
Trialing surveillance on disabled people

If you want to support our work fighting for a freer future, please join us: The Government is sneaking in new powers to spy on all of our bank accounts on the premise of dealing with welfare fraud and error. Sign the petition | It will force banks to flag people who meet secret criteria to the government. Everyone wants fraudulent uses of public money to be dealt with, and the government already has strong powers to check the bank statements of suspects. But this is a major expansion of government power that takes away our financial privacy like never before and does away with the presumption of innocence - the democratic principle that you shouldn't be spied on unless police suspect you of wrongdoing. People who are disabled, sick, carers or looking for work should not be treated like criminals by default. None of us should. We must stop this! And make sure you subscribe to our mailing list for breaking news and action alerts! Follow us on Twitter | Follow us on Facebook | Follow us on Telegram | BigBrotherWatchHQ

Big Brother Watch

15 hours ago

it's the sort of thing that you would expect a fascist regime to do I I think it's a catastrophic step towards State Control if you really want to investigate fraud look over there look at the houses of Parliament keep an eye on their bank accounts not ours the government is introducing extraordinary new powers to spy on all of our bank accounts under the premise of tackling welfare fraud last month we headed to westmin to ask politicians how they would feel if they had their bank accounts monit
ored you can watch that video by clicking on the link at the top of the screen so today we're at a protest for disabled people's rights asking people how they think the new bank spying Powers will affect disabl people in the welfare system this is very common in how you introduce authoritarian Powers you find a group no one likes you do it on them you get the system working and then it spreads so even if you think you're safe from this trust me once they start it on us it will come across the wh
ole of society but it's it's easy for them to scapegoat people um to make enemies or of the weak and the people who can't defend themselves whatever it is fantastic sign what impact do you think they will have on people uh disabled people in the welfare system well we we already have to face an incredible amount of intrusion both of the main disability benefits have information about your toilet needs um things like um you know how you spend your day it creates a lot of fear in people who feel l
ike oh I'm not spending it the way that they want me to so I won't spend it at all and it further isolates us and stops us from going out and living our normal lives and when you see fewer disabled people out and about you think oh there are a fewer disabled people I don't need to think about these people but we exist we're just forced behind closed doors most of the time and then we'll be subject to algorithms which at the moment are nontransparent which will be selected people for fraud invest
igations automatically it is absolutely uh a a bad science fiction movie come true people feel like once you're on benefits you can't freely live your life because the DWP is watching you and this is just going to increase it tfold well it's clear that people are extremely worried about the impact that these Powers could have on them if you haven't already please sign and share our petition calling on the government to scrap plans to Snoop on all of our bank accounts and together we can stop the
se orwellian powers in their tracks



This is disgusting, targeting disabled people in this way. Next it will be everyone.


It's disgraceful big brother is watching you . I regret returning to the UK after half my life living abroad.


Thin end of the totalitarian wedge.


Every politician should face a forensic audit,all shares ,all other income ,boards they sit on and investments on and off shore


I'm on disability, I'm good at budgeting my benefits. What worries me is lending my money to me daughter when her electric key needs a top up. When she send the money back to me, will the benefit nosey Parkers class it as undeclared income? They'd see the money go out, the problem is they'll jump to the wrong conclusion when it comes back...




It is abhorrent. By the way why haven’t I heard about this process in the media?


Maybe they need to check their bank account. Bet there is a lot of conflict of interest.


Monitor Rees moggs offshore accounts please 😂


A lot of these people seem to be the type who, a decade or more ago, would laugh at and mock anyone who warned them about the fact that welfare, socialized healthcare, etc. would be used as a trojan horse for more invasive government.


I would quite like to be protected from genital mutilation by the NHS, and not be treated as a terrorist by the police for my sexual orientation, but maybe I am just being fussy and entitled...not sure.


Can we see their accounts.