
Threatening the Dealer | The Green Hornet (Christoph Waltz, James Franco)

Chudnofsky (Christoph Waltz) flips the script on Crystal (James Franco) to show him who is really in charge. Watch the full movie! Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) is a slacker by day, party animal by night... until he finds a serious career that’s seriously cool: crime-fighting action hero. As the Green Hornet, he teams up with gadget wiz and martial arts master Kato (Jay Chou) to take down LA's underworld. Even Britt’s assistant Lenore (Cameron Diaz) doesn't suspect this mismatched pair is the masked duo busting the city's toughest thugs led by Chudnofsky (Academy Award® winner Christoph Waltz, 2010, Supporting Actor, Inglourious Basterds). With style, swagger and an arsenal of awesome gear, the Green Hornet and Kato are doing justice their way, making every mission a mix of over-the-top action and outrageous comedy.

Scene City

11 months ago

okay all right [Music] no no not you have a seat either one  they're both very comfortable so what can I do for you as you know I've worked  my entire life very hard to achieve one goal and that goal which I have in fact achieved was  to be in charge of all the crime in the city of Los Angeles therefore the fact that you assume  that you can open this establishment without my permission without payment and sell narcotics  out of it is completely unacceptable really and to be honest quite insulti
ng therefore you must  sign over ownership of this establishment to me at which time you become my employees where where  are your employees yeah or close down permanently choice is yours okay uh how do I pronounce  your name Tchaikovsky charm shadowsky chud ski chodnovsky all  right chernovsky kiss my ass put your lips to my ass and kiss it French  kiss it tickle it with your gray whiskers I got bittersweet news for you you're washed  up you're old you're boring you're not scary he dressed like
[ __ ] it's over for you okay  that's the bitter news now the sweet news is you can retire you can go play golf eat your  dinner is at three o'clock in the afternoon play with your grandkids drink Metamucil old  people [ __ ] okay look at me I got a name people can say my name's Danny clear I deal crystal  meth people call me crystal clear it's easy check out my Kick-Ass hangout here  I got shitloads of glass everywhere I got a see-through piano look at my boys they're  pimped out we got Gucci
Armani another Gucci TaylorMade this is what you need to get to the  top today not hard work not dressing like disco Santa Claus you need charisma you look like my  Uncle Greg a very nice guy but it was the dentist now consider this your retirement  letter boom it's over see a way out all right you truly don't think I'm scaring no no okay okay you're scary yeah you're scary you  just said I'm not no no you are you are what's a disco Santa I don't know I thought I'm sorry  it was just something s
tupid to say yeah you said I'm boring my gun has two barrels that's  not boring and it was very difficult to make what could I do to be more scary a better name  cooler name a little more color or something uh um maybe maybe you could say something  to people before you kill them but not now it's hard to think with this  this double barrel in my face you're not gonna kill me oh you keep me  alive so I can I can spread your Legend okay I'll do that man I'll spread your  Legend hey you forgot your
briefcase [Music] [Music]



The only thing missing from this scene was a glass of milk


Dude actually turned to look at the see through piano ...he was genuinely impressed


I'm not ashamed to say that this movie introduced me to the wonderful talent Christoph Waltz. Dude made this movie watchable. Edit: I've watched his other movies way before, no need to suggest. Just saying this is the first film I saw that he was in.


The way Franco sarcastically says Chudnofsky cracks my shit up


Chudnofsky is so polite trying to shake hands with danny while smiling. But danny just disrespect him🤣


christoph waltz is such a sublime actor, every thing he touches is imbued with class.


just the way he seemed genuinely upset at being called boring had me..


Yo the way they built up this scene and disrespected him was hilarious tho 🤣


I remember watching this scene for the first time and I was blown away by Christoph Waltz acting. At this time I wasn't even familiar with Christoph. I totally fell for his non scary attitude, and then he becomes a badass. Geez.


3:09 lmfao “Disco Santa Claus” 😂


Chudnosky turns around to explore the room was hilarious.


They should call him "Double Barrel Disco Greg"


Nobody plays a villain as authentic but also funny as Christoph Waltz. He's a genius. He can play any role.


When he yells "ANSWER ME!", he reminds me Norman Osborn.


Love the reference to the "dentist" LOL


2:09 the genuine utter disbelief on waltz's face is priceless ahahahahahah


Love how the neon sign outside explodes before the bomb does.


Never went half way through green hornet years ago, didn't even know Franco and Waltz was in it lol


I have no memory of Waltz being in this movie I'm shocked and scared


I laughed my ass off when I saw the gun