
UK Column News - 25th March 2024

Brian Gerrish, Alex Thomson, Mark Anderson and guest Diane Rasmussen McAdie with today's UK Column News. 00:31 Western Governments Frantic About Ukraine Intervention; Russian Deputy Speaker Says ‘We Will Kill All Who Come’ 10:31 Fornethy Survivors’ Update From Their Appointed Researcher, Diane McAdie: Scotland’s Deputy First Minster Tries To Get Away With ‘No Records, No Crime’ 24:52 France May Outlaw Gender-Affirming ‘Care’ For Minors 27:54 WHO Press Briefing—They Still Think The Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Will Go Ahead 34:49 Updates And Announcements 36:13 Commonwealth-Aligned Deep State Actors: Khalili Foundation And Aspen Institute 43:41 Canada’s Housing Affordability Has Reached “Worst-Ever” Levels; Mounties Anticipate Rioting Plebs 47:37 AI Everywhere—Now A Tool Predicts Vaccine Hesitancy 51:28 Massive German Covid Data Dump Reveals Massaging Of Messaging In 2020 54:46 USA: Constitutional Right To Vote? 59:24 Top French Court Strikes Down Unlawful Wind Farms Sources:

UK Column

6 days ago

good afternoon today is Monday the 25th of March 2024 just after 1:00 welcome to UK column news I'm your host Brian Gish and I'm delighted to have with me today Alex Thompson from the Netherlands and Mark Anderson from the United States plus we have a guest so Alex uh we're kick straight off with uh the sad reality of uh Ukraine it it seems to get ever more awful uh the reports coming in of course from the battlefield are simply horrific as uh Russia uh is attempted to take more territory in the
special military operation and the ukrainians supposedly short of ammunition are just throwing men at the uh at the front uh but of course we've also had the uh attack in Moscow so all to all together it's pretty horrific what's going on what have you got for us Brian we have been reporting for some weeks that uh Britain has already been telling uh its people that a war may be on the horizon direct involvement uh certain European Continental countries particularly in northern Europe have been f
ollowing suit but this is spread to France despite president macron's previous aim really as long as he's been president uh despite his uh being fully paid up to Nato his aim until now of trying to play some kind of honest broker and standing up for Russia's geopolitical Ambitions however insincerely macron flipped the script last week and uh he said that French C troops may be committed on the ground he said it couldn't be ruled out anymore so you can see here on LCI which is a French equivalen
t of CNN a Talking Heads channel for the uh right thinkers uh that newscasters propagandists are already uh looking at Big maps of Ukraine with the uh red belt in the south and east of Russian occupied territory and envisaging what the scenarios would be for French troops on the ground the right hand image there suggests that French troops uh visiting uh the country via Poland uh could be sent to the center of the country uh to defend the river Deno line if the Russians intend to get that far th
e leftand image suggests that belus Russia's Ally would be held back um it's getting rather damaging for French reputation and we see that particularly in the last 48 hours with uh an interview uh conducted by bfm TV many people uh actually uh think that this is one of the less bad French uh Legacy channels it's certainly very popular in France for its direct style and less um High futen than you usually get in French talk TV here they're interviewing uh P tolto yes he is the grand great-grandfa
ther of the famous novelist he's also a long-term fr France Watcher and has worked for Russian media in France and here he has come straight out and says we don't care a a wit for whatp uh I'm just going to say Napoleon what a Freudian slip uh for what macron has to say um if you send troops in we will kill every last one of them and as is the way with President Putin and others in the Russian government he then lists off how many mercenaries there are in the country how many were French and how
many of those roughly half about 147 I think he says have already been dispatched have been killed uh so he's quite uh in your face about it we do not care and we're going to kill every last one that enters the country over in Germany the vice Chancellor the equivalent of a deputy prime minister at Federal level Mr Harbeck was giving a speech the other day to a a speech to a conference called Europe 2024 and as reported for uh by T online here he was saying uh Germany needs to be prepared for a
land War the same language as macron but here he's talking more economic as you would imagine the Germans do and saying uh quite incredibly that Germany can afford it he was uh asked particularly in the question and answer of this session um if we have to spend a lot more on guns does that mean less butter and he said not necessarily look at Wall Street he said they capitalize themselves a lot better than Europe and we are a great go to go-ahead economy so we can manage it's a repeat of 2015 An
gela merkel's via shuen US we can manage to absorb it countless people so here he's saying uh the total amount of State indebtedness doesn't really matter he says for raising Capital because he thinks it's about a German general drive as a kind of uh limited liability company um uh to to raise Capital he says it doesn't really matter whether we are 63 or 64% uh of our GDP in debt we can manage it and once we've produced these Goods he says there'll be spin-off benefits for the rest of the econom
y the goods being tanks and Rockets and so on and they will sit there until they're needed uh in Denmark this completes a a Scandinavian Triad now of countries Norway Sweden and Denmark that conscript girls at the age of 18 uh here in the Netherlands and in a couple of other countries in Europe uh there is a nominal conscript ability of men and women at 18 in the interest of gender equality but there is no active draft but you'll find the details on Politico there that the Danes are getting quit
e serious about it now people might think an enlightened move but if you consider which other countries actively conscript girls at 18 rather than just send them a letter saying that they could be drafted other than those Scandinavian three it's Israel and then North Korea Burma Chad Eritrea it doesn't really seem like a good club to be in a bit like how Sweden Germany and North Korea and now France are the only countries in the world that absolutely mandate School attendance rather than homesch
ooling home education for children um over in the states Lindsey Graham one one of the most hawkish of all US senators if not the most hawkish was in Kiev uh in the middle of this month urging Ukraine to tighten up its own draft laws and he had the goal to say that it's wrong that Ukraine has Exempted its student age men from the draft there's no question at the moment openly of drafting women but he says that men under 27 must be conscripted in uh Ukraine so he's coming to the country and telli
ng them that he says I can't believe that the threshold is 27 you should be serving I.E as soon as you're 18 we who's that Senator Graham we need more people in the line that's the meat the line you were just talking about Ryan looks to me like he wants young blood yes it's it's horrific what these people are doing and of course the one thing we don't see in Western pieces in Western press is the call for peace uh let's just have a look at uh the cruel reporting on the uh the Moscow um uh mall a
nd uh conference Hall uh attack so this is the telegraph Britain warns Putin not to use Moscow attack to intensify war on Ukraine as if it was needed because of course that conflict has already intensified as the West the US UK EU NATO pump in the little weapons they've got remaining and uh the ukrainians are being encouraged to send their uh young and elderly men to the slaughter on the front um these are some of the comments from the article which we'll just put up apparently Putin's desperati
on to put all of this on Ukraine is unsurprising as he tries to further dup the Russian people while pretending that there is no dissent within Russia so we we can't even say who the person is making this report to the uh Telegraph uh but of course it goes on picked up by the mail today where apparently the attack in Moscow is simply the fault of Putin because he's so incompetent as a leader he allowed it to happen this is The Madness of Western press here is uh one of Britain's politicians comm
enting russan media channels are already circulating deep fake videos of Ukrainian officials in an attempt to blame Ukraine and provide Putin some defense for the war crimes he's committing in Ukraine or Worse pretext for further atrocities so we've um we've just simply abandoned the truth and facts this is just claims being made against Putin and what's happening uh Alysia goes on to say there's no indication of any link to Ukraine nor any credible reason to suggest their involvement well I cou
ld think of lots of reasons to suggest they could be involved but uh yes we do need to see the absolute facts of what's happened and of course the Americans going the other way so they're saying that they strongly condemn the heus terrorist attacks in mosow we extend our deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones and to those who were injured or affected by these un unconscionable attacks against innocent civilians Isis is a common terrorist enemy that must be defeated everywhere uh there
that should be there is no indication of any link to Ukraine nor any credible reason to suggest their involvement well of course the Americans haven't come up with any evidence themselves uh but they are desperate to make sure that it's Isis K the Afghanistan version which is blamed for this attack and the Americans keing to steer anything away from Ukraine even though it does appear that those terrorists were trying to reach the safe haven of Ukraine when they were caught by Russian authorities
and I'm just going to play this little bit of video on screen this is a little girl um in Gaza you can see the distress on this young lady's face um words there are no words for what's going on at the moment in the world but as I said a few moments ago the key thing is that in the West in UK we appear to have very very few uh politicians prepared to stand up and actually call for peace and to put an end to this massive and escalating Bloodshed so when viewers ask us what should they be doing we
will say once again you should be on the back of your MPS asking why they are pushing for War and why they're not pushing for peace we'll we'll break on to the new subject of uh child abuse in Scotland and uh we have a guest today Professor excuse me Professor Diane rbson mad who's going to give us an update on what's been happening around the fthy women um just put this image up on screen and uh this uh shows some of the women outside Glasgow Council uh with the banner release our record Ward
an end our fthy nightmare now and we've got a second image here which has actually got Professor rbson mccad herself with the FY women and uh danan I'd like to welcome you on to UK column today um where you're going to give us a little update as to what's been happening welcome thanks Brian it's great to be here uh yeah thanks very much for this uh those those two photos were taken just last week uh at the meeting of the petitions committee I will add that the first photo that you showed from ou
t because although we requested mainstream media sources to come and cover the story and read a press release and make a statement about 20 minutes before they were supposed to be there they phoned and had last minute staff absences and suddenly could not be uh coming to cover this this important event so I I did what I could so thanks thanks for showing that okay yeah Dian s sorry just come back in I was going to say we have a we have several um little film clips here the first one is actually
the uh Deputy first Minister from Scotland talking at the committee meeting um I was going to say let's just watch this first clip to hear what she has to say and then we'll bring you back in for a critique the executive summary um headline findings just to summarize uh why the girls were sent for Nei um the the findings were that primary school girls from Glasgow were sent to convalescence after an illness and or so that they might benefit from what was termed a recuperative holiday the school
was one of a number of schemes of residential education which was aimed at improving the health of pupils in terms of who sent them it was head teachers and school medical staff could put forward girls that they thought might benefit from a stay However it was this school or principal medical officer who took the final decision um and even then only girls whose parent are Guardian agreed to them going and who passed to Medical examinations were allowed to go well there we are that was the uh key
lady um Robinson speaking um how do you feel about what she said Diane well just in those few seconds there were a number of inaccuracies uh first of all there was one scheme of residential education which was set up by what was then Glasgow Corporation back in 1945 which was set up post war as an experiment within the city of Glasgow to see what would happen when different children were sent away for whatever amount of time and there were a number of classifications that they assigned to these
children one happened to be convalescent uh which if you actually look at what happened over time the excuse was that they were sent for a recuperative holiday as she said but actually if you if you actually speak to the women most of them were not unwell they were sent there in in other paperwork it said it was because they were from deprived backgrounds um poor soci economic status children with parents of Alcoholics Etc some said they came from perfectly fine backgrounds so it's still a bit
of a mystery as to why they were actually sent there uh and the coercion is a really important thing because we see as you'll see in some of the debates about in local parentis which essentially meant that the parents really did not have a choice as to whether they were sent because they were they there were there was legislation at the time that said in Scotland that children could be taken away from the custody of their parents and put into the custody of the state if the state decided that fo
r whatever reason the parents weren't fit to keep their children in the house so there are a number of inaccuracies here just in the these first couple of seconds which is from the opening statement and I think we have some more that we can show as well yes indeed and we can say that if the uh the girls weren't ill before they went to uh fthy many many of them were ill afterwards as a result of the treatment but let's hear a little bit more about the records it should be noted though that fori i
s not unique in having no surviving log books um in terms of the records information on for that for Nei that Glasgow city council holds um basically what Dr FY found is that Glasgow city council holds no school records for FY the city archives holds various series of council education committee minutes papers reports and handbooks that talk of fory and other schools in the schemes um but no individual records um in terms of what action Glasgow city council has taken to find existing records the
y have run their own internal searches in response to fi and subject access requests um and of course um do uh Dr FY and Dian Dian Mardi had access to records in the The Archives and glasgow's CH Chief archist themselves has also carried out proactive searches for information on fori um so I hope convenor that gives you a a sense of of what the remit was and what the kind of key H findings uh that have been found are so Diane I'm sure you've got something to say on that of course she dropped you
r professional title as uh one comment which we should note yes that that is something that Shona Robinson did herself but the other msps who spoke with her did not uh my title is actually Professor which only 10% of academics in the UK are assigned that title eventually Dr FY got her title throughout and it was it something that the women picked up on especially uh in terms of the other items that she mentioned uh with regarding records first of all uh there are statutes uh within glasgo and an
d I would assume without all of Scotland that said that there were limitations on when records could be released because of data protection issues for example uh pupil records were destroyed within five years at the latest from when children left school which means that there are no records for anyone in Scotland if if we were going by that particular legislation regardless of the the nature of the school that they were in log books are closed for 50 years admissions registers are closed for 75
years and so it's pretty clear to me that these are just excuses because this is the legislation the records wouldn't be in the archives the records that she spoke of in terms of personal records or pupil records or teacher records because archives in Glasgow city council I know because I spent a lot of time there have things like a committee minutes committee reports uh education committee handook books which have gone through in great detail but we it wouldn't make any sense anyway to find per
sonal records and so regardless of the researcher that she put into place those records wouldn't be found so that that is quite an an unacceptable excuse on Sha robson's part okay thank you for that well we can reinforce your comment there if we have a look at this clip um there were members of the Scottish Parliament that spoke up for the fthy women let's have a listen to what Oliver mundle had to say in response to the deputy first Minister um Oliver D youve got a supplementary to my question
yeah know I'm I'm just quite I mean I'm to be honest appalled by that uh answer because I think it you know I understand why the report was commissioned but I don't think it's consistent with what the previous Deputy first Minister and then education secretary said as the bill went through Parliament I was on and off that committee through that time but he acknowledged that the wouldn't be he said it was unlikely that documentary evidence would be available in every circumstance he didn't talk a
bout certainty he talked about on the balance of probabilities he offered repeat reur reassurances uh that people would be believed that the principle would be uh that where survivors came forward and they offered testimony that would be taken as fact not that it would be questioned uh and the second thing I find pretty hard to swallow uh given it was discussed through the passage of the bill is this uh relationship that's being presented between parents uh and the local Authority it's not true
um it is not true it is not factually correct and it's still not correct to this day local authorities through social work through education wield a huge amount of authority over families where they suggest things and direct things vulnerable families feel Under Pressure to accept them it is not a relationship of equals uh and I think it is wrong to categorize the relationship in that way uh well some pretty direct criticism there because he's effectively saying it's not true what's been put for
ward by the first minister or that's how I take it and of course the other thing is he said at the end of the day what's important is that people are believed um so Diane good to see that uh he was really prepared to stand up and be counted in his support for the fthy women AB absolutely there are several msps that have been in their Corner uh starting with Colin Smith MSP uh from south of Scotland who has kind of led the campaign through Scottish Parliament all the way another one that you'll s
ee is Fergus Ying uh who is kind of become a he's S&P but he's kind of left the sort of ranks of the S&P in recent years uh he also spoke out widely in favor of of the women and so this is coming from uh labor from uh S&P and from conservatives so I I I can see that even though you know there's a potential election coming up of course this year and and next year in Scottish Parliament I I think that I'm very very proud to say that we do have some very strong political uh support on the side of t
he FY ladies and I would hope that we can all reach out and thank them and continue to do the wonderful work they're doing for them okay thank you for that and the last clip which really pushes the whole thing home is uh Oliver mundle again but he's talking about really the application process versus the evidence which is the women themselves and the numbers 200 100 at the moment in the group but possibly thousands of women abused over the time scale that fthy was operating let's listen to this
last section but in order for an application to be brought in front of redress Scotland evidence is required so there has to be records showing where there doesn't have to be records I know that from my own constituents what you have to prove is on the balance of probability something was more likely to have happened than not and you know I I'm aware of payments being made to people who haven't been able to find records but have been able to put other circumstantial evidence together to support
an application and in this case you we've got a great many people uh from from various parts of Scotland uh you know particularly uh in the Glasgow area who are able to corroborate uh and and confirm uh the experiences other people are talking about are the same as theirs that starts to look to me uh like something that that would meet that test you know or certainly that should get far enough through the process that regress Scotland could could make an analysis of the evidence but because of t
he individual nature of the applications going forward we we're not looking at that Collective picture and and that to me isn't consistent with what the with with what your predecessor said when he recognized that this was a gray area that these issues were very difficult and that they would have to be looked in detail but if you can't even be looked at in detail how do you work out whether or not it meets that the the balance of probabilities an excellent summing up I think by that gentleman ju
st to finish the segment Diane um that meeting didn't reach a positive conclusion for the FY women where do you see the the whole thing going now it will be reviewed again in the petitions Committee in I guess about 3 weeks from now I believe it's the 17th of April the committee will consider the evidence in private and at that next meeting we'll hopefully find out where it could go it could go to a full parliamentary debate I have a feeling I I wasn't so positive at all leaving the meeting beca
use mostly all I could hear was Shona Robinson's side and it was very stressful for me and for the survivors to hear it in the room but after watching this video several times I'm I'm hoping that if we can encourage the other msps to continue to consider the evidence that I've submitted which I believe is much more detailed and much more accurate than the official independent so-called report that was submitted and paid for by the Scottish government that we can make some some positive changes a
nd really the petition is only for the women to be able to apply for the scheme of res of of redress sorry uh not to get it but the fact that they're being told by shaa Robinson that they're not even allowed to apply making these assumptions that are incorrect about what records are needed just for an application is is completely unacceptable in in my opinion so please fingers cross for all of the women as we go forward into this next month thank you okay Dian thank you very much for that report
and you will be uh staying with us for UK column extra and we'll discuss the fthy case in uh more detail and uh details of previous UK column articles will go up in today's show notes uh Alex let's bring you back with us and um the subject is transgender children in France hardly recommend people read very carefully uh Professor mad's uh piece which is up on in Pride of place on the UK website at the moment long detailed and full of primary sources will be hard to rebut so in France the
y were about to copy the National Health Service of Britain which last month decided that you couldn't prescribe uh puberty blockers to the underage and then this happened as carried by The Daily Telegraph uh sex reassignment in miners may be medical History's Greatest ethical Scandal French report says and this is a report by a block of 18 senators from the party which leads uh the billing in the uh Upper House of the French Parliament uh the uh Republicans they're not the governing party but t
hey are the the um most important uh party in the in the Senate LR for short and uh they have now uh as also covered now by French genetic uh described in great detail people can follow the show notes to this and use an autot translate to find out more detail they have really pleaded for uh the uh process of transgendering a minor to be uh unlawful here are the two reports in question for those who read French Andor can use Auto translate this will be in the subtitle in the show notes as well uh
so it's something like a large Minority Report in the French Senate uh trans identification of minors dated March 2024 and also the conclusions recommendations of that document from the recommendations we find this I won't read them all but they're talking about antier a lot so prohibiting they W prohibiting uh pu puberty blockers being prescribed Britain Sweden other countries have gone down this route to the shock of the uh the trans movement recently um uh ensuring that the state is neutral
in the matter basically it's a bit shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted but they're recognizing as in other Western countries that activists have infiltrated the system uh stopping the administration and prescription of hormones to all minor citizens these things of course you'd expect to be required uh Durer in any serious Western Country but not anymore the second part of their recommendations is in the uh domain of uh Administration and education and here they're demanding that
National Education authorities and civil servants uh respect the actual sex of children not have these games that are played across the West now where the child comes to school swaps clothing and swaps name and it's all secret uh so it's something that could be watched in uh times to come because this could potentially get through the French Senate okay thank you very much for that now where does that take us I think this brings us into uh the World Health Organization and let's welcome Mark An
derson on screen uh good day everyone uh the World Health Organization this past Thursday the 21st of March held a press conference and I covered it in real time virtually so that's an actual original photo of our friend tedos the director General there and uh they were kindly enough to provide a transcript via email so moving on from there I can kind of outline and summarize this um they had different sections on the pandemic treaty a little bit on the international Health regulations and a bit
on Gaza and Haiti and who responses to those crises anyway on the Pandemic part uh Ted Rose had this to say whose member states are meeting to negotiate in historic legally binding agreement to protect future Generations from the impact of pandemics moving on from there he also added there's much agreement he claimed between the member states on the objectives of the agreement now they need to agree on how to achieve those objectives but what I picked up on guys and our lady guest was was that
things aren't quite as stable and they're not moving along quite as well as he'd like people to believe you could sense that in the way they answered questions and they avoided um my uh raised hand through the virtual system I've tried to ask questions at Several of their press conferences and I still haven't been called on yet I won't take it personally anyway Tedros also said this there's one more quote from him areas of disagreement remain but there is still time for countries to find common
ground and finalize a strong agreement in time for the World Health assembly in nine weeks it's doable however if we keep going we we detect a little bit um of more a little bit more of a tentative attitude about how things are going um Robin Millard of AFP not not to be confused with the AFP I've worked for did get a question in it was a lot like the question I wanted to ask and the question was as follows on the pandemic Accord negotiations the letter from dozens of former world leaders get th
at suggests that there is a concern that this treaty might not get done what are the key sticking points that remain I wanted to ask that too what needs to happen to get this over the line and who needs to budge thank you and from there we get the answer from Dr Jad majour head of the Secretariat to both the inter intergovernmental negotiating body that's working on the treaty and the IH which is the international Health regulations he said and these are very general things this was his reply to
the reporter prevention is extremely important for pandemic preparedness and response no kidding negotiators agreed on the importance of research and development which is again very generic and very milk toast his third answer or third part of his answer they agreed the negotiators on the treaty on the importance of having a global supply chain to provide all the signatory countries with what they' need for pandemic pandemic response which again seems like no achievement at all that's a very ea
sy thing to agree on and the fourth part of his answer to the reporter we're now discussing how to implement these things although some issues are tougher to resolve than others so um they kept giving very general kind of rush off answers and this reporter here was not the only one that asked that kind of question I wanted to do it Robin Millard did and there was another reporter and we kept getting these very general almost brush off again kind of replies so things don't seem to be going quite
as smoothly as the who would like to as the who would like excuse me for them to approve the treaty as they had planned at the 77th World Health assembly in Geneva and they're trying to achieve that treaty May 24th anyway uh to give the who a little credit where credits due they did give a brief report on Gaza a bit on Haiti they said only half of Haiti's health facilities are functioning hospitals and whatnot but on Gaza they did make some important uh Revelations uh who and our partners have b
een have been conducting high-risk missions to to deliver medicines Fuel and food for health workers and their patients and the Israeli authorities keep getting in the way uh the who said they're particularly concerned about military operations inside and around alifa Hospital in Gaza City accessing alifa is now impossible and there are reports of health workers being arrested and detained by Israeli forces once again the who said we ask Israel to be more open about crossings that is uh roadways
and transportation and accelerate the entry and delivery of water food medicine and medical supplies and they've been trying to set up nutrition centers for children in hospitals so the who did provide some helpful information on that all important issue um and uh moving on from there I believe that might wrap it up for today but uh there is one other breaking item I want to make sure I get this in and I just got this from James rusy the noted uh wh Watchdog uh his his blog of course is James r
us. substack dcom I've got my desktop on it creates a little more light but anyway on this past Friday the House of Representatives in the US according to the sovereignty Coalition voted on a $1.2 trillion bill that included full funding for the wh and allegedly no requirement that the Senate consider the two treaties expected to be finalized and approved 64 days from now by two treaties I suspect that means the IH as well as the actual treaty but anyway the sovereignty Coalition is saying all h
ands on deck and there's a zoom meeting tonight at 8:00 pm eastern US time I'm going to go ahead and take part on that in that and report on that next week guys and those that want to take part in the UK it would be 1 in the morning if you want to be on the live Zoom call but for the show notes I'll go ahead and send in the link if that would be okay if anyone anywhere in the world wants to dial in on this Zoom meeting tonight about what's going on with uh us funding of the wh and the threats to
sovereignty that the wh's uh uh pandemic treaty poses so that that's a very important um uh breaking item here from James rusy and that's about it guys for now okay mark thank you very much for that update well we will say to all those watching UK colum news today if you like what we do please join us support us take out a membership make a donation we can only do what we do with your financial support you can also of course uh help us by making a purchase through the shop there's still a lot o
f of good items there and in particular the mhr t-shirts are still going very strongly and stickers are very popular but of course we encourage you to use those stickers responsibly and the most important thing for us to say is that the overwhelming bulk of material from UK column we put out for people to share in order to get facts and truth and information circulating so if you can help share and circulate information that's great please do acknowledge us now we are having a little bit of a a
a break this Easter so there will not be a UK column news on Friday the 29th of March or Monday the 1st of April um but as I've just said thank you all so much for your support and we will look forward to seeing you all after the Easter break and uh tomorrow um should be of course the 26th of March we've got an interview going out with Morgan lorett so encourage people to tune in at 1:00 in order to listen into that now what can we say about uh UK and many other so-called n uh sovereign states i
n the world it's very hard to imagine that the UK government is running the country or indeed the uh national government and many other uh European countries because we have so many think tanks operating in the background and I just want to say thank you to one of uh uh UK column's very very long-term supporters uh viewers and researchers Kate who sent in some information over the weekend flagging up the Aspen Institute uh busy at work in uh Ukraine and the PO point being made was uh for most pe
ople this is a to unaccountable uh Think Tank which is up to I was going to say no good well of course we can't say that because we have no idea really what they're doing but they are certainly not accountable to the voting public so um where do they Link in well the link of the Aspen Institute led us through to a number of things but the car uh Foundation came up fairly quickly uh this forms Global Partnerships with the Commonwealth UNESCO uh the princes trust and the Aspen Institute that we've
just mentioned and if we put up some detail here it says that the gal foundation and the princes trust through the Mosaic initiative have launched an exciting new social integration and youth leadership project L Youth and the subject of Youth and using youth is a very common thing for these think tanks it says the partnership begins with a year-long pilot program which will enable young people and young professionals to co-design and co- deliver training and princes trust program activity goes
on to talk more about the Mosaic initiative and it says it's serving to help young people and young professionals to lead dialogue and discussion around global citizenship so now we see the meat of the thing this is bringing in the idea of global governance and global citizenship but if we have a little bit uh look a little bit more depth the khite foundation uh we've got this designing for diversity cities and communities and uh this is the main gentleman concerned now uh if we pop the next on
e on screen thank you uh so we've got Professor nazer khil is a world-renowned scholar collector and philanthropist his mission is to use the power of Art and education to Foster peace and unity worldwide this is all very well but I personally don't really understand his values or what he's trying to do but I do know he's a very influential and Powerful individual and here we see him um uh with the uh right honorable uh Patricia Scotland who's the secondary general of the Commonwealth we can bri
ng that up on screen there thank you and um they are working together for a festival this is what's being promoted with this image peace building through faith uh Roundtable discussion aimed at identifying key Focus areas and brainstorming solutions to today's most urgent challenges so let's have a look at a little piece of video to uh reinforce the good works of these individuals and young people are the Cornerstone of everything we intend to do visually capsulate uh 50 years of my vision H I a
lways said to myself that every human being is born as a human being first everything else that's given to you color religion race you didn't choose you were given so that Unity brings all of us together as a human being so it was my dream one day to look at all the differences build on the differences with a proper answers and bring them together so the point that I'm making is that this gentleman's dream is the power that's coming into the Commonwealth to uh interface with all of the children
within the Commonwealth worldwide and it's proper Solutions but what are those Solutions and does the voting public know and of course we don't so it's the power of these influ of these organization behind the scenes we don't really know what they're up to but we just get glimpses let's choose another one the Franco British Council we've mentioned that before because they were working with the British government in order to introduce applied political psychology and uh that was a very a big prog
ram but again we see that they're after local leaders and they're particularly targeting young people uh and bringing them through a training process uh which is going to align them with both French and British policy but if we get into the Franco British Council I was alerted to the fact that at the end of last year towards the of last year they had another defense conference um and uh decisions were being made here and discussions were taking place which the British public was simply not privy
to not least because they were holding the meetings under the chattam house rules um so here's some of the rules on on screen um but of course many glasses of uh wine or champagne being drunk to help the deliberations and uh we can also see the support of major uh companies we've got the ministry of Defense there but we've got mbda missile systems and Airbus as well as the French military and if we move on one of course we've got our very own Grant shaps who was there but remember that the disc
ussions apart from the main headlines were being held under chattam housee rules and not privy for the British public here's Lord Peter rickets who is actually the chair of the organization and uh if we have a look at him we can see that he was the UK's First National Security advisor 2010 2012 uh we're not too sure exactly what he was doing at these meetings but this is the whole point who is making policy and we'll just uh leave you with a the last comment on the chadam house rules uh because
it says here that uh local leaders are expected to abide by it and strict implementation of the rule is crucial to its effect iess and uh lastly you should be respectful to guests and speakers are mindful of the fact that they've agreed to give their time uh so at that point um I I think we've just about covered it but essentially we're saying uh what is it that's enabling um these organizations to dictate policy both to the UK's national government uh uh but also uh to the French and when macro
n suggested French troops on the ground in Ukraine was that as a result of a pre-agreement with the British through the Franco British Council Alex I've thrown a lot of questions into that little segment but I think there's a lot of things we need to ask well Brian it's interesting you mention that because both the Harbeck speech the German Vice Chancellor and the macron announcement prompted our very keen regular viewer Terry Borman the noted author and speaker uh to message me the other day an
d say this is this very much puts me in mind of Earl Gray's speech of the 3rd of August 1914 the most deceptive speech perhaps ever delivered to Parliament saying Britain doesn't want a World War and then as it were behind his hat but we've already told the French that our Navy's in in play for the coming World War and of course we were already eight years into negotiations with Belgium then while Belgium was pretending to Germany still to be a neutral country so lots of discussion there more in
extra time if we can fit it in about the Deep State because the New York Times has come out with a puff piece commission from Freelancers uh saying isn't the Deep State wonderful nothing to worry about those who were listening to Mark Anderson uh regarding this evening's Zoom call this is one of the few weeks of the Year where due to misalignment of daylight savings time it will only be midnight start not a 1 a start for those following from Britain so perhaps a few more will be able to join be
cause of that so uh with two Americans as guests today one of whom is half Canadian this may interest uh the Toronto globan male one of the uh most important papers in the whole English speaking world has got one of its Heavy Hitters Lawrence Martin writing an opinion piece telling us that excessive Free Speech which of course South of the uh border from the Canadian perspective is a thing because of the first amendment that excessive free speech is a breeding ground for more trumps Mr Martin sa
ys would the rise of the hard right and Mr Trump have been possible if the internet had been given guard rails not a chance the internet undermined the established newspaper business model we hear him shriek greatly reducing the number of papers and coverage and creating a void oh dear so it's actually something to do with the Legacy Media to be fair to Mr Martin he's not um an extremist in Legacy Media terms he does say In This Very opinion piece that bill 6 C63 which is life imprisonment for h
ate speech maybe pushing it a bit too far but if you look at his biography you will see that he's been uh based in Washington for years for Canada's leading newspaper title and that he is a recipient of many awards including McMaster University's lifetime leadership Achievement Award so uh he's not a minor figure there we see what's coming um True North a fairly middle-of the road Canadian Outlet uh is reporting that prime minister Justin Trudeau is going to spend 8.4 million Canadian dollars on
Research in the South the global South the third world we used to call it to understand quote how climate change interacts with Democratic decline so uh the poor dark skinned people of the world do not get to choose their leaders freely and fairly because of climate change it would seem uh finally in this mini Canadian segment the National Post is reporting that a secret report by the mountis the RCMP Canada's federal police this was a five-year ho of Government review of threat Horizon for Can
ada says that Canadians May Revolt once they realize how broke they are that under 35s will never be able to buy a FL place to live in in Canada because the house prices there are even worse than the US and Europe it's secret but it's a heavily RIS Ed version was eak out uh uh through uh Freedom of Information and uh ironically it says and we'll be more there'll be more about this kind of irony from Germany shortly the reports particularly heavily redacted sections included one carrying carrying
subtitle erosion of trust well think of what we were just reading in the opinion piece from the globan mail uh it's the pbb's fault but apparently it's also the government's fault paranoid populism On The Rise um Alex thank you very much for that it gets crazyer doesn't it climate change affects democracy uh while the other group that uh the global governance team is worried about vaccine hesitant people and Mark welcome back uh tell us what's happening and how AI is going to be used to predict
vaccine hesitancy uh thanks Brian uh yeah this is from the defender of the Children's Health defense of course that's Robert F kenned RFK Jr Robert Francis Kennedy J J um and AI is of course worming its way into everything I'll mention the Border in a minute the southern border but here we have from the defender the whole thing smacks of a Brave New World new AI tool predicts vaccine hesen see and we'll go from there uh as this article notes a team of researchers and it's connected to the Unive
rsity of Cincinnati in Ohio has developed a powerful new tool in artificial intellig that can predict if someone is or isn't likely to get a covid-19 vaccine or something like it according to the University of Cincinnati the new AI tool quote uses a small set of data from demographics and personal judgments such as aversion to risk or loss end quote to identify quote reward and aversion judgment patterns those kind of patterns in humans that may help explain one's willingness or un willingness t
o get vaccinated the researchers presented their findings in a study published recently in the Journal of medical internet research public health and surveillance the study's findings could have broad applications for predicting mental health and result in more effective Public Health campaigns the university said now someone from the defender had a reply to that this is Brian hooker PhD he's the Children's Health defense senior director of science and research he said the following the whole im
plication here is that non-conformity to the government propaganda machine standard of care makes someone uh makes one some type of mental case or extreme outlier and Mr hooker also had this to say in addition he said uh going back the whole thing smacks of a Brave New World where a potentially non-compliant individuals where such individuals are targeted with messages based on fear and irrationality so this is a relatively brief report for today but it's uh providing some insight on where AI is
going of course it's going way too many places way too fast as we've talked about recently in the Montana case the fraud regarding Google's um AI products Gemini uh Montana's already uh raising the Spectre of suing Google because the uh Gemini product had the wrong in therefore it would give the wrong answers when asked so uh AI is only as good as the data put in in terms of the data coming out and then this other headline I'll just brief briefly mention I need not go into detail this requires
more research but the Department of Homeland Security that wonderful post 9911 agency in the US government has announced the following and this is very recent Department of Homeland Security unveils AI road map and announces pilot projects to maximize the benefit benefits of technology and Advance the homeland security Mission and we'll get into more de details on that in another time guys but uh it just shows how AI is being used in a really kind of a very unregulated and careless Manner and it
's threatening of course uh medical Choice which is also an issue with the who treaty that I talked about today and how that might affect sovereignty and individual medical choice so back to you Brian okay well it gets ever more are thank you very much Mark um Alex where do where do we go with you well I suspect that Professor Madi will have something to say about this in extra time the segment we've just heard being an Information Specialist but we go to Germany where another covid leak has hit
the big time Professor Stefan hurg uh a government adviser and a noted uh Financial uh academic from Hanover who has endured a lot of ire and Flack through the covid times from his government uh is one of the people who tweeted this in English so giving it a cover story for us that the rki files are out that's the Robert cor Institute uh Germany's leading Public Health body equivalent to in some cases the CDC and uh in its role in in Germany or it sounds like a charity but it's a the Ari really
is the heart of the German government in public health and he brings out the two highlights of this massive data leak although there's redactions in it which is one is that high health risk was not derived from data but it was a political decision and by the way a federal decision in what is supposed to be a um a competence for the individual states in Germany and secondly her immunity was a mere narrative it was dropped as the documents show uh once the jab came along in the start of 2021 mult
ipolar again used foi legislation and a subsequent lawsuit a lesson for us in there if you don't get everything you want through foi then sue for more and he says that they're very important for english- speaking countries too in particular this par this um slide which he shared from the data dump the bottom of it shows that um this is from the 16th of March 2020 when the whole world including Germany was saying covid was not a great Shake uh in health terms for humans uh they're saying here tha
t the risk evaluation which in other words cranking it up to high health risk to humans will be published as soon as censored gives the signal and that's probably uh the then Health Minister yens Shan the predecessor of Mr labach the even more awful one in my opinion uh this is very ironic given what I was saying earlier the section on communication completely blank we only know that the bzga which is the federal health information agency was going to do a lot of communication where's the Britis
h connection well here it is yuyus comes up to our top again as he often does this will all be in the show notes uh he says that on this very day the 16th of March when you saw that Mr blank was going to say it's suddenly a high health risk the humans guys that very day Neil Ferguson and his Imperial College team in Britain had just posted their notorious paper calling for Rolling lockdowns so it's not suggesting that Britain steered Germany here but somebody steered them both I would suggest um
a viewers email just to round off on Germany asking in very idite terms uh whether we're aware and yes I am that Germany doesn't even have a constitution I won't read the whole text but yes what they do have is a basic law a grun gazettes and the Allies we in Britain ger Britain France and the USA are responsible for that we broke our promise and Germany has this very terroristic organ ization that goes down B goes around battering doors down now in the name of constitution protection they don'
t even have a constitution okay um Alex thank you very much um constitutional issues Mark that brings you straight back in I think with the missing constitutional right yes last week I also covered another event in real time virtually online and I reported about it in advance last week you might recall the missing con stitutional right at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University in its Washington DC Branch Richard Lassen spoke he was moderated by wolfred codrington III and it was an
interesting if not kind of puzzling presentation it need only be a brief report today there here's a picture of the two presenters mainly Mr H Hassen on the right he's a political science professor at UCLA which is in California we'll move on from there um he had this to say and he's talking about the US system of course we have this highly decentralized election system I'm advocating for a movement to assure voting rights democracy isn't going to protect itself anyway he has a book out he want
s to enshrine voting rights in the National Constitution of the United States there are a number of problems with that I believe we have another quote from him if I'm not mistaken I'm not sure we do actually perhaps not yeah um anyway I I'll just add this um he went into this whole spiel about how we need to have voting rights enshrined in the Constitution and he's kind of impatient with the decentralized manner of the US election system but he overlooked the fact uh very important things he he
believed for for instance the 17th amendment to the Constitution was a good thing what that did was provide in the year 1913 uh that's the change when the change was made the 17th amendment was adopted and it provided for the direct election of US senators but what Mr Hassen failed to talk about was that the US Constitution was set up so the individual states would appoint US senators so state rights and state input would have higher standing in the Constitutional order the uh popular election o
f US senators has actually been largely a very bad bad thing it's made Senators lifelong in their in their seats uh many of the senior Senators have been there forever Charles Schumer of New York and whatnot it becomes a virtual poot Bureau in the upper chamber in Washington and uh Senate races which are Statewide for US Senate have become uh extremely expensive a lot of influence pedaling and uh by and large states rights were then suppressed within the Constitutional order so the 17th Amendmen
t which Mr Hassen totally ignored has been largely a boondoggle and not a good thing uh he also talked as if the Constitution is full of these uh huge problems Brian and that uh rights for voting are not really recognized but then he went ahead and mentioned that the 15th Amendment to the Constitution in the year 1870 that gave africanamerican men the right to vote in 1920 the 19th amendment gave women the right to vote so that's two amendments and another amendment to the Constitution the 26th
amendment in 1971 lowered the age of voting from 21 to 18 so actually it kind of contradicted his own his own argument uh as he named off all these amendments that did expand voting rights he kept maintaining the argument that voting rights still are not properly represented in the US Constitution but anyway to sum it up um he's pushing for this uh difficult thing a Constitutional Amendment which requires uh two 23d of each house of Congress to approve it and 34s of the states so it's a very hig
h bar to get any Constitutional Amendment passed and I talked to Garland favrito we're familiar with him I did an interview with him it's still posted on the UK column website he's from the Georgia group voters organized for trusted election results in Georgia and I asked him his opinion and he believes this is just a Serpentine Way of trying to nationalize or federalize elections in the United States in other words centralize the process more and that would of course get rid of the current syst
em which the founders put in place and that's to have the states independently elect the federal government so this this is what's being seen behind the scenes according to Mr favrito of that voter GA group uh there'll be more down the road this one has some shelf life but I followed through and found this guy's arguments to be rather weak so back to you Brian okay thank you thank you that thank you very much for that Mark well let's just and uh quickly if we may Alex on the subject of wind farm
s in France yes uh stop these things is the blog that repres reports this best in English top French Court strikes down unlawful Wind Farm planning rules it's actually even retroactive uh this is a really powerful finding um I will not read all that but look in the middle there you'll find an accurate and very welcome description of the French Council of State uh it's something that really breaks the separation of powers but sometimes it has its uses it legally advises the executive and it's the
Supreme Court for administrative Justice which means uh people complaining about their government's actions towards them and you'll see at the top there that there's two Australian rulings that this blog covers as well finding the same reason why wind farms are a bad thing and unlawful and unjust namely that the measurement of noise uh pollution annoyance and distress to people and animals uh is not properly done uh the Council of State uh here this is uh described in TI's einblick as well you'
ll find it in the show notes and the German piece basically struck out all of the noise pollution measurement protocols which the French state has put into place basically in the name of a minister and has said that this has not been tested properly uh there's no comeback on it there's no transparency and being France they've decided to go the hhog and say that if you build any uh wind farms from now on they must be completely assessed for environment and existing ones now uh have been are found
to have been based on illegal ministerial decrees because there was no proportionality or transparency so normally the in normal circumstances they will be banned from operating existing wind farms in a European member State a European Union member State quite something there we are there's the German tiis einblick giving more detail which I won't read now uh but it is a violation of the law that's the key thing that the Council of State found it's not just saying we wish that things were done
better it's actually telling the government they've done wrong uh and there's the read the the Judgment itself which is of course is in French will be linked in the show notes telling people um in government you cannot get away with any more wind farms on the basis of these unassessed uh uh decrees that the Noise annoyances Within tolerable limits um Alex thank you very much for that fascinating report because many many years ago when the women Farms were starting to go up in Cornwall UK column
was contacted by a number of people talking about the noise problem and I found it interesting that when I read the uh environmental impact reports such as there were at that stage uh they were extremely weak on noise um and my own uh experience in noise in in the Royal Navy underwater noise but many many of the tributes are exactly the same uh told me that a lot more work was needed in order to uh um be able to be sure that there weren't noise problems associated particularly low frequency nois
e associated with the actual turbine blades rotating themselves as opposed to the gearbox noise but um maybe more on that another time um Alex Enders very quickly you've got a couple of uh memes which we thought were worth showing the audience today apologies I don't know the source of this us cartoon but you can see America on fire with crumbling infrastructure um total alcohol and drug dependence and there is wizened Old scile Uncle Joe telling America's kids that democracy is in danger and he
's holding up a hand puppet of trump as the devil incarnate uh well apparently there's nothing to see wrong with the current Administration uh we have a German Meme here uh somebody's being SWAT raided for some free speech in Germany and they're being yelled at the door to open open up its democracy calling and uh finally it's not even a comedy piece but it certainly got something sweet about it Glasgow city council much featured in today's news uh is having a mutiny against its own low emission
Zone because it being Glasgow people do uh uh as they please they they don't they don't uh say shy away from um authority figures so many of the council's own workers which is a huge number of people in Glasgow are saying I am not paying these penalties so it the council may be hoist by its own patard there uh what a world uh clown world I think many people are starting to call it but it's clown world with some very dark attribute in the background I'm going to thank you all Alex and Mark and a
lso Professor rasmuson Patti thank you very much for joining us for the news as I said we will be talking about fi in extra time uh so if you're a member of UK column join us then thank you to all the viewers and listeners who've come in today wherever you are in the world bye-bye



always glad to hear from you're doing great....greetings from Thessaloniki, Greece...


The leak of the German RKI files is massive and thought this should have ran earlier. Think I may have seen this on Ivor Cummins earlier, but a very important issue.


With the state of politics in both the UK & the USA etc. The use of AI will only be used to further their policies against the population!


First I was irritated that I have been involuntarily unsubscribed from this channel that I have been following for over a decade then I was irritated about how boring it is.