
Top 5 FREE movies and tv show apps on the NEW Firestick 4k Max

Top 5 FREE movies and tv show apps on the NEW Firestick 4k Max 💸Express VPN DEAL💸 - 🔥30 days free + 3 extra months🔥FIRESTICK USERS SHOULD USE THIS Streaming Stuff I suggest ✅ Nvidia Shield - ✅ New Fire tv - ✅New Firestick max - ✅New Firestick 4K - Get this with your new Firestick ✅OTG Cable - ✅Wifi Booster - ✅Remote cover - ✅Amazon Luna - ✅Firestick pro remote - As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases #ad As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases #ad Stay up to date on our social media accounts below! Twitter - 📷Instagram - 🪞Facebook - 🛒Amazon - 📻Discord - 🚧Website: With the release of the new Firestick and Fire os 8 there has been a ton of issues with some of the most popular apps. With that being said I wanted to walk users through the process of adding some top streaming apps on their device. Here we will look at the top 5 free streaming apps on your second generation Firestick max and 4k. #upgradeguy #UGT #Firetv #Firestick #Firestick4k #Amazon #Streaming 0:00 Video starts 1:15 App #1 4:16 IPTV app #2 6:20 IPTV and VOD app #3 9:18 Third party app installs 14:15 IPTV app #4 16:10 App #5 17:20 Live tv section of Firestick Fire tv Device Recommended videos 📺 Supercharge Nvidia Shield - 📺 Fix Nvidia Shield tv remote - 📺 I bought Every Firestick ever created - 📺 TV shows and movies free on Nvidia Shield tv


5 months ago

so if you're one of those people that bought either the fir stick 4K Max or the fir stick 4K second Generations at launch then you're probably wondering what's some free streaming apps that we can add to these with very little effort now with the brand new operating system fire os8 we all know that means some apps may not be as compatible as they were with the previous system and the reason with that is because developers have to go and update their apps to make any small minor changes that migh
t need to be made in order to make it compatible now this is the case with Cody and other file manager and media player apps as we've noticed Amazon has kept out a big setting that makes it impossible to stream on those types of apps you can check out this video above here if you want to learn more now although that might be a fixable issue that Amazon is probably going to sort out in the near future in the meantime I'm going to introduce you to the top five streaming apps for your second genera
tion Fire Sticks now if you're new to the channel hit the Subscribe button right down below give this video a a big thumbs up and like always for the first hour to two hours of this video I answer all of your questions and comments down below so make sure you drop a comment whether it's personal or it's something support related I'll get back to you within 2 hours of the video let's get into it now most of the apps we look at today are going to be completely installable through the Amazon app st
ore however there are definitely some depending on your location that we have to go to my website in order to install so I'll walk through those processes as well and anything you'll need in order to do that now most of these apps are completely free legal and offer pretty amazing content as long as you know where you're looking so let's start with app number one now for most of these installs we're going to head over to the find section which is basically your app store you're going to click on
search and for this first app this is a super popular one across all fire sticks and streaming devices and that is 2btv now the great part about 2btv you can install it here by the way is it actually also offers a dedicated kids free section now this is very very unique to streaming services and streaming apps in general even a lot of the paid apps don't have this option I like to call 2btv you don't need to create an account by the way it just saves your basically your progress and a few other
settings now this is the most Netflix looking streaming app that you'll probably ever find uh it has a really great interface that they've obviously gone out of their way to continue to devel uh it just looks super clean and the best part is uh tub is paid for just through ad supported content so it is one of those ad supported content apps now all this means is you're going to get a few ads either at the start or at the ending of your TV show or movie now the kids only section is right at the
top here this brings you again to a dedicated kids only section that is completely locked the only way to get out is to enter your birth date which isn't obviously foolproof but most 5-year-olds aren't going to be able to get the correct number number or a correct number and all of this is kids friendly content depending on the age of course but most of it I think you as adults would be okay with it's definitely a lot more censored than uh what I watched when I was younger so it's it's really no
t that bad now here is the confirm age section so I'm just going to type in my that's not my birthday that's a few years after but whatever and that will just bring you into the regular category now at the top here you're going to see the live TV section now this is dedicated to us only streaming so if you're not in the US or I believe the UK has the live as well now if you do want access to the live section and a ton of other apps that we're talking about today and you aren't in the US and even
sometimes in the US this is just as useful you should go to your search section of the App Store install expressvpn now you will have to create and also of course pay for an account I have my discount link Down Below in the description here you can set your location and Country to anywhere in the world in this case we want to select the US you might want to select the UK and this also works on Netflix and Prime video discount link down below with three extra month and a 30day money back guarant
ee if you don't like it get 100% of your money back and purchasing this helps to support me so we we can't discount that now getting you to app number two is just directly back in the App Store you're going to type in Pluto TV now this is one before recently was only available in the US and I think the UK has it but it's also come to Canada as well so most people can use this VPN free now just like the other app if you want additional content you will have to use a VPN that is going to help you
unlock uh some of the better content from other countries because again channels are based on your location so some countries may have more channels than others uh including news and other type of content like that now unlike other apps where yes they are free but they're mostly focused on video on demand and not so much the live section Pluto TV has created their app to be based around live so yes this is a completely live and free ipv app basically so again using a VPN you may get more or less
content but they do have literally hundreds of channels that again can be connected directly Through the Fire TV live channels section which I'm going to show you that at the end of the video as well so you want to stick around for that if you want to learn how to get literally hundreds and hundreds of channels on your fire stick but you can see they have a pretty good selection here now they do have of course some on demand but it's not nearly was available on the other apps right it's it's ve
ry much be movies super old content you can tell it's not their focus they do have a kids mode as well again not nearly as good as other ones I find it doesn't even work that well to be honest and in settings there's really not much you can do besides mess around with kids mode and also and also change the the pause playback when idle that way it's not playing content when you're just sitting there trying to pick a channel and stuff right it just keeps things paused um but honestly this is a gre
at great ipv app the guide is really well organized based on what kind of content you want to watch you can see we can go on the left hand side here and select the category and that obviously makes things a lot easier to navigate through so this is one of my favorite apps overall it's one that I always suggest and using that VPN is going to help to expand that content even further now one very much underrated app that is pretty much located everywhere in the world is called Plex TV and they do a
n amazing job with it so you're going to click here and install it you can search it up most people don't know that Plex was originally just like a server app basically where you could upload your own content um and they still have that feature and a lot of people use Plex to create their own digital libraries of content however using it for just TV movies and live content is pretty good as well now once Plex is open you have two options you can either sign up or skip again this is one of those
apps you don't need to create an account but if you want the additional features and for it to be the same across every device create accounts it's not really anything bad enter your email your age maybe create a fake one if you're you're a little sketched out maybe you're a bit of a tin foil head I don't know okay but uh they have a ton of content uh starting with the live TV section which is not quite as good as what uh you know Pluto TV is but it's pretty close to the same amount of channels
just slightly less so you can see same kind of thing we can scroll through all the channels they do have the categories at the top too so if you prefer to go by category you can see we can go to the very top here let's see if we can get to it it's a little bit more difficult to get to than others and we can change over to go to any category we want we can click on it this is espanol and we can see all the Spanish channels offered so I love when they make their interface super easy to use categor
ized now most of these live channels will have ads in them like most live channels do you can't rewind you can't fast forward but the guide does tell you what's coming up soon now as for movies and TV shows this is a a pretty good VOD again nothing compared to tub tub is the king for VOD if you want the best of the best out of these apps uh as well as the last app that we're looking at that a lot of you will be uh pretty happy with so we can see all the content offered here again this is a lot o
f older content so most of you aren't going to be super interested in it I think most of you are going to use this for the live TV the music which is another really great feature through title uh and any other feature involved in it such as your own server now discover is just going to help you find shows or movies that you might like um most of these are ones that are just coming out so it's usually newer content and not quite uh you know the old stuff but they do have the trending on Plex as w
ell so it looks like they have added and they also have a coming soon so that's a really useful feature I haven't seen before um so it looks like they're really adding uh released this week in history so they have they have a bunch of really cool features here where you can see different things on movies so really great addition and here you can see trending on like Apple TV new Barbie I don't know if anybody seen that I heard it's actually pretty good I don't know that could just be me and then
title down here and then of course you can add your own media through your own Plex server directly here so that's a really cool feature and that can if you pay for their subscription can be used across any device anywhere in the world using their own Plex servers really sweet feature now the next app we're going to be talking about is freey TV you can see I have it installed on here now if you're from the UK or the US boom no problem you can click on it it comes pre-installed you can start usi
ng it right away yes this app does come pre-installed if you're from Canada or anywhere else in the world you're going to notice it's not working that's right and even if you're in the UK you're not going to get the same content although I do believe you guys still have it so now what we have to do is a little workaround so we're going to go ahead and click on settings and we're going to scroll until we find My Fire TV this should be the same for pretty much every device um so again if you're no
t doing it on your 4K Max using the brand new fire os8 that's okay you're going to find the about option click on that and then you'll find the name of your device right here it could be called something else depending on your device you want to click on that 5 to seven times until it says you are a developer I was already one so it's no issue click back once find developers option and then you want to go to install Unknown app so this is the option we need now we're going to click back and we'r
e going to go to the find section we're going to go here and we're going to type in an app called downloader so you're going to find that option right here it is an orange app with the download icon called downloader it's basically a file browser it's nothing crazy you're going to click on that and then from here we can install it you can see I already own it so it should install right away with pretty much no issues now while that's installing go back to my Fire TV and go to developers options
we want to go to install unknown apps and you want to make sure it's turned on for downloader that means we'll be able to quickly install apps directly on the device now click all the way back until we get to our main menu and we want to find the app downloader so go all the way until we find this section here we want to scroll down and you will find the good old downloader app right here we can click on it and you want to press allow you can press okay and now we're going to go to this search b
ar so now we're going to look up upgrade guys download page directly on my website so the code for that yes this is a code which is just a shorten URL is 773 so 27s and when that's in go ahead and press that go button that's going to bring you right to my sh URL where I'm going to show you two apps now that we're going to install very quickly now you're going to see a section here called free live TV and VOD apps now this is right on the download section just scroll down you can't miss it and we
're going to run into a number of apps here the first one we want is freebie TV and the second one we want is Zumo plays which is owned by com Comcast so start by clicking on free TV now this is going to bring you to a different website the reason for this is so I don't have to change the download link all the time this is a trusted site that it trust um it is called let me go down we're going to click the banner download right here again this I know this a little tedious doing this on downloade
r but it is the best way and I always do the black download button so this big one right here I make it as big as possible click on that it'll bring you to APK mirr now it's just a little bit harder for you to install through here you just have to go through like three or four prompts again I'll show that to you right now now once you're here you want to scroll down and find the latest version so they'll usually have it listed right below here I just want to make sure I find the right area for y
ou guys so if you scroll all the way down you're going to find these ones right here previous apks so you can see this one right here is August 24th just go over and click on that little download option right there and that should bring you to the next page now we want to scroll down on this page till we find download APK and it should say your download is starting if it doesn't click this click here option sometimes it just takes 4 to 5 seconds for it to get going and here it is right here so n
ow we want to click that install option boom just like this and done we're not going to open it yet so what we're going to do now is we're going to go back to my website so you can just click back three to four times till you get to the download section and again we want to scroll down until we find that Zumo play install option so let's go all the way down and you're going to find it right here again so Zumo play now this one I do have the download link for I try to update this as much as possi
ble again you can load it up right here just takes a few seconds so just let that install go through so now with free vtv the first one we're going to check out now that both these are installed we do have to go down and we do have to activate our VPN now again you can install this directly in the App Store I suggest Express you can use any one there are free ones as well but the paid ones are always going to work better if you have a different VPN don't feel pressured to buy Express but that di
scount link down below is pretty good so press connect here I just have it set to the smart location if you find it's not working on the smart location change it to a different location um Sometimes some of the servers are just overloaded and too many people use them now we want to go and we're going to find the free that we just installed in our app section and we're going to go ahead and click on it you can see it just has a little bit different of a look than that main thumbnail TV just like
most these other apps we've gone through does have a continue as guest option so we're going to click on that now the great part about freey is it's owned by Amazon which isn't a bad thing it means that they funnel content from Prime video and other companies they own directly into your so you get the best of the best content like it has puss and boots Fast N right some of these other movies that I don't know but they really do load this thing up with good good content and they done a great job
developing it and continuing to add even more content so shout out to Amazon for this one now the live section right here is going to offer you a great number of live TV categories it's not nearly as organized as some of the other apps but it is still pretty good so they have quite a bit of content in here um for you to look through and really enjoy um so they've done a really great job also adding more live content I just think the app itself could use a tiny bit of development they do have a d
edicated movie section so this is just movies uh and then of course they have the dedicated TV section right here there is no kids section as of yet however I do believe in settings they do have a kids mode of some sort so um depending on yeah parental controls right here you can do a little bit with it but it's not as detailed as some of the other apps where they have a dedicated parental section but it's still pretty solid overall for me freee is the best app again it's just you can't really c
ompete with Amazon when it comes to content because they bought MGM they buy all these other media companies so they can just have the content to themselves which you know not the greatest but at least they're making it free for you again with a few ads there actually aren't that many in here at all now before I show you the live TV in your Amazon fir stick and how to use it properly we have to check out the last app which is Zumo play now Zumo play like every other app we've looked at has so mu
ch great content free movies free TV shows pretty much free everything directly on the app it's super easy to use and they have loaded this thing up now again this is one where you are going to need a VPN depending on your location so if it doesn't work for you yes get the VPN I suggest it's not that expensive uh and it is a great investment overall so they have movies they have live TV they have a little bit of everything it's it's very comparable to Pluto they also have a mobile mode which all
ows you to use it directly on your phone right watch live channels here settings of course where you can control close captions right you can control various different things directly in the app um and yeah it's just a solid overall streaming application I don't like the interface that much they could definitely develop it and make it a little bit better but it's it's not bad for what you're getting um so Comcast has done a decent job with it there's always improvements but they do have a large
number of channels to choose from and a pretty great selection overall so Zuma play not my top app but it's still on there and still worth the downloading especially if you're doing my website steps from out of country now a lot of people ask me what is this live TV section know it goes unforgotten on here but basically Amazon has created a section where you can add all of your free apps or paid apps into one live guide now all we have to do is press this button right here and that will allow us
to customize so you're going to see this pop up right here now what we want to do is manage channels so this is going to show us all the apps we have installed that gives us live channels so you can see right now we have Pluto TV and news by Fire TV so we can move the sources or hide them but it's basically putting all of their channels into this one individual app so we can go add channels right here and you can see all these other apps that are available in the App Store that is going to give
us channels that can go directly on here so we can add freey we can add peacock right we can add all these different apps directly in here Zumo play Fox News Hy stack and it's very very simple to add their content in here just by pressing that plus button uh and yeah that's pretty much it it just adds everything all inone and you can see all those channels one of those apps I have are located in here so instead of having to reopen every single app this will connect all of your live streaming ap
ps on one interface for your Fire TV making it simple easy and intuitive for future use on your fire stick now I know that was a lot it was a lot of me talking and me showing you stuff but if you enjoyed this guide I do ton of this stuff on my channel and we also do tech reviews and other type of content I also love taking suggestions from the community so let me know down below if you have any suggestions and if there's any apps I miss drop that down below in the comments so we can keep this li
st growing see you guys in the next one okay that was a lot of filming that was like an hour of filming



Thank you for the FYI! I always learn something new on your channel. I didn't know it could Integrate all the app channels in a ( AIO).. GREAT! Is it possible to move these apps to an External USB bc space is critical with fire sticks. Thank you bruh!😅


DD maid an mouse TOGGLE don't work on mine in the uk


You have good videos ❤


Than you for appl. ....TV Free.. vous êtes adorable, génial..!!


Can u watch movies that are in the theaters or no


Hi any ideas why the fire cube 3 is not picking up portable had?


Down load if you wanna watch nfl baseball basketball or NHL Sports fire TV it's sweet


do you mean personal media I'm using a Kodi build with Real debrid and it works just fine for me?


I can't get a build on my Kodi saying I have no internet


bro am from Trinidad and the roku channel stop work help me fix it please I have a VPN still not working what's the fix I try


I just bought a firestick 4k and the ONLY reason i bought it is because im trying to set it up so i can watch NFL. Its still in the box. How can i watch football without paying an arm and a let. Can u help me?


Please help me to get fire anime and I live in Jamaica 🇯🇲 🙏🏾 Please help me I love to watch animes


Side load apps have grey screen on second generation 4k max when added


then a something went wrong screen 🤷🏾🤷🏾




Loads not working teatv beetv all down


Uggh. This guy is a lib


Don't need firesticks get movies anyway smart tv