
This Dog is 100 Times More Dangerous Than Wild Animal

Some dogs are known for their aggression and ferocity in confronting all creatures, and Pitbull dogs are considered one of the most known dogs for their volatile temperaments. It can attack any human or animal and cause serious injury for no reason, and Even if you are holding the Pitbull tightly and trying to prevent its attack, it will insist on continuing its attack until assured that its opponent remains a dead body. but we may have another dogs which are 100 Times More Dangerous Than Pitbull and other Wild Animal .. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #Animals #Wild

Jungle Supreme

6 days ago

aggressive dogs bite people more than 4.5  million times each year . fatal dog attacks in the United States cause the deaths of about  30 to 50 people each year and the number of deaths from dog attacks appears to be increasing . therefore if you're thinking about adopting a dog it's natural to worry about whether they will  become aggressive and bite you or someone you love . in our episode today I'll let you know the  most banned dog breeds in the world but before we start please like the vide
o and subscribe to  the channel stay tuned The Dogo Argentino the Dogo Argentino is a pack hunting dog bred for  the pursuit of big game such as wild boar and Puma . the Dogo gives the impression of explosive  power and energy developed to find , Chase and catch Dangerous Game the Dogo Argentino or the  Argentinian mastiff is a dog breed often compared to a pitbull and therefore considered one of the  most dangerous dog breeds . at this point you might not be surprised to learn that Dogo Argenti
no is  physically powerful and possesses a formidable bite . Dogo Argentino is a large and Powerful breed  and capable of taking down even the strongest of predators . with its strength and Agility it could  easily overpower a lion in combat . this attractive white dog was bred from a fighting breed but  was also mixed with mellow dogs like the Irish wolfhound and great dane to develop a strong  dog with massive abilities . the only people who use the Dogo Argentino for fighting are doing so il
legally Pressa Canario one of the planet's most imposing and most dangerous dog breeds is the Pressa Canario or simply Pressa this breed is widely considered to make for a loyal pet and  a First Rate guard dog when appropriately raised but it also has a reputation as a fearsome fight  dog with an aggressive streak when it is not well trained . unfortunately Canario attacks are known  to happen and can prove deadly . the Pressa Canario breed has been responsible for several reported  dog attacks
. a comprehensive study was carried out into violent dog incidents between 1982 and  the end of 2014 , Pressa Canario bite attacks were the fourth most common among all breeds . over this period Pressa Canarios was responsible for 111 attacks causing bodily harm that number  includes 18 deaths and 63 maming injuries that caused permanent disfigurement Rottweiler the Rottweiler is one of the oldest purebred lines it was once bred exclusively for herting , but  today the Rottweiler is commonly so
ld illegally for dog fighting purposes . approximately  40 human fatalities per year are reported annually involving a Rottweiler . Rottweilers are  rather heavy for their size and although they are passive most of the time . they don't react well to Sharp words , forceful petting or rapid movement . children often receive serious bite injuries simply by coming up too close to one of these dogs from behind . Rottweilers are quick  Learners and exhibit strong loyalty to their owners however due
to their size , strength , and the  force behind their bites they can be potentially hazardous if not trained properly to prevent  behavioral problems or aggressive tendencies it's essential to maintain firm control over a Rottweiler Doberman you may have already noticed  that movies often feature Doberman pinches when they want to portray the most dangerous dog breeds mainly due to the breed's strong intimidating  presence . this breed is known to be one of the most aggressive dog breeds glob
ally , known for  their pointy ears and slender bodies Doberman Pinchers were bred specifically to to serve as  guard dogs and its snarling facial expression has kept many a would-be thief from carrying out a  devious plan . this breed is very protective of its owners and can be a good choice for those with  young children it's enough to know that pincher in German refers to how they attack and bite prey . it's a breed specifically bred for a purpose and that is to attack Doberman dogs react neg
atively  to unknown individuals treading upon their home turf . pet owners must take special precautions to  keep their Dobermans out of contact with strangers Pitbull almost every day a story surfaces about a  fatal or near fatal incident involving a Pitbull and a human . this breed has evolved from a line  of Fighters and is popular among those wanting a four-legged companion as a protector . although  it should come as no surprise to most people who study dangerous dog breeds , the Pitbull is
the most  dangerous dog while not a breed recognized by the American Kennel Club Pitbull is a catchall used  to include bulldogs and Terriers rather than a single dog breed . Pitbulls rank far above all other  breeds when it comes to reported bite fatalities over 13 years the Pitbull was responsible for 284  deaths , roughly 2/3 of all fatal dog attacks in the United States that is a rather discouraging  statistic considering that only 6% of all dogs in the United States are Pitbulls. they were
bred to  be dangerous for Generations as hunting dogs and fighting dogs , so it is no surprise these dogs  continue to be a threat to this day . another reason pitbulls are the most dangerous dog breed  is that they have large bodies weighing up to 80 pounds, strong jaws and great Killer Instincts . this  animal is known to attack children and adults with little or no provocation . humans and animals  don't stand a chance against a Pitbull . still many insist these animals are merely a product
of  their upbringing and have loving pitbulls as pets . German Shepherds German Shepherds are working dogs that have been used in militaries and police forces in recent decades . the reasons  for this Choice are obvious these are robust, intelligent , powerful , and dangerous dogs that can  inflict deadly attacks on people . weighing about 90 lbs and standing over 2 feet tall the German  Shepherd breed is perfect at curtailing human threats . unfortunately as far as aggressive dog  breeds go Ge
rman Shepherds excel in aggression and territoriality and they were the cause  of 20 deaths and numerous non-fatal biting incidents . although they are considered one of  the most dangerous dog breeds German Shepherds often take on the role of Guardians and exhibit  a protective nature toward their families . modern breeding practices have significantly reduced  outward aggressiveness in these dogs . however the key concern with this breed lies in its  physical physical strength , when not adequ
ately trained or socialized their bite and physical  power can undoubtedly cause harm . Cane Corso you'll definitely feel safer with a cane corso  around . this giant dog breed is fiercely loyal and protective of the people they love . able to  intimidate strangers with a single look the can Corso dog sometimes referred to as king corso  is a large muscular dog breed originally from Italy . the Coro history describes him as having   a vigorous temperament ready to meet any challenge they origina
lly bred this mean-looking dog  to be a hunting companion to Avid hunters . and because of their strength , Cane Corso was great  at catching mountain lions and bores . their work included rounding up pigs or cattle and helping  to drive them to Market as well this breed is one of the most dangerous dogs because they  have a high predation drive and . will be well suited with someone extremely familiar with  the breed and who understands how to train and keep them . Cane Corso isn't a good dog t
o own when you have kids in the family due to its unruly and rambunctious nature . which dog is the best  to own from your point of view ? please comment below in the comment section to let us know and  don't forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel your likes and comments encourage me  to continue . see you very soon with a new episode.



The rotweiler but you got trained as of puppy


Dogo Argentina very dangerous dog


The Kangal is the best but can only be controlled by people who know their real caracter......


Dogs don't "become" aggressive. It's deranged owners who MAKE them aggressive because so many nitwits out there seem to derive their manhood from the muscles on their dogs. That picture of the guy trying to control a dog with massive chains hanging off its neck is a prime example of the insanity that seems to grip a small number of people who shouldn't be allowed within a mile of ANY dog. I am 83 years old and have had dogs literally all my life. I've had American pitbulls and as far as I am concerned, they were the easiest dogs to have around. They're a wonderfully balanced breed. I love Dutch Shepherds, too, and yet some people can't handle them and should stay away from them. It's as simple as that. I don't believe in "dangerous" breeds. Dangerously clueless owners worry me more. Horses can be dangerous, too. You don't treat them right, they're likely to try to kick your head in.


German shepherd is the best dog. Very good temperament and very loving.


German Shepherd is the best dog to own.