
Chonda Pierce reveals she may be heading on her final comedy tour

Chonda Pierce reveals she may be heading on her final comedy tour. Read more: Subscribe here:

The Christian Post

9 months ago

am so glad to be joined by this amazing Powerhouse of a woman she's Platinum selling emmy-nominated comedian uh actress and she also she's known as the Queen of Clean um she is so funny so amazing Miss Shonda Pierce is in the house thank you thank you you know it's um when you read it off like that it looks like I never could focus on anything no you are just multifaceted and you're entertaining you just um the way you entertain I gotta say I'm so excited for the world to see the movie that's co
ming I love your shows and you have new show coming out so there's a lot on the horizon over 30 years in the industry of entertainment and here you still are I can't believe I haven't ruined my career so far that's the Big Miracle um I haven't been canceled yet but we still got time you know it's a matter of fact every now and then I pray that I will get canceled so I can stay home but I'm blessed that I have accumulated some sweet followers that just still like to hear what I had to say and tha
t is the blessing for sure um and that's only just the grace of God I've been so blessed with good health so that I can stay on the road like this it's not as great as it used to be because I'm old I'm showing my age more and more every time I climb the steps of that bus I'm like oh I can't believe it you know but it is but my most exciting thing about this movie coming out on May the 9th I think some people that don't know that I can do several of those things might be surprised you know I don'
t um I don't have hit songs on the radio you know once in a while they might hear us snip it and I'm more excited about the peers in the industry that will see it and go wow you know yeah I hope they do anyway they might not but one of my favorite parts of the movie is Michael W Smith who sings dresses like Billy Ray Cyrus and sings free bird that is my favorite part of the whole movie only because he says now I owe him because I'm brewing his career it is just so funny the whole ordeal was just
a labor of love it was a joy to do it was very hard to do but it was really really worth it and I am so excited it is finally you know this was recorded four years ago and it was supposed to be released just as the country shut down for covid and then it got passed around by different you know producers or people I think that owned the companies and stuff like that things that I don't understand I just keep calling my manager is this movie ever coming out and then he makes calls is this movie c
oming up and we finally got a date and I'm just so excited it's only in the theaters for three days but it was such a labor of love you know the script started out as something my husband and I wrote and he passed away about nine years ago almost nine years ago so so that was kind of the last thing we we worked on together I used to say I've written 17 books but the truth is I've written three lines of 17 books and then he wrote the rest wow well first of all that's uh I that's incredible what a
labor of love that you were able to do together for those of you who don't know the movie's called roll with it yes and um it is coming out May 9th and you said three nights or three days in the theaters but you never know if people support right there can be a longer run in the theaters and it is um you know I just got to kind of skim through it because I haven't been able to really sit down and watch it and I can't wait it was too good to I was like I can't skim this type of movie it looked s
o good the quality was amazing you were amazing I mean you got reserved Michael W Smith to dress up like come on that's incredible but um so I can't wait I've been really good friends in high places that's for sure you know I think um we called in as many favors as that would answer the phone you know Elizabeth Hasselback sings in one of the karaoke scenes so that's hilarious you know but but we also had some really scar-studded real life actors you know and actresses I became great friends with
the person who plays my friend in in the you know in the roll with it moving Judith Hogue and the fun thing about her is you know years and years ago when she first started out she was April O'Neil in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles now she's been you know she's acting with Helen Mirren and she's been an award-winning actress you know for many years but that little nugget tickled my son to death because when he was a little boy you know teenager I loved it yeah I loved the Teenage Mutant Ninja Tur
tles too that's amazing she was so fun and she became such a delight and we discovered we don't live very far from each other and so we've just we've remained really really dear friends for these four years um I learned so much doing it a wonderful writer and director Chris Dowling who directed this he he you just have to look him up on IMDb he has written he's written and directed so many movies but he took the script that David and I had and you know what we discovered is it would be impossibl
e to film what we had written because it would be so expensive you know and that's a really interesting thing that they do um they know your audience they know how much they might get paid back for this investment and so on in the business side of things they have to pay attention to that and he took the script and really made it doable because David and I had originally written that I'm a Walmart greeter and I have to uh you know win a karaoke contest because my house is falling in a sinkhole w
ell evidently to record a house you know slowly sinking is just too expensive so Chris Dowling took it and he he did such a great job you know the sad thing is I don't think we could get Walmart in on board because they don't like my politics you know um I've been very vocal in the last few years about pro-life and you know and what I think about this and that the other and and it's my right because my name's on the ticket amen but it has its consequence and I and I don't care but uh but it was
really really such fun but it was a really interesting process but I tell you this I will probably never film another movie in my hometown because for four years every time I go to the grocery store you know if every time I go to church come on so finally I can say it's coming out May the 9th the 11th and the 13th so they have well we know yeah we know your whole Community will be there at the theaters that's incredible you know you said something interesting which is um it's a side it's sad you
know you said it's amazing you're amazed you haven't been canceled right but you know in a way there are things um you know we live in a culture where people are penalized for sharing their views on you know things that we should be able to talk about as humans even if we don't agree with you know that yeah when you start censoring comedians now you know the world's going really crazy uh for one if you follow your favorite comic even the dirty ones or whatever but if you follow your favorite co
mic you'll find a great commentary on what's really going on in culture and I mean you can get a great history lesson about American history Lesson by watching all the great comics from back then to you know to now um it's just really a fabulous but if there ever is the identifying of free speech that's in comedy I don't like some of the words that comedians use I probably don't I'm not a fan of their some of their you know themes and their in their descriptions but I am I honor them for having
the right to say what they want to say my I could get canceled I may have been canceled who knows you know I I do remember many years ago I was on The View and Whoopi Goldberg kind of snarkily asked me what's the difference in my crowd and yours you know and I said well a two drink minimum is the first thing that comes to you know but I've been in some dried churches I I used to I had wonderful mainstream comedy friends and I'm always teasing them going you think you're funny you could make a bu
nch of Baptist Deacon's laugh on a Sunday morning without a two drink minimum that's again that's a real gift right that's a real gift come on that's something that I started out to make a statement you know that I remember the first time someone called me a Christian comedian I was kind of shocked because I'm like they haven't I didn't even know they had that I was just so happy to find that my you know my ticket to Heaven had been purchased and I'm not going to hell so I was proud to call myse
lf a Christian comedian that I don't see anything wrong with that other than it will limit you you know on what headliner you are in some clubs but I I have been blessed you know I tell young people this all the time if you lift up the name of Jesus he will He will draw all men unto you unto you and that's so true that sounds really cool for your dating life but what that really means is you glorify God you just focus on that and then the people will come people will catch on the people will see
you the you want to have God's glory more than your own and for 32 years that has worked and that I may not ever get to host the Grammys or the you know I may never do some of the things that big shot Comics do but I am so very very blessed with how the Lord has provided in my life um how he's walked me through so many tragedies and how the joy of the Lord has been my strength you know and comedy has been a great Outlet you know and so I Rejoice I Rejoice for what I've gotten to do as I think a
bout retiring you know and and slowing it down because I just can't do everything all the time and you are doing many things your comedy you sing it you sing there when I mean honestly I was so blessed uh the show that I attended I'm wondering I can't remember if it was in Orlando or Tampa but I we drove there and um I might have been Orlando and you of course you did your comedy routine but you were singing as well and it was just so anointed and so beautiful and then you also you know you char
ged uh those in attendance to look at their fellow brothers and sisters you know who don't look like them I was just so blessed by being there thank you so much I knew you had the heart of God you know you're funny you're it's realistic you know you're you're sincere and I think that's why people really gravitate towards you it's not you're not making things up it's sincere and yeah and it's real life but it's also you know and you know how to just put it in a way that is just makes us laugh but
it's just great it's funny because I decided I can remember sitting down and really thinking it through and I loved comedy I've always loved comedy I've been drawn to funny people I had every Bill Cosby album you know and uh it's sad that his legacy of comedy Now is marred by sin and but God is so redeeming and I pray he's you know uh loves Jesus and so you you go through that you meet you know the good and the Bad and the Ugly in all Fields even in the church you know oh yeah and um and I for
32 years have never left home that I don't know how I want the night to end I think it's just so interesting that the Lord would always give me that little nugget or it would be about something I'm growing in spiritually or a trial that I face and I think if I learned this or I'm facing this I'm just as average as anybody so there's probably some other girlfriends out there struggling with you know menopause or struggling with life-changing and empty nesting and so it always been it was always a
bout how the concert ends and then I would begin to write the comedy back you know right backwards and I would find us that really fit that theme and that idea and that tenderness and then I would sometimes write a goofy song you know for the beginning and I would do the comedy here and there and and that became my Mo and I had stuck with that for 32 years and so every DVD every concert every time I've stood up to do my thing I have always included that the end of it a part of a real life journe
y and my mine has not been easy it's not been the worst in the world out there you can't ever think that your story's hard you know God's picking on me I did tell my pastor one time how come Satan hates me so much and he's like duh you know girlfriends this all the time if you're having a little you know trial at some point in your walk if you're not tempted in a way that you've never been tempted if you're not having to struggle through grief or something you must want to check your service to
the local government I don't care about you let's make the devil nervous yeah it's true and it's it's it's so true you do have uh Shonda Pierce live in concert coming so I can't wait to see I I and I need to bring people so it was the first time that I saw you yeah you know and I'm kind of Fairly newer to the Christian dumb anyway yeah um but I was like I need to have like I wanted to bring a group of girls to go see you because you're just so funny in all ages you and I know you know you talk a
bout the stuff that you're personally going through but that relates to all of us and it was just so funny so what can we expect let me think that maybe you can kind of share a little bit about yeah I have this this tour I have been so excited because the little nugget that I bring to the end is that a surprise to everyone including me sometimes I I share it and I start laughing going you know my brother dared me you know going no how can you get people to laugh at this but it is so it's such a
Twist and a turning so sweet but it's such the closing of a great long career I uh I really do think about sometimes I go through cities and I go this is probably the last time I'll be through here just because I know what my schedule is like you know in the few years ahead but I really do want to wind it down a little bit and I do love the acting I I used to be able to do it all but I I can't anymore you know I can't tour and then go to conferences that I love to get to do I can't tour and you
know I I just and my manager looks like don't tell people you're retiring you might go broke and have to work again but I do think that is interesting that you feel like you're winding down and it's not that you know my pastor says there's no retiring in the kingdom of God and I believe that but in my spirit I feel like the Lord's doing a new thing yeah seasons change yes and I don't know if that's maybe getting to do more acting or more movies I don't know if that's just local Ministry in my ow
n local church I'm not sure what that looks like yet but I just know at 63 um I I don't I want to have a life someone asked me what do you want to do when you retire and I go you see the buttercups come up in home when spring kicks in I'm always on the road you know uh and I've been doing it a long time and that the road is a great sacrifice I know it looks you know glamorous the Big Bus pulls in but that is the bed that has bounced up and down for 30 years I'm ready to not do that anymore that'
s amazing well thank you for your 30 years of service if you continue then that's what God wants if not I'm sure there is something incredible and phenomenal that God will have you do I'll see you at the moment yeah right yes exactly so I'm so grateful for you for your heart for your ministry Chandler you're awesome is there anything else that you'd like to share with us you know my heart a little part in this movie I thought was so powerful because my husband and I wrote much of this script and
some of that stadium and one of the things that he wrote is that my character Bonnie talks to her dead husband all the time nobody can see him but her and so the world the town thinks she's kind of crazy you know but and we kept that in where I go to the cemetery and I talk to him about my day often and everything and I thought how interesting that that is in the movie and he's not here um and yet I I remember the scene where we were filming my the boy who plays my son and I who's now on Genera
l Hospital which I think is funny but anyway amazing if you're walking this bridge and I was trying to get the nerve to tell him I was thinking about dating and I stopped and we stopped and I said can we all just have a word of prayer uh for the widows that will see this and there's so many little nuggets like that where widows will relate to those awkward moments of maybe dating again or just the pain of you know hanging on to your husband and telling him about your day I just wanted I wanted t
he spirit of God to be in that film you know in that electronic stuff God can still work and and so my hope is that a lot of widows will come see the movie and chuckle and laugh and maybe it will also give a clue to a lot of girlfriends that go you know Mary lost her husband I wanna I'm gonna call her and take her to this movie and you know I there are so many aspects we the Bible says take care of the widows and the orphans and for 32 years I'll choke up you this world has really been so kind a
nd taken care of me and and now I want to take care I turn around and take care of some more other widows I want to remember the children who need you know uh care and love and and compassion and so I I just love this all the little themes of this movie was just really really a part of me and I and I love that yeah that's beautiful I and I love that you wrote it with your husband yeah and then that is just so sweet what a beautiful gift that just keeps on giving you know you're giving it to us y
eah and I can't wait thank you so much John I can't wait for us to see you on the road with you you need to come on let me open for you that would be a dream it's wonderful it's so good to talk to you darling



Love you Chonda! Have all your tapes and saw you live in Tennessee.


Come see us in Amarillo again!




Chonda...should be like CHER. Just keep doing Farewell Tours!


I'm coming. We're gonna revive and help abuse victims. I Love You. See you soon.