
Corruption in Corvallis - True Activism series: part 1

Government's home invasions of the homeless Corvallis, Oregon - a city home to Oregon State University and SIGA Technologies, as progressive and sustainable as it is thought to be, it is also home to government employees "sweeping" homeless encampments, and violating their property. Welcome to the True Activism series.. Episode 1 - homeless property rights - what denotes ownership? An uncontested claim of ownership - presence - maintenance - ownership is exclusively private - there is no such thing as "public property" A business, even if it is a corporation, is private property Governments, on the other hand, claim to own land which other people inhabit - this is not a legitimate claim - your property ends where someone else's property begins Homeless people have a right to the space they inhabit - provided they are not infringing on anyone else's private property - Konrad Rogoz contact me by email at Connect with EvolvingSeeds for more information

Konrad Rogoz - Truth and Law

3 months ago

hello everyone welcome to truth and law my name  is Konrad Rogoz and this video will be a bit different I'm going to talk about a story that's  been brought to my attention we're going to be going to Corvalis Oregon and talking about a story  in which we have a homeless Camp people that are homeless having their homes basically their their  tents being uh bulldozed destroyed we're going to talk about the corruption and we're going to talk  about what goes on in City so this in in Corvalis is dif
ferent than what I usually talk about but  it's uh someone a friend of mine that brought it to my attention so I'm going to talk about  it I'm going to give these people a voice who have tyranny being done to them uh currently uh  they don't have a voice um so I will give them a voice I'll I'll talk about it and this will also  give me an opportunity to talk about some some other things about prop property things that are  pretty important to me uh so the story of what's been going on basically
there's these pictures  there's there's footage um that people who are living like you see here under bridge um you know  Ju Just in public places basically they're having their personal property being taken this is the  core issue is the theft of personal property um by the way I'm going to use the word homeless right  to talk about homeless people really I know now more people say houseless the word houseless is  used to and I agree to to give those people more dignity houses is a good term ri
ght that they're  missing a house they're not homeless homeless has a connotation of like it implies that something  is missing or wrong about the individual whereas houseless just pertains to their material and  living situation at the time but I'm going to use the word that that we know that that is in  that that we know that has historically been the word to refer to the issue I don't like the idea  of changing language or euphemizing myself I'm not going to euphemize myself so you know I'm g
oing  to talk about this hardcore and I'm going to tell you how I see it one reason why I really wanted  to do this video is because clearly this has to do with activism right the goal of activism is  misunderstood in my view um you know the goal of medicine is to get the patient back to health  and out of the hospital as soon as possible I see activists as being the same I think helping  others should be get them on their feet get them independent self-sufficient as soon as possible  and then g
et out of the way right but we have a a welfare we have a mixed welfare state so in a  welfare state we don't have this we have perpetual persistent social programs and more and more  social Aid to people that still is not really creating long lasting or profound change in these  people's lives but at the same same time we have all of these all of our resources being taken out  of our money right people have resources taken out of their paychecks to go to all these social  programs programs that
we never ask for programs that are corrupt in themselves and do not solve  the issue and uh I say that to say you know you can't demand a house you can't demand somebody  to provide you food or to give you shelter in the world we live in under natural law that you can't  make a demand like that but what you can demand is for the government to loosen their regulations  and remove their fees because that's what we need to go and that's all that these homeless people  uh I haven't spoke to them pe
rsonally but if you could speak to them I'm sure that's what they  say they'll say I don't need you to do anything I don't need you to donate or do anything they need  the same thing all of us need they need for people to get their hands off of their own property  and that's that's what's going on here and because they're homeless people do not see the  actual Injustice being done and by the way the only real help for people the only real help there  is in the world is voluntary help by individu
als meaning not by government only free individuals  can help people free individuals in a position of strength can reach a hand out and pick somebody up  that's profound help and that's why I'm going to link the Donate page I'm going to link Michael  Morris Michael Morris brought this story to my attention right this is who who inspired me who  gave me the idea to do this so I'll recommend him and Link his site evolving seeds uh so jumping in  to the details the first thing I wanted to do is ta
lk about property rights I actually wanted to  present this for a long time now but it's never come up in a funny way I want to talk about really  what what is ownership especially in the context of a homeless person what do they own and what  what are the property rights of a person who's homeless and and that really takes us to the root  of well wait a second what where do all of our property rights come from you know what what is  going on with with ownership and and do they does somebody hav
e a right to tell a homeless person  to get out and move somewhere so first things first what Den notes ownership this is a question  that's super fundamental but I don't think people we don't ask ourselves this it was until recently  that I asked myself what denotes what what Den not what what makes it that I own this microphone  because I do I do own it but what denotes ownership is it you know is it any signature is  it a name tag no it isn't and it neither is the deed to your house it's not
a piece of paper uh or  a verification that denotes your your ownership of something because you can own things without ever  having documentation like your body we all own our bodies right so so what what makes us on that  um first let let's get it clear what doesn't what is does not denote ownership is a linear trace of  purchase although in our Uh current world that's how we see it we think that a trace of ownership  like a trace of of of purchases is your verif ver verification or certificat
e of ownership mean  I bought this from this person I got it legally now it's mine it was his before for now it's  mine you know this is like this is how it works with cars you get the title it's like the title  but the title is not what makes you own a car in reality in reality what gives you ownership is  an uncontested claim of ownership it's all about claims and that's all ownership is somebody makes  the claim to something they make the claim that I own it nobody contests it nobody question
s  it then they own it and that's all it is now that of course has its limits because you cannot  own the world you can't own a river or an ocean nobody could own the air so so there are limits to  that and that's why you see this map behind me the United States government will claim to own all of  this land it does not it cannot you can't own all that land and the reason is um you your property  rights end when somebody's property begins in other words if I settle in on some land and and I  see
oh this would be a good place to build a house and I say okay this plot of land I own it now you  make that claim but there's somebody living there right now there's somebody standing there right  now you don't own it you have to take that claim up with that person who's there otherwise you're  violating his property rights which is the rights to his personal space which is the immediate area  around his body so your property rights end once you hit somebody else's property if there's  nobody e
lse claiming their property then you can own it um and along the lines of claiming  what is the main claim of ownership because a claim is not like you don't have to announce it to  the world or write a sign the quintessential basic fundamental claim of ownership is presence being  there meaning if you're so if you're if you're you're you reside somewhere you own it and you're  the only one who's there you own it like you are in your body presence is ownership um and really  it's two things pres
ence and then on a secondary level maintenance and that's how you could tell  you know there's a lot of interesting situations um where this plays out like say somebody drops a  pen somewhere and somebody owns that pen right now right now they're the owner of it they walk away  a few feet behind it that's still their pen now if they leave it for a month right if they leave it  for a year for 50 years and you come across it and there's a pen laying there buy a bush somewhere  does somebody own th
at pen can somebody make the claim that they own it and this is what makes your  this is what legitimizes your claim to ownership is your presence meaning I'm in this house it's  my house if you come in here I'll tell you hey this is my house this is my property it's not a  piece of paper that I give them that's stamped by some sort of central Authority I just say hey  this is my house I'm there I'm present I make the claim but if I'm not at home that doesn't mean  anybody can just walk in their
house because I'm not present so it's presentence and maintenance  meaning taking care of something so if if you come across something and you see somebody is  using it it is use uh combined with presence and maintenance if you see somebody's taking  care of it this is something that is clearly somebody's inhabiting it then you don't touch  it so taking it back real quick uh I'm not done with this property thing yet but then when  you see a tent right you see a tent uh that that's functional yo
u you see somebody's got  belongings there they got their shoes there somebody's living there so you don't touch it  right so so these these people these government workers and employees that are doing this to these  people it's basically taking bulldozing destroying somebody else's house because that homeless  person the property they claimed was a square plot of land whatever it is and there was nobody  with it with in their area there was no private property there remember the government clai
ms to  own that public property under a bridge but they actually cannot do that because you cannot own  entire resources entire areas of land where you cannot even be you are not even present there  to enforce your claim the government basically you know draws up borders basically an imaginary  abstract fence around a bunch of people so their property claims are null and void because they  claim to own us the people right and they do not so um really I think I've made the point so  I'll I'll end
that point right there the homeless people have the right to the space they inhabit  under a bridge or whatever it is the little square that they occupy they actually own it not who pay  the road right because they paid the road with with tax money which is you know no one person  can make a claim to that it's it's stolen money a public pool of stolen money through taxation  and no one person owns that no one person owns the Wilderness or anything like that regardless  of what they say about Na
tional Parks or you know sustainable living corridors they don't own that  land the homeless person actually owns that land now that's different from them being camped out  outside of a storefront or somebody's house that is somebody's private property that they built  they went out to go build build that they they operate there they own it they're present there  and they're maintaining the area there and they can tell that person to get the [ __ ] out but  the government actually cannot because
they're not there it's under a bridge guys like there  is a bit of Common Sense and and and reasonable thinking that needs to be incorporated here I'm  not just talking in legal abstractions although you can break it down to the legal and the way  I just did it that is the way property actually works and if we had a real court system based on  uh natural law that's how it would be because in reality logically rationally that's how property  works now let me talk about the city of Corvalis Orego
n and let's talk about some of the things  going on there and I'll really just lay to the officials there I'll lay to everybody involved  that that plays a hand in this and I'll talk about what's really disgusting about this  treatment of the homeless people there the motto of Corvalis Oregon is enhancing Community  livability does that sound very sustainable to you it sounds very green it sounds very  sustainable so let's let's talk about all that Community livability by the way live livability
  is ability to live what those homeless people were deprived of now Corvalis Oregon is home  to a few things it's probably most prominent is it's the home of Oregon State University this  is a college town it's a big School Oregon State University and it's one of the leading schools in  sustainability and combating climate change which means what which means there all in support of the  agenda for the 21st century of the United Nations also known as Agenda 21 that means densely  popul densely p
acked populated cities people brought into those cities um High monitoring  High surveillance of what the people are doing tracking the use of energy and resources this  is what we're talking about here right this is what combating climate change is um they offer  sustainable development courses of course this is part of their curriculum um there's that's  ever changing so it's tough for me to pinpoint it down but you know what going on but what I did  pinpoint is a is a little booklet that I'll
put up here and I'll read a little bit from this booklet  that they did this in 2001 right so 20 years ago this is really when the whole this there was no  climate change yet it was GL global warming this was the thing that was supposed to be the uh moral  premise to get people towards the agenda for the 21st century which is by the way that's like 50  years old so that's or or 30 years old that's much older for in this booklet sustainable living is  really intended for children this is really
the seeds they're planting the seeds of of what  this is this new agenda of how people should live now the whole time I'm talking about this  keep in mind these homeless people and keep in mind the vision that they have for us and  is it more like how how it looks how they portray sustainable living to you or will their  sustainable living be much more like that homeless person that got their home bulldozed now this  from the bookl sustainable living and a section called materialism we Americans
are confused  we belong to the world's most materialistic society yet polls indicate that our deepest  aspirations are nonmaterial Juliet Shaw and the overspent American says we are accomplished  at rationalizing I'll buy the bigger vehicle so my family will be safe and at ratcheting up  increasing the number of things we need 59% of the people she pulled consider television and  neity and 17% said cable TV a necessity what do you think of the percentage would be if she had  asked about the rem
ote control ask yourself How many pairs of Footwear do I own Americans average  23 do I feel comfortable about borrowing things from my neighbors why or why not why would I buy  secondhand what would I never buy secondhand and let me just go and ascending order television a  necessity cable TV a necessity clearly it isn't clearly a television is toxic cable TV is is just  lying to you and and programming you as well right but they're trying to get at your way of life  they're trying to get at yo
ur comfort they're trying to get at your affluence and prosperity  that's why they want to ask you how many pairs of Footwear do you own and they make it seem  like you should feel guilty for owning 20 pairs of shoes why what's wrong with with owning  that many shoes I don't understand you know what's wrong with with having resources they're  trying to play you off as spoiled right this is what they were doing to people remember this  is 2001 so the economy was way better than it is now see thin
gs weren't as bad there so people  really really were comfortable and yes Americans many Americans are these Suburban types have been  spoiled but it's loow hanging fruit what this is trying to do what Oregon State University  has been engaged in for a long long period of time is re-engineering the social structure  so that families no longer have a comfortable life and they ask you do I feel comfortable  borrowing things from my neighbors I don't I don't feel comfortable borrowing anything  I f
eel comfortable owning the things that I use and the story and and that has to do with  self-respect and self-reliance and individualism not collectivism if you're borrowing things  from somebody it means you're dependent on them why would I buy secondhand why should we buy  buy things secondhand what's wrong with having new things now you know I buy used things I buy used  books uh all buy used things I really don't don't see the problem all even even buy used clothing  and bed sheets which mos
t people would cringe at so I don't have a problem with this but I see  the agenda the agenda is that you're not good enough to have a new high quality stuff they want  to shut down production this is what organ state university has been preaching I just wanted to  read that off just to give a little bit of a of a backdrop of what they're teaching these these kids  you know it's a very Progressive school so you know the things that they're really teaching them  on a daily basis today are probabl
y horrific to me and not even known to me but they're first to tell  you how Progressive they are and how sustainable they are so that's sustainability these are the  roots of it now Corvalis Oregon is also home to Sega development operations that's a medical  company that's a biom biopharmaceutical company um Rel relatively new one established in 1995  and they're big business and they're this is big Pharma Sega is Big Pharma partner with government  never been a better example and what they do
is they specialize in antiviral treatment antiviral  treatment meaning drugs meaning pills for illnesses for for for viral illnesses like small  pox monkey pox cowpox and vinia complications and they're partnered with government in 2011 AA  sold its antiviral drug teox to the United States biomedical Advance research and development  Authority also known as Barda right so so you may not have heard of that before biomedical  Advanced research and development Authority if that doesn't sound dysto
pian to you it sounds very  dystopian to me biomedical Advanced research see if that won't be used again against the Citizens  and it is being used against the people today now sea has a wellestablished cooperation with us  federal agencies for its research and development activities it provides counter measures to the  Strategic National stockpile and the Department of Defense such as category a pathogens using bso3  or bsl4 work meaning you know top secret highly hazardous poisonous toxic stuf
f right pathogens  in September 2018 it signed the contract with Barta for the delivery of oral and intravenous  formulations of teapo to the Str strategic National stockpile effective for the following  years so this teox you know this is their main claim to fame and of course the government is  is given them this big $400 million contract to get that drug out and you know what else  the government did for them they knocked down all of their regulations and they made  sure that it got through a
nd they keep making things easier for them for them to push this  drug on onto the market so this intravenous meaning you know IV I mean to put in your veins  teox ant antiviral U medicine so-called it has no lower way cap and can be used in infants  under the investigational new drug protocol there's a thing called investigation on you  drug protocol which is basically the stuff that government likes they'll allow you to use  it as a new investigational drug and you can inject it into infants a
ntiviral medication you  know the whole thing about antiviral medication is is actually a hot issue right this is kind  of a new thing uh antiviral medication was was something that we haven't really heard of until  until the recent years you know u a viruses were thought of as illnesses that once you catch  it you have to catch it and your body just has to deal with it and fight it off because  antibiotics won't work because it's not a bacterium right it is just a process of illness  and recove
ry but now you've got all these pills that are going to make people feel better but  the actual mechanism of their functioning you know all this stuff is it's not all peachy  and they're injecting this stuff into babies infants and that's your big money and  that's Corvalis Oregon so like I said at the beginning keeping in mind the image of  that bulldozer sweeping up that guy's tent and all of his belongings down the street you  have this school preaching this stuff about sustainable living abo
ut people not having  their own houses being you know not having children taking uh you know this is agenda  21 really being displaced and there's there's the result of their ideology right down the  street from them under that bridge that's who they're trying to create and then down the  street over there you you've got the Sega Technologies pushing their drugs to babies  and getting kickbacks from government and nobody hears about them right and look at the  hypocrisy the only zero carbon emis
sion person in the world the only person who can really be  carbon efficient is the homeless person they're the epitome of sustainability they don't burn no  fossil fuels they don't have no car they don't have a stove they don't have a a heater they  don't have a generator they're really living sustainably with nature you might not like what  it looks like and you should think about that yeah it doesn't look good right right living  carbon carbon neutral but this is who they are they should be c
elebrated right that they're  living the way that the the the universities are preaching they're living the way that the  the government is telling us that we should be because all the governments say that they're  implementing the un's sustainability goals right or wrong so Agenda 21 is being implemented and  then there's the person who is the The Shining be an example of that and what's happening to  them they're having a heavy duty industrial diesel engine bulldozer take their [ __ ] away  bi
g diesel engine not carbon efficient at all and that Injustice is going on down the street  from the college that's teaching young people not to have kids not to have kids to have less  kids and not to want to have their own house that's what's going on and that's the hypocrisy  here um so I personally will not be calling any police departments and and talking to them cuz I  just you know that that's not how I take action but there is action to be taken you can let him  hear about it and I'll I'
ll link to that and you can get in touch uh with my friend Michael Morris  and he has a he has a task force called The Thorn te any Hazard organization um response Network so  I'll link to that and of course the only way you you can the only way these people will actually be  helped is if you donate uh and also if you spread the word which is which is what I'm doing right  either way it's a resource and either way these people are taking our resources so remember the  the two way you two ways yo
u could help you could put more of your resources to where you think  it is necessary for for people who you think are entitled to or deserving of them or you could  stop those people's resources from being taken by people who feel entitled and who feel that they  deserve to take other people's resources these are these are your Solutions it's the sword or  The Shield and either way uh I'm right there in the battle with you so thank you very much for  viewing this video I'll be doing more of thi
s go going forward uh it is really like a side  mission of this week in tyranny because hey this is tyranny too except it's not going to get  any attention and it's happening these are real people that they're having their [ __ ] taken  by the same people that are trying to feed you ideologies that are basically going to lead to our  extermination so it straight like that thank you for your time I'll see you next time on truth and  law my website truth and you could find me on the one gr
eatwork email me get  in touch with me you know I'm very accessible so peace
