
Furina Turns Your Teams GODLIKE | C0 Furina 4★ Weapon Showcase (Genshin Impact)

Arknights, a Strategic RPG is now available on iOS and Android! Download and get the new Operators here! VIDEO CONTENTS: Intro - What to expect from this video 0:00 Furina's Personal Potential 0:21 Best Way To Boost DMG With Furina 07:33 Best Furina Teams [IMPORTANT] 13:39 Final Thoughts & Is Furina Worth It? 16:06 Furina is a new 5-star Hydro Sword character, introduced in Genshin Impact 4.2 update. She's the Hydro Archon also known as Focalors and many of us, including myself, have been waiting for her release since the very first day! This is the best Furina guide and Furina showcase video to check out because here I show best Furina teams and best Furina support strategies - mainly how to achieve 300 Fanfare with Furina in very easy way! #genshinimpact #genshin #furina #Arknights

Gacha Gamer

4 months ago

This is Furina boosting whole team’s damage by a massive amount and in my 3 years of making content for Genshin, I am honestly shocked how stuff like this makes Furina defy all expectations. And that’s just one of many things you will see in this video – I’ll also show you her amazing gameplay and tricks, what’s the best way to boost damage with her and of course, I’ll showcase some game-changing teams I’ve discovered. Now I know I started this video off by hyping up Furina but I wanna be real w
ith you for a moment – Furina is nuts BUT only if you understand how to fully utilize everything she has to offer. Because the thing is – she is a pretty risky character to play with, because she drains your whole team’s health and rewards you heavily if you can fluctuate everyone’s HP successfully. So, with that in mind – let’s start off by first taking a look at her personal potential. Now for this showcase, she’s equipped with Festering Desire sword, a Golden Troupe Artifact set that has HP S
ands and Goblet as well as Critical Rate circlet, while her skill and burst are raised to level 10. And of course, she’s constellation 0. Now I know, I know – Festering Desire is an old weapon and not everyone has it but you can go for Ferryman’s Sword or if you hate fishing, then Favonius instead. And regarding my choice of using an HP Goblet on her – due to how her burst buffs damage, HP Goblet can be a great choice for her but the usual Hydro Goblet works too. But with this out of the way – l
et me introduce you to Furina’s Salon Members – we have a seahorse, a gentleman octopus and miss crabby. If you pull for Furina – they will be your best friends on the battlefield. And that’s because when I press her skill button she will first deal decent amount of Hydro damage and then all 3 of the Salon Members are summoned and start mercilessly beating down your enemy, who most of the time will be someone you’re attacking with the active character. Think of them as Xingqiu Swords or Yelan’s
dice attacks that come to life. Now these Salon Members will stay on the field for a whopping 30 seconds, while the cooldown is 20 seconds, so it’s super easy to maintain them forever as long as you refresh the skill BUT they will also generate 1 Hydro particle every 3 seconds, so 10 particles total for the whole duration. And with this current build – Seahorse deals about 7484 DMG, Octopus 13,801 DMG and crabby patty herself unleashes the biggest hit of 19,192. If you just let them do their own
thing for whole 30 seconds, the overall damage is about 346k, which is already pretty good considering there are no buffs. Well, kinda. You see, as long as any team mate has HP above 50%, when these creatures attack, each of them drains your team’s health by individual amount as you can see here. And when this happens, depending on how many characters got drained, the damage increases by up to 40%. Usually, if you time your rotations correctly, it will be 40% most of the time. And in this case,
if the Salon Members just do their own thing and no one gets damaged or healed, just drained, this lasts for 22 seconds before the draining stops and everyone is stuck at 50% HP. Soon you’ll see how this becomes essential for strong team comps but for now, let’s also take a look at her other Hydro companion, which is the Singer of Many Waters. But first… This video is sponsored by Arknights a Strategic RPG with a captivating story and refined art design. Set in a universe of Terra, you play as
the Doctor and command operators to fight against the enemies because your goal is to find a remedy for a menacing Oriopathy disease. Look, it’s no secret I’ve covered this game on my channel before & I love its generous gacha system, story and amazing characters. And now there’s a new Side Story event called Lone Trail. The Arc-01 project is nearing the end but Director Kristen Wright mysteriously vanishes with all of the equipment and staff, so your job is to find the Director. Now this event
also brings 4 new operators – there’s Muelsyse a 6-star Vanguard who is an eccentric ecologist from Rhine Lab, she can summon her clones to fight for her and they’re pretty insane but then there’s also Ho’olheyak a 6-star Caster who can force targets to levitate when using her skill. Or how about Silence the Paradigmatic, another 6-star support who has a unique talent that can save your team mates from dying and resetting their Health back to 1. But there’s also a 5-star Sniper – Melanite, who a
s a former weapons tester has perfected the art of causing big damage, so her bullets can pierce the enemies. And the best part - this event has a lot of good rewards, you can obtain Silence The Paradigmatic’s Token, unique Rhine Tech Eco-Furniture, Recruitment Permits, Battle Records and so much more. And of course, there’s 7 new skins that are available during this event and 13 more skins made a return. So, make sure to download Arknights by using my link in the description, get the new operat
ors and help support my channel! So, when summoned with Furina’s skill, Singer of Many Waters will heal for about 4483 HP but this heals only the active character and this heal happens once every 1.8 seconds or so. Honestly, you won’t be seeing her much because Furina’s teams excel with a dedicated healer, so I can only imagine using this friendo when you are in deep sh… emergency and need some healing. By the way – her healing interval can be reduced by 0.4% for every 1,000 HP Furina has or for
a total of 16% at 40k HP and conveniently that’s how much HP my build has, so in total, the Singer can heal 17 times or a total of 76,211 HP. Oh and yeah, this passive talent works both ways – for every 1,000 HP, the Salon Members DMG increases by 0.7% or for a total of 28% at 40,000 HP max. Now you might be wondering – where is the Singer when Salon Members are causing havoc. Well, that’s because Furina can switch between them by using her Charged Attack and by doing this she also changes her
Arkhe alignment. That’s right she can either be aligned to Ousia or Pneuma. By default, when starting combat, she will be aligned with Ousia, so Salon Members always get summoned but you can quickly switch between them by just using her Charged Attack, even when her water friends are deployed. Oh and that gimmick of dealing Ousia or Pneuma damage comes from Furina’s normal attacks. But yeah, as I said before – at least in Abyss, 99% of the time,I was using Salon Members but for quick healing in
world exploration, Singer is pretty nifty. Speaking of which – man does Furina feel like the first character you can just go AFK and let her Salon Members handle everything – their damage is pretty insane for world mobs and they quickly take care of any world enemy and I had a blast just doing my own thing, like gathering materials or running around while they mop up the floor around me. Heck, they even teleport together with you, so that’s pretty cool. But moving over – Furina’s Hydro applicati
on is pretty unique. When I am Vaporizing her Salon Members damage, it seems like seahorse vaporizes every 2nd hit, so does the Octopus while miss crabby can cause a reaction with every hit. Now, there are some weird exceptions, for example, sometimes Seahorse or Octopus might not cause a reaction but I dunno – it could be because of some finnicky stuff going on with the auras I am trying to create reactions from. Either way – in 30 seconds you can expect Furina’s friends to cause about 21 react
ions, which can fluctuate but overall, its about one Hydro application every 1.4 to 1.5 seconds. So, what does this mean? Basically, by herself she doesn’t apply Hydro fast enough – so units like Hu Tao cannot Vaporize her damage from Furina’s Hydro application. It might work for Yoimiya or Diluc but it really depends on the team and overall, if you need to rely on Furina’s Hydro application, for the most part it will be something to just cause Bloom reactions with or maybe just a nice way to ke
ep targets Frozen. On the other hand – she can Vape her damage pretty consistently in a team comp with your usual Kazuha, Xiangling and Benny but it’s more like a fun way to play with her and in my opinion, she feels more natural in teams where she acts as off-field damage dealer and damage booster. And yes – I haven’t even talked about how Furina gives a massive damage boost for everyone. I actually went ahead and tested her boosting with several characters and so in this next part, let me show
you the results. So, in a nutshell, Furina’s Burst boosts the whole team’s damage and healing. When she uses her burst, it will deal decent amount of AoE Hydro DMG and then for 18 seconds, whenever someone’s HP decreases or increases, Furina will obtain Fanfare points, the exchange rate being 1% HP to 1 Fanfare point. So, as an example, if Hu Tao uses her skill at 100% HP, she loses 30% of it which is then equal to 30 Fanfare Points. The maximum amount of Fanfare points that can be obtained is
300, so the team will need to lose and gain 300% HP. And 1 Fanfare point is equal to 0.25% DMG increase and 0.10% Incoming Healing, so at 300, that’s a massive 75% DMG boost and a nice 30% Incoming Healing mate. Let me repeat that again – this buff is applied to everyone – not just the active character. But you might be wondering – how the heck are you supposed to fluctuate HP this much? The answer? Healers my friend, healers. And not just any healers – the best ones are th
ose who can heal the whole team and even better if they can do it instantly. Some that come to mind are Jean and Mika but Yao Yao is also amazing at this job and so are few others. Now it’s pretty hard to showcase whole team’s damage, so let’s focus on a couple of units instead. First one we have is Neuvilette – by himself, his laser beam or hydro cannon however you call it, deals 20,490 DMG per hit. Well, now if we activate Furina’s burst, deploy her skill and then quickly switch to Jean’s burs
t – almost immediately the team reaches maximum amount of 300 Fanfare points thanks to this insane team wide heal Jean provides. And the result? 27,000 DMG per hit from the laser or 32% DMG increase and yeah, this isn’t a direct 75% boost as the max fanfare claims but more like an elemental dmg % boost. Now this was just Furina’s buff, if only there was a way to boost the damage further, in a natural way…. Oh right, Viridescent Venerer resistance shredding – Jean was actually using Maiden’s Belo
ved previously, so now if I slap VV onto her, suddenly this laser starts spewing out 34,588 DMG per hit. That’s about 69% DMG increase for Neuvilette compared to his unbuffed damage, which is nice. And remember – Furina’s burst boosts everyone’s damage, including her own and she gets the same amount of DMG boosted, which 32% with max fanfare and 69% with VV shred included on top of it, which again is a nice number. And if you use someone like Fischl or any other member, since Jean’s DMG is meh,
you will also notice that big bump on other damage dealers, maybe not with VV shred included unless its Electro but still. So yeah, that’s one way of fully maximizing Furina’s burst boosting capabilities – use a strong healer to instantly heal the whole team. Now you might have noticed I started the fight when everyone was clinging onto their life and that’s because as long as your team is below 25% HP, its enough to gather all 300 points from just one strong teamwide heal. Obviously, Neuvilette
can heal himself by 50% as well but Jean helped with obtaining that max fanfare buff really fast and few others could do this as well, like Mika or Yao Yao. Keep in mind, during the first rotation in Abyss, assuming everyone’s at full health, it will be pretty lackluster buffing, since you don’t gain fanfare if the HP doesn’t actually change, so that overhealing at full health won’t gain fanfare points but on 2nd rotation onwards, thanks to Furina’s Salon Members constantly draining health, its
very likely you’ll start with everyone around 50% HP, maybe even below if enemies attack you, so gaining all 300 Fanfare points will be much more feasible. Oh and by the way – Furina’s 1st passive talent does have a way to help with a bit of healing. When the active character receives healing and it overheals past 100% HP, Furina will trigger a heal for the whole team that will tick for 2 times in 2 seconds and restore 2% health each time. So, as an example if Baizhu here overheals himself with
his skill, then 3 other members including Furina get healed for 4% total in 4 seconds. Its basically a nice way to help single target healers obtain Fanfare points. Now my previous method of obtaining Fanfare points fast and furious. What about if I gain them a bit slower? Well, Noelle for example can heal the whole team pretty consistently by using a combination of her skill and burst. But because it takes some time, you won’t get to enjoy max DMG buff and healing increase from Fanfare points
immediately, because when I was trying this out, it took about 11 seconds to obtain max fanfare points and that’s with Noelle’s healing and Furina’s HP draining. So, with 7 seconds left of the burst’s duration, Noelle was dealing 44% more DMG compared to her unbuffed damage BUT keep in mind that even with her first full Normal Attack combo, DMG was already 17% better, with 2nd combo it was 37% better and then 3rd and 4th combo was done at max fanfare, so 44%. I really like the fact that even wit
hout instant team heal to reach max fanfare points, the damage slowly but steadily keeps increasing and there’s still quite a lot of time left to unleash maximum damage, especially in a team like this where Yelan’s, Xingqiu’s and Furina’s DMG get boosted as well. Oh, and one last thing about Fanfare points – the game doesn’t give a super clear indication how many of them you have but you will notice more of these water creatures showing up at the bottom of the screen and if you reach max fanfare
points, there will be this some kind of whoosh effect on screen. Luckily, if you want to get a definite answer, you can go into character stats during the burst and check their Incoming Healing bonus – if it’s at 30%, that means max fanfare points have been achieved. And I think the screen edges also become sparkling as well. I dunno, it’s hard to tell sometimes. All in all, there’s 2 reliable ways to obtain maximum fanfare points but it does require you to play a healer with Furina. You can ei
ther go really fast with a team wide heal, right after Furina’s burst or instead opt in for something like Noelle’s consistent and periodic team wide healing to get to that maximum boost. Now in the middle of this, there are healers like Kuki who will not be able to help the team reach maximum boost just with her own healing, since its single target, even when she does lose 30% HP when casting skill to help out with fanfare generation but then you could throw in other strategies to help achieve
the maximum of Furina’s buff. Ok, I am getting ahead of myself – let me show you some of the teams to get a better idea of how much change Furina brings to them. So, this is probably my favorite part of the video because Furina is an extremely flexible character and you can fit her into a ton of teams. When I was testing things out, I think I went through like 30 different variations and still counting. Obviously, as I mentioned, the most important team member Furina relies on is the healer. Whi
le Furina by herself can heal, you definitely want 99% of the time to use her Salon Members, because not only does Furina dish out some serious damage but those Salon Members also contribute towards building up Fanfare points, which is extremely important. Now I’ll only go through a couple of comps here but very soon, I’ll be releasing a new video that showcases top 5 or maybe even top 10 Furina’s teams you can build. So, make sure to subscribe to my channel with the bell notification enabled. N
ow the first one is a classic remix of Hu Tao’s Double Hydro comp and it’s made up of Hu Tao, Yao Yao and Xingqiu. As I said before, Furina’s Hydro application is not enough for Hu Tao to Vape her damage but with water dude, it’s super easy to maintain it and Yao Yao might sometimes cause Hu Tao to miss a Vape, since there could be a leftover Pyro aura on enemy and that would make them start Burning, but in that case, you can easily go for Jean or Mika instead, who as I explained before, can hel
p you achieve those max Fanfare points really fast. If it’s Jean, then she will help shred enemies’ Hydro resistance with Viridescent Venerer and if it’s Mika, then he will also provide healing over time to Hu Tao. Moving over, next one is Noelle’s team – I found Triple Hydro helping her out to be really fun, Noelle can help you achieve that max fanfare pretty fast and with other team members being Xingqiu and Yelan, this damage buff becomes relevant for every single team member. Another team to
go for could be Quickbloom – since as I said before, it’s pretty hard for Kuki to help achieve max fanfare, due to her heals being single target, so instead, I went with a team of Yao Yao, Alhaitham & Kuki. So now Kuki can still deal Hyperbloom damage, while Alhaitham and Furina capitalize on that big damage boost. Keep in mind, that this Furina’s buff does not increase the damage of reactions, so Kuki’s hyperblooms won’t be affected but on the other hand, Yao Yao’s and Kuki’s healing will be b
etter. And then I tested many other teams – Freeze worked nicely when Furina kept applying Hydro with her Salon members, Neuvilette comp was super comfortable to play, probably the easiest one to use when trying to score max fanfare points and so on. Again, in a future video, I will talk about a lot of these teams in great detail because there are a ton of caveats and builds that actually change when Furina is in the team but for now – I think she’s a complete gamechanger when it comes to revita
lizing same old, same old team comps. Overall, I believe Furina makes Genshin feel fresh again, at least in terms of combat variety. The best thing about her, in my opinion is that she makes healers feel super relevant in the game, so characters like Mika who previously were seen as a failed experiment, now actually become super valuable in Furina teams. Seriously, here are some units who become relevant – Noelle, Jean, Mika, Barbara, Qiqi for the love of god, yes even Qiqi is relevant now. I am
telling you, if you subscribe to Furina’s way of thinking, then from now on, it’s Healing Impact meta all the way. But there are a few things you need to be aware of. First of all – you will feel a lot more squishy in Abyss when using Furina, that HP drain from her Salon Members is pretty serious so you will need a good healer to keep the team alive, or even several healers, like as I’ve shown some examples before. Then there’s the whole schtick with healing % - if Mika for example heals for 10
,000, then this could be like 60% health of a squishy character but way lower healed amount in % for a beefier character, like Neuvilette. Basically, if you have HP scaling units in your team, it will be harder to gain Fanfare points with them, so I dunno if this is legit yet but it does feel like you are incentivized to play squishier teams with Furina, so that everyone can get healed faster and you can obtain max Fanfare points. And yeah, the most important thing about Furina teams is that in
the Abyss, the first rotation, when you start at maximum health, will not feel good. 2nd rotation onwards or anytime you start a fight with your team when they are at least hovering around 50% HP – then Furina’s burst buff will provide the full boost you can expect to obtain. So keep that in mind. Overall, I think Furina is amazing but at the same time a bit niche. Every single team you will build, you’ll want a healer and that requires a bit of thinking of how you need to setup your rotations b
ut honestly – most of the time, it will be use Furina’s burst, then switch to a healer, activate their heals and then move onwards to DPS characters. Anyway, I hope you found this video useful and I’d really appreciate if you could check out today’s Sponsor Arknights by using my link in the decription and by doing this you’ll help support my channel which I am always super grateful for. Thanks again for watching and see you next time.



EDIT: Yes, yes I know Baizhu's good with Furina but he is already a solid unit. Wanted to give spotlight to other less popular healers. I am thinking of making a best healers video for Furina, lemme know if that sounds good! (also Sayu will have her justice too!) Download Arknights now and get the new Operators here!


I suppose that this obssession with healing gain and loss is meant to treat HP as a flowing resource- you want it flowing in, and then flowing out, never running out in any way. So that is how they go for the water theme. Compare that to Zhongli, who insures that HP stats solid and unmoving.


Just realized, she’s the first character I can think of that you don’t want to run Zhongli with at all. Guess Dehya is going to be getting a bit more play


Her pets are like professional bodyguard that beat any monster close to Furina 😂 Despite their cute looks, they hit pretty hard 💀


zhongli: nothing can pierce my shield wolves: no prob. ill slowly kill your entire party just by touching you furina: jokes on you. im in to that sht


I love how her companions feel so involve. Plus I'm sure Furina wants that considering those are her only friends


Furina can infinitely walk on water, as someone without kokomi I feel so lucky I won the 50/50 on furina


I think she's a really good buffer for kokomi cuz not only does she increase team dmg she also increases team healing done which also translates to kokomi's dmg


I've been running Neuvillette, Furina, Beidou/Fischl and Baizhu. It's been so easy to max Fanfare super quickly between Furina's E and Neuvillette's self-harm while Baizhu keeps the team topped up. Been silky smooth so far.


Regarding the overhealing issue, i think we're getting an artifact set in 4.3 that converts the extra healing into dmg bonus which gonna make healers even crazier with furina lol




i really love how the new characters coming out often times bring old ones back into the spotlight <333


I'm so excited to experiment with her teams! She's my favorite character in the game right now (they did such a good job with her videos and animations and everything!) and it sounds like she really, REALLY opens up the door for some strange and new combos. Great guide and super informative as always!


I didn’t think I was gonna want to pull for her until her rerun because I thought her summons were gonna be stuck until the timer ran out… but now that I know they travel with her, AND you can swap while they’re out on the field (mainly for overworld)… damn….


Don't forget about Sayu. Huge teamwide heals. Vv shred and she can use wolf's gravestone to boost dmg even more. Plus her ult size is like 3x jeans.


I love how the Archons introduce something that turns a gameplay around or boosts and element. The same way Nahida made EM a priority and gave a boost to all the previously ignored electro characters, how Raiden Shogun brought ER to the forefront, how Zhongli made it possible for geo constructs to resonate off each other, how Venti is still the best CC in the game... Now Furina makes it so that we pay attention again to all the healers who were previously looked down




she is now my first archon and ive paired her with my neuvillette who was my first limited 5 star, i couldnt be happier ❤


I want to point out that a hidden gem of a Qiqi buff is made with Furina. In particular, its Qiqi hyoerfridge. Previously, it would be Xingqiu or Yelan as hydro applicator. Xingqiu was there for as much hyperblooms as possible with EM raiden being better choice for Qiqi as superconduct made clam do more damage and freeze allowing more blooms for hyperbloom. Yelan on other hand applied less hydro and only buffed Qiqi's damage. But with Furina, so many things in Qiqi hyperfridge is buffed. Furina is not a lot of hydro application for bloom production but fridge through Qiqi helps. Also, the lack app means more quicken so Nahida will spread as does EM Raiden, which is buffed by Furina. Also overlooked is that Furina buffs incoming healing meaning Ocean Hued Clam stacks to max faster and with added superconduct, its max damage and its dmg generation is buffed. Furina bufds Qiqi's phys damage too, so not too shabby especially as often as Ocean Hued clam gives good crit valued rolls. Em raiden is gonna both aggravate and hyperbloom with her AoE plus the superconduct. Funny thing too is despite how low the EM scaling on superconduct is, Nahida's EM share will affect Qiqi's or Raiden's Superconduct. And Qiqi has high base def, making her a great sponge for damage as she will drive the healing of the team with a Sac sword. Furina's a major upgrade to Qiqi hyperbloom. In summary- -Team damage bonus rather than active character only -quicken maintained so Raiden and Nahida can do quickened danage -Healing bonus builds clam faster -Furina's higher DPS although higher Er requirement -higher damage bonus that can be built quicker through Qiqi so Qiqi phys damage also gets moved up -healing used as valuable asset -Qiqi's tankiness becoming a larger QoL. Overall, Qiqi won big time through Furina. Everyone forgot about Qiqi hyperfridge, and was overlooked since Furina doesnt buff transformative yet the maintained quicken means Qiqi hyperfridge looks good with Nahida and Raiden. Its secretly a quadruple archon team. Qiqi is the immortality/healing archon, as canonical as her zombie lore is. Hope you find this team fun and strong as well.


About the squishy vs tanky characters-- I'm guessing that HP scaling healers would have the advantage. Whenever Furina is in hydro resonance (which is very often), it makes everyone's HP pool bigger but it'd also make the healer heal more. And in general, characters are harder to kill when they have massive HP pools so it helps negate one of Furina's weaknesses.