
Puppy Tries To Steal Food From A Picnic | Wonderful World of Puppies | BBC Earth

Between 5 and 12 months is the age that puppies become teenagers. With this change brings bursts of energy, an interest in the opposite sex, and some naughty behaviour! Subscribe: #Dalmatian #CuteAnimals #BabyAnimals Watch more: Best of BBC Earth 🌍 Best Animal Fights 🥊 Videos over 10 minutes ⏰ Planet Earth III 🌍 Frozen Planet II ❄️ https:/ Blue Planet II in 4k 🌊 Taken from The Wonderful World of Puppies. Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you'll find 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn't get more exciting than this. This is a commercial page from BBC Studios. Service information and feedback:

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1 day ago

between about 5 and 12 months all puppies go through their version of the teenage experience they are close to adulthood but still have a lot of growing to do both physically and emotionally they are exploding with energy and starting to get interested in the opposite sex it can be a nightmare especially when we let them off the leash in an apartment in London Suki a 5-month-old Dalmatian Labrador cross is brimming with anticipation it's time for the highlight of her day Suki her morning trip to
the park since birth Suki was always a quiet little pop but as she's hit her teenss she's discovered a new confidence for the last month her owner has been taking her to the park regularly and this increased exposure to the outside world has given her an urge for Independence she's no longer happy just to follow at heel she's Keen to take life head [Music] on today the par is full of enticing [Music] orders her owner can't smell them but Suki can her nose is packed with special sensory cells th
at can detect the faintest of scents called olfactory receptors dogs have up to 50 times more of them than [Music] humans it's like being able to see with your nose and Suki's nose has smelled a picnic someone else's picnic inquisitive Suki goes on the hunt it's not Suki's fault that she sees food on the floor as fair game dogs don't know right from wrong until she's been taught to come back when cold it's back on the lead for this adventurous pop but her teen nose is twitching again making Suki
even more frisky than [Music] usual her nostrils have become sensitive to the secret scent of male [Music] ferons and she can't get enough of them Suki is becoming quite the flirt maybe she can win the eye of the local lario if she tries hard enough at the moment this is only fun play but at 5 months girl pops can go into heat for the first time which means they could become pregnant her owner better be careful and keep her away from Amorous males if this pup is not to end up with puppies of he
r own for



You can tell that she really likes him...Splendid...


Not even mad that someone at BBC straight up filmed their dog walking to the park and made it this wonderful LOL


What a beautiful dog


Even where I come from, food on the ground is fair game.


Adorable cutie ❤❤


Cute🥰🥰 🐕🐕dog


Very nice dog❤❤❤


Nos meilleurs amis, les toutous tous fous 🥰


Que amores! ♥️\(ツ)/♥️




OK, I admit my eyesight is waning, but the still picture on the title page looks like a giant dog with a human riding his neck.




0:27- If I let my chihuahuas off thier leashes there's gonna be a police chase down 450 blvd with me in the back of a cop car....🤔NAAAH id think so mate


Thank you sooooo much for not calling the lady the dog's mum! Oh. I'm so fed up of hearing that it's not even funny anymore 😅😅




Gruß Jürgen 🤠


Give him some of your pic nik, don't be a stick..


Dog don't know what is wrong intel trained.


No, they're not called ollefactory receptors.