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6 days ago

Donald Trump continues to make the death of Russian opposition leader Alexa naal about himself but not about the man who killed him not not about Vladimir Putin he refuses still to condemn Vladimir Putin who poisoned him uh once and and it didn't work um and finally he killed him in a recorded Town Hall that aired on Fox news last night Trump was asked about the money he now owes after being found liable for massive fraud in New York state and he said that was a quote form of Naval Trump did cal
l the opposition leader quote very brave while answering a separate question but again failed to condemn Russian President Vladimir Putin who most believe to be behind nal's death take a look even if if you appeal you got to put up escrow money that's it's a lot of lot form of Nal it is a form of Communism or fascism Nal is a very sad situation and he's very brave he was a very brave guy it's a horrible thing but it's happening in our country too uh we are turning into a communist country in man
y ways and if you look at it I'm the leading candidate I get indicted I never heard of being indicted before that it's such it's such a lie disgusting it's such a lie on every single level a form of Nal communism a guy that lies to Banks a guy that lies to creditors a guy that lies to everybody about his Property Holdings listen that that would get any of us thrown in jail that would get you thrown in jail if you did that or that would get you if not thrown in jail that would get you find uh and
and so he's been doing this for decades people in Manhattan have been saying he's been doing this for decades and so finally if there is a form of sort of putinism in America uh which of course it's so funny he didn't say putinism he didn't bring up Vladimir Putin but the I think the most unamerican thing that's happened to Donald Trump through decades is he always gets away with it he is Rolo tamasi if you saw LA Confidential he's the guy that always gets away with it and we don't know maybe h
e's going to get away with it again maybe that's well we know that's what this run for the presidency is we said it in 2019 I said it in 2019 I said if Donald Trump loses he's going to run again and he's going to run again if for no other reason to avoid all of the criminal actions that are going to be coming against him the ones that we saw even before January 6th communism like I just wonder I wonder are the people in that crowd and I think we have to start asking this of our fellow Americans
are the people in that crowd really stupid enough to believe that if Justice finally comes to one shyer that that somehow condemns America and makes it a quote communist Nation when actually American capitalism is stronger today than ever before let me just say that again American capitalism is stronger than ever before we are crushing Chinese communism I know they're really stupid people in Congress they go commun Comm they throw that word around having absolutely no idea what that means no ide
a what Marxism means they just like anybody they're opposed to is either a pedophile or a Marxist that shows you again how bankrupt intellectually how bankrupt philosophically how bankrupt spiritually the Republican party is they attack our military they say it's weak they say it's pathetic when our men and women in uniform are stronger now relative to the rest of the world than any time since the end of World War II and American capitalism blowing away not only our allies but also all of our Ri
vals I just got to keep saying it Donald Trump wants if Donald Trump loves Russia so much he should move there if he moved there he'd hate it Tucker Carlson why don't you move there if you love Russia if it's so great if it's a land of paradise I mean these are the lies this is the BS we used to hear from Soviet leaders coming to the United States and talking on Larry King about what a workers Paradise go to the workers Paradise has a lower GDP than the state of Texas California this place that
everybody says the worst place so horrible California communist state California has the fourth largest GDP in the world in the world in the world in the world I want to bring in isman in a second but I want to go to caddy K caddy when you have these iate Republicans talking about how weak America's military is how weak America's economy is how America's Americans are communists I think of my limited time going across the world talking to leaders in the Middle East talking to the leaders in Euro
pe talking to leaders around the world I will tell you over the past several years I've not had one say you know what the problem is with America you all are too weak no what they say is you're trouncing US economic you're trouncing us militarily and we don't appreciate it they say it in different words sometimes much harsher I can't even repeat what what one leader of of of a major European country said to me about what the United States was doing to them but it was colorful and it was about ou
r strong economy we're rolling over the rest of the world and instead of celebrating America's strength Republicans are attacking it yeah I mean look you and I have had this conversation many times Joe look at the state of the US economy at the moment compared to all other industrialized economies in the world and it's not just the state of communist California that's doing so well it is the United States r large uh growth is higher inflation is lower unemployment is lower this you know it's it'
s a in global terms this is a rocket ship you read it I read it too Jared Baker's um article about the state of Russia and the state of the United States saying how absurd it is to compare Russia to the United States at the moment he makes a very funny comment at the beginning and a kind of spoof saying yeah that's because there are so many immigrants queuing up to get into Russia at the moment at least they don't have an immigration problem because millions of people are not trying to get there
where do people want to send their kids to University it's here in the United States where do people want to come into this country to work it's here in the United States none of that is true of Russia I mean it's just it's Joe Biden for you may not like Joe Biden if you're a republican you may not like the expansion of government you may not like the chips act you may not like the inflation reduction act you may not like the spending that has gone on during this Administration if you are a fis
cal conservative you may have concerns about it but to say that you know Joe Biden locks up his political enemies or if you're a journalist you get thrown into jail if you report critical things of this Administration or uh that there's any that the justice department is Warped one way or the other it's it's ridiculous I mean there's there is clearly no comparison yeah it's absolute Insanity the thing is even if you're a small government conservative you can't be rooting for Donald Trump to come
in because Donald Trump in four years raised the national debt more than any other president in American history any more than any president of American History even two term democratic presidents didn't raise the national debt more than Donald Trump did in fouryear time but if you're a republican voter looking at the republicans in Congress right now they're the ones holding up Aid to you ukine Right Aid to Ukraine to ward off Russian aggression and you would think that would help ward off Rus
sian aggression while Donald Trump is Russian aggression in the form of a useful idiot well you you you've got money going to Israel to help them in their fight against Hamas you've got money going to Gaza to help with the humanitarian crisis you've got money going to Russia or to Ukraine to help in their fight against Russia and you've got money going to Taiwan to help in their fight against communist China and it's the House Republicans it's the House Republicans that are standing with it's Mi
ke Johnson who is standing in the way of us helping our allies in Ukraine in Israel uh and and he could be and and in Taiwan a hero if he wanted but that's not what they do he doesn't want to do that bring in NBC News National Affairs analyst John hman who has been reporting from South Carolina all this week in the leadup to the primary there so Nikki Haley is not kicking sideways anymore as I mentioned earlier John uh she's going directly at Trump but is it breaking through uh well uh morning g
uys um I think uh she's not kicking sideways mik that's right and you know yesterday she did a speech that uh her campaign called attention to they said we're going to do a big update on the state of the race um quietly they said she is not getting out of this race not only did she not get out of the race but she made pretty pretty clear to everybody uh as clear as she go went further than she's ever gone before and saying she's not going to get out after uh Saturday's primary here where she's w
idely expected if all the polls are correct to get crushed uh she's not just going to go on and stay until in the race until super Tuesday she said yesterday she was going to stay in the race until all the votes had been cast She's going to stay in the race all the way till the end that was news she also um she also broke down a little bit and lost her uh let her emotions come through talking about her husband who's uh on his deployment uh toward the end of her speech she had a moment where she
got weepy uh and uh and yet I think it's fair to say as she former governor of the state former popular governor of the state who's all over the all over the state just you know she's been barnstorming the state all week long she's going to continue all the way through Friday night Donald Trump is a a spectral presence here he flew in yesterday uh did this town hall with Laura Ingram and and flew right out again and yet there's not a poll that doesn't have Donald Trump ahead of Nick Haley by som
ewhere between 30 and 4 40 points so um the reality is all you guys you know I'm with you on everything you just said everything all morning for the last half hour all the things that Donald Trump represents uh all of the the the rot at the core of the Republican party uh but Donald Trump is the Republican party right now and you can see it on display here in in South Carolina in a way you didn't see in New Hampshire where you had an Open Primary this is a pure Republican primary in a big red St
ate and Donald Trump is just is crushing Nikki Haley almost without any effort and the primaries on Saturday as M said Nikki Haley is no longer kicking sideways to use a phrase she had been using for a long time she's going right at Donald Trump here's some of her remarks in Greenville yesterday it's not normal to spend $50 million in campaign contributions on personal court cases it's not normal to threaten people who back your opponent and it's not normal to call on Russia to invade NATO count
ries Donald Trump has done all of that and more in just the past month he's gotten more unstable and unhinged he spends more time in courtrooms than he does on the campaign Trail he refuses to debate he's completely distracted and everything is about him he's so obsessed with his own demons from the past he can't focus on delivering the future Americans deserve I'm not afraid to say the hard truths out loud I feel no need to Kiss the Ring I have no fear of Trump's retribution I'm not looking for
anything from him my own political future is of zero concern I wish Michael was here today and I wish our children and I could see him tonight but we can't he's serving on the other side of the world where conflict is the norm where terrorists hide among the innocent where Iran's terrorist proxies are now attacking American troops this is Michael's second deployment it was hard for us to say goodbye to him the first time so John that's governor haly talking there about her husband Michael serve
s in the South Carolina Army National Guard of course Donald Trump has asked at some of his Ries where's the husband where's the husband suggesting something who knows what we won't go into that but where is he he's serving abroad something Donald Trump couldn't contemplate doing so the points that Governor Haley made at the beginning of those clips everything she said about Donald Trump everything she said about the state of the race are factually true and in the same political world in the sam
e party that would have some impact but as you say the margin is huge even in her home state going in to Saturday so if Nikki Haley does in fact lose John what's the future here we know she's going to campaign in super Tuesday States coming up here she's promised to stay in at least until then what is the strategy from the Haley campaign well like I said a second ago Willie I mean it was kind of striking she she really went further yesterday and said I seemed to suggest that she was going to sta
y in this race all the way until the very end and and I think there's something in that in the sense that she is we know that candidates don't drop out because they're losing they drop out because they've run out of money that's the the truism of presidential and all other politics and I think Nikki Haley has discovered so far at least that there is a core of donors that wants to have her in this race even even if she gets beat now who knows how long this will last but so far there's a core of d
onors who look at Donald Trump's future that what's going to happen to him potentially in these court cases going forward uh other possible things that might unfold and this very unpredictable climate and say hey you know what it'd be good to have Nikki Haley still in this race still in fighting in a lot of these states she's not going to even win any delegates they're winner take all states so Trump is going to get himself to his magic number of delegates probably they think by the second or th
ird week of March uh but she is now suggesting she wants to kind of stick around and I I I think that part of the thinking is that something it's not totally crazy wishful thinking that something could befall Donald Trump particularly on the legal front that might uh change this the the state of the race and might open create an opening for her and I'll say one other thing is that you know we play rightly we play the clips of of Haley going head on against Donald Trump she's amped up her the dir
ectness and the fierceness of her uh critiques against him but she goes she hits Joe Biden just as hard as she does Donald Trump in the in these same speeches she did that yesterday and there is a part of her that seems to be saying hey the she said this directly yesterday 75% of the country doesn't want this race and she makes a very she makes a a case she made a case yesterday that if you were listening to it in the in the abstract you would say hey this woman sounds like a third party candida
te this woman sounds like an independent candidate who's trying to get ready potentially to to put herself in a position where she might be uh someone that someone like No Labels might decide to look at down the line so you know I've definitely learned along the way uh talking about politics especially with you over the course of the decade that you will take someone when they decide to come around whenever they decide to come around and Nikki Haley has come around she's a good candidate she's g
reat on stage and she's saying what needs to be said about Donald Trump and every day she says a little more and I hope she stays in this race I hope she hangs in there no matter what happens in South Carolina Republican voters need a viable option an American candidate not a a Russian uh idiot that's what they've got in Donald Trump they need someone like Nikki Haley to hang in there to give them an option that they could actually support and a real race for the presidency an American race well
there a lot of lot of Main Street Republicans there are a lot of Reagan Republicans there are a lot of of of of of well just good oldfashioned they want government strong military uh Republican that want an option so why would Nikki Haley stay in the race um Jonathan lamir one there's a war of attrition uh keep going you never know what's going to happen with Donald Trump is one case after another piles up against him it's a war of attrition and I I would I would if if I were Nikki Haley I woul
d go to the convention I I would I would lose 30 you know 30 contests in a row but I would keep picking up whatever delegates I could pick up and I would be the last one standing as she has said and I would stay there to the end why because anything can happen as we've said also I must say she's getting better yeah she's not getting worse she's getting better out there on the campaign she's speaking authentically and and and not just because she's going after Donald Trump but that frees her up a
nd gives her credibility to go after Joe Biden to go after both parties so that's critically important too and i' I've got to say finally after Donald Trump loses whether it's in the primary or or after he loses in the general election again at that point who is the last person standing who is the person that warned Republicans you can do what you want to do but if you pick that guy you're going to lose suddenly you have a situation of where she's standing in in in the position of where Ronald R
eagan was in 19 19 76 after Gerald Ford lost to Jimmy Carter he was the guy that was too crazy to win too rightwing to win too radical to win and he put himself in position where everybody looked to him for 1980 and it worked same thing with Nikki Haley if Donald Trump is a nominee he's going to lose again in the fall Nikki Haley's already said it and she's right after that loss Nikki Haley can say to rep Republicans I warned youh but I'm here and let's win in 28 so why the hell should she drop
out of this race before the convention welcome back 32 past the hour we discussed last hour how a court in Moscow has once again denied the release of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan gerkovich from pre-trial detention meanwhile Russia now has detained another American this time a ballerina from Los Angeles who holds dual citizenship with Russia joining us now from Ukraine's DX region NBC News Chief foreign correspondent Richard Angel Richard what more do we know about all of this so Russia is
appearing very confident right now despite International condemnations and expected new sanctions Russia's accused of just in recent days of uh assassinating Alexa naali now arresting an American duel National and intensifying its military campaign here in Ukraine this morning another American citizen is in custody in Russia cassena karolina a 33-year-old ballerina who lived in Los Angeles is a russian-american dual National she was detained on suspicion of treason for allegedly donating money t
o support Ukraine the White House now issuing a warning to all Americans in Russia if you're a US citizen uh including a dual national uh residing in or traveling uh in Russia you ought to leave right now Russia's Federal Security Service released this video apparently showing karolina being led into a courtroom where a judge denied her bail she is not safe there and if we do not help her so she will spend the rest of her life in jail as the US Works to respond President Biden says he will bring
new sanctions against Russia after the death of Vladimir Putin's most outspoken critic Alex naali I told you we' be announcing sanctions on Russia we'll have a major package announced on Friday but Russia is already under sanctions which so far have had little impact as Russia is shielded by China continues to sell oil internationally and is resupplied with weapons by Iran and North Korea the US says the sanctions are also designed to hold Russia accountable for the war in Ukraine where Russian
troops are flattening Villages across the east as they Advance Russia launched new attacks overnight as Ukrainian Defenders are stalled as they await weapons and ammunition blocked by Congress Russia drove Ukrainian forces from the city of aifa last weekend a witness tells NBC news as the Russians Advanced Ukrainian troops broke rank into chaos a Ukrainian military spokesman this morning said some ukrainians were captured or went missing the Biden Administration isn't acting alone when it comes
to sanctions the EU just this morning announced new sanctions on nearly 200 Russian individuals and entities accused of helping Moscow procure weapons and kidnap Ukrainian children and the UK announced new sanctions on six officials from that penal colony in Siberia where Alexi naali died last week oh NBC's Richard Engel reporting from Ukraine thank you very much for that report and these are the people that Mike Johnson and Donald Trump keep protecting they they they are standing between the a
id that the ukrainians so desperately need to stop their towns from being destroyed to stop their children from being kidnapped stop their women from being raped that this is perilous you know we quoted yesterday Mark Len somebody who as I said doesn't agree with us much but he said this isn't theoretical this isn't this isn't some theoretical discussion at some ivy league campus that we're having here no this is not only a matter of life and death for the ukrainians for those of us who still be
lieve in the greatness of the West this is a battle for what we're supposed to believe in in Western democracies Freedom Liberty and of course the United States of America and our NATO allies protecting Sovereign nations from Russian aggression from communist Chinese aggression all the things that Mike Johnson and Donald Trump are holding up whether it's the defense of Taiwan the defense of Ukraine or the support of Israel and the aid to Gaza I looked uh at a democratic focus group last night wh
ile it was going on it was so fascinating on so many fronts but you talked about the issues that these Democrats and Independence at lean Democratic thought were going to help Joe Biden and Democrats win and every one of them mentioned abortion and democracy or abortion and the economy or abortion and you just go down the line and the list and and that's what these Democrats and focus group were saying and also talking about President Biden's hopes for a second term of course hinging on keeping
the support of those Independents and Democrats who backed him in the 2020 campaign and that's the group of Voters that were featured uh in a new focus group run by Mark halin uh and wide world of news take a look fascinating stuff here how do you think he's doing so far well I don't I don't think he's doing well I think though I'm what you're hearing is you're hearing the people closest to him the people that's that work with him they all keep talking about how how well how Lucid he is and how
he's so sharp and how he's on it but we're not seeing that that's what we need to see it's up to them to prove to us that everything's okay I agree even if he's slow or not as AR articulate as he was I think he's still able to make great decisions he's got surrounding himself with wonderful advisors and I have every faith I think his mental acuity is fine I think it has more to do with his physical appearance and I think when you listen to him the Cadence of his words is slowed down but a lot of
that is natural agent agent he's 81 if Joe B if you were with Joe Biden and he said I'm going to step down and not run how would you what would you say to talk him out of it I would say if you do that then KLA is running and she will lose raise your hand if you agree with Tracy that that vice president Harris would lose to Donald Trump if she were the nominee that you're confident she would lose raise your hand all right so four of you say yes you're confident uh and are the other three of you
confident she would win or you just don't know just don't know I don't know raise your hand if you think that Joe Biden did step aside as a lot of people are urging him to do that she would be the nominee raise your hand if you think she would be the nominee if he stepped aside all right two of you think all right let's go around Joe Biden steps down and you can pick the Democratic nominee amongst people who are constitutionally eligible who would you pick as the strongest person to beat Donald
Trump not as the best president but the person who you'd have the greatest confidence could beat Donald Trump Andy basher Ashley uh Gavin Newsome Judy no I totally don't don't believe in Gavin Nome I would do pritsker or Basher yeah Tracy Michelle Obama I know you said that I know you said that for a purpose I would say Nome or I'm excited for Shapiro down the road at some point Josh Shapiro yeah okay Lori Gretchen wh or Amy Gretchen Whitner Whitmer could beat his ass Harvey my choice my choice
has always been Admiral mccraven oh but uh but I I don't I don't know that he has a chance to I I think Josh Shapiro I would say after that he's too young okay too young or or or mayor Pete I love mayor Pete mayor Pete would never wi not yet I like that he's it's gone off the rails too young what exactly no this was fascinating on a number of I mean the kamah harus conversation was really interesting it's one we should have but I just want to point out that one voter who was talking about Joe Bi
den not being as articulate as he W was before Joe Biden was never articulate okay he has a stutter and he's like a real guy and he's always talked that way maybe a little slower right but so what and I think also when he gets pissed off the stutter kicks in a little bit that's what I've noticed but um I thought that was an interesting assessment because I don't think Joe Biden is this flourishing you know speech maker of the world although he does a great job and he gets the job done right but
he has always been connective like a real guy like he could sit at the VFW at a bar with anybody yeah I again it's what it's what Andy card once said about George W bush he said Elites always made fun of George W bush for stumbling around but actually working voters uh actually that appealed to him that he wasn't too slick he w know he was they felt like he was one of them by the way if you're sitting there and you wonder about the laughter when Michelle Obama's name came up this is an ongoing s
ort of thing with a lot of these focus groups everybody wants Michelle Obama to run and Mark Halpin keeps saying as as do a lot of others that's never going to happen she didn't even want Barack Obama to run for state senator so she she ain't getting in politics anytime soon done but Jim missina I'd love to go to you I'd love to love to get your insights especially on what the first voters said and but but just your overall insights on what these Democrats said so many fascinating things about J
osh Shapiro and and who they were looking to Andy Basher holy cow Gretchen Whitmer um uh but the first woman who spoke said I keep hearing how Biden's together and he's articulate behind the scenes would like to see more of that I've spent a good bit of time talking to Joe bid one onone on the phone throughout the presidency I can tell you he is uh he's more together on foreign policy if you sit and talk to him uh than anybody else I've talked to is he supposed to do cartwheels like what do they
want to do now there is there is a there is a wide Gulf between what he's doing right now and doing cartwheels so Jim I actually agree with her sentiment the Biden I see the Biden I know can run laps around Donald Trump the question is how do you get that Biden out so other Americans can seem him instead of a gaff at an angry six-minute press conference yep Joe I totally agree and the campaign and the White House agree as well and that's what campaigns are there are opportunities to get the can
didate out there to get him in situations where the American public can make the judgments you're talking about and it's one of the things if you think about the free moments you have in a presidential campaign to make your case directly to the American voters there really two free moments the state of the union and the Democratic National Convention speech and so the State of the Union coming up on March 7th is another really important moment for him to both make his case to the American public
about what he's doing and where he's going to take them and to draw the straight contrast with the Republicans uh in the house and in the Maga movement about what they want to do and like the house is doing everything they can to help Joe Biden right now by literally doing nothing and Biden now needs to go out there and campaign to the American people we 251 days before the election will have lots of opportunity to see the president and I totally agree with you when they see him when they see h
im interact with voters when they see them in the town halls you know their moment they will look at the their themselves and say this is the guy who we can trust for the next four years and that'll be a really important moment for these voters who want to see that Molly we heard a lot in that focus group number one about a deep bench for the Democrats you go down that list of Governors um add in West Mo Gavin Newsome it's an incredible list but that's for another time Joe Biden uh is the candid
ate here it seems to me listening to those voters and just talking to people casually it's a question of style over substance they cringe a little when they see the president on TV go oh he looks old but if you look at what he's accomplished shouldn't that matter more than how you think he appears on television and by the way in contrast to the alternative of what could come if he's elected well one of the things Trump had going for him in 2016 was that he was famous but he had no voting record
so he could say I was a Democrat I'm from New York I'm not this Zealot now fast forward he overturned row right he was the architect of that so he can't he is not the roar Shack he used to be which I think is very good news for Joe Biden um what I would say is you know I watch C-SPAN so I see that but I see Biden out there all the time the problem is that Biden's doesn't normal Biden doesn't get coverage the way that Biden gaffs get coverage and so like last week he was traveling he was doing pr
ess conferences I heard him you know do questions and answers and he was fine is he a gifted orator no has he ever been a gifted orator no you know does he need to be a gifted orator I mean last night Trump said that he got Naval he got Nal like the man destroys the English language also in that Fox News Town Hall Trump essentially admitted to killing the bipartisan border security Bill in Congress because it would have quote made it much better for the opposing side Biden why were you against t
he house um against the Senate border deal the bipartisan board well they allow 5,000 people a week number one that but it also made it it made it much better for the opposing side I don't know if you've heard this but I came up with this one migrant crime there's crime there's violent crime there's migrant crime we have a new category of crime it's called migrant crime and it's going to be worse than any other form of crime yeah actually that's so many things about that are wrong so many things
about that are lie I mean first of all um one stat after another shows that what he says migrant crime worse than all other crimes one stat after another just says that's not true they're indiv of course there's individual examples terrible examples like we saw in New York but overall if if facts matter if numbers not matter if data matters what he said there's a lie the saying that the bill lets in 5,000 uh migrants we that's a lie uh but Chris Matthews I just want to zero in because you worke
d in in the house and uh it's just extraordinary that you actually have President of the United States that talks about migrant crime so let's just say it's the worst thing in the world let's take his lie and just for argument sake say Okay Donald we'll accept your lie that migrant crime you believe migrant crime is the worst crime in the world so what does Donald Trump do he admits at the same time he's going to allow quote migrant crime which is the worst crime as he says to continue for anoth
er year he's going to allow f to continue to flood across the border for another year he's going to allow Americans to die because of fentel for another year he's going to allow uh you know what they say that spies from other countries Chinese spies from other countries are coming across the southern border he's going to allow that for another year and he admits it that he's going to allow all this to happen because he says quote it's good for the other side so he's going to kill the bill becaus
e he doesn't want James Langford a Conservative Republican to work with Democrats on a problem that he says is the worst problem in America kind of hard to sort through that Chris isn't it well the thing is that the Republicans and and Trump will still benefit from the border issue if they cut a deal and they really squeeze the Democrats and get them to do something they don't want to do which has get really tough on the Asylum issue and now n the the definition of what it is and really separate
the wheat from the chaff and let the right people in and keep the wrong people out he still will have the Border issue he's clearly anti-immigrant and clearly that's a good issue for him so even if he cut a deal like this it it doesn't make any sense he's got the problem the American people have the problem and he still would have won the fight it's an issue the Border works for the Republicans it's a fact like inflation it just does people don't like prices they're going to vote Republicans so
I think he he was I don't understand this be again I'm going back to the House Republicans I know they have a narrow very narrow Advantage there holding the majority but there's some good things they could be doing here they could be doing something about the Border like the Senate did they can do this it's doable and they don't want to do it they're afraid of taking him on on Putin and I don't understand what an anti-communist party like the Republican party has always been why they can't be a
nti Putin what is it Putin puts people away he he invades other countries he's like Hitler that way first it's Munich by the way it's amazing we just had the meeting in Munich Munich 1938 they took Czechoslovakia 1939 they took Poland 1940 they took France don't you see the pattern here doesn't everybody see what Putin's up to one country at a time right now it's trying to take Ukraine's Freedom away from it this is good Republican ideology where are the Republicans don't they have to go back to
their people and say I know you love Trump but here's what I believe here's what I believe we got to stop communism world we got to stop this guy Putin because he acts like a communist he's a tyrant why don't we do something about him they don't seem to want to move he said he likes navali because he's being treated like navani he wouldn't even mention Putin last night by the way I think laori Ingram knew everything right last night I've always had suspicions that they're much smarter than they
act on television that those people over there at Fox they all know what's going on they know what we know we don't have any secret information Trump's wrong wrong he's dead wrong they know that Matthews my question to you is should Nikki Haley stay in the game Till The Bitter End yeah I think as long as she can get money I mean money is the name in the game here I think Ken langone the big Republican anti-trumpers I think are still available the Chris Christie crowd I think she's gonna she mig
ht not do as well as she hoped to do this Saturday though I don't think she's going to do better than she did in New Hampshire I think it's going to be tough but I think she's probably going to get close to 40 which is fighting I think she's fighting it right now and I think she ought to stick in and I think she's the last non-trump candidate standing Eugene Daniels you were in South Carolina uh give us a sense of what you saw on the ground there yeah and I'm headed back tomorrow you know what y
ou're seeing is that is that it is a completely different state than it was when Nicki Haley was the governor of of that state right the trumpism of the Republican party is Alive and Well there right I'm I'm driving around the community that my parents grew up in and I'm seeing humongous Trump signs not one Nicki Haley signs and it shows his dominance there right and you talk to people who have worked for Nikki Haley and as I have over the last few weeks um in South Carolina they say that she is
not a woman and we've seen this who is who is going to quit that that her tenacity um is is is to the extreme and more importantly for them for some of those people who want to see her have a political future that that could also possibly be her downfall here and thinking about what does it look like post 2024 um for her in this Republican party and I think the hope that she is having and that people in South Carolina um who want to see her continue whether they be voters or operatives is that
there needs to be some kind of opposition to Donald Trump she keeps talking about this country not doing coronation but also and more importantly they are hoping that something might happen right there's all these legal cases against Donald Trump um and so there there there's still a little bit of Hope a glimmer of hope that something may happen and he can't be the nominee and that she wants to be that person who can pick up the ball if it's dropped so Chris Chris it is uh at times to be surpris
ed by something that Donald Trump says um but yet over the last couple days he basically compared himself to Lexi navali uh not just because he has been persecuted he believes by the state He suggests that like naali he is he is a sort of martyr for the cause if you will and he even went so far as to say so about the Civil fraud verdict uh that was rendered in the last few days that will cost him $350 million or so just give us your your sense on this just where Donald Trump is and why he why wo
uld people respond to such a nonsensical comparison like that you know I think he starting to realize that he doesn't know much history let's face it but he must be aware of the fact that the old Soviet Union like the old Nazi party in Germany was a tyranny and people like Hitler or Stalin and his successors could knock off people could get rid of people like navali this is what the old communist world was all about that's what they do over there if you don't like your opponent you get rid of th
em you knock him off and this is what we all remember about the about that I remember when Stalin died in grade school and the nuns came out and announced that Stalin had died and we should pray and we know I had no idea what we're praying for except we're happy he's gone you know he's the worst of them he killed 20 million people but this is what they do these tyrants look at the look at those soldiers as as as Putin comes into his office there with their heads back they're cocked back like tha
t how weird that is how weird that that the dedication is I guess you call it now I think Trump knows this this is why he lied about saying he the new naali you know they you know the idea of the old thing when fascism comes to America will be called anti-fascism I mean that's the game he's playing but I think he knows in his dimwitted way that he cannot be on the side of of of this stalinist regime that can knock out people like navali Nani's wife is out there as a leader of this organization n
ow she's going to fight and I think he can has a glimmer that he's on the wrong side this also on the abortion thing I want to talk to M but I got to tell you m this is interesting how he's fading away from the 16we ban here because the big question to ask about him is okay buddy what's the consequence what's the punishment what's the punishment because you said you want to see some punishment for women what will be your plan to punish women who who disobey this 16we band I think he's getting a
little nervous about the craziness of the abortion ban I think he's afraid of it I think he's afraid of of coming out for Putin against V naali he this is the first time he's actually shown some at least conceptual problem a reality of his problem which is he's lying he's lying the Communists are not the good guy this post stalinist world of Russia is not the good guys the idea of the subway over there that Tucker Carlson is bragging about that that doesn't make him the good guys it's crazy and
I I just wish some of the older people older than him older than Biden who remember the Cold War remember who the good guys were and who the bad guys were just say it why doesn't somebody stand up to him and say in South Carolina you're wrong the Soviet Union and what's come since then with Putin is the bad guys they're the bad they're the true evil ones and they won't they got to stand up I hope people get behind Nikki Haley likeon people with money and get behind her and really fight for this
and say this is not the Republican part not just of Ronald Reagan but going all the way back to Harry Truman this was a bipartisan fight with the Soviets and it's unbelievable they are out there kissing the butt of of Vladimir Putin it's unbel not the ring but the butt they're really acting like this and it's awful



I've been voting for over 50 years and there were elections where I felt that the difference between candidates was minimal. Not this time. You're either for the Constitution or you're not.


Even if you think Alfred is getting too old to run the bat-cave, you don't hire The Joker to replace him.


Omg, trump is the whiniest victim’s victim! But to compare himself to Navalny is totally pathetic. 🤢


What I find funny is Trump complains about America becoming a communist country yet he and MAGA supporters look at Putin like some sort of god to them.


Well Trump you keep asking where the husband of Haley is. Where is your wife Trump, she is no where on the campaign trail with you even though she is spending hundreds of thousand of dollars of campaign funds on her personal expenses


As much as we all prefer Nikki to Trump, before you guys fawn over her too much, realize she has said now - multiple times - that she'd pardon Trump if elected. That's an immediate no-go if you have any deference to justice and the rule of law in America. If you can't stand voting for Biden and you also can't stand Trump, just stay home. Don't vote. Save us all the grief


I bet Trump doesn't know anything about Navalny, or much of anything else for that matter.


He says "a form of Navalny" like it's a verb and not the name of a real person.


Then why did Haley bow down to Trump until recently? Does she still think that chaos follows Trump or will she admit that Trump causes the chaos?


Yeah sure Nikki. But aren't you still planning to pardon trump if you are elected? Didn't you say you would pardon trump for the 'good of the country'? THAT is kissing the ring.


"It's a form of communism, a form of fascism." Does Dumbo Don realize that they were at each other's throats throughout WWII? Of Course not. He still thinks WWII is coming!!!


I think if the media stopped asking if Biden is too old ‘might’ help a bit to change public perception…


28:11 These people do not speak for rhe Democratic Party, as a President Biden is fine... People need to get off rhis kick... And, Gavin Newsom would be a great candidate in 2028...


I would love to see tRump on a bike! Biden rides a bike and exercises, Biden is fit, end of story!


Trump is only trying to get out of going to jail. Period.


Nicky is a prime example of, “too little, too late”. She could’ve gone after Trump and Biden hard. Really, really hard. She didn’t. She didn’t condone Trump. She wouldn’t. Not until ALL hope was lost. If she’d had some backbone from the beginning, she’d be doing better.


When I heard the news of Navalny’s death I cried. He was such a good man and would have made a great leader for Russia. RIP. I hope his wife will continue his fight for justice and freedom for Russians. I hope I wish I 🙏 pray. Please don’t let his death be in vain, but ignite the movement for millions of Russians to fight against Putin’s evil empire.


Haley can talk the talk but when Trump gets the nomination, what will she do? Trump talked trash about her husband. When they ask her if she will back Trump if he gets the nomination she stays silent. Those who will not back Trump like Christie and Romney straight up say, ¨No. ¨


I'm saying this as a independent. I've bought several houses over the course of the years, each time the bank would do an inspection, and we also had to do one ourselves. That's just a fact. At least in Washington state
