
Nietzsche's ressentiment, through a Peterson lens | Cognitive psychologist on Beyond Order

Let's really dig into what Nietzsche had to say about ressentiment, so that we can better understand what Peterson is doing with it. Attempting to, at least. But hey, we can add a revaluated definition of revaluate to our vocabularies, and just get really strange with language. Next video: I'm a placeholder for when the next video comes out Start of the chapter: ___________________ Merch! Questions? Comments? Requests?: Discord server (by way of linktree): Instagram: Support the channel!___________ Become a patron!: Become a different-kind-of-patron!: Become a subscriber! (YouTube suggests putting the link here, even though there's the Join button up top. IDK): Music (except for memetic music snippets): Other links__________ What's a creative conservative? The context surrounding the client story - Expanded discussion of Nietzsche's writings about a certain group... Thus Spake Zarathustra, lengthier discussion - Peterson could lose his license? Proper source handling and attribution - Timestamps 0:00 Abandon Ideology, Part 4 0:37 Intro 2:50 Ressentiment - general background 11:57 Peterson's ressentiment reference 16:59 Peterson's interpretation 29:05 The ressentiment "causal chain of thought" 35:57 Innocence and guilt 37:52 The client story from 12 Rules 44:15 Skip the client story and discussion 47:43 "No group guilt" 51:51 Subsection wrap-up 52:17 Credits and references Footnoted links___________ Jordan B. Peterson Cass Eris casseris Cass Aris beyond order 12 rules for life 12 more rules for life Nietzsche ressentiment resentment

Cass Eris

5 days ago

somehow I have a lot to say about resent them all a shocking amount really so hopefully by the end of this video you will have a solid understanding of n's version of the concept and how Jordan burnt Peterson got it so terribly wrong this video made possible thanks to the continuing support of viewers patrons and PayPal PALS like you thanks than hi this is the video now hello and welcome back to our reading of the anti- ideology ideologues direction for we mere mortals to abandon our ideology in
rule six of Beyond order 12 more rules for life Kitty oh no oh no oh no we left off the previous video with Peterson's warning to beware of intellectuals who make a God out of their ISM a point you think you could have just finished the chapter with but no apologies to non- English speakers here but he's got one more be in his Bonnet to vent his spleen about so that's where we're picking up today the so-called hidden motivations behind the isms these hidden motivations being something that Pete
rson can somehow sniff out and inform us about because he's that good of a Yan clinical psychologist or something all of it will hinge on n's resent M which is where we're going to spend most of this video most huge shout out to everybody who helped me on this script both for making sure I didn't say something stupid but also because I'm still a novice when it comes to N I know more than when I started this rule but I'm still a novice and so what I had originally was going to be off not Peterson
levels of wrong but still off which is no bueno so thanks to everybody who helped me hobbyist or professional it turns out uh you're able to get a better sense of fortim all so thank you so let's get those pesky bees out of his toque and get right to it starting with the quick refresher for the visual cues I used to indicate where ideas are coming from this means I'm paraphrasing the book this means I'm responding to the book or integrating my thoughts with references there's not really science
to be had today so think of this as the N Niche the history Hideway the soul shits in space yeah okay maybe I shouldn't try to get clever with that so let's just start shall we yeah we have arrived at Peterson's eighth reference for this chapter and of course it is once again n naturally NCH so we are going to start with the source material before seeing Peterson's use of it with how this is cited I spent a while looking for what I thought were two books had I only looked at the cover I would h
ave saved myself some time as they are bound in the same book by these translators at least and hello again Kaufman guess you're Peter 's favorite I have found that Kaufman usually has helpful stuff to say in the editor's introduction so while reading I came across his advice quote to understand n's conceptions of Master and slave morality one should read Beyond Good and Evil section 260 and human Al to human section 45 and keep in mind the title of our book which deals with the origins of moral
ity n distinguishes moralities that originated in ruling classes from moralities that originated among the oppressed yeah resent them all is linked to his morality systems we'll get there so I did that recommended reading and then read the section Peterson pointed us to it's coming after similar things to what we saw from n references earlier this chapter how the domestica effects of culture by way of religion was bad for the Modern Man and how they needed to return to their more pure natural Wi
ll To Power and I am grateful to Kaufman for suggesting reading the other things before attempting this one Peterson is just throwing us into slave morality revolts so let's backtrack a sec basically n categorized moralities into two groups the master and slave moralities masters are the people in charge the ruling class the nobility just the top dogs from the various cultures slaves are everyone else I'm not entirely sure where the middle class would fit into this although it's a relatively new
social strata in the grand scheme of things and also kind of disappearing so I guess it would probably be more in line with the slave moralities with possible aspirations for the master but I'm just guessing the way I'm finding easiest to conceptualize the two morality systems is in how good and bad or evil are defined in master moralities what is considered good is set by the ruling group what the nobility value in themselves is good what is contemptible to them is bad so they are said to be q
uote value creat ing as they themselves determine what is good or bad linked to this is reverence for tradition and the ancestors shocking that Peterson wasn't referencing n in all of his rule one blah blah any of his blah blah about the importance of tradition that's been handed down to us by our wise and Sage ancestors In fairness n wasn't really lionizing tradition the way Peterson is so maybe it's not a good fit for a reference although aspects or fragments of n's philosophy are pretty perva
sive in Peterson's ideology like once you learn to see the signature of it you can see it everywhere it's like he's Lobster washing n just oh no this is the correct interpretation ignore everything else that came before slave morality is described as a quote morality of utility in the sense that its good things help the underclasses cope with the quote pressure of existence good in this morality box are things like pity a warm heart and friendliness specific good things to the Masters are quote
the feeling of fullness of power that seeks to overthrow the happiness of high tension the consciousness of wealth that would give and bestow it's not said outright in what I've read but it seems like n is talking around or not really interested in addressing the effect that not having the quote consciousness of wealth would have on Lower Class class people it's so great that the noble value creators have the means to go baing about on their quote capacity for and duty of long gratitude and long
revenge and a quote certain necessity for having enemies they certainly have the time to since they aren't having to worry their pretty little Savage heads with putting food on the table or keeping their family housed bad things in the slave morality quote Inspire fear and as such are evil so to condense that all down in master morality the value holder determines what is good by what they value in themselves and the bad is their ick and slave morality good is determined by what can make their
struggle filled lives easier and Kinder and bad is replaced by Evil Within that evil can contain the master morality's good as that requires holding power that they never will and hey that leaves us with a pretty good segue back to Peterson's reference for resent and w this section by which I mean a handful of pages is from n's on the genealogy of morals in which he lays out his view of where our morality systems came from and we can't even make it a sentence in before we're having to take anoth
er detour right so this quote slave revolt and morality what's up with that thankfully we just need to go back a couple Pages this is something that is credited to the Jews a couple thousand years ago because we are bordering on yville let me briefly remind you of the context surrounding n talking about Jewish people and the use of n's works by party we talked about this in a previous part of this chapter the very quick Ander version is that according to Niche spurts like Kaufman Nicha was adama
ntly anti-semitic and the way he talked about the group was relatively Progressive for his time the spread of n's works in the na party was partly a consequence of his sister tweaking his Works to appeal to the antici of that audience that said with what he writes she didn't have to tweak it all that hard to push the appeal so in brief it seems like he wasn't trying to portray Jews negatively at least not more so than any other religious group like the Christians which you know he threw down wit
h for domesticating us and he had far harsher words for Christianity but seeing as how one group has been a far more vulnerable minority for a good chunk of History you can see how it doesn't read so well today okay so regarding the morality slave revolt ascribed to Jews Kaufman's footnote points us to his commentary in Beyond Good and Evil we are looking at section 195 and uh it's it's still looking kind of bad the footnote here points to a bunch of things n wrote but the main point Kaufman's t
rying to make in doing so is to show the different ways n wrote about Jewish people and show it wasn't all so questionable to look at one in section 52 of Beyond Good and Evil n called out the audacity of attaching the New Testament to the old and calling it quote the book par excellance given the new testament's fluffy tameness compared to the ot's hardcore quote Divine Justice and incomparable grandiosity okay so n's Point here is that Jewish morality flipped a sort of natural hierarchy of mor
als instead of power and resource accumulation being top good Jews emphasized basically things according to the slave morality hence the quote slave rebellion and morals in the section after he expands on how we aren't even aware that this Revolt happened because it was that long of a process which was furthered by Jesus that Christianity offered too tempting a promise to the masses so the slave morality was able to quote triumph over all nobler ideals also importantly for what's coming that thi
s was a quote spiritual Revenge born out of quote vengefulness and hatred because why else would people possibly want to focus on camaraderie over Conquest he continues to argue that this Revolt is kind of over slave morality one so what purpose does the church have now especially as it quote alienates more than seduces at this point that we could be quote free Spirits without the church so this free Spirits comment unsurprisingly ties into one of the themes of n's works that we could go beyond
the good and evil ways of doing morality elevating ourselves Beyond what's come before that the old ways had essentially been killed by modernity and so we needed to either become free Spirits or fall into nihilism look at that title isn't that interesting an author who can deliver on the beyondness that the book title is promising something we haven't really seen from Peterson H and with that I think think we can finally really start the section Peterson referenced this has been so so much n fo
r this poor little philosophy Noob who didn't even take like philosophy 101 so if you found this edutaining please leave a like subscribe perhaps I was not made for this kind of reading the impetus for the morality Revolt is restim all which in the footnote is translated just as resentment but why specifically use a French term Kaufman has some insight for us one there isn't an equivalent in German sort of like how shod and fra has worked its way into English two after n's falling out with Vagne
r yes that Vagner so important to the obviously the thing to do would be to embrace the culture and language vogner hated we're spending a little extra time here because I feel like Kaufman managed to reach through time to roast Dr P while having a little aside about Hegel trying to localize philosophy into German quote nothing serves as well as obscurity to make shallowness look profound nice so n was against nationalism and also wanted to be precise and efficient in his writing so if there was
a good word to use even if it's not German he'd use it however n did like one form of ambiguity that I kind of feel like Peterson has made his brand so-called revaluation which is amusingly a revaluation of revaluated self quoting Kaufman he loved words and phrases that mean one thing out of context and almost its opposite in the context he gives them all of them involve a double meaning one exoteric or readily understood and one esoteric one to put it crudely wrong and the other right however
contrary to what may have been n's intent to trip up skimmers seems like Peterson does it because he wants to change the meaning meaning of the word a sort of definitional truthiness anyways back on point the third reason for why French especially in an English translation is that this was an nanism this is a major thing he contributed so calling it anything else would obscure the full intended meaning getting back to Peterson's reference resent imal comes from the perception of existing in a ho
stile world and reacting by calling it all evil this is of course a problem for the morality of the commoners because the noble breed's values are created by virtue of what they value in themselves also when viewing those beneath them to formulate their bad with contempt as is their right the Masters don't twist reality as much as their inferiors do because contempt is less toxic than the quote submerged hatred the vengefulness of the impotent characteristic of slave morality also also moral ity
Master card holders are able to genuinely be happy as opposed to those who are in handed life on a platter no no they have to quote deceive themselves that they were happy Masters are also quote necessarily active which helps them be happy while the slaves are passive which further ruins their happy Vibes hey hey n you why might the lower classes of Nia rest more could it be that they were having to do more labor than their social betters and actual backbreaking labor not [ __ ] around with a S
ticky Wicket and having a good War whatever those fancy cockcombs did n keeps on with the poor people be like hered her for a bit noting along the way that if a noble person should happen to be struck with rental it'll pass quickly because e poor people that is a manner most Unbecoming for someone of Distinction being able to let let [ __ ] slide off you like water off a duck's back is a noble trait indicative of a strong nature and actually a Master loves their enemies because it says something
good about them to have such good enemies keeps them short meanwhile the quote evil enemy of the lower born is crafted out of resent and then informs their definition of Good by exclusion continuing beyond the part Peterson referenced Nicha lays out differences between good bad and evil pretty clearly in a master morality good comes from within themselves and bad is crafted from their disdain they are the masters of their Universe enslaved morality stricken with resent and mo evil is the good f
rom the master morality pass through the quote venomous eye of resent him all good then is just not that and we are skipping the quote blonde Beast bit because that is way above my pay grade Okie do with that citation pre- addressed let's see what use Peterson makes of all of that resent all hostile resentment occurs when individual failure or insufficient status is blamed both on the system within which that failure or LLY status occurs and then most particularly on the people who have achieved
success and high status within that system H that kind of almost tracks I'll beit less so the more that I look at it like shanding it as quote hostile resentment is short changing n's complexity that we skimmed the surface of in this video regardless Peterson has Stripped Away the bigger context of the two morality systems which just really Dr P you love putting things in two boxes come here Peterson come here you can tell me do you not want to show others doing this are you afraid that people
won't like you as much if they find out that other people can put things into two boxes it's fine don't worry about it I'm sure this won't change anybody's opinion of you okay so when he talked about resent all and 12 rules and yes this is the resal hand gesture I don't make the rules so when he talked about resal and 12 rules it was also divorced from the morality system development context hell it was even more divorced from resal itself in rule 11 he dropped n in after his favorite depth psyc
hologists to illustrate the true unconscious motives behind Progressive attempts at improving things by using the quote about the Tarantulas as referencing there lets us know he pulled this from Kaufman's portable n but to be pedantic and you can also be pedantic in the swag from my merge store check it out linked below this was originally from thus spake zarathustra which we touched on in part two of this rule these tarantulas have a will to equity which you know both n and Peterson cannot abid
e which was argued to come not from a place of trying to better everyone's lives but rather as a way to quote wreak Vengeance and abuse on their social betters now having done the reading on n's morality systems I can see how this tarantula heart business is representing the slave morality system just in a more poetic form interestingly Peterson didn't expand much on it then he just immediately moved on to misrepresenting Orwell's views on socialism there are a couple points of Peterson's explan
ation of resent all we need to get into because they're off we're going to start with a relatively easy one in that Peterson stripped present to ma of its social class context which struck me as a choice I tried to see if I was off base here so turn to trusty old Wikipedia for some help seems like it may have partially shifted into a psycho Dynamic view which great love that not that the editor could provide a reference for that claim but Peterson's referencing resent at its source with n if he'
s using the more modern class nonspecific version that should have been clarified both in text at some point and with a reference that touches on the shift without that yeah he's definitely missing important context here always a great thing to do when building an entire section of your life advice book on concept just reevaluate it into what you want it to be no no no a major source of offness is the centrality of blame in Peterson's description of recent he's basically giving us a series of ev
ents here person is at the bottom or fails person blames this on the system they are bottoming or failing in then quote most particularly the person blames the successful full tops and keep in mind dear viewer that this is all being attributed to a specific portion of nich's on the genealogy of morals so let's have a look see back through that section and see if we can find Peterson's blame in here slave morality Revolt because of resal birthed values reiteration of the differences between maste
r and slave moralities adding that slave morality needs to exist in a world felt to be hostile and reactively reject it Master morality values differently differences in how the two moralities misers leave the world some stuff about Greek language indicating stuff between the higher and lower classes which shifts to a discussion on happiness and activity levels between the two groups uh more differences between the groups now about how honest they are with themselves and how the dishonesty of re
sent AAL leads to craftiness the thing about resent not being a thing for the Masters how not holding grudges or ruminating all mistakes is a sign of nobility the differences in the feelings about enemies and finally the enemy for resenting M people being an evil can drive in which then informs their sense of goodness you know there's no blame here maybe it's hiding somewhere in Kaufman's recommended reading to understand the morality systems in section 260 of Beyond Good and Evil there's noted
suspicion on the part of the lower class for what the Masters call good and the evil label being assigned to those who Inspire fear and what's good for the slave morality leading to overall increased stupidity no blame though section 45 of human all to human has a slightly different geneal ology of morals with the good tribe being able to quote practice requal against good and evil and those who can't quite or quite right belong to the bad swarm there's a little bit on the differences between ba
d and evil uh goodness is apparently inherited as quote it is impossible that a bad man could grow up out of such good soil okay and more differences between the good and bad people still still no blame there's one last place I can think of to look and it's a bit of a Hail Mary on behalf of Peterson we are returning to the tarantula Hearts from thus spake zaratustra the tarantula Wants Revenge for itself and to spread the need for it zaratustra the sort of narrator in this book wants people to b
e free from the cycle King to the little part Peterson quoted in 12 rules the Tarantulas want Equity but the method to achieve it is by getting revenge against their betters zarathustra calls the Tarantulas out on their hidden tyrannical drives Revenge Revenge a warning from Big Z about those quote who talk too much of their Justice because they are unpowered tyrants hidden Revenge Z's against equality and that's a good thing to him fighting is a consequence of inequality life needs to have ineq
uality let's have good fights as good enemies but oh no Z got bit by the tarantula knocking the wind out of Z sales and filling him with the need for vengeance so he wants his students to tie him up to prevent him quote dancing the Tarantella great so there is a distinct lack of blame in any of the things he's directly or indirectly pointed us to for restim all particularly from his Citation for it that he's presumably building his explanation on what do we do with this information well this wou
ld't be the first time Pearson's taken a source out of context or misconstrued the point of what he's citing it's just wild to see it for something that he's painted himself to be an expert on like him getting marks wrong that's easy enough for the lobsters to just oh it's fine he's not an expert on marks he's never claimed to be it's not a core part of his advice so it's it's fine it's fine but n resent him M homeboy [ __ ] up on his own surf and turf at least according to him I will mention he
re that the very generous with their time cror the academic philosopher no less pointed me in the direction of where to find an element of blame in n's restim M however it ties in basically perfectly with where we're going to pick things up in the next video so we're going to hold off until then but it's not along the lines of what Peterson described so my point still stands I think this thing that's really a sticking point for me on this is that's adding I don't know quite how to say it a degre
e of interaction between the tops and bottoms since we're apparently shifting away from Masters and slaves the bottoms are blaming the tops for their topness as opposed to the general sense I got from n's works that was more detached than that the tops look down at the bottoms with contempt and the bottoms look up at the tops with fearful suspicion and that's just just how it is well it's laying the groundwork for why he's even talking about resen himal in the first place unfortunately however P
eterson's revaluating of nichas resent all doesn't stop there in addition to blame Peterson adds a failure layer onto what I'm assuming is a lower class status from n yeah that helps modernize it especially in the bootstrapping capitalist hellscape we call a society at this point where if you're lower class it's only because you haven't cap Capal ismed hard enough to not be but again it bugs me with how this is written it seems like it's part of n's usage of resent AAL which it wasn't at least n
ot as far as I could tell then there's also this system that the resenting is happening in that certainly wasn't part of what we dug through back there I suppose you could do a sort of asle to justify Pearson's addition of this is just expanding what n was talking about that it was implied in n's writing writings at the tops and the bottoms all existed in the same system he just never mentioned it or talked about it because reasons building on that it's an interesting choice to specify that blam
e is eventually placed on the people who have both quote achieved success and high status within that system so if someone who has failed is resenting at someone who succeeded but has not achieved High status that would be okay or would that not be resent in this case you got to be careful with those ANS Peterson the pedantic Patrol will come for your imprecise speech my issue with Peterson expanding renal like this is that it seems like this place is blame a different blame than the one Peterso
n added on the person who isn't High status or succeeding whatever that actually means in this case instead of possibly considering that the person has legitimate grievances with the syst system situation and or people up top why shouldn't the lower classes be pissed off at the Elites for having inherited a relatively easier life why is their Master morality system the more noble one because they were born into privilege [ __ ] that well I do agree that centering your life on resentment isn't is
n't healthy my working class Roots bristle at the implication that if I work super duper hard I can advance myself into that Master morality mindset which will be to my benefit no I do not think it better to be a predator praying on those I now view as contempt and no this wasn't the natural order of things before Judaism either the amusing part here is Peterson's not going to follow through with this he's not going to encourage readers to develop out of that slave morality system into Master mo
rality system or Dare To Dream one free of either possibly because that could run the risk of people figuring out that they are value creators and hey they a value things that go against the traditional value set and we can't have that happening no no no no Peterson explains the resen mo causal Chain of Thought the system itself is deemed unjust quote by Fiat by Fiat huh I am curious what Authority Peterson thinks is making this decree especially with some ability to enforce it as supposed he'd
argue it's the progressives who are decaying the West with their Dei initiatives and pronouns and threatening to revoke his professional standing for being a hateful piece of [ __ ] the authoritarian bastards who weren't exactly around in n's time in this unjust system the winners are quote exploitative and corrupt and didn't earn their winning this therefore it is quote morally just Justified to attack the winners Peterson makes the blanket statement of this thought chain being the consequence
of shameful Envy with an implication that it's no longer viewed negatively with the structure of this paragraph my assumption would be that this is all coming from reference 8 on the off chance you've forgotten dear viewer that was n's on the genealogy of morals Pages 36 to 39 and as shown will trying to find blame in there none of what peeterson described for this causal Chain of Thought is in what he cited or in the pages surrounding that or in the little chunk of Beyond Good and Evil Kaufman
pointed to is being relevant for presentent really the closest we come to this idea that the winners must be attacked by the losers is the part of thus spake zarathustra Pearson quoted in 12 rules the tarantula heart thing and their need for Revenge but that is a huge stretch now he or his Lobster Army could try to dismiss his criticism by saying that obviously this is his addition toa's restim all of it really besides the lone word from French I'm going to put my foot down and say mm- the divis
ion between what is cited for n's resal and his creative extension of the arguments is not clear at all and that is a part of bad Source handling it should be Crystal Clear where ideas are coming from in both directions right now this seems to be trying to pump up some extra Authority by implying it was from a celebrated philosopher WRA than an Infamous psychologist now to actually respond a little to what Peterson wrote there I actually kind of think there's two sides to consider with this two
sides different than two boxes absolutely there's a side Pearson's talking about someone feeling burned by the thing that they tried and failed at who now wants to burn everything down resenting the people who didn't fail and I agree that mindset is not healthy just leaves you spinning your wheels and stagnating instead of taking the opportunity for growth that you kind of have to but I see another side to this because I've lived it well I enjoy what's become my job it isn't exactly what I thoug
ht I'd be doing I am an academic brown dwarf for a couple interacting reasons I never cracked into a faculty job I have since made my peace with it as much as I can but there were many feelings some of them pretty negative in the process of realizing I wasn't going to get to fulfill my long-term dream of being a professor and no laughing at that dream that is a lofty position to a workingclass kid and yeah there can still be resentment at the institution that I failed to find my place in althoug
h most of it is directed at my original adviser and his orbiters but I digress but by not having made it I was offered an opportunity to really see the cracks in the ivory facade that honestly I wouldn't have had to think about had I had landed a 10-e track job because if you are are able to succeed in a system unless you listen to the critics and really value what they have to say there is zero incentive for you to try to change it for the better if anything it can feel like there's some incent
ive to close the door behind you to reduce competition even in especially in Academia and people don't even have to be conscious they're doing this the winning and the door closing because it cheapens the win if you realize that you benefited from a rig system so just put those thoughts out of your head to preserve your feelings no matter the costs as long as you made it basically it's the job version of [ __ ] you got mine Peterson's all about confronting the monster and Evil Within as you'll s
ee in the next video but yet somehow he will not or cannot do this sort of introspection and self-reflection in case you weren't aware somehow he is a straight white guy he was dealt a pretty good hand for for the mid 20th century Canada and yeah he's worked a variety of jobs some of them labor including the one he got nicknamed howdy duty at but he's always done it from a relative position of privilege a position I doubt he's thought about much given how fiercely against Dei measures he is if a
nything he seems to only have really thought about the negative impacts members of his in group's experience such as the very true statistic he talked about in 12 rules rule 11 the let kids skate one about education Systems Failing boys and men don't go messing with the status quo now not if it messes with the traditional ways of doing things and you aren't a creative conservative basically my point is that growth can come from processing through resent them all both on a personal local level wh
ere you try to improve on the things that led to you failing as well as on a larger scale maybe you didn't win or succeed or whatever because the system was unfair yeah you can seee and ruminate on it or you can try to make something positive happen from this could just be to take the invitation to find a different path or a system that isn't so rigged against you or you could Champion for reform in that broken system the choice is yours there is another typical feature of ideological Pursuit th
e victims supported by ideologues are always innocent and it is sometimes true the victims are innocent and the perpetrators are always evil evil perpetrators are also not in short supply but the fact that there exists genuine victims and perpetrators provides no excuse to make low-resolution blanket statements about the global local of blameless victimization and evil perpetration particularly of the type that does not take the presumed innocence of the accused firmly into account I'm not sure
if he's saying evil here as a nod to nich a slave morality and it's good versus evil dichotomy or if he's just using it in the more common sense is the opposite of good with how sloppy's writing can be I've shifted to just assuming it's probably not intentional although it is possible he accidentally fell onto doing it I say this because he's avoided talking about the Master Slave morality systems like something he'd avoid harder than the modern plague so it may not be in his thoughts while he w
rote this I wouldn't be surprised if he either just knew or looked up where n talked about rental and dropped that in his reference without rereading it but really if he had went more into the morality systems this innocent victim versus evil perpetrator part would have mapped onto the slave morality bins but the thing is in what I've seen it seems like progressives have a greater propensity towards seeing the factors that help set the path the perpetrator ended up on so it isn't just that the o
ffender did the bad thing because they're evil although as Pearson mentioned sometimes there are exceptions and people just suck there were likely factors in their early development failures in the school system all the way up to systemic cultural issues that made the offender Behavior seem more acceptable to them as was the case with convicted Brock Turner these non-specific ideologies he's talking about would do two things in my estimation second and we're working backwards you'll see why as I
just said there would be a look at the broader context the offender was operating in to see what systemic issues or failures LED them to this point with the intent of initiating changes to those systems to prevent this happening in the future first believe the victim and also importantly not require them to be a perfect or stereotypical victim I'm not entirely sure where he's getting this idea that the progressive perception is that the victim is always innocent whatever that means w don't you
know it the perfect example leap to mind while I was writing this something from 12 rules that will inform this quite a bit and this is where the content warning kicks in so we are jumping back to rule 9 assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't to his story about a former client this client had been seeing him for a bit but then in one appointment told him that she thought she had been raped at hearing this the place Peterson's mind went to was to wonder how dru
nk she was when it happened but then the client added it happened repeatedly which Peterson couldn't understand he proceeds to describe this client to us as a quote ghost of a person who was desperate for attention and couldn't think for herself to really make sure we understand his perspective of this former client and make sure we don't end up sympathizing too much with her he added info about the difficulty she was having and seeing him for that he believed she needed someone to tell her abou
t herself and who she was because she could couldn't do it herself he walked us through the thoughts he had about her in response to what she had said that all have an unprofessionally judgmental and paternalistic tone he saw two alternate paths he could take in responding to her the quote left-wing social justice response would be to validate her feelings and affirm that she had been raped the conservative response would have asked her quote what the hell she expected getting drunk while going
to quote Singles bars implying it was her fault he went with neither instead asking her what she thought and then listening without seeming to help her work through to actually help her understand what had happened partly because she was seeing a union-based therapist and that process is never quick but also because in his mind the question of whether or not she had been raped is a complex one and he didn't want her leaving therapy as quote the living embodiment of my damned ideology there's a l
ot to re unpack there but for starters if this article by Cowen and others is anything to go by for how therapists should respond to these sorts of situations pieton really dropped the fraking ball here even as a psychodynamic practitioner he should have helped her process that experience with a hell of a lot more than just listening to her the example in the Cowen paper includes a series of prompts by the therapist helping a hypothetical client work through their feelings about what happened th
e reason this came to mind was his caricature of what a quote social justice response would be that culminates in telling her quote she was an innocent victim even if she was getting blackout drunk on the regular and engaging in Risky behaviors which it is not at all clear she was that was a [ __ ] assumption on his part right now is not the time to work with her on that she seemed to be coming to him as her therapist for help in figuring out and processing what happened which I'm guessing a bun
ch of listening didn't do much to help with while I am relieved that he just listened and didn't unload his conservative takes on her this sheds light on how he thinks things go in social justice circles as well as some of his own internal thoughts on victims that the quote left leaning answer would have gone all in that her uncertainty was reflective of quote thorough and long-term victimization as opposed to not being sure where the boundaries between consent ual and non-consensual sex are and
I'm imagining Canada does about as well as the US does in teaching young adults that so yeah having some uncertainty there is sadly unsurprising that he's playing it up is ridiculous for people engaging in sex to make sure their partner is an eager participant is concerning which is followed by a debate broes absurdity play about each move needing to being consented to which yeah Peterson they do this this is easier with long-term Partners knowing what is and isn't okay but even then you need t
o check in periodically and make sure the things are still wanted and everything's okay it's basic carnal courtesy she doesn't have to have been innocent to have been raped [ __ ] but there's also all that stuff he shared that went through his head that she must have been drunk because drunk people quote get raped but you know she was fague and naive quote anyone could take her by the hand and guide her down the road of their choosing it was just waiting to happen so really it seems to be that t
o him the question is how much she did what she was unconsciously wanting she can tell I'm angry it's like he thinks that spinning up these narratives in his head and then just listening to her is the better option than working with her to help her figure out what happened and process through her feelings which to me seems like he can't believe that she was the victim of repeated sexual assaults that he's having to poke holes in her credibility in his head to I don't know justify [ __ ] just sit
ting there listening to her and not helping her as her [ __ ] therapist he's talking here about the innocence of victims being an assumption of ideologues but come on at least with this client he did the exact opposite presume her guilt in things which conveniently enough makes the offender an innocent bystander who made the mistake of getting intimate with her which is sort of why there has been this push to believe victims in Progressive spaces if if in assault case goes to trial the victim's
life is going to be put under a microscope in cross-examination to try to ruin their credibility as a victim to make it seem like they were asking for what happened that they should have expected the assault as described in this conversation piece by ilads and bra a person who is assaulted is someone who has had their personal rights attacked by another person it shouldn't matter what their sexual or substance use history is but I'm probably preaching to the choir on this channel so we'll move o
n another disconnect peon seems to have from how Progressive spaces tend to work is the importance of a person's agency in things from what I've seen a person's agency in their their choices actions and attendant consequences of those is so important a person has to be free to live their life as long as it doesn't impinge on the rights of others but with what Peterson's describing here agency is removed for everyone an offender being evil suggests that they didn't really have a choice they were
going to offend because they're evil Choice has been implicitly removed from the equation if Peterson had provided any sort of example for things rather than quot quote low resolution blanket statements we might have a more clear idea of what he's trying to talk about here but he hasn't that I got lucky with the neuron firing at the right moment provided the only sort of lobster context I could think of for this but it is possible I'm off base that he isn't talking about assault cases at all so
then is this about people critical of the patriarchal system with the offenders being all men or is this about environmentalists putting everyone on blast for existing what is it Peterson gim me specifics or broadly speaking the good and evil dichotomy Peterson claims are inherent in isms seems to be a more app description of how he sees the world at least regarding things he doesn't like such as all the isms this chapter can sometimes be about like proponents of Dei measures affirming care prov
iders for transcender non-binary people or climate change fighters to name just a few the last thing I want to touch on here is something I've also seen in online space bases a general misconception about the necessity of quote presuming the innocence of the accused it gets thrown around like when someone breaks a Discord servers rules or on prusky Twitter that someone shouldn't be penalized until they've been given a fair trial that their guilt has been presumed and this is a free country my ri
ghts so thing is that is a requirement for criminal proceedings you know when somebody's been charged with a crime that they could be penalized for in the penal system so it's really important that they get a fair trial where their jury isn't biased against them if you are unclear on this Wikipedia can go into more detail civil cases have a lower burden of proof as described in the Cornell Law School link wherever it is so it doesn't have that same presumption of innocence and when you get to th
e court of public opinion hey guess what there is no no standard burden of proof none in the unspoken social contract one would hope that they aren't presume to be guilty of things until there is a preponderance of receipts shared but nah no one owes you that for better or worse and while it's possible Peterson is talking about criminal level offenses here I doubt it he's probably talking about the more mundane day-to-day judgments so the presumption of innocence would be a courtesy from an info
rmational vacuum muddying the discussion by demanding a presumption of innocence of every single person who has benefited from dysfunctional power structures is a waste of [ __ ] time and seems to largely be done by people who are actively part of the problem I could say more here but he's actually going somewhere with this point in a moment of peak hypocrisy he basically just said don't assume evil but then he's going to turn around and assume some evil in the following sentence no group guilt
should be assumed and certainly not of the multigenerational kind it is a certain sign of the accuser's evil intent and a haringer of social catastrophe but the advantage is that the ideologue at little practical costs can construe him or herself both as Nemesis of the oppressor and defender of the oppressed who needs to find distinctions that determination of individual guilt or innocence demands when a prize such as that beckons see what I mean quote it is a certain sign of the accuser's evil
intent to assume group guilt he never has been good at following his own advice unless he really thinks of himself as Peterson true knower of everybody's inner thoughts and selves which I wouldn't find surprising with all the Y he's huffed over the years reference or rather end note 9 is a comment about the punishment the families of quote class enemies experienced in the USSR and soulan nson Gulag archipelago specifically the version that has the forward by Peterson of course he'd have the forw
ard on the a bridged version we aren't going to spend much time here other than for me to aine that Peterson's point would have been better supported with something that isn't known to be let's call it historically hyperbolic with regard to the facts dig through the citations in the linked Wikipedia section on the academic response to the gulag archipelago for more there what exactly does Peterson mean by group guilt here the soulan its incitation is a specific example but the text seems to be w
ritten more generally one might even call it overly General that in its vagueness it's feeding into the conservative culture War discourse that claims all white people are painted as evil or all men or all whatever if you actually look into what's being said in Progressive circles it's not that clearcut and certainly not seriously throwing around the evil label then this rapid upscaling particularly with the emphasis it receives is surprising and not the fun kind of surprise in the quote before
it seemed like he was talking about an individual person's presumed innocence or guilt but then bam now we're talking about group guilt but then bam again we've got a singular oppressor so back to an individual again maybe certainly by the end of the quote with the quote determination of indiv idual guilt or innocence pick a scale bro as we talked about before though this presumption of innocence is only really a thing for criminal cases and yeah that didn't happen for the families of traitors i
n the USSR but in his opinion where is this happening right now I'm sure we can all Hazard guesses as to what he's talking about here there's no shortage of possible answers but again with how vague this is it's next to impossible to know what he's actually talking about if you can predict and explain everything with your model because it's written this broadly your model's actually [ __ ] there's no such thing as climate right climate and everything are the same word but of course he had to wor
k in some Doom here with the quote harbinger of social catastrophe what is the social catastrophe here from the citation it would seem gags were political prisoners but is that what he's really warning against now no I suspect it to be more about protecting the targets of the isms he's against from earlier this chapter some of the isms were against the rich or more broadly power you know how much he loves those dominance hierarchies in all their forms those must be preserved at any cost at least
until a creative conservative comes along with some tradition honoring ways to restructure things you think I've talked enough for this video yeah yeah so hopefully you have a pretty good understanding of resent all now because next time we're going to pick up with his predictions for what happens when you walk the path of resent to all the rud if you will until next time bye a he



For whatever reason, I swapped out "equality" for "equity" a couple times while discussing Nietzsche. Not sure why, but it happened. I know it's not the same thing, so thank you in advance for not practicing "good" comment etiquette. Rocket ships are welcome, though.


Peterson's insistence that "the Left" thinks that all victims are entirely "innocent" comes from noticing people thinking that victims deserve empathy and justice and tacking on his own assumption that sympathy and justice are only legitimate for an absolutely perfect victim. I don't know whether he's just taking it for granted that the people he hates agree with him about worthiness, or whether he's deliberately trying to frame things so as to exclude the idea that a non-"perfect" victim deserves any consideration.


I feel like Nietzche is one of those philosophers that while there is valuable insight in what he actually wrote, theres enough people who take away all the wrong lessons that being a fan is kind of a red flag.


Bro that part about Jordan's disgusting. I'm so glad his practicing license is revoked.


i wish someone would do a a psychological analysis of peterson´s writings, because good god there is so much crap that he says about other people and he is actually talking about himself, yet he is completely oblivious to it.


Bottoms rise up ✊😳✊😳✊😳✊😳


I think Peterson's story about his client is incredibly revealing as to Peterson's thought processes and how he views the world in general. He has this knee-jerk reaction that, when presented with a situation that someone has had harm done to them, to assume that they must have done something to if not bring it on, then at least something that makes them less of a victim because, to someone as supposedly "moral" as Peterson, he knows that, if this person is truly a victim of something unjust, then there is a moral obligation to protect them and make sure the harm does not stop and that is in conflict with his own beliefs about the status quo and the stabilizing structures of society. I think that's one of Peterson's fundamental hypocrisies, a man who places such a high value on morality, but a man who is completely and utterly unwilling to put that morality into effect and will jump through whatever hoops he has to in order to shield his morality from the reality around him. You even see this now on Twitter with him screaming at Elmo, he immediately assumes everyone has bad intentions because then he has every right to hate them. It's almost like Peterson found a way to short circuit or cheat code his own morality. Also, it's so hilarious that he preaches "No group guilt should be assumed" when that's LITERALLY all he's ever done in the public eye!


Yet another example of a conservative “thinker” substituting his misunderstanding of a philosophy for the philosophy itself, and using that misunderstanding as a reason the philosophy is wrong.


I’m only a minute in, and I promise I’ll watch the whole essay, but … that is a good kitty!! Wookit that widdle square muzzle!! He’s like a supermodel kitty. 🥰


I just got some safety glasses to go with my kids picachu onesie, I think I need to get a Nietzsche stash too


OHHHH I know a bunch of stuff about this topic awesome!! **everything I know is from envy by contrapoints lol* Honestly, peterson is a great example of Squidwardianism hahahahaha


Ah, something to look forward to for after work.


I went camping in the States and was told to pack a "knitted hat", took a minute to go "you mean a tuque???"


It was 2018 or so when I started getting into psychology and self help for personal reasons, wanted to understand more about myself and others and hopefully discover and heal past and present traumas and stuff. I stumbled into Peterson because he was pushed by the waves of the algorithms, I found his psychology stuff fascinating and informative. I gradually discovered he seemed to be immersed or surrounded by controversy that I didn't understand at the time early stage. Then I became aware of why and then strictly stuck only to his psychology videos from 10+ years ago before he had his public break out and break with sanity (or maybe that last part happened a lot sooner!) My assessment today is as it was then, Peterson seems to be a decent psychologist, but that dost not maketh a decent philosopher, political scientist, or much of anything else. He's been philosophizing with Nietzsche's philosophy hammer, but as a psychologist, and everything is a nail. Never, ever, once, does he ever self reflect on himself and his status or influence as a public "intellectual" that is infamous and popular talks about everything BUT psychology. Okay psychologist for his time, absolutely shit peddling and slurping ideologue in every other respect.


Once again a fantastic video and analysis Cass!


33:16 Exactly this! People who happen to succeed in a rigged system are not merely incentivized not to think about how that system is rigged. They are incentivized to protect that broken system at all cost and to silence any critics of that system. This is why most rich people reflexively dismiss any criticism of Capitalism. They literally can't handle the truth!


Always appreciate the vids & the commitment to the "Ressentiment" bit was the cherry on top lol.


Hegel proofread her script😭😭😭


Thank you, Cass for all your mighty fine "revaluation". now that you've taught me about nich-guy (I am not even gonna try to spell that name at 2am after imbibing inebriants), I realize now that the undergrad philosophy major himbo who I hung around in the top half of 2001, had not done the reading he was assigned, though it didn't stop him from talking about mister hard-to-spell of the long 19th century every day. i'm starting to understand why some modern philosophers are jerks, which was foreign to my own philosophy's intellectual lineage, from "critique of pure reason", through Hegel, Marx, Lenin, Rosa, Mao, & then Cck Philosophy on YouTube.


Didn’t expect talking about bottoms & tops 😅