
Discovered - Currently Not indexed Fix ( 2024 ) | discovered - currently not indexed for Blogger

in this video, you will see how to How to Fix Discovered - Currently Not Indexed 2024 || discovered currently not indexed" on Google Search Console 1: discovered - currently not indexed 2: How to Fix Discovered - Currently Not Indexed 2024-25 3: discovered - currently needs to be indexed on Google Search Console. User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: https://www. ADDYOURSITENAMEHERE .com/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500 2. code link: People also ask 1.How do I fix Google discovered currently not indexed? 2.How do I fix a non indexed page? 3.How do I fix this URL is not indexed by Google indexing? 4.Why is my page discovered but not indexed by Google 5.How long before a page is indexed on Google? ====================================================== 👉 Blog: #Blogging #discoveredcurrentlynotindexedtechnovedant #howtofixdiscoveredcurrentlynotindexed #howtosolvediscoveredcurrentlynotindexed #blogger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for Watching! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Blogging Learners

4 months ago

Hello Guy, today we came across the error of 'Discovered Currently Not Indexed'. This error lands many people in Google Search Console and we are about to solve it And why this error is there in google search console And to solve this, I will tell you 5 steps so that you don't accidentally miss the 2 step. So this error of yours will not be solve if you want to know that 2 step, then watch the video till the end First, let me tell you how Google Search Console index your post Google indexes an a
rticle in3 steps. First of all, it does 'Discover'. 'Discover' means that ' Discover means that Google finds out that you have posted a new article on your website. Then he does the crawl After that he has to do the last step which is the index Articles here are the first step many people miss, which is the Discover Currently Not index How do you solve this? As long as this error remains on your website, your articles cannot be indexed in Google I am going to tell you the proper method to salve
it in this video Watch the video till the end 1.step : That is you have to update the sitemap daily So now you don't do that one day you update the sitemap and then never do it and you forget to update it. To update the app in the side you have to click on the side map And here you have to write the sidemap.xml After that you have to click on submit and our side map has been submitted step is that you have to increase your crawling speed. Now how to increase the crawling speed, you will get this
URL in the description, you simply visit it. And here first of all you Here you have to select your Gmail which is the property of your website So I have selected my Gmail account and from here you have to select your website. Want to increase the crawling speed then you have to select the second option here and end here it is set to low pay, you have to make the crawling rate high and save it here. So here you can see that the changes etc. have been saved. The settings here will remain the sam
e for three months. You will have to visit this page again after three months to increase your Crolim speed and then For the next three months, the Crolim rate on your side will remain balanced at one place. Now let's talk about step number three, which one it is, that is, you have to write unique content, you should not do it in such a way that I copy from this side. Should I copy and paste it from that side or should I get the content written from Chat GPT and rewrite it, should I write the co
ntent using websites like boot etc., this will not Now Google has become much smarter As you know blogger is a product of Google you can see it here if you copy paste it. So the blogger will hide your post, that means you cannot publish that post, so how can you index it, so basically the purpose of saying is that you have to write unique content, you can take the idea from other websites. What kind of content etc. have they posted, then you can write a new article on the basis of that idea and
then post it on your website. It is a simple thing, why do you have to copy and paste? You have reduced the steps CustomRobot.txt has to be added correctly You have Anna in blogger settings and last In Last you get the option of crawling and indexing Below you will find the option Custom Robot.txt and you have to enable it I am telling you that if you have this option turned off then you have to turn it on Here, if you already have any code, then you have to delete all of them You have to add ne
w custom robot.txt here Where you will find it, you will also find it in the description box This is that file/code You just have to change one thing here It is here that you have to copy the link to the home page of your website then this is the URL of my side, I have copied it, after this you can see here that this is the link of that side, here you have to paste your URL and keep the slash same. You have to paste the link of your website at all three places and after that you have to copy thi
s entire code and after coming to Blogger, paste it in place of less robot.txt. Now here is basically what I have done. Here in this code, I have disabled the random searching. The new URL that is created here is Google will not index all of them After that the work that is being done on WP admin They will not be indexed by Google's crawlers Will not index other categories will not index tags etc The rest is what I have allowed sitemmap.xml ,postsitemap.xml , sitemap.index I have allowed all of
them After that you have to click on save which is our fourth step. This has also been completed. Now what is our last and most important step? That is, you have to generate a ping for your article. Now from where will you get the websites for ping, I will show you by working on one, this is the first website, I open it only, blog name means the title of your article. If you want to paste it here, this is the title of my article. You have to paste the link of the article below, c
lick on check call and click on send pin. If you follow these steps. If you implement it properly then this error of yours will be eliminated, but still there is one last step, we have that on Discover Current Note Index, I currently have it available on 93 pages, so this one is my post, So here are all the posts which are not getting indexed in my google Discovered by Google, Linkup has to copy it And you have to use the external link how will you use it basically? That is, Which is the index o
f the article in Google From here I get to know an article, I open it Now, after opening the index of your article in Google, you have to use this turn link or external link to these articles. are missing from your Google2 not indexed, for example, here is one of my links, I copy it, here you can link it anywhere i.e. externally, so here you have read the link of that article. You have to paste the link which is lying in the error of Discover Currently Not Indexed, then you have to apply it here
, you have to update it, now after this you have to do one thing, the link of the article in which you will externally link. You have to copy it and here you have to paste it at the place of inspect URL and once You have to send a request to Google again to re-crawl it You have to click on Request Indexing So our request is complete I click on the test live URL, I will show you whether it has been crawled by google3 or not, then you can see here that the URL is available to You guys can check th
e date and time here when we made this request Google has scrolled 3 times, so these were some five steps, which if you implement properly , the error that comes on your side will be solved by 'Discover Currently Not Index'. In the next video, we are going to create called 'Currently Not Index'. If this error appears on your website then you can subscribe our channel to watch the next video. Now let me tell you some reasons why this error of Discovered Current Not Index appears on your website.
Basically it comes because of your hosting, bloggers So it belongs to Google, if you do anything wrong on it, Google catches it Because the blogger platform belongs to Google, it knows everything about who is doing what on it and who is not So for this you must have the best hosting Apart from hostinger, there are many other hosting companies that you can use can do this.



Next Video kiss topic py honi chahiye??


aoa Crawler speed increase kr k save krn to ye error aata he "Your changes could not be saved. "


Important: This setting won't be available after Jan 8, 2024


Khud phle slove kr leta to hi btataa Bhai fhaltu ka gyan batne aa jata h