
WIfe was cheating with AP, I went scorched earth on her. Dumped her and ruined AP

Welcome to another gripping episode of Lost Love Chronicles! In today's video, in this compelling and deeply personal video, you'll hear the heart-wrenching yet inspiring story of a man who discovered his wife's infidelity and the subsequent divorce that turned his life upside down. He shares the emotional rollercoaster of betrayal, anger, and ultimately, his journey towards healing and building a new life. Join us as we explore the painful discovery, the legal process that followed, and how he eventually found love and happiness once more. This video is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a reminder that it's possible to find love and joy again after experiencing heartbreak. If you've ever gone through a difficult breakup or divorce, or if you're seeking inspiration on how to move forward in the face of adversity, this story will touch your heart and remind you that there's light at the end of even the darkest tunnels. Don't miss this powerful tale of healing, self-discovery, and the pursuit of a brighter future. #cheatingrevenge #cheatingwife #cheatingstories #nuclearrevenge #revengestories #cheatingwife #camping #caspersight #cheaterscaughtfullepisodes #cheatingspouse #cheatingwifestories #diannebuswell #lifestoriescheating #livetv #revengecheating #tevenge #wifeinfidelity #cheating #cheatinginarelationship #betterbachelor #cheatingstory #findyouralpha #katiekookaburra #lovecheating #lovevictor #revolvingtime #lostlovechronicles #cheaters #cheaters2023 #cheatingconfessions #cheatinginrelationships #divorcestory #divorcestorytime #freya'sluckyarm #husbandcaughtwifecheatingandaskfordivorce #redditcheatingstoriesupdates #wifecheated #wifecheating #wifecheatingstories #wife'saffair #lostlove #audiostory #southsaskfarmer #wifestory #audiostories #openmarriage #redemptionjourney #betrayalstory #subscribenow #australia #unitedkingdom #unitedstates #usa #canada #thailand #malaysia #indonesia #india #redditstories #redditcheatingstoriesupdates #reddit #nuclearrevenge #rslash #redemptionjourney #rspace #lifestory #lifestories #pattsun #revolvingtime #whatastory #familytales #familyconflict #marriagecounseling #marriage #marriedlife #maritalissues #marriagebreakdown #marriageadvice #signsofcheating #europe #finland #denmark #cheatingreddit #redditstories #redditstory #wifecheated #oldmarriage #newlife #affairpartner #ap #cheatinghusband #wreckedmarriage #divorce #podcast #podcasts #breakups #story #revenge

Lost Love Chronicles

4 months ago

hello and welcome to Lost Love Chronicles in today's story we have the husband who finds his wife cheating on him and goes nuclear on her I'm a 28-year-old man and my wife Kathy is 26 she works as a school teacher we were best friends and seemed to complement each other in so many ways we practically grew up together dating during our last two years of high school and all the way through college physically we were each others first in so many ways we attended the same University pursuing differe
nt fields of study and married 2 years after graduation we settled in a major city near our hometown to be close to our families I had a well-paying job as an engineer with great benefits and she loved her job as a teacher at a prestigious private school together we made good money which allowed us to spend a lot of time together we traveled dined out frequently and every night felt like a date night even when we were with friends it was always the two of us together we were so incredibly happy
that you could have put our goofy love grins in picture frames life had always been great or so I thought we considered having action in bed less than four times a week a dry spell we had an amazing life or so I believed we were planning to start a family soon and this Revelation has completely blindsided me I cannot stop crying as I had always dreamed of becoming a father and now that seems like an Impossible Dream on Easter morning at the break of dawn my wife and I were supposed to help hide
Easter eggs at our church for the children we hurriedly got dressed and drove to the church together we were a bit groggy as we had obvious eggs for the little ones and more secretive eggs for the older kids later in the day my wife took many pictures on her phone capturing moments with both of us and various members of the congregation afterward we all gathered for coffee and donuts chatting with others before heading back home I had driven to the church but on the way back I convinced my wife
to drive us home she mentioned she was going to take a nap for a few hours when we got back once at home I wanted to check out some college basketball games especially the championship game the next night because my father was a bayor graduate my wife had her iPad with her which I often used like it was my own neither of us expected anything unusual to happen I'm not very techsavvy so I still don't fully understand what occurred while reading an article on the iPad an icon appeared in the lower
right corner indicating something about photos suddenly a series of pictures started appearing one after the other I wasn't sure if my wife's phone was sinking with the iPad or if it was related to our Wi-Fi connection the pictures seemed to be the ones my wife had taken just minutes before outside the church so I continued reading then a few pictures flashed by that appeared to contain nudity which was completely out of character for my wife I tried tapping on the pictures to go back and invest
igate further but it seemed as if the photos weren't stored on the iPad itself as each one was shown for just a split second as I opened the photo file on the iPad I couldn't find anything remotely pornographic stored on the device this discovery confused me as I vividly remembered seeing those images flash by my wife went into the kitchen to grab a water bottle as she headed back to bed watching her walk up the stairs I felt a strange unease a suspicion I had never experienced in our long histo
ry together in an attempt to quell my growing anxiety I searched every file I could find on the iPad hoping to locate what I had seen however it soon became apparent that I needed to check my wife's phone to ease my mind upstairs I found her peacefully sleeping in our bed I carefully took her phone off the charger and brought it into our bathroom throughout our relationship we had never imposed an open or closed phone policy we freely used each other's devices with nothing to hide but now discov
ering that her passcode had been changed my heart sank I made several attempts to unlock her phone trying different combinations but there was no doubt that the passcode had indeed been changed tears welled up in my eyes as I realized that my wife might be keeping something from me it was a clear sign that there was something unknown to me something I truly needed to understand returning to the bedroom I discreetly placed her phone back on the charger part of me wanted to believe that I was just
overreacting that I had mistaken something innocent for something more risque and I imagined us laughing about my initial Mis interpretation but the changed passcode confirmed that there was more to this situation than I had initially thought I tried to act as normally as possible knowing that my wife knew me better than anyone and could easily sense my anxiety late that afternoon while my wife was in the kitchen I heard her phone's text alert I discreetly moved around the corner just in time t
o witness her entering a brand new passcode confirming that I wasn't losing my mind entirely that night after my wife had gone to bed I found myself unable to shake the unsettling feeling I had I quietly took her phone into the bathroom entered the new passcode and opened her photos file to my surprise I couldn't find anything close to a photo containing nudity even the photos she had taken at the church that morning were devoid of anything inappropriate just as I was about to close the app I de
cided to check for deleted photos to my shock I discovered two pictures of my wife one partially Ned and one entirely along with a naked shot of some guy other than me I I quickly sent all three images to my own phone and then deleted that text as well as the photos with my heart pounding and my head spinning I placed my wife's phone back in its holder I then went to the downstairs restroom to make less noise and vomited as if I had been hit with an epic illness I had never seen either of these
pictures of my wife before and it was entirely out of character for her moreover I had never desired it I always believed our intimacy was a private matter and I already knew how beautiful she was naked it felt like those photos could come back to haunt us one day my wife and I were so closely connected that we had never felt the need to share our intimacy with the world or at least that's what I thought I didn't recognize the guy in the picture and I felt a surge of anger not knowing who he was
or whether my wife had any connection with him after the gut-wrenching experience of vomiting I lay on the floor and cried like a little child it was the the hardest I had ever cried in my life and I just knew something was wrong I could feel it deep in my gut I got a few hours of sleep next to my wife before I had to get up for work every project I was working on got put on hold as I delved into researching how to recover text messages from a phone given that the phone plan was in my name thro
ugh my employer I had the ability to access every message and picture sent via text in short I uncovered a trail of runchy messages explicit selfies and even pictures and videos of them together I could say I went and vomited again but it was just dry heaving as I had emptied my stomach earlier at 2: a.m. I walked down to my car and cried so hard that I thought my eyes might bleed I couldn't fathom that this nightmare was my reality instantly everything with my wife my best friend was over and a
ll my dreams had shattered I Unleashed Primal scream of Rage I was thankful she wasn't there to witness my breakdown I didn't know what I was capable of and I didn't want her to see me in that state I couldn't think about what to do where to go or who to call I was just in shock and the person I would have turned to at a time like that was the very person who had destroyed me eventually I stopped crying and sat there in a complete days unsure of what to do but certain that I didn't want to do an
ything the unproductive morning had turned into an unproductive day and I was left grappling with the overwhelming reality of my shattered life after leaving work I couldn't even bear to look at my wife let alone go to her school to confront her I drove around for hours swinging between tears and rage the evidence I had uncovered was overwhelming and undeniable and I was left grappling with the devastating reality of my shattered marriage at some point I thought about sending an email to both he
r and our families sharing all the information I had discovered and then driving my car off a ravine I genuinely didn't want to continue living and I certainly didn't want to face the prospect of a confrontation to end our marriage once and for all normally my wife would get home a few hours before I did so I parked down the street from her school wanting to see where she would go after work based on what I had found I suspected she might head to her Lover's house for a quick rendevu however she
surprised me by going straight home seemingly unaware that I was following her for most of the way I had printed out pages and pages of texts and pictures at work to confront her with the evidence I expected a confrontation in which she would deny everything until I presented the proof leading to heated arguments but I didn't want that I didn't want to lay eyes on her again speak to her or be in her presence ever again those explicit pictures I had found had extinguished every ounce of love I h
ad for her in an instant in the span of a single day I had gone from loving her more than I ever thought possible to hating her with every fiber of my being the Betrayal was mindboggling to me I believed we were done the moment she cheated I was just the last to realize it my mind was scattered and I was overwhelmed all I wanted to do was go into the house pack a bag and leave without ever seeing her or saying a word if possible however when I walked through the front door she was sitting on the
couch texting I had no doubt that she wasn't texting me that day I had learned that the odds were high that she was engaged in activities that would only cause me more pain she greeted me with a smile noting that I was home from work early I didn't utter a single word to her I walked down the hall into our bedroom pulled a suitcase out of the closet and began packing clothes for the work week getting ready for my stay in a hotel room she came into the bedroom saw me packing and asked if I had t
o go on a sudden business trip I halted what I was doing looked directly at her with an intense stare of absolute loathing and then continued packing she approached me inquired about what was wrong and placed her hand on my back her touch felt repulsive to me like it had the touch of something as unpleasant as a dead animal carcass filled with maggots I turned and yelled at her loudly commanding her never to touch me again before pushing her away when she tried to ask what was wrong I Unleashed
a torrent of hurtful words calling her names and making crude remarks she had the audacity to look shocked and hurt that's when I pulled out the stack of papers I had copied threw them onto the bed closed my suitcase and started to leave she sat down to examine the papers and before I could get too far down the hall I heard her scream note before breaking down in tears and running to catch me I made it out the door to my car threw my suitcase in the back and drove away as I left I extended my mi
ddle finger in her Direction my phone started going off like a casino slot machine so I just turned it off my plan was to completely ghost her and let my lawyer handle whatever steps were necessary for the divorce I had no desire to know how they had met why it happened or what had exactly occurred between them she knew very well that in Fidelity was a deal breaker I got a motel room about a mile from my workplace and checked in I walked to a nearby restaurant and ate some food though I didn't h
ave much of an appetite back in the room I used the motel phone to call my mom and let her know where I was she had been worried as my wife had been one of the first people I had called after I left I asked my mom if she had been told why I left and she admitted she hadn't I explained what I had found and and told her that we would be divorcing I mentioned that I'd be looking for a job in another state to avoid running into my soon to be ex-wife or her family I asked my mom to keep this informat
ion between her my dad and my siblings her reaction was one of tears and disbelief and the realization that my wife and her family were no longer a part of our Lives was a painful one to Bear the dear listener if you have reached this far please click on the Subscribe button it will be a great help



Oh I thought it was just my device...


Hey video is incomplete.


Incomplete cuts out


What happened its incomplete