
Unleashing Healing: Connecting Athletes with Their Pets' Deeper Wisdom

In this episode of Spirit of an Athlete, Amanda interviews Vanessa Gfrerer, a veterinarian turned deep intuitive who helps people connect with their animals on a profound level. The conversation explores Gfrerer's transition from a veterinarian to an intuitive healer, the unique bond between athletes and their pets, and the therapeutic benefits of understanding pet behaviors and energy. Amanda conducts an Initial Body Scan on Vanessa, revealing insights related to her business and personal growth. Vanessa then performs an intuitive session focusing on Amanda’s dog, Ghost, discussing the pet's health issues and the emotional bond they share. The session highlights the significant impact of emotional states on pet health and the importance of understanding and releasing shared suffering. Vanessa shares techniques for deepening the connection between pets and their owners, emphasizing trust, intuition, and the balance of masculine and feminine energies in healing and business. Here's where to find Vanessa Gfrerer: Email: Website: Instagram: @vanessa.gfrerer Facebook: Vanessa Gfrerer

Amanda Smith

23 hours ago

welcome back to another episode of spirit of an athlete on this episode I interview Vanessa fra we just finished and I am still deeply moved and touched by what you'll witness in this episode we start off talking about Vanessa's business and we talk about how she is a veterinarian turned deep intuitive helping people connect on a deeper level with their animals and not your typical Spirit of it actually guest but likely you all have pets at home and you probably stink into your pets when you com
e home from a tough day or a tough game or you miss your pets when you go off to college and listening to Vanessa's deep intuitive nature and her understanding of pets is going to deepen your relationship with your pets she allowed me to do an initial body scan so on the episode was Elina pus I did a comprehensive body scan with Vanessa she had never allowed me permission to read into her body we did an initial body scan and we unlocked several things for her and a lot of it had to do with her b
usiness and S her mindsets around getting help I thought we were done with the episode after that and I did open it up to her to do what she does with me and my dog ghost because he's got some health issues that we've been challenged with for quite some time and what came out of this was beautiful and tough and sensitive for me because I love my animals fiercely just like I love my daughter fiercely and my husband fiercely but that relationship with a pet is just a little different because commu
nication isn't quite as clear it's like having a permanent toppler I hope you get to witness how she unravels what's going on for my dog and myself thank you for listening Vanessa Ferrera thank you so unbelievable much for allowing me to do this initial body scan and then share your wisdom and experience as a vet and allowing people to understand what you do as an intuitive as well as how important pets are in an athlete's life um I need to say thank you thank you for having me here because I I
do or actually I do know how important uh body wisdom is and I just love in my work that our pets constantly are working with their bodies and healing and channeling with us so I'm so curious and excited for for having fun with you here and I'm so grateful for your audience that they might be curious what their best actually can show them teach them as an as a athletes you know because they probably have some wisdom okay so I have to ask this question because it's it's my curiosity in your exper
ience do our pets reflect back on us what we're experiencing oh yes and even more okay what's the more give me give me a little bit because I I I totally feel like the audience is going to just love this because I know most of my athletes that I work with have pets and they'll come and they'll start telling me about their pets and I'm like oh yeah well your pets are healing you at the same time so yeah you know I actually really I want to go right away for with an example because in my work I al
so do I'm I have a training in osteopathy and when I work with a Pet's body I get sometimes to kind of a blockage or or an area where it's just I have issues to release it or have the or the body has issues releasing and then I usually kind of look over to the owner and I'm like okay that's the whole thing and then if the owner is okay with it we actually release the issue at the owner of the blockage and when I go back to the pet it's gone on and so there's the the the funny thing is sometimes
there is this reflection like a mirroring and it's just because we we chose each other to to walk the path together and and in few cases it's really that the pet is is carrying or helping with an issue that is that really doesn't belong to the pet so it's very interwoven it is it is okay so my dog's name is Ghost and we named him that because we got him not long after Game of Thrones came out and now we know like if you've watched Game of Thrones now we know like that dog had a big purpose in Jo
hn's life Jon Snow and um I've been told that he carries around a lot of Spirit Well I carry around a lot of spirit my daughter carries around a lot of spirit she is a lot of spirit is there something to that like the intuitive naming of your animal oh yes I have more yeah I have to laugh now because the name of my pets and actually my my dog passed away in 2021 but she's still with me but that's a different story but my dogs and cats name were Merlin and MIM so oh my God and I didn't and it was
kind of before I was aware of a few things but yeah that that kind of thing I guess they're my my biggest wisdom teacher both of them so yeah yeah okay when a pet passes and I know your intuition so you were previously a vet and then when your dog passed in 2019 and you'll have to share which dog this was and it was a dog correct yes yeah when that dog passed your intuition blew wide open what are some of the bigger lessons that that dog taught you before the intuition blew wide open you know t
here's there's a bit more to that story but she taught me so much like the big lesson when we were together were actually a lot about emotions and how we stuff emotions all over our body and how we actually are not working or living in a healthy way with our emotional body so this is especially something she taught me already all her life when I got her and towards the end um it was a very tender time for me because there was lots of death and birth around there that time because my I cared for
my dying dad and Was Pregnant and So and then the dog was sick and that wasn't a toxic worker man so it was just like this huge kind of yeah cooking Bowl I don't know and it was just when towards the end we had lots of Silent time together and I started to she taught me to distinguish the voices Within Myself and how often those little pets tell us we have to give them food you know it's just actually not our own voice in our head but but I started to to understand what the pets voices are in my
head and where my whole lifetime and that was kind of during yeah those very last days together and that became more and more clear her voice her her choices her way to pass yeah that's beautiful it is the Awakening that happened for you tell us a little bit about that yeah like I said it was it was more of a it was not like blowing open from one moment to other like like others do as I said it was kind of a process because it was such an intense time and it was really it was so much birth and
death in that time and so much um tenderness and I was really lucky to kind of at the same time I was now I know I was guided to do exactly that timing my my specialized training in osteopathy and and so I started to accept my in intuition and that was big key as well and I started started to trust I started to trust myself and that was actually the thing isn't that the key self trust yeah and then at the same time with this crazy giving birth thing and helping others to pass over to the other s
ide it was just like yeah yeah that's a lot to process in a very short period of time that's a lot of transformation in a very short period of time congratulations on getting to the other side of it but also getting to the other side of it was all of those lessons yes that was yeah that but when I when I think about it or when I feel about it it's just there's just gratitude and Beauty thank you for sharing all of that we'll probably go back to a little bit more of of your experiences as a vet t
urning intuitive animal whisper really yeah you comfortable with that term yes yes yes yes fabulous okay all right when I was told I was a body Whisperer I was like oh I gotta sit with that and then I'm like okay body whisper healing that's my business tape let's jump into your initial body scan so Vanessa and I have never worked together in this regard so you're going to get to witness what it looks like for an initial body scan from me Vanessa do you give me permission to read your body body's
energy and potentially bigger than that maybe some ancestral connections as well yes let's get specific because I don't I don't want to go on for hours because a comprehensive body scan that is an hour and 20 minute long process with me this we're going to keep it to about 10 to 15 minutes so what's an area of focus that you would really like me to dial in on and then I'll Branch out from there it was my heart but I also feel my right kidney okay there's an interconnection with it so I just giv
e you that okay that works so when we first started the call you'd already given me permission and I'd already started to drop in and i' immediately felt that Hur and what's interesting is it's it's not left of the chest where the heart resides but heart chakra so this centered heart position and when we talk about chakras really it's a bunch of nervous system nodes so it's your your nerves in nodes at that point in your in your chest also in the the back body so we've got a lot of our nervous s
ystem moving through our spine so there's this through point for you in this center of the chest area and it likes to to shoot off into your collar bone right here this position so there's a there's a referral pain going to there which rolls around to your neck and then up your head and then gives you some some uh stress type headaches that roll over the top of your head so it's radiating out from this point does that does that resonate with you yes okay okay yeah right shoulder is taking a hit
from a lot of this too I'm just kind of I'm following what's going on what the signals are sending me so that I can get to the root that's the goal right now is for me to get to the the root of things interesting so I put I put a little pressure on the back of the neck next to the spine and then gave a little Hip Roll and a lot of Po popping happened in the low back giving you a little energetic self massage yeah so touching touching in on your first vertebrae C1 cervical right at the base of th
e skull and and that seems to release a lot of what's going on in the heart area but not so much the shoulder area there's a direct connection to the base of the skull and the Heart yep and there's the pop to release it I feel like I'm kind of like a a dog when I go through this so when you see pets get Chiropractic work done they do the licks as soon as they release and their body's process so much faster than ours because our heads get in the way because we're much much I wouldn't say much mor
e but we're definitely more complex than them when it comes to uh releasing your body everywhere I D it just starts to release it right away as soon as I put a put my hands on it I get a release so your body is super responsive and I love love love that it makes the work of healing easier so I'm in the scap right now because it keeps lighting up it keeps showing me pay attention to to the right scapula which is connected to the kidney because the kidney is lighting up as well it's interesting to
see that I usually see crossbody stuff so left shoulder effects right hips stuff like that this is right right so it's a little higher than the kidney the adrenals sit on top of the kidney and the right adrenal gland is a little more taxed than you would want just the right one though which is interesting so people who have adrenal fatigue it's usually it usually lights up in both adrenal glands this is this is just one just the right side which so if we divide the body in half from center Fron
t the right side and I'm checking in for your body the right side is masculine and future and the left side is feminine and past and this is true for you that's true for most people what I've noticed is some lefties will flip it are you a lefty no okay so masculine energy okay so the message is it's it it's around business and it's around believing that the way that you need to move forward in business is in this masculine way this logical systematized way yes that's part of it but there's this
overarching feeling that it has to be that way and there's not a whole lot of room for feminine and it's stressing you out so this is a a cortisol response and an adrenal response just on the one side does that resonate with you yes okay it does right yeah so from a psychological perspective from a mental perspective we're looking at bringing in more feminine into your business into your work and The Feminine piece it should be for me it's pretty obvious but we're you know when we're in our busi
nesses it's the forest and the trees right we are in it so what you do the intuitive connection that you have with animal and spirit that's the creative side that's the feminine side but then all of the doing and and work I think I've told you this before hand it off hand it off to somebody else to do that piece of the puzzle so that you can stay in your Genius in in the the gift that you have and so it doesn't diminish that light yeah and that gave it a little release and now we're hitting the
left so now both kidneys are lighting up and it's lighting up through your spine so it's almost like this arrow shooting across your spine from right to left there it is okay so low back is representative of support that lit up as soon as I said that I was like you need to get some people to help you with your get get a team going here and your low back was like yeah because when our low back lights up like this it has everything thing to do with what kind of support do I have around me to help
me in whatever situation so this is financial support this is psychological support mental support this is physical support like do I have something to lean on um in this instance for you it has to do with finding support in the business that you trust it's a process I'll warn you there it's definitely a process of finding the right team members and finding the right balance of having those team members support and then what can you afford for them to support but let me tell you when you hand of
f that first task that you absolutely can't stand to do and it sucks the energy out of you it's such a relief and it's just like the simplest thing like create a survey for me so that I can have people take this survey so I can better support them with the information they Supply me right something as simple as that okay so it wrapped around to uh through the hip flexors broad term there and right to the base of you so root chakra is lighting up and root chakra this is the one spot on our our bo
dy where we can actually touch those nerves those nodes and it has to do with passion staying in your passion as well as transformation and Trust because it's at the base of you it's the root of your tree and as you hear this is funny so as you hear me talk about hi ing team your low back is giving you the those the pain signal pay attention she's right and then when you go when it swoops around to the base of you again this is these are positive signals it's telling you yeah I would be able to
grow my business from the base if I had that kind of support how's this all resonate meeting with you it it really resonates but what really comes up the whole time is like that was in between the like what you say and there's just fear coming up M and and lots of question marks because it feels like I don't know what how this support should look like and and how yeah could I afford that and like yeah it's it's lots of fear blocks coming up lots of so in in in your Ideal World in your business w
hat in the world would it look like to have support what what does that even feel like just to have the support oh you've already hired them it doesn't matter what you're paying them go past those things and go straight to this person's already doing the work for me what does that look like that's it it's really it's it's a bit I I just have the feeling that I never had support in my life and that I I just don't know how that is supposed to feel and be like so it's really yeah like like it's it'
s more like the feeling of a child trying something new oh it's definitely that it's that's that that kind of feeling and it's said am I allowed is that do I get in trouble when I yeah think more more of of this okay all right let's simplify it think of a time in your life when you sat in a chair that you absolutely loved can you think of that chair mhm what's it look like it's like a hanging chair like a nest like yes oh yes okay what did it feel like to sit in that chair cozy and comfortable a
nd safe and relaxed okay so you felt supported by an object that was as simple as a chair every some every single one of those descriptor words that you just use are the words that you are looking for in the support from another human in any relationship cozy comfortable easy yeah that that's what it's like to be supported so now you've got examples that you can go back on right you've got a chair I bet you have a bed yeah pets that have supported you as well and now you've got all of the things
to look for in what you want in another human that will support you in your business that make sense yes okay excellent yeah holy cow okay so I just had about 15 different centers in my body po as soon as we got to the other side of that there's still this twinge in the Heart Center still that feeling of fear like I need to I need to guard my heart I need to protect do you remember dating when you were really young yes and how awful it was but at the same time how amazing and exciting it was ye
s yeah when we hire people into our team for our business that's what it's like exactly what it's like it's like dating I'm not sure if I want to go back there actually I just said that the other day to somebody too I was like I don't I would not I wouldn't survive the dating world right now speaking to a woman who was in her 60s doing an online dating thing and I'm like girlfriend no don't do it online go find friends who have friends who are single and have them connect you go old fashion way
but it is that process of getting to know another human right this is how we find friends this is it's this is how you and I connected that's true that's true yeah so it's experiment and you are a very intuitive person already feel it out when you first have a conversation with a human that you're going to bring into your business is it easy is it comfortable do you feel like they would be able to support you and then you go and test them and you find out just like when you were dating as a kid
but you've got way more knowledge now I don't know I I always drop back to the moment that I realized that this relationship thing is just going to keep going on until the end and probably over to the other side as well oh God I have a new really great thank you for that you're welcome it's true though it's true we were put in these meat suits in this density on this planet with these brains to communicate and connect and when it comes to longevity the people who have developed relationships and
maintained relationships and learned how to do that process over and over again are the people who live the longest that's the number one statistic you can sit there and drink your alcohol and smoke your cigarettes and as long as you're social doing it you're gonna survive and live a really long time isn't that nuts yeah so great now I have to go into the next ad relationship Adventure great thank you for that Amanda I'm not so sure if I'm happy about that okay so a tool to move forward with is
is put your hand on your heart and your hand on your low belly so this is more sacral area these two spots and when you meet a person that you're like okay maybe I could be a friend of this person those two centers right there connected through your arms you should be getting the chills or some sort of signal in your body so for me it's Goosebumps down the legs that this is the right thing I'm in the right place with the right people right now and if that twinge that tickle that Goosebump feeli
ng doesn't arise you're not in the right time at the right space with that particular human and it might be that you got to try again but all you got to do is put hand on heart hand on sacrum hand on your your your low belly and feel into it so when I stand here and I'm talking to you I get those those chill bumps down the back of my legs and all the way down to my feet and I'm like yeah I'm I'm with the right person right now this totally resonates with every bit of me for you in particular it'
s heart and that low belly the sacrum the sacral Center yeah because it is a birthing into a new relationship connected with your heart yeah thank you for that you're welcome you're welcome that brings lots of ease I hope so CU that's what it yeah um yeah I have a light bulb moment that's that's the thing I really can can exess with my feminine side and then why it seemed impossible what because I I thought I needed to go with the right side and have to pressure it and have to have it by a speci
fic moment or whatever and I just had troubles with a trust because I thought I have to go with the right side for it and when I bring the ease in it and I can just trust then it starts to take lots of pressure of my shoulders M yeah that right shoulder pressure that shoulder blade Gunk that I was feeling it's gone we release that Tada there's still some popping and clicking going on I love that because that just that reaffirms in my body that your body is releasing still and it'll probably cont
inue to release as you digest what I've said to you and then watch the recording of this again more will come through at that time for sure that feels complete do you feel like that shifted and moved some stuff for you yes definitely excellent excellent yeah ease that comfy chair keep drawing drawing back to that comfy chair connect with that and then connect in with the animals and what does the relationship look like with the animals can we have that with humans please because it's just easy w
ell from my point of view is it it's not always easy true true dogs to so I I'm I have both a dog and a cat and when it comes to dogs I I feel like I connect better with them but the cats are definit they gravitate to me as well they and I love both of my animals but I feel like my dog communicates better than my cat but my cat is also only in she's been in the house for two years now whereas my dog's been in the house for 10 so he's a great communicator and my cat I are still figuring it out ye
ah they're they're kind of laughing at the background now but that's okay I am certain of it because they're like we communicate all that time oh man Vanessa thank you so unbelievably much for allowing me to do your initial body scan and get you a couple of results right away unleash some of this stuff it's not physical it's psychological we're dealing with some mental things whereas showing up and lighting up in the body and you allowed for those openings so thank you and thank you for allowing
us all to witness that yeah thank you for that I really appreciate it I truly do yeah from all of my heart thank you I feel that okay where can people find you how can people reach out to you if they have a pet that they need help communicating with like me well after I don't have that much support yet the best way is to just send me an email so that I can send you a kly link or or just some time for a discovery call yeah just send me an email I will definitely get back to you and we might set
up a discovery call and and see what what we can find and what we can work together I can I could use some help with my dog he's aging and has cataracts and his hips are starting to get a little tighter and well we've had a lot of poo problems for the last several years so so yeah I'm looking forward to connec about all of that so we can unlock Ghost problem yeah I I yeah yes J I'm getting very excited about that already please reach out let's let's find a date for that that would be so much fun
and I'd love to to give you something back for that for that gift you made made me I guess I still didn't allow yet the whole thing with the support it's a it's um didn't hear that the first time you know but it just really something's shifting and I notice already and I'm I'm I'm I'm so grateful now for for your energy signature it's it's just it's very unique it's very soft it's very yeah it's very unique I never sense something similar similar like that thank you for that reflection yeah I l
ove that that you keep saying yet I don't have support yet oh I do I love that yeah I have to bring light to that because when we say it in that way it's not well I don't have support right I don't have support yet it's coming yeah yeah and you already know it is and I can trust it it's just it's it's again that word you know it's it's trust and and it's so connected to to my my deep feminine wisdom and yeah it's such a beautiful realization yay okay maybe what we need to do is record right now
how you work with your people with your with their pets are you open to that I know we didn't discuss doing that but I think people need to see this I think people need to experience this and I'm kind of ready for it because we've been dealing with ghost poo problem and now he's got a urinary problem to to run along with it and he's like an old man wearing diapers now and he hates it and I hate it we all hate it so if you're open to it yeah and we record it and put it on the podcast down awesome
okay all right what do you need to you've already tapped in with my animals I already know that what do you need to know from me about what's going on with him like I I love to bring in my Veterinary brain a bit because it it really gives us some stability and science yeah that's no it's just it's it's just a it's just one thing you know it just has to go hand in hand can you tell me what age he is he is 10 and a half okay what braid is he he's a Samoyed full breed AKC Champion line oh gosh yea
h that part right there I already know like there's a lot that goes with what I just said um no I'm I'm actually laughing because yesterday I was just really getting deeper with it this type of breed because I figured I don't know enough about it anyways we keep going and so when did he start with having this poop problem H the first big episode was Memorial Day weekend of 20 2017 or 2018 so we're looking at seven years ago now wow is that right is that seven years ago 2024 yeah six six years so
four years old when when it all really kicked off and what it culminated in was he ended up having hernia surgery he had two big old pockets on either side of his anus full of stool and we wouldn't have known any better because he's so furry but when they when they took it all out when they did the mesh for the hernia repair he had a deflated butt and the the amount of mom guilt that came with that was awful just from my side of the house uh that surgery also removed his testicles he was intact
up to that point and the the vet wouldn't do the surgery unless we agreed to have those removed because she didn't feel that it was appropriate for him to be able to still have those sexual urges and I was like well isn't that kind of ingrained in him he's already at this point he was already six years old and you know he's getting to the end of his testicular fortitude at that point anyways yes she was like well since he's almost to the age where he doesn't need them we might as well take them
and I feel like that didn't serve him but then the surgery itself when they stapled the uh intestine track to his abdominal wall he was fine but then when they removed those Staples after surgery he had a back leg limp he had uh more bowel issues and so what it what it's culminated in is he basically gives birth to a softball size stool every other month for quite some time and we have to give him enemas to do this and then we know when when he's getting backed up because he'll start to urinate
without control in the house and it's laying down strictly okay and now he's to a point where he doesn't have urinary control at all and he'll walk around the house and dribble so we put him into diapers for it which sucks but it's working so you know roll with it so I there is wow I at first I actually want to witness your story from my point of view I can really understand it from my mind and what the all of this actually means but especially I can I can feel you and these are many many years
of of pain and suffering and the thing is that the suffering is is especially here from your side as well and what what I feel is very important and what he wants me to go for right away is to actually release the this suffering because it puts a lot of pressure on him and also on his intestines to carry this suffering he yeah I if if you're okay with that I would work work with you and with him and your body now and I would like to I would ask you to put your hands on your lower belly and take
one deep breath into it this is not his suffering is is yours oh yeah he got a and this is where the reflection question came in earlier because I know I've got a ton of gut issues that I'm constantly battling my entire life and when when he came into the fold he didn't have these issues but as he got used to us and got to know us he started to mirror it and it was again that Mom guilt Pops in because I know he's sentient he's he's experiencing the the fun that I've had to deal with yeah but it
's important for him and this is he really wants you to hear this now his story is not your story and it's not a full reflection I agree with that I don't do what he does and he really he wants you to know he is not feeling that he is suffering he's sometimes pissed at the situation he's annoyed but he is not suffering he really wants you to to feel that in your body and he wants you to release that especially from your left womb space it's really stuck to your left pelvis and he would love to s
upport you in releasing that but he has not the power in his into his lower chakras because there is his weakness and that's why he's asking me to support you in this thank you and what I'm feeling right now that it's flowing down your left leg on your thigh and Mama Earth is taking it and appreciating it there is no such thing like Mom guilt is something that my guides just break through thank you I needed to hear that too I think every mom needs to hear that and this is something you can let g
o now and what I feel now with him or he's actually feel he is just really GL he's very very clear actually in his in his messaging um he knows what he has to say and he it's a really relief actually on his pelvic area that is so troubled and is so fragile that this that this is not there anymore because the thing is he really wanted to he wanted to support you in that but he just couldn't because of the weakness in that area did he ever see an A A Veterinary osteopath or anything like that uh w
e did see osteopath we saw we've seen a lot we've seen chiropractors we've seen acupuncturist we've seen osteopath we've seen endocrinologist for dogs because I'm I'm I'm wondering because there is still I see lots of there are still lots of energetic bound and cut offs in his body and I've identified those and don't know what to do about them okay i' I'd really I'd love to support you with that I think it would kind of take too much time if we would go right away for this right now but I will j
ust check in with him for one moment give me one second he's he's he's just kind of he's just kind of howling because because of the relief and he's really happen yeah he's kind of like finally yeah so I'd love to work with you and him and at at the at the moment I just feel gratitude from his side because this this you let go of the suffering because that that was actually really an issue for for his health situation at the moment more than the diaper and all of this it's been tough to watch hi
m literally look like he's giving birth and hear him really it's it's the howling and the the the sounds he makes when he has to pass these large pieces of stool it's awful it's it it's gut-wrenching every every single time and that's that's the piece of the puzzle like I kept on saying to myself you know he doesn't deserve to suffer like that uh there's got to be a better way there's got to be something more we can do to support him or end it for him and it it's the the hardest thing to think t
hat I've got to put my dog down because he can't figure out how to poop yeah ridiculous and it's that direct reflection back to me on I deal with on and off all the time so thank you for seeing that thank you for acknowledging and thank you for being able to connect us together in that communication yes I'm so I'm so grateful that you asked for that really and I I do have the way that had the feeling that this actually the way we we have to we have to look also at that spot what that hutting dow
n would mean and we have to tune in what he is actually saying about this but for me the very first step was because to be honest it for me it seems like from a from a clear medical point of view you you are doing all the steps and everything is done and it's really really clear so usually I always look at that and then we see okay what are the the things we can do there and we can of course we can also look at this as well if there are any ideas how we can actually help in with the with the wit
h the letting the pro out of course we can see if we have ideas yes I can speak to colleagues about that but what I really feel which is important is and the first step was to release that suffering from the two of you that we can actually start to look behind it yeah yeah thank you for that you're welcome okay you guys wipe my tears away so beautiful what you do it's a deeper level of connection with your pets that is so necessary giving them a voice giving them a way to tell us more than what
we're already experiencing from them what they can all can provide to us so I I truly appreciate that Vanessa thank you so much for being on the podcast hanging out with me letting me do uh my body scan and then letting you do your intuitive work with me and ghost so thank you oh I'm so grateful really to be here and yeah weave together with you thanks for listening to Spirit of an athlete podcast if you're struggling with your own debt issues and want more Direction you can get an initial body
scan from Amanda at body whisper in 20 minutes you can find out what's wrong good Clarity that's a path forward and get on track to get back in your game if this episode hits the spot please let us know by reading reviewing and sharing it with a friend subscribe now to hear more inspiring stories from other female college athletes who overcame their health issues want more Amanda get inspired by finding more at body whisper
