


Car Adventures With Reg

4 days ago

what's up YouTube it's your boy Car Adventures  With Reg and welcome back to another video and in today's video you guys want to know how  to prevent your Q50 or your G37 from getting stolen so today I got tips for you guys I actually  installed something that you guys should do with your Q50 or G37 so definitely stay tuned on to  the video the first tip is actually quite simple that you can go to AutoZone for get a steering  wheel lock man get a steering wheel lock now I know it's kind of weird
you know you got this  brand new car usually you put steering wheel locks on the older cars like the older Honda  Civics that all you got to do is use a butter knife stick the butter knife in ignition and you  know they could be gone but you know you usually put steering wheel locks on those cars no now you  got to put a steering wheel lock on this car man or you can get the brake lock either or steering  wheel lock or brake lock I'm not saying that that would fully protect you because they hav
e ways of  you know cutting it open and stuff like that but at least you're trying you know at least you're  attempting and a lot of people not going to go through the chaos of you know doing all that just  for you know a Q50 they just you know most likely they'll just be on to the next let's talk about  something that I installed that I think you guys should do this will save you a lot and it's really  cheap get a kill switch I have put a kill switch in this car and it was only $100 to install
it  the best $100 I can spend so now if I'm at a store or if I'm out moving around I just activate  the kill switch nobody can't steal it so I'm going to show you guys how the kill switch work I'm not  going to show you where the location that I put the kill switch at but I'm going to show you guys  how it works just you know for safety reasons you know what I'm saying you never know who watching  this video you know what I'm saying so I got to be protected but pretty much um I'm just give you 
guys what the kill switch do pretty much the kill switch it turns off your starter so when your  starter is not working the car won't start so let's go ahead and get in the car so I can show  you guys how it works so right now the kill switch is not activated so let me just go ahead and start  it see I could just start it like that right but now let me activate the kill switch just give me  one second kill switch activated now let me try to start it don't cut on look my look my foot is  on the b
rake I'm pressing it it's not coming on can't get anything can't turn the car on look I'm  going to do it one time it's not going to turn the car on but watch this I'm about to turn off the  kill switch now turn off the kill switch now watch this it turns on so like I said a kill switch  will definitely save you um if you have to park your car outside or if you're going to stores  or whatever you doing you know what I'm saying all you got to do is activate that kill switch  and someone try to st
art your car they can do whatever they can copy your key and all that  the car will not start whatsoever but that's something I definitely recommend for somebody who  owns either Q50 or G37 cuz these cars is hot right now I'm not even going to lie so definitely  invest in that kill switch now they have two different type of kill switches they have one you  have to hide it somewhere in your car or they have another kill switch to where it has a remote and  you could just you know take the remote
with you like you know put it on your key Either turn it  on or off so I have the one where you have to hide it but like I said I can't show you guys where I  you know where I hit it at because you know for safety purposes you never know who's watching  but I definitely suggest you go out and buy a kill switch please go get one I am going to get  a steering wheel lock too cuz like I said it's better safe and sorry so now you really can't  go nowhere kill switch with the steering wheel lock like
you ain't going nowhere so definitely  invest in the kill switch only spent $100 uh on that kill switch and that's including labor so  they're not that expensive you can take it to your local radio shop audio shop wherever y'all  you know want to call it and and just ask for a kill switch and they'll get it done for you it  shouldn't be much more than $100 I spent $100 for mine it shouldn't be over that another tip  that I would say is parking in a garage if you have a garage and if it's availab
le park it in a  garage it's nice and tucked in a garage and you know nine times out of 10 nobody's not opening  you know a garage and you know stealing your car especially these new garages nowadays the older  garages I don't know but the newer garages you know that's available today nobody ain't doing  all that so another tip is just to park it in the garage another tip if you can't park it in the  garage let's say you don't have the kill switch let's say you don't have the steering wheel lock
  which I think you should go get right now as this video is playing go get it right now I mean right  now but um if you don't have none of that you can go on Amazon and it's like a little security box  for your key which means it cuts off the signal from your key so pretty much how people do it and  it's all over the internet I'm not snitching on nobody it's all over the Internet how people do  this but pretty much when they go to your car they hook this thing up to your OBD2 I believe  and the
y bring this big old wire to your front door and they try to get your signal let's say a  lot of people leave their car keys like right by the door you know people be having their thing  where they put the keys right in front of their door and they easily get the signal they copy  it to their Demi key and now they program their key and now they got your car so what you can do  is you can go on Amazon and get like this little security box I'm going to go ahead and pop it on  the screen for you gu
ys and pretty much that cuts out all the signals so if you don't have that  that is another way how you can protect your Q50 or G37 by having that little box or whatever  for your car and another thing what you can do is you can go ahead and put a wheel lock on  your car now I don't know if anybody want to keep on doing that you know every night every  morning but that's another thing that you can do and another thing that you can do is you can  disconnect your battery like I said I don't know i
f you want to be doing that every morning every  night but if I was you guys I would literally just go ahead and invest in a kill switch and get you a  steering wheel Loot and then your car will be good trust me and nobody won't be able to steal your  car cuz they won't be able to turn it on and they won't be able to turn the wheel and it's going  to be too much of a hassle anyways to do all that so they're going to just be like you know what  forget this car on to the next maybe you might get a
broken window because they tried to attempt  it but nine times out of 10 once they see the club nobody's not going to even try to attempt it but  even if they do let's say if they try to break off the club and all that other stuff they can't start  the car with the kill switch definitely invest in the kill switch if you you have a Q50 or a G37  save your car you know what I'm saying so you don't have to lose your car I know a lot of you  guys put a lot of money inside your bill and you don't wa
nt to waste your money nine times out of  10 insurance is not paying what you put into the car they're only going to pay you what is worth  so you're not going to get everything back what you spent and I know a lot of people spend a  lot of money on these cars you know what I'm saying people turbocharge them people supercharge  them you know C medic stuff like you know Adam YB you know all everything costs you know what  I'm saying so protect your investment protect your car by doing all those t
hings and like I  said I will honestly recommend a kill switch I just showed you guys how it worked and like I said  it's two different ones you can get the one like to where I have to where you hide it somewhere in  the car and you just activate it or they have one where you have like a it's like a regular little  key fob like this it would say on and off and you just you know on when you want to activate it  or off when you know you want to deactivate it or whatever so or even if you don't hav
e $100  right now just go get a club to start off with or you know go get the little box do something  though you know what I'm saying there too many of these cars getting stolen the more than where  we could try to make it harder the more of these cars will stop getting stolen and you know we  ain't even got to hear about it no more and these cars is not even on the radar no more I  hope you guys found that video very informative I hope this helped you guys I hope that you guys  go get that kil
l switch or you guys go get that steering wheel lock or you guys go ahead and get  that little box that I was telling you guys you know to cut the signal Oh and stop leaving your  key at the front door just in general don't leave your key at the front door no more you know what  I'm saying take it upstairs or take it in like the back room like far far far far far away from  the front door like don't leave your keys in the front door no more you know keep it far away and  and yeah but I just want
ed to say that real quick but but yeah I hope this was very informative for  you guys um hopefully you guys do get that kill switch let me know what you guys think about  this video and I catch you on the next one [Music] peace



Put in an AirTag as well. A tune will also give you a kill map but not a switch too


Q looking clean Reg!


it really depends on city down here south carolina theft not that bad down here


Yesssirrrrr 🔥


Smart idea reg! Especially in cali 😂


Might be a bit expensive but you could swap a manual transmission from a 370z into the Q50. Really good anti theft as well lol


whats the link for killswitch




I just take my gear sifter out


What if I live in a nicer neighborhood but park it outside?


They stealing them Lexus IS & GS