
Car Fails Compilation | Best Of Moments Car Crashes On Dash Cam All Of The Time | Car Fails

Car Fails Compilation | Best Of Moments Car Crashes On Dash Cam All Of The Time | Car Fails This meticulously compiled footage is an authoritative educational guide to prevent future incidents. The video's primary objective is to raise awareness and learn from others' driving mistakes. Rest assured that the lessons provided will serve as a beacon of knowledge, guiding our audience to make prudent decisions while driving. Insane cars fails and idiot drivers, idiots in cars & car crash compilation. We are always impressed with the incredible moments when idiots in cars and breaks down. What are you waiting for from idiots in cars compilation? Guess what surprises we'll have caught in the dashcam idiots in cars? Let's get started with idiots in cars! → You can order modern dash cams here: → Car Fire Extinguisher: Please subscribe to the channel to watch the latest videos here: Watch more idiots in cars videos here: Idiots In Cars 2023: INSTANT KARMA: TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK 2023: Supercar Fails: This video is researched by Rosetta B. Doyle Geo coordinates 35.404159, -119.452888 Mother's maiden name Cary Birthday: 1968-11-12 Age 54 years old Copyright Disclaimer We does not own the rights to these video clips. They have, in accordance with fair use, been repurposed with the intent of educating and inspiring others. However, if any content owners would like their images removed. Please contact me: Contact: - Facebook: - Website: - Email: #carfails #idiotsincars #carcrashes #dashcam #swagfails

SWAG Fails

2 days ago

[Music] welcome to swack fails in this video we  will look at some Instant Karma videos road rage in the US bad drivers all of these thring moments  will be eagerly waiting for us in today's video so sit back relax and let's learn how to become  a wiser and a safer driver start the journey now that's a risky move by the Honda Fit let's all remember to be patient using signals  and waiting for a safe gap before making Maneuvers it wasn't near a Miss just because of that guy  illegal U-turn luckil
y there is no vehicle behind you well it is a good thing he didn't hit them you know that guy wouldn't have stopped even  if he saw what happened in his rare view mirror the mitubishi E alypse does not  want to let the right lane cutter in front of him so the Nissan decided to use the  sidewalk and someone lit him back into [Music] trap it was on Interstate 50 Northbound  through the Salt Lake City Utah area the poor lady on the right was hit by a  thoughtless driver but was going too fast and f
ollowing too close and the snow  I was watching a sedan hydrop plane on the way back home from buying sheep please stay  away from puddles when driving on the road drivers it is bad when someone changes Lanes  four times in a row that paying attention to the traffic behind him but he should have slowed  down and been alert as soon as he turned on to turn signal it seemed like the driver had fallen  asleep there were no turn signals and the brake lights weren't even turned on I believe that  sta
was enough to wake them up but the cost of repairing the car and repairing the fence  seems expensive it happened in downtown Austin Texas I filed the claim immediately with their  insurance and the dash cam helped me prove he was at fault it happened in Cypress  Texas someone almost missed the exit and regly turned back on the road forgetting  to pay attention to the traffic in the nick lay driving too fast for the conditions suddenly accelerating tires ball that's why he  was helpless with his
steering [Music] wheel recorded in kamazu Michigan the car  turns the wrong way into uncoming traffic without realizing it is a oneway street he  did continue in the wrong way briefly this happened in North Dallas Texas on southbound  Pon R approaching press the bad driver cut me off thankfully I had my left foot poised  by the break because I just didn't trust the way he was acting almost immediately they  proceed to Blink and Lane change right into my lane almost gliding with my front passeng
er  fender luckily my car's brakes work [Music] well definitely insurance fraud this is  also the number one reason you need a dash cam without you could be accused of  being stabbed from behind happens in San Antonio Texas 410 to 281 interchange North the  impatient driver decides to change lanes at the last moment without checking if it is clear  some bad driver felt like tting my Wellwood 16 rors and six piston calibers you should feel  lucky that I stopped in time before rare ending him the
white van enters the intersection too  fast and ends up in the ditch it seems like he tried to fix it at the last moment just as he  left the phone screen but it was too [Music] late he stopped at the stop sign  but forgot to look right before going or thought it was a four-way  stop and it was his turn [Music] someone just ran a step sign and wasn't  paying attention to oncoming traffic I should also slow down on approaching any  intersection especially when there are no traffic signals and obv
iously she didn't see  you it was too hard from that position she tried to go from the third lane right into  the gas station in seconds and you surely were in the right key anyways she admited  her fault and the insurance paid for the car it happened while I was on my way  home from work in San Antonio Texas on Grom Road the time I stopped wasn't  too short maybe the guy behind me wasn't paying attention or was driving too fast  and too close so he didn't have time to stop the water drainage de
sign here makes this  road have bumps he shouldn't have gone at that speed when passing through this road there  was even an intersection luckily he didn't hit anyone else that white car is at fault right  first they failed to yield and cause someone to drive off the road then they Park themselves  sideways so no one can drive past them while they chicken their victims someone tried passing  me on a 40 mph Zone during a freezing rainstorm receiveing memorable [Music] drift it occurs  in Palisade
s New York USA road rage ends in a crash he is the cause the beginning and the end of  the Wrath I hope you learned a memorable [Music] [Music] lesson it happened in New Albany Indiana maybe they were both so busy with their phones  that he forgot to drive and didn't see each other that head was enough to wake him  up from his sleep luckily that tractor was moving slowly and almost  stopped only the repair cost is expensive incident at Reinhard and H  Thomas Jr you have the green AR and he has t
he Redlight so he is the one in the  wrong happened in Arizona USA a definitely looks to me like a criminal on the rod  driving the wrong way this Trooper is a hero that's why they force operators  to be [Music] bonded it seems he couldn't turn the wheel in time it's a [Music] Pity why the log so damn  long it's like like half a flat bed [Music] [Applause] longer  what the hell is this guy doing I don't trust anyone  driving on a space saver spare better that is slid down on his own  windshield
doing a stop rather than flying off into traffic too many snow covered  idiots an extra few minutes is all it [Music] takes who looks where  they're going through an intersection [Music] anyway my to be oh [Applause] [Music] o I think a lot about what that person  just waiting on the corner to cross just went through oh my gosh maybe this  driver overcame difficulties in a very cbers some [Music] way just regular bad  driving at night Defensive Driving saves lives lot on the line a lot of things
to be nervous  about we'll see how it plays out coming up in just a moment from Dave rothberg to make his  team's pick Kaya Rosenberg and you on yes 870n I feel like doing what  this Maniac did is a surfire way to get the entire apartment block to fight [Music] you okay we're finally in the  water now how do we start this team home's a lot of bro this guy's just going to drive off holy what is this what I'm guessing he ran over  the Rock and got this stuck he had to get it lifted oops hey that'
s that's not supposed  I know what's wrong with it ain't got no gas in it too hot for the creative  driver to install more air conditioning battery acid all up in the water this has just  been absolutely full marks for sticking the [Music] landing yeah you're right mate Matt what's your name just doing a little Highway drifting  kicking the boots around and M capras doing vule and you close it behind you and when you look up you see Carrie and she's  wearing this um silver dress with an [Music]
ornately how do you expect them to get where  they want to go when you're in their [Music] way rude but at least it used the crosswalk when it went [Music] back most  people assume yellow means go faster earlier while dis world started  Halloween parties August 12th I'm okay with that August 12th okay with that I'm a hallowe [Applause] [Music] family dude  totals his car to dance the SUV just keeps getting better and better why is everyone going the  wrong way what the what are you doing [Music]
row testosterone oh no maybe she got lost on the road  [Music] right especially not in two cars behind him check on the left a lot more  than they're right do adults need to take driver's exam at least once a year okay how are we going to treat these various things so you're worried about  a and you're going to do the [Music] high oh does this red light pass seem to have a [Music] purpose my rear tires are due to be changed  but they're far from racing [Music] slicks [Music] hope you don't get
into trouble lol  story block audio I try to treat dual turn Lanes like a zipper merch I just expect them  to move into my lane Jesus Christ dude what doing see if we gotten any other invitations  nobody is cool I went to that party I went to theigh very sweet did you  get ripped no did anybody get baited I mean he's an idiot but why are  you out there if you're not overtaking oops I've never seen this case fortunately the driver  himself was able to change lanes quickly across the Galaxy had be
en torn apart like hers Sons daughters so  many consumed by War so many Mia the second floor I got to walk  down a set of stairs or get on an elevator he's in Subway sandwich  L World title as he does have abs you can clearly hear the intermittent  breaking before he loses [Applause] grip Jesus you can see he breaks and ends in the  middle of the road when he presumably hears the honk lights green send it story block [Music] audio oh my gosh imagine being the one in the white car  I bet their he
art is still racing oh you got destroyed I lost like a thousand to the added  slow motion really lets you enjoy every bit of the stupidity he thought he was good to go  because that one idiot stopped completely there's something ho col I don't know who they are I think it's a company  called theode in Iceland okay and they oh the camera turns wait a minute something tells me that he has  done that a time or [Music] two yo that dude just freaked out oh repair and Resto Dam's tissue  in your joint
s with a long fting results biologic solutions  that help your body find out [Applause] more he's taking the exit [Music] bro oh God in what world do people think  these kind of Maneuvers are [Music] safe smash the gas or the brakes but  don't just sit there hovering in the corner but if they got over before the exit they might have to slow down a little bit  three and they can't be having [Music] that just got hit I just got hit okay see you all some people cannot comprehend the  concept of mul
tiple turn Lanes so they think once they turn they own all the [Music] lanes why did the uncoming car driver go Offroad  to avoid this idiot instead of forcing him to reverse it's really dangerous oh my God oh my God where driving safely is made  up and the traffic rules don't [Music] matter you have no way of knowing  whether that car is maintained or not when I screwed around with the  pillars of divinity I knew that if I overreach the limits of the rules that  amaranth ran on I would be spank
ed for it why George how much you pay for the for the new guy 20 bucks no too much money  all he got to do is keep [Music] going oh [Music] wow why why why couldn't you just why couldn't you  just put why why would you why why is it up there [ __ ] oh my gosh all of my  [Music] items are you okay [Music] bro it's because of the [Music] shoes oh there you go [Music] hope that guy got Code  Brown for not looking before [Music] 0:28:28.120,1193:02:47.295 [Applause] Crossing I literally do absolutel
y  everything I can do to avoid being the first car in front of a semi who  knows if they can even see [Music] me another douche who neither knows nor  cares how to drive their upskill SUV in [Applause] traffic damn guess he found the off [Music] switch I can't stop laughing is that a new GTA mission [Music] let's go oh maybe he W dare to do that again truck and Fork Clift driver both idiots there little nearby oh white Ro God oh my oh my [Music] God don't [Music] that this one way to remove cat
alytic converter he escaped that it is not a heavy [Music] package unless he was  planning on parking [Music] there and the commander chief do she he let go just in time what are you doing bro I am surprised it lasted as long  as it [Music] did you then you so take you for a rip oh he off you  can take you for a rip your braet been [Applause] [Music] underinsured slipping sucks does that mean you  will have to pay your dedi help you and that passengers are [Music] okay that's an old  spot for a
speed limit sign never seen one right on the corner [Music] before fck Jesus  Christ well that's why they have tusks yeah it [Music] maybe it's [Music] overtime I think the forklift operator  was trying to take out the guy up [Music] top wow not the brightest blue in the light picture pilot should have made a goal  round after he got past half the runway see got to stop what a terrifying place to be a pedestrian  would love to see a mark Crossing at the very oh n of them the day enter by mistake
and try to make a  U-turn or pick a wrong card for an insurance scam [Music] damn it's really really  dangerous when the driver was changing [Music] Lane oops it's so [Music] dangerous [Music] [Music] what is that if I was the eater the  D driver coming from the opposite direction or op that will be too near for my liking  unless everything goes perfectly that's a tragedy this is what is known as driving too  fast for the road [Music] conditions that's why you should not just rely on your mirro
rs before  changing lines but look over your shoulder as well you know more burdens on small businesses  many of whom are still finding their feet after the pandemic and I really think this  bill gets gets the balance right given now these laws have passed a just take the exit  and find a safe way to get back on your route no I've seen idiots reversed  because they've missed their exit on a [Music] roundabout what  is wrong with that guy clearly he or she was weaving all all over the  place befo
re you got [Music] there [Applause] [Music] really also looks incorrectly loaded too  much weight Behind trailer wheels picks up on the hitch I thought I honked when they were  already pulled out directly in front of me but it looks like my idiot sense let me honk [Music] earlier [Music] [Music] that car has the perception capabilities of a rock what a field drift for this [Music] driver wa wait [Music] [Music] Jude needs a new video card  to play GTA properly as nuted way too jumpy look at did
they back  into your car after clearly [Music] minutes we I'm okay I thought he was just getting  off the bike for safety but [Music] nope this you was driver here I do  this it seems like a good use of Hazards dude driving looks like he wanted  to do the same damn thing don't lie to a child those words had  been utterly confounding how many millions of families across the  Galaxy had been torn apart like hers fathers mothers sons daughters  so many consumed by War so many Mia wow oh my over oop
s the gry SUV was in a  lane the whole time just blocked from view by the red SUV truck  wasn't paying attention [Music] God [Music] thanks for watching the video If you  like this video please subscribe to the channel for new videos every day comment below and let us  know your thoughts see you again hello welcome to swag fails Supercar fails Channel swag fail  Supercar fails is a channel that brings you traffic failure situations on the road Racetrack  and anywhere if you're fan of Supercar fa
ils crash car compilation and incredible traffic situation  caught on dash cam don't hesitate to subscribe to the channel wish you have relaxing moments on the  channel swag fails superar fails goodbye and see you in our latest video I can near the demons  call when they do what they do and now I feel like taking off find a place with the view the  B is never going to stop if it's controlling you I know that time can KN it all I just got to get  through I just got to get get through I just got t
o get through cuz I feel they taking off find  a place with the few the pain is never going to stop if it's controlling you I know the time can  KN it all I just got to get through sometimes I feel like All Is Lost but I know it's not  true I want to put up on my walls cuz I'm not in the mood but then I cut myself off from  the rest of the room I know the time can kneel it all if you're patient and soon it can all  be worth it all the searching pain is never really permanent but damn it hurts ma
n I could  feel all of the turbulence and it's concerning



Car Fails Compilation | Best Of Moments Car Crashes On Dash Cam All Of The Time | Car Fails


thanks always putting these videos together for us! car fails


First one is from finland and demonstrates the insane traction and stopping power of extreme nordic winter tires perfectly. Also good reflexes from the driver :) car fails


0:16 the funniest karma clip Ive ever seen. I laughed and replayed it so many times car fails


casually listening to the san andreas theme while riding with his kirby plush. what a G car fails


0:16 YES!!!! Best clip I’ve seen in a while - play stupid games win stupid prizes. Congrats on your trophy in the shape of a tele pole!!! car fails


Idiots in Cars Compilation should serve as a wake-up call for all reckless drivers.


4:35 I like how the music matched the moment. It picked up when the tension did. car fails


6:13 when youre a car but you identify as a penguin car fails


0:21 I liked the second clip with the driver laughing at the guy who hits a fire hydrant, looks like he was a little “wet behind the ears car fails


The fact the first clip is where my first accident was....go figure. SO many accidents at that intersection. car fails


0:30 most satisying clip ive seen in a while car fails


5:19 blue van talking on the phone! car fails


Thought 1:05 was about to be a rare double hit and run where both drivers run thinking theyre at fault car fails


1:46 The driver is close to fainting. Luckily he still had the thought to brake and managed it. This prevented further clashes. car fails


1:54 the cammer could have slowed down, guess he was too busy with his brights to notice car fails


🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁LION c LIKE No. 277


5:23 cammer is in the wrong here too, should have slowed down, theres no way the black suv could see him around that corner car fails


@ 8:05 BIG and WIDE open parking lot. Still manages to hit one of four cars in the parking lot. car fails


1:30 perfectly good passing lane over there. But nah, lets antagonize this guy and feel like the victim. car fails