In the first part of the Bible, the Old Testament, God  showed the priests how to bui
ld His house, a special place where He would be present on  Earth. This is talked about in Exodus 25 and also in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17. The Apostle  Paul really understood what the church, as the body of Christ, was all about. He asked  a powerful question: "Don't you realize that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit  lives in you? If anyone ruins God's temple, God will ruin him. Because God's temple  is sacred, and you are that temple." Rising from the depths, the tale reaches a place whe
re the temple stands as the  heart of faith and community. Chapter 4: The Home Of The Children When we say, "We are God's temple," it means that  we, as Christians, as people who believe in Jesus Christ and are connected as one big family called  the church, are a special place where God chooses to be. So, when Paul said, "You are the temple  of God," he was talking about the believers as a group, meaning the local community of the  church. The temple in Jerusalem was a holy place made especiall
y for worshiping God. Paul  believed that the church was just like the temple; it's where God's presence was, and the  church needed to keep itself pure and holy. To elaborate further, this concept that  "we are the temple of God" extends the idea of sacredness beyond physical buildings. It  suggests that God's presence isn't confined to stone walls or specific locations. Instead,  God chooses to reside within the hearts and lives of those who follow Him. When Paul  points out that believers, co
llectively, are the temple, he's highlighting a profound  shift from the Old Testament view. Back then, people went to a specific place—the temple—to  feel close to God. But now, Paul is saying that God's presence is not just in a place but in a  people—the church, the community of believers. This idea is revolutionary because it means that  every believer carries within them something incredibly sacred—the Spirit of God. This makes  every interaction, every gathering of believers, a potential e
ncounter with the divine. It's a  reminder of the responsibility and privilege of being a follower of Christ. The church, therefore,  is not just a building where people go to worship; it's the collective presence of God's  Spirit in the lives of believers. This view challenges believers to see themselves  and each other in a new light. It's not just about going to a church; it's about being the  church in everyday life. The way believers live, the way they treat each other, and the way they  en
gage with the world are all reflections of this indwelling of God's Spirit. Paul's message calls  for a deep respect for this divine presence in each other, urging believers to live in a way that  honors the sacredness within them and among them. Since the very start, God has wanted to be  close to His people and talk with them. When the Israelites were traveling through the desert,  God decided to stay among them. At that time, the people lived in tents that they could move  around, so God made
His home in a special tent called the Wilderness Tabernacle. God's presence  in this tent was like a signal for the people, telling them when it was time to stay in  one place and when it was time to pack up and move on. Later on, when the Israelites  settled down in the land that was promised to them and started living in permanent  houses, God chose a special place to be His home. He made Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem  a sacred spot, marking it as His holy home. In the second part of the Bibl
e, the New  Testament, the way God is with us is shown in a very deep way through Jesus Christ. This was  a big change from the many ways God appeared in the Old Testament to the most important way He  showed Himself in Jesus Christ, which is a key idea in the Christian faith. The times when God  appeared in the Old Testament, called theophanies, were not just old stories. They were very  important moments when God showed who He is, what He is like, and the promises He makes to His  people. Thes
e moments happened in different ways, like the amazing times Moses met with God,  and other times when God met with people in more quiet but still important ways. Each of  these moments, whether it was a direct meeting or a sign of something bigger, was a way to  show how great, holy, and faithful God is. When Jesus came, it was like the biggest and most  important of all these moments. In Jesus, God, who is usually too big and mysterious for us to  understand, became someone we could see and kn
ow. Jesus being God and also a person was not just for  show. It was the most important way God has shown Himself to us, letting us see, meet, and really  understand Him in a way we never could before. Jesus being here made God part of our everyday  lives, letting us know Him in a closer and deeper way. Jesus, being both fully God and fully human,  made a bridge between God and us, showing us not just a little bit but the whole story of who  God is, what He wants, and how much He loves us. This
big revelation has a huge effect on  everything in the Christian faith. Jesus, as the way we see God, gives us a solid base  for understanding what God is like and what He wants. This isn't just about knowing things  in our heads. It's about really knowing God, in a way that's about relationships  and experiences. Through Jesus, we are invited to know God not as  someone far away or hard to understand, but as someone close, loving, and  ready to give everything to be with us. As the journey's en
d nears, secrets of the past and visions of the  future converge under Solomon's seal. Chapter 5: Solomon's Seal The Temple Mount Faithful, led by Gershon  Salomon, has been really focused on getting ready to build the Temple in Jerusalem again.  Even though Salomon passed away in November 2022, the group is still working hard on this mission.  They've been doing a lot of things to get ready, like showing their support at the Temple site,  making a special first stone for the new Temple, and mak
ing things that would be used in  the Temple. They've kept going with their work even though it's been hard and not  everyone agrees with what they're doing. Their work has not been easy. For example, in  1989, Salomon and his group were stopped by the police when they tried to put the first stone on  the Temple Mount because it was at the same time as Muslim prayers. This shows how complicated  and sensitive things are at the Temple Mount, which is a very important place for both  Muslims and J
ews. The Temple Mount Faithful say they have plans for the new Temple  and they are determined to build it, even though a lot of religious leaders in Israel  and the situation in the area make it tough. They're also doing a lot to get ready for the  new Temple, like training priests and bringing back old religious ways and things, like how to  make a special red dye from the Bible. Their hard work and attention to detail show how committed  they are to getting ready for the new Temple. The whole
issue of the Temple Mount and the  idea of building a new Temple is a big topic in Israel. Over time, more and more people  have started to accept the idea of going to the Temple Mount and even praying there,  which used to be a fringe idea. This change is part of bigger shifts happening in  the area, which affect the delicate balance of different religious and political  groups in Jerusalem and the whole region. The Temple Mount Faithful, with Gershon Salomon  leading them, have been trying ha
rd since 1989 to start building the Third Temple on the Temple  Mount. They've faced a lot of challenges, like having their first stone stolen, but they  kept going and even got two new stones in 2001, which they show off in Jerusalem every year to  get more support. The Temple Mount Faithful and another group called the Temple Institute  are working together to build the Holy Temple on Mount Mariah in Jerusalem. The  Temple Institute, which started in 1986, has spent over $20 million on things
for the new  Temple, like special clothes for the priests, a crown worth $330,000, a chest piece with 12  precious stones, and a big gold lampstand worth $2 million. They've put the lampstand near the Temple  Mount and plan to move it into the new Temple when it's built. They're also making a full-size model  of the Temple near the Dead Sea to train priests. The effort to build the Third Temple is filled  with many difficulties and differing opinions. A lot of religious Jewish people are careful
  about trying to make the prophecies about a future Temple come true. This is because  the Temple Mount area is currently under Muslim control, and the situation is quite  sensitive. Groups like the Temple Movement, with leaders such as Rabbi Chaim  Richman from the Temple Institute, think that having the Shekinah (God's presence)  is really important for reaching a higher level of spirituality. They believe that this can  only happen if the Temple is rebuilt. So, they see building the Temple a
s a way to fix the  problems that both the world and Jewish people are facing today. Also, recent findings, like  the discovery of a Jewish ritual bath (miqveh) under the floor of the Al-Aqsa mosque, provide  evidence that the ancient Temple was once on the Temple Mount. This supports the goals and  actions of those who want to rebuild the Temple. The work of the Temple Movement is not just  about making objects. They are also training people from the priestly family (Kohanim) and  working on br
inging back the sacred Red Heifer, which is important for making people clean  and ready to serve in the Temple. They are even working on big projects like making the  altar of burnt offerings in a way that it can be taken apart and put back together at the  original altar's place. All these careful and dedicated actions show how serious the Temple  Movement is. However, turning the dream of the Third Temple into reality is really tough  because of the political and social issues, especially bec
ause the Temple Mount area is very  sensitive and important to different groups. Some people think that finding the Ark of  the Covenant could really push forward the building of the Third Temple. It could make  Israelis feel a strong sense of pride and get support from people around the world.  The first Temple, built by King Solomon, was meant to be the place where God lived on  Earth and it held the Ark of the Covenant. No one knows where the Ark is now. Some  people think it might be hidden
under the Temple Mount or somewhere like Mount Nebo in  Jordan. These ideas add to the rich history, religious meaning, and mystery of the Temple  Mount and the plans to build the Third Temple. The movement to rebuild the Third Temple in  Jerusalem involves a mix of religious beliefs, political issues, and prophecies. It includes  both Jewish and Christian groups. The Temple Mount Faithful, led by Gershon Salomon, and  the Temple Institute are two well-known Jewish groups that are actively getti
ng ready to  rebuild the Temple. They have detailed plans, made sacred objects, and even tried to  place the first stones for the Third Temple, showing their commitment and  encouraging support for their goals. There's also a lot of support from Christian  groups, especially charismatics. For example, The 700 Club, led by Pat Robertson, openly  supports the Temple Mount Faithful. But this support is complicated. While some Christians see  rebuilding the Temple as a sign that the Messiah is comin
g back soon, others are worried about  supporting a movement that doesn't follow their beliefs. They think it's more important to share  the message of Jesus with the people involved. In Jewish tradition, building the Temple is  connected to the coming of the Messiah. This adds even more spiritual and prophetic layers  to the project. Some people think that the Third Temple is needed for the Shekinah, or God's  presence, to come back to the world. They believe that this is the only way to solve
the problems  we have now and to make the world more spiritual. But even with all these strong beliefs and  preparations, actually building the Temple is not easy. Muslims currently control the Temple  Mount, and any attempt to start building could lead to big problems. So, most of the work  being done now is more about getting ready or making symbolic gestures. However, for the  people who are really committed to this cause, every object they make, every ceremony they  practice, and every plan
they draw is a step closer to a time they are waiting for very  eagerly, both spiritually and historically. Do you think there's something hidden about these  old temples? Why might they keep secrets? Tell us what you think, and don't forget to hit like  and subscribe for more interesting stories!
