
Comedian uncovers people trafficking scam

I'm on tour in February and March this year. Get your tickets now at

Phil Chapman

1 day ago

you sat facing that way I found slightly different to everyone else in the audience who's gone we're going to face the sh what's going over this there we're fixing this this what my job is to S stand with the sound [ __ ] about um so you are facing this way now well done you've moved slightly around couple of 45 degree angle uh so I'll stand here so you can see me properly there kept your code on as well really are apprehensive about this night aren you I'm going to face that way in case you don
't like it and I'm to keep the code on in case halfway through the show I need to [ __ ] [Music] off what's your name [Laughter] fella I've never heard that name where's that from [ __ ] sake is that like a my name your name is Steve welcome to the show Steve where you from Steve uh well I live in Chester orig I'm from close to London close to London we abouts Watford Watford we know that it's got a football team so you you moved up here to Chester how come better than Watford it's better than W
atford everywhere is better than Watford I imagine seen Watford uh so what you working up here or something I am yeah what are you doing travel consultant a travel consultant excellent and you've had experience with traveling what have come from Watford it's not it's not it's not I didn't say Lon I said Watford you still traveled didn't you so travel consult so people want to go on holiday and they come to you say Steve get your coat going somewhere that's good holiday you travel consultant for
holidays or for business holidays for holidays where's the best holiday at the moment what's your deals guitar get twice the money take the money for the holiday sell them into slavery there you go how it's done over there how you think they build the stadiums One Clap from the back from someone everybody else was afraid of the truth you might think you're here for a laugh tonight Chester we're going to have some hard-hitting truth slapping you right in the face me and Steve let me know in the c
omments what's been your grimmest holiday experience and I'm currently on tour and you can get tickets from Phil Chapman there's only three dates left on this tour and the tickets are selling fast and I'd love to see you there but there's also going to be loads of videos from this tour so make sure you like And subscribe to check those out and if you enjoyed this video why not check out this one from the same show where a nurse told us what's the most interesting thing she ever found
up someone's ass
