
⚡️Trump THREATENS Biden! How will this affect UKRAINE? / Something unexpected is happening in the US

Колишній президент США Дональд Трамп перемагає на праймеріз у Південній Кароліні, обійшовши колишню представницю в ООН і свою конкурентку від республіканців Ніккі Гейлі в її рідному штаті. Наразі Трамп переміг у всіх перегонах, де розглядали кандидатури від республіканців, зокрема в Айові, Нью-Гемпширі, Неваді та на Віргінських островах США. Що це означає для України – дивіться у відео. 24 Канал запускає подкасти! Шукайте нас на різних, зручних для вас платформах: #24канал #трамп #байден #сша #новини​ #новости #війнавукраїні2024 #войнавукраине2024​ #новиниукраїни #новостиукраины #новинионлайн​​ #новостионлайн #свіжіновини #свежиеновости

24 Канал

6 days ago

I'll start with the fact that on Saturday, February 24, former US President Donald Trump won the Republican primary in South Carolina. And you know what's interesting here is that Donald Trump said that his victory in the presidential election, which, by the way, he is so actively preparing now, will become, as it were, the day of liberation for his supporters and the day of judgment for his enemies. In particular, the former president of the United States of America emphasized that his second t
erm would mean a kind of revenge on opponents and promised to unseat Joe Biden. And let's hear what Trump actually said during the 90-minute speech, at a conference of conservative political action on the outskirts of the US capital. "Your victory will be our final vindication. Your freedom will be our highest reward, and the unprecedented success of the United States, of America, will be my final and absolute revenge, but for liars, deceivers, cheats, censors and impostors, who seized our gover
nment, this will be the day of their judgment." That's what he said, as he cut off, and by the way, he also emphasized the fact that that for hard-working Americans this day, November 5, will be a new day of liberation. You know, I should add that this very Saturday he passed Nikki Haley in her home state, strengthening his position on the way to a third consecutive Republican presidential nomination. By the way, because of Trump's success there are even calls for his rival to withdraw from the
race altogether, but Hailey is holding on and she stressed that she will not give up further competition, despite the loss in the state where she was governor from 2011 to 2017. And here's what Nikki actually said. "I will not give up this fight, when most Americans disapprove of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden." That's right, according to Hailey, she will campaign at least until Super Tuesday, that is, March 5. when Republicans in 15 states and one territory in the United States of America will
vote in the primaries. By the way, at the Democratic Party Primaries in South Carolina, Joe Biden won, and tomorrow the next primaries will be held, both Republican and Democratic in the state of Michigan. And you know, in general, tomorrow is an important day, and also because that Joe Biden will urgently convene a meeting with the leaders of Congress tomorrow, precisely in order to to speed up aid to Ukraine. So, on February 27, Joe Biden will convene the leaders of Congress, to discuss aid t
o Ukraine. I will remind you, we are still waiting for the allocation of 61 billion dollars of aid from Congress. First, you know, the important thing is that this meeting will take place tomorrow, February 27th, and the House of Representatives will be back to work on Wednesday, February 28th. So the American president invited the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, for a discussion. and House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries. He also invited the leader of the Democrats in t
he Senate, Chuck Schumer, and also the leader of the Republicans, Mitch McConnell. Biden will also talk about the urgency of adopting an aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, which has bipartisan support, as well as legislation that which will keep the federal government running until the end of September. In particular, on March 1, funding for the Departments of Transport, Urban Planning, Agriculture, and Veterans Affairs ends. as early as March 8 - for the Pentagon, the Ministry of Inter
nal Security and the State Department. And now, the leader of the Democrats in the Senate, Schumer, on the eve of this meeting, already stated, that agreements on both issues have not yet been reached due to the position of the right wing of the Republicans in the House of Representatives. But he also expressed hope that that Speaker Johnson will still bring the bills to a vote. The senator also noted that 2024 is a decisive moment in world history. Indeed, the defeat of Ukraine in the battle wi
th Russia will be devastating for the United States of America. And you know, as Biden's national security adviser Jake Sullivan previously stated, Indeed, the administration of the President of the United States of America believes that that aid approved by a bipartisan vote in the Senate can also be passed in the House of Representatives. But that's only if Johnson puts it to a vote. But, let me remind you that the issue is indeed a difficult one for Johnson, whose tenuous hold on the speakers
hip could be under threat, if he insists on helping Ukraine. That's it.



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Де ФБР куди вони дивляться?


Від одної людини залежить доля України, а може і всієї Європи


Не таке а з серйозним відривом.


На мой взгляд Байден намеренно не помагает Украине вооружением сбрасывая все это на Трампа ,это предвыборная его игра ,как это можно проверить ?,Только реальными данными без выдумок и эмоциональных ожиданий. У Байдена как президента есть абсолютно робочие право без всяких законов от сената передать Украине к примеру списанные кассетные ракеты для Хаймерс которых тысячи ,так же и снаряды кассетные в огромных количествах и тд хотя эти ракеты и снаряды срабатывают из 100 штук 85 - 90 штук ,то есть несрабатывание от 10 - до 15% , от 100% но это не критично и довольно эффективное вооружение в тяжолое время для обороны Украины, так же и ленд лиз закон который принят для случае тяжолой ситуации, но Байден его заблокировал, так что реальность вероятно другая за ширмой которую создал Байден и его группировка, нажаль реальность и ожидания это разные миры. " Людей ранит не мир, а их собственные ожидания. "- Жак Фреско


Жалко что но для Украины это зирваный дах для меня это супер


Трамп это круто.


Ніяк! Нас кинув і Байден та скоро Трамп!


І де тут зірваний дах?


Щось ці слова мені нагадують.




Понти Трампа, куди вони приведуть ?


Что-то он уже не яркий.


Цивільною Війною США грозить


TRUMP 2024!!!UCkszU2WH9gy1mb0dV-11UJg/hf90Xv-jHeOR8gSxxrToBA


И европа и Украина будут счастливы с трампом, ,как и в 2017-2021 году для Украины. Trump is 2024 president of the USA, you like it or not. Get along with it




Правильно робить, бо вже це нещастя що на даний момент при владі вже надоїло. Все до чого байден довів Америку це катастрофа. А з допомогою він оббріхує як американців так і українців. Через його брехню американці думають що в них всі ці борги через Україну ( то фігня що він пропустив мільйони нелегалів через кордони,що він роздавав ковідні чеки?) байден веде Америку в конкретну СР.КУ і Україну також.


2:00 трампувжетребазбиратисявпеклоаневпрезиденти 2:50


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