
Vocabulary Builder #418 #synonyms #pronunciation #Inglés #pronunciar

Welcome to Scribing Vision! This #video is part of our #education Flash Study Session series for building #vocabulary through #word association. Use the content as an alternate study source for placement exams and tests, for assisting English as a second language learners and helping anyone else interested in building their vocabulary. Please be sure to watch our other vocabulary #youtube #videos and check back in the future for additional educational content. Also see our education #shorts for specific word study. Please remember to #subscribe and #like and feel free to comment. @scribingvision 0:00 Video #418 0:05 cloying 0:16 transgress 0:26 entail 0:36 notorious 0:46 pungent 0:57 propagate 1:07 nomadic 1:17 elucidate 1:27 serendipity 1:37 taciturn 1:48 proliferate 1:58 enmity 2:08 affable 2:18 eloquent 2:28 exonerate 2:39 bifurcate 2:49 yokel 2:59 wily 3:09 sensuous 3:19 cupidity #dictionary #vocabulary #flashcards #pronunciation #education #vocabularybuilder #synonyms #englishtips #english #englishclass101 #youtubeshorts #youtubeshortsvideo #Youtubechannel #ytshort #learning #wordoftheday #goals #words #word #learningenglish #crossword #meaning

Scribing Vision

3 days ago

[Music] cloying sugary saccharin sappy sentimental transgress violate infringe exceed trespass entail inv evolve require necessitate demand notorious Infamous well-known renowned disreputable pungent sharp spicy acrid Tangy propagate spread disseminate reproduce multiply [Music] nomadic wandering itinerant migratory roaming elucidate clarify explain expound illuminate serendipity luck chance Fortune fate taciturn reticent reserved uncommunicative silent proliferate multiply reproduce increase ex
pand enmity hostility animosity animus antipathy affable friendly amiable genial sociable [Music] eloquent articulate expressive fluent persuasive exonerate [Music] absolve acquit clear vindicate bifurcate divide split Fork Branch yal Bumpkin hick rustic bore Wy clever shrewd cunning ingenious sensuous gratifying luxurious sensory pleasurable cupidity greed avarice rapacity covetousness describing vision
