
Welcome To Si Boards Balance Boards, Medicine Balls and Rope Balls

Elysia Tsai, M.Ed, ATC takes you through a tour of Si Boards balance boards, unbreakable medicine balls, responsive power rope balls and sports performance training. See the video outline below For more information check us out at: Web: Blog: FB: Twitter: Instagram: Welcome to Si Boards. I'm Elysia Tsai M.Ed, ATC. I'm A Certified Athlete Trainer, a Sports Medicine Professional, helping Athletes Rehab and Compete at their best. I've traveled the world with the US Soccer Federation, helping the U20's Women's Team, win Concacalf Gold and World Cup Gold. I Developed the Si Board, a versatile tool for you. Completely made in the USA. It's progressive, safe, realistic, and extremely fun. I'm inviting you to jump into the next generation and become a true champion. (1:06) Take your Training to the Next Level Multi direction balance training is so unique you get weight transfer foot to foot, absolutely free rotation while on our solid ball, and of course the ability to move in all directions. The heart of our balance training system is using a solid urethane ball. This helps with better core control, and functional movement that better simulates the dynamic training that you need for sport. (2:32) Med Ball Graveyard Our balls are cast from solid urethane and are designed to last a life time. With the most unbelievable superior rebound for high reps, our balls are made for complex moves, and full body training that really gives a plyometric and metabolic effect. (3:46) Power Rope Ball The responsive solid urethane has a very predictable bounce and this keep the rope tight for control, and allows you to train in a smooth continuous rhythm. (5:12) Hand Made in USA (5:59) Finding the Right Board We have two lines: the Starter and the Original. Starter boards are perfect for travel, they have a smaller adjustable rail, they're great for beginner riders, small feet, growing kids, outdoor use, and they are our economy boards. In contrast, our original boards are our heavier, industrial model. They feature a larger rail, a multi-purpose rail that you can attach bands into, a bigger ride space, and are generally more vestal. (6:56) Unique Patented Design (7:54) Unbreakable Med Balls (8:38) Power Rope Balls (9:04) Learning Balance (9:54) 10 in 1 System (11:20) Add the Resistance Bands (12:47) Upper Body Stability (13:59) Swinging Sports (15:17) Know Your Opponent (16:20) Getting Started Always step on the low side touching the ground, keep your feet wide and over the bolt holes. Beginners should always be spotted and have a stable object to hold onto. (17:23) Board Sport Athletes Rotate the board in quarter and half turns and work forward and backwards to increase the resistance, attach the bands around a stable table leg. (18:15) Paddle and Motor Sports The power rope ball is a great tool for this because you have a swinging weight away from your body. (19:50) Dynamic Warm-Up With our unique high rebound, you can properly prepare for overhead movements, and you can lightly swing our rope ball around to coordinate the hips and rotational moves. (21:10) Surf Sports Our Si Board closely mimics your sport board movement. Get down deep, grab the board, and let your legs burn. Imagine perfecting your pop ups so that you can catch every wave at every time. (22:35) Combat Sports With combat sports, every second counts, and we want you to compete to the end. You can effectively train lower body awareness, and in complex moves you multitask as if you were in the ring. (23:40) Double Trouble Rope Ball Exercises (24:24) Ultimate Fitness Board The ultimate fitness board is designed to make you the ultimate personal trainer. It's easy to carry with our integrated handle. When you're on the go, it's perfect for working with clients. (25:42) Rehab After Brain Injury Balance training is important after a comma, concussion, and mild dramatic brain injury. It will help rebuild function and confidence. (26:15) Explosive Starts The fast rebound of our balls allows you to quickly react. Developing strength on both is important for keeping your body balanced. (27:28) ACL Injury Prevention This helps athletes relearn how to activate the muscles, especially after surgery, and using a Si Board for rehab helps accelerate their progression. (28: 26) Abdominal Control You'll increase abdominal activation by being on a moving surface, and it's important to go in complexion extension, side bending, and rotational moves. (29:17) It's Time for Tricks! (30:01) Conclusion I'd like to thank you for hanging out for the last thirty minutes. We invite you to jump into the next generation and take your training to the next level.

Si Boards Sports Medicine & Performance Institute

9 years ago

Welcome to Si Boards I'm Elysia Tsai M. Ed, ATC. I'm A Certified Athlete Trainer, a Sports Medicine Professional, helping Athletes Rehab and Compete at their Best. I've traveled the world with the US Soccer Federation, helping the U20's Women's Team, with Concacalf Gold and World Cup Gold. I Developed the Si Board, a Versatile tool for you. Completely made in the USA, it's progressive, safe, realistic, and extremely fun. I'm inviting you to jump into the next generation and become a champion. (1
:06) Take your Training to the Next Level Multi direction balance training is so unique you get weight transfer foot to foot, absolutely free Rotation while on our solid ball, and of course the ability to move in all directions. The heart of our balance training system is using a solid urethane ball. This helps with better core control, and functional movement that better simulates the dynamic training that you need for sport. With balance training, you'll engage more muscles as you try to stay
upright and including this key aspect as you simulate your sport movements with stability, helps with injury prevention and overall body awareness. We've created a variety of board sizes that balance on top of balls and half balls to meet your individual needs. You can safely progress from easy to complex motions. having such a personal balance training system allows you to train your entire body, whether you're rehabbing from an injury or already on an athlete level, balance is vital to perform
ance. From toddlers, growing kids, and to professional athletes, we have a variety of board sizes and types, sized for you height, your skill level, and budget. (2:32) Med Ball Graveyard (Don't let it happen to you) Air filled balls will eventually break. The seams will split because the construction is not designed for high repetition high slams. Leather and seams will break over time and you'll find yourself replacing your ball again. Our balls are cast from solid urethane and are designed to
last a life time. With the most unbelievable superior rebound for high reps, our balls are made for complex moves, and full body training that really gives a plyometric and metabolic effect. The key is our one piece solid urethane construction made in America and designed to be the most durable, bouncing medicine ball ever. with our range in ball sizes and unique bounce, you will have an infinitely fun time training. Our balls are designed to rebound 70% from a still drop and if you give it a li
ttle bit of force and slam it you'll get at least 200% return height from a slam. If you're ready to invest in a medicine ball that stands the test of time, Si Boards has the answer. (3:46) Power Rope Ball (A Safer Slam) Traditionally air filled hollow balls have no rebound and are very compressive. They're also designed with an exposed rope end which wears quickly away. Our rope ball is designed with a protective rope cap. Using a hollow ball, the bounce is flat and unpredictable and this can l
ead to dangerous rope slack. Smooth coordination is lost and great training is also affected. The difference is amazing when you're using our rope ball. The responsive solid urethane has a very predictable bounce and this keep the rope tight for control, and allows you to train in a smooth continuous rhythm. Because of the unique bounce of our balls, this keeps a natural trajectory away from your body and this requires constant postural control and allows you to make fast and powerful reps. For
example, this hand transferred technique can only be done with our superior rebounding balls. Our responsive rope ball is perfect for complex moves such as diagonal moves and standing functional training. To add agility and quick changes of direction with your training, a solid urethane ball and a superior rebound is a must (5:12) Hand Made in USA (100% Local Manufacturing) These are the best guys that make our boards. We put a lot of attention into fine details and finishing processes. We want
to ensure that when you invest in a Si Board, you're getting a quality product that's going to stand the test of time. It's a long and detailed process to manufacture our board tops, steel rails, and urethane balls. We use high end quality materials to make sure you get the best balance training system of any available. We want you to feel confident in your investment for Si Boards products, and know that we're always available to help you find the right board and ball combination for you, thank
s for supporting local manufacturing and small businesses. (5:59) Finding the Right Board (Customize to You) We have two lines: the starter and the original. Starter boards are perfect for travel, they have a smaller adjustable rail, they're great for beginner riders, small feet, growing kids, outdoor use, and they are our economy boards. In contrast, our original boards are our heavier, industrial model. They feature a larger rail, a multi-purpose rail that you can attach bands into, a bigger r
ide space, and are generally more vestal. The turbo starter is our small board size, followed by our medium size free-style starter, and our medium size surf starter. Turbo boards are great for small riders that are 5 feet 4, our medium free-style and surf boards are great for those 5 feet and 6 feet, and if you're tall above the 6 foot ranger, you definitely want to jump onto out large commando board. (6:56) Unique Patented Design (In a Class of it's Own) Move our board left and right, forward
and backwards, diagonal, and free rotation on our solid, multi-purpose balls, and this gives you a truly progressive and very versatile balance training system. With our rail system, you can safely grab the board edge without fear of smashing your fingers. Our solid urethane ball does not acupressure when you're riding it and this gives you a truly exceptional ride. Our boards are also made with a continuous rocker which naturally transfers your movement. We use a super strong solid birch plywoo
d, urethane rail walks, and a thick steel rail for added safety. We put two coats of grip texture on the top and one on the bottom. You can grab the board anywhere and feel secure. Ride our board to the max, stall on the rail, and carve your turns. (7:54) Unbreakable Med Balls (For superior Redound) Our extra large 10" ball is 20 pounds in weight and made from power house athletes. Our 8 ½" large ball is 12 ½ pounds and is perfect for two handed high power moves. The 6 1/2" medium ball is 5 ½ po
unds and great for two handed and one handed agility moves. Our 5" small ball is 2 ½ pounds and perfect for one handed moves and grip strength. Our 3" mini ball is sized slightly heavier and larger than a baseball and these are perfect for sharpening your accuracy with throwing and catching. (8:38) Power Rope Balls (3 Unique Sizes) The 8 1/2" ball large is 12 ½ pounds and lest you slow down and make each rep count. The 6 ½" medium is 5 ½ pounds and great for speed and agility work. The 5" small
is 2 ½ pounds and perfect for full body, overhead moves using a tight space (9:04) Learning Balance (Start Them Early) Here's Phoebe at 1 ½ years old. For childhood development, balance training helps with strength, coordination, and just having a great time. And now here's Phoebe at 4 years old. She's very athletic for her age. She's learned how to ride a bike without training wheels very early on and enjoys ballet, taekwondo, ice skating, soccer, and gymnastics. Balance training at any age is
important. It's great for childhood development, injury prevention for athletes, fall prevention for older adults, and to generally stay fit, active, and well-coordinated. (9:54) 10 in 1 System (Create 10 Boards in 1) Using two half balls, you'll create a rocker board. This is the easiest type of movement as you teeter forward and backwards, or left and right. This is great for complex motions and to advance any standard exercise. To create a wobble board, place one half ball under the center of
the board, and this will allow the board to wobble in all directions. Unique advantages to target leg dominance. Place the half ball to one side of the board and as you stand over that half ball that leg will fire up. The single pivot system uses one ball and one half ball, and this allows you to teeter on one side and to progress to a rolling platform using the other leg. To further progress, use two balls under the board and make a double pivot board. This provides a rolling platform for your
skilled progression with a variety of stances like this stand up paddle stance, and full core engagement on your hands and feet, you'd have a ton of variety. And the multi-purpose direction board, riding on one solid ball is the heart of the Si Board. It's the most realistic type of motion that you're going to be able to get with your hips. You will engage you core, pelvis, and legs much better, and it's extremely fun, challenging, and requires a lot of focus. (11:20) Add the Resistance Bands (
Increase the Fun!) The rocker board plus using two half allows you to teeter and now with the added band resistance, you're getting postural stability. You can add the foot straps for leg and hip movement and add complex motions for faster results. The wobble board plus using one half ball and the resistance bands allows you to target one leg over the other and simulate this weight transfer move. The single pivot plus with one ball and one half ball allows you to engage true core stability as yo
u add the band resistance. The double pivot plus board uses two of the same size balls and the bands, and this moving surface requires full core control. And last but not least, our multi-direction board with the resistance bands you're getting 360 degrees of full hip rotation and movement with the added body control. This is the highest level of difficulty riding on our balance boards. You'll have the added complexity of having to counterbalance the board as pull up against you. This is the bes
t way to fully engage your shoulders, spine, hips, pelvis all the way down to your ankles and feet, and let me tell you this is a ton of fun. (12:47) Upper Body Stability (A Must for All Atheltes) Being on a moving platform helps engage your abs, and with the Si Board, you can always keep challenging yourself to new heights. We're also working on joint position awareness and the ability to master your entire range of motion with strength and coordination as you complete these pushups, and this a
llows you to prepare for any angel change. Then try to take your movement, stabilize and hold for added stability at the end range motion. Want to get dynamic and explosive? You can try clap pushups on the board and prepare yourself as if you were diving forward onto the ground. As you make contact with the board, your shoulders and spine have to stabilize to prevent injury. To prepare for falling backwards, we're gonna use this dip motion and engage all of the posts to your muscles. You can alw
ays advance your exercises by moving the board, or adding a resistance band to the rail. (13:59) Swinging Sports (Bats, Sticks, and Racquets) The 5" ball is perfect for opening up your rotation on both sides and training ambidextrously. The fast ball reaction allows to quickly react, power through and develop your reflexes. If you add agility moves with your ball tosses you'll increase your focus. Add the step and throw to increase your momentum and then add the back pedal for agility. Approach
with power as you would on the field or the court and remember to work both sides equally. Try these kneeling chops to add complex movement and hand eye coordination. When you're using the power rope ball from left and right, you're really fully engaging your posts and your muscles, and this can help counterbalance tight, overactive to your muscles that we see in swinging sports. When you move into a diagonal pattern, you'll feel extra hip englut extension. Powerful swings comes from a great, ba
sic support from your engluts and your hips, but we also must remember to counterbalance the ends to your side by doing back work. (15:17) Know Your Opponent (Prepare for Contact) When you're playing a sport and an opponent is trying to knock you off balance, it's really important to be able to stay your ground. Simulating these moves on a balance board makes it easy at game time. You'll learn how to completely control your body and resist off commination from your opponent. Learning how to bala
nce and counter balance forces is important in keeping postural stability and staying upright on your feet. To further intensify any shoulder control, try these moves in a push up position. You'll find your true coordination and strength between your shoulders, hips, spine, and legs. It's important to know how to react to the unknown and resist your force from any direction and this really helps with injury prevention and being able to compete all the way till the end of the game with strength a
nd indurance. (16:20) Getting Started (Incorporate a Si Board) Always step on the low side touching the ground, keep your feet wide and over the bolt holes. Beginners should always be spotted and have a stable object to hold onto. First, you're going to start by moving the board left and right and see how much range in motion you have before the ball hits the rail. Then move the board forward and backward, and this is actually the most difficult motion to get used to. Then you're going to twist
the board forward and backward, and finally in circles clockwise and counterclockwise. For beginners, sometimes they have a hard time separating their upper body from their lower body, and I'll put my foot on the board and guide it in the direction it needs to go. When you're ready stay centered and gently let go of the table. React to the subtle board movements and try to maintain your balance. It's all about gentle weight shifts and it make take several small sessions to get used to the board
motions. (17:23) Board Sport Athletes (Rotational Power) We're going to use one half ball to create a wobble board. Rotate the board in quarter and half turns and work forward and backwards to increase the resistance, attach the bands around a stable table leg, and let me tell you, this is a ton of fun, but it really fires up your core. Make sure the table is stable and attach the rest of the band to the board. You can move the board backwards or forwards against the resistance and in this move
I'm contacting the board with the ground. A second option is to move the half ball to the back foot and keep the board upright as you kick forward and that band springs you backwards. (18:15) Paddle and Motor Sports (Secure Grip Handling) Paddle and motor sports: when a secure grip handling is important for controlling tow ropes, handle bars, and anything else that's propelling you through the water worthy air. The power rope ball is a great tool for this because you have a swinging weight away
from your body, and if you have great grip strength, you'll be able to complete these exercises. Rotating the ball around your head forces your abs to counteract as you're doing the standing motion. For stand up paddle, try this figure eight movement and simulate paddling very strongly through the water. As you gain strength and confidence with this move, you can complete with one hand. Keep the ball away from your body and control the momentum. Stand with your back against the wall and alternat
e hands. This helps strengthen the posts to your side and find tunes your coordination when you're doing one handed moves. Split the rope in two and stimulate your sport if you had to keep your hands apart like being on motor cycle handle bars. You'll be able to strengthen each arm independently. This one handed back slamming motion further strengthens you if you need to pull the bars into your body. The ball rebound is so strong that it will pull you off your line and forward, so being able to
control the ball momentum and rebound is very important and great for postural control (19:50) Dynamic Warm-Up (Fun Movement Prep) Getting a dynamic warm-up with fun movement prep will prepare you for a great training session. It's important to move your body in flexion, extension, side bending, and rotation. This repetitive jumping move with our high rebound ball is great for overhead athletes who need to warm up the anterior structures and shoulder stability to simulate going up for a rebound
or blocking against opponents. You can also get shoulder stability with side bending movements. Throwers, spikers, and one armed athletes can further their warm up using our 5" ball. Pivots and turns are perfect for agility sports like basketball and soccer. Using our 5" ball, pitchers and swimmers can get shoulder rotation; include upper body coordination with common lower body movements. Take any traditional warm up exercise and add our balls for extra upper body strength. With our unique high
rebound, you can properly prepare for overhead movements, and you can lightly swing our rope ball around to coordinate the hips and rotational moves. (21:10) Surf Sports (Ultimate Dry land Training) Training for surf sports on a Si Board is the ultimate in dry land training. Our surf original board has a directional ride, has a stable tail and its nose will easily turn. Riding on an 8 ½" ball enables you to care a really big turn, and with our board grip, you can safely and comfortably ride bar
efoot. Our Si Board closely mimics your sport board movement. Get down deep, grab the board, and let your legs burn. Imagine perfecting your pop ups so that you can catch every wave at every time. Continuous reps on a Si Board makes it easy. Fine tune your body placement for long boarding and learn how to control your ankles and feet, and Si Boards unique advantage using a half ball gives you free rotation, and it's important to develop both sides equally. With different combinations of both bal
ls and half balls, you'll be able to progress from simple, to complex, and you can train full body coordination and simulate your sport movements. You can easily practice longboard footwork as you walk from end to end, or get into this unique stand up paddle stance. Dry land training on a Si Board will transform your serve session in real time (22:35) Combat Sports (Compete to the End) With combat sports, every second counts, and we want you to compete to the end. You can effectively train lower
body awareness, and in complex moves you multitask as if you were in the ring. Confidently maintain your balance as you step forward and throw your punch. To maintain balance as if you were stepping backwards or avoiding getting hit, move the half ball to the back of the board, steady yourself, and let your body weight shift backwards. For added postural ability and core control, add resistance bands to the board and let those shoulders burn. Being able to react to contact will help keep yourse
lf steady in the ring and maintain your balance. In these moves, you want to keep your upper body stable as your lower body fine tunes the balance. You'll learn how to contract your entire body for spinal stability and stand upright in the ring. (23:40) Double Trouble (Full Body Power) The 5" ball is great for tight spaces where you can ensure you won't hit the side of your leg while you're doing overhead movements. This big clapper move makes you coordinate your chest opener and closer. For an
overhead athlete, this serves perfect for simulating a spiking motion. This side overhead swing ensures power through your entire shoulder range motion. This back throw engages your abdomens more when you have to stay upright. This last move is a total triceps burner . (24:24) Ultimate Fitness Board (Ultimate Personal Trainer) The ultimate fitness board is designed to make you the ultimate personal trainer. It's easy to carry with our integrated handle. When you're on the go, it's perfect for wo
rking with clients. This board does not feature a random rail and it uses half balls and bands. The large board size is great for functional movements, wide stances, and more daily living activities. You can challenge any standard exercise that are also the basis for great movement, and this is important for common everyday movements where we really require spinal control, balance, and stability. Adding a few moments of the balance training everyday helps us age with strength and stability. Bein
g able to simulate daily living activities such as picking up a laundry basket or stacking something on a shelf helps with fall prevention and back injury prevention. The ultimate fitness board is a great tool for full body training, wide stances, and simulating daily living activities. Your clients and yourself will have a great time (25:42) Rehab After Brain Injury (Balance is Effected) Balance training after brain injury is especially important. This is my Uncle Dave, who had a bad bicycling
accident, was in a comma, and now has dramatic brain injury. Common everyday movements that we may take for granite are especially difficult for those who have had a brain injury. Balance training is important after a comma, concussion, and mild dramatic brain injury. It will help rebuild function and confidence. (26:15) Explosive Starts (Make an Impact) Training for explosive starts, when you need to make an impact, use our heavy ball for a downward punching motion. Alternate your arms and open
up your chest for strength control. Use this jackhammer move, when you're pressing off the start line. Use this move when you need to pull someone into the tackling position. Push through your entire range of motion. The fast rebound of our balls allows you to quickly react. Developing strength on both is important for keeping your body balanced. Add agility to your moves to further make things more sports specific. Explosively move from the ready position to having your arms and your shoulders
out and in front of you for blocking. And for swinging sports, this roundhouse powerful move is perfect for developing your swinging beat and strength. You can simulate hitting the puck or the ball with power, and if you wanted to add agility just add a swing to the ball. This upper cut move is great for any softball training or forward punching. (27:28) ACL Injury Prevention (A Must for All Athletes) With the preference of ACL injuries, prevention training is a must. One thing we must hit is h
amstring stability and hamstring strength. You can do a two foot bridge, a bridge with a hamstring curl, and a single leg bridge on a Si Board. While you're on the board and ball system, this intensifies the hamstring recruitment and really helps you activate properly. Learning how to activate the posture chain will help when you're in your real time sports specific movements. I've uses a Si Board to help athletes prepare for surgery and rehab post-surgical repair. This helps athletes relearn ho
w to activate the muscles, especially when they've been attribute after surgery, and using a Si Board for rehab helps accelerate their progression. (28: 26) Abdominal Control (Get On the Ball) To get great abdominal control, you need to get on the ball, and this weight baring position on your hands and shoulders, you'll get 360 degrees of motion and pelvic control. You'll increase abdominal abdimation by being on a moving surface, and it's important to go in complexion extension, side bending, a
nd rotational moves. To maintain a position hold, throw our balls against the wall, and that powerful rebound makes holding your position tough. The 6 ½" ball and the 5" ball is great for complex movements. To increase your abdominal control, use our power rope ball and swing it around your body. (29:17) It's Time for Tricks! (You'll Never Be the Same) It's time for some fantastic tricks. You can do these on a two ball system with one ball or half balls. This is the hot foot, where we're going t
o hop up and rotate 180. The worm hole is where you set up all your Si Boards and jump from board to board. If you can land these tricks with confidence, imagine what you can do in the snow, and in the skate park. Mending your tricks on a Si Board will help transform your skill set. Our solid balls are the only ones that allow you to do this helicopter move. Last but not least, Ryan's famous Pop Shuv It. (30:01) Conclusion Well, we've come to the end of our journey and I'd like to thank you for
hanging out for the last thirty minutes. We hope you enjoyed your introduction to our balance training systems, our unbreakable medicine balls, and our highly responsive powerful rope balls. My colleges and I are excited to share our experiences, coming from a perspective that focuses on training, injury prevention, injury insalivation, and how to get the most out of your athletes and your training. We're always available to answer any questions or concerns that you have. Give us a call today or
send us an email. You can find us at and at, our informational blog. We invite you to jump into the next generation and take your training to the next level. Thanks for hanging out!



What amazing products you have! The video is really informative and nicely done! Surfer from Portugal here! :)


It's unfortunate how buried these videos seem to be. I was very excited about the Indo-board when I first came across it on YouTube, and it's great, but this seems way better. It took a while to get here though. If I had the money, I would probably buy a commando board with several balls. I'll likely be a customer at some point in the future :).