
OneyPlays Animated - The Hosts I Hate the Most (Blender 2.93)

After accidentally killing Pant (their latest host) during a playthrough of Kingdom Hearts, Chris, Ding Dong and Julian recount some rather unpleasant experiences with some previous hosts they don't think very fondly of. Here it is, my very first proper OneyPlays Animated! This is an adaptation of "Fartulons", the 48th episode of Chris, Ding Dong and Julian's playthrough of Kingdom Hearts. A big thanks goes to Gameghoul for illustrating the title card as well. This project was a year long labor of love, so I hope you all enjoy it! There are also a few little easter eggs in here, so keep an eye out! ;) MG Discord: Watch the original uncensored version on Newgrounds:


2 years ago

*OneyPlays Opening Jingle* Let's introduce our new cast member. This is....PANT! Hello! Welcome, Pant. Where is he? (Screams in utter terror) *Brooding, dramatic theme plays* Do you remember the time we brought on a new guy called Pant and you killed him? Yeah. I do. That woul-that could've been a good change, but you ruined it. Too bad we killed him. Do you remember my friend from Foreign Planet called Smibnor? Chris: *laughs* We scrapped that episode. Chris: *laughs* We scrapped that episode.
Julian: He was the worst-he was the worst host ever! Julian: He was the worst-he was the worst host ever! Chris: Yeah, we had to scrap that. You didn' didn't even let him... (Shits explosively) -Stay here for a day. -He was fuckin' unfunny and he ruined the whole... Chris: He literally gave us cancer. DD: You killed him. Julian: He ruined the whole chemistry. DD: You KILLED him! He gave us cancer with his ray gun. Yeah! (Squirts a thin spider web of shit) Chris: And he said 'Haha, I give
you cancer!' (imitates ray gun as flashback Chris and Julian scream in agony) Like he's an evil wizard? -Yeah, he was an asshole. -'I give you cancer!' He wasn't even subtle about it. -He just gave it to us. -He wanted to give you too-mor. (Braps tinily) Julian: Why was he so mean to everybody? He kept calling me a (homophobic slur). Julian: Clearly he wasn't joking. Chris: Yeah, you were like- 'He's got a good dynamic, he's evil and mean.' (Julian laughs his wheezy laugh) But that didn't make f
or good chemistry, Ding Dong. Comedy's different! I'm sorry. (Cries in Chicagoan) At least he was better than Anti-Chris. Chris: Yeah, he was a fuckin' loser. WOO! WHAT'S UP, (meanie word)?! Julian: And Dark Ding. Duuuuhhh, Ding Dong! Chris: He was...powerful... Strong... Confident... Uhhh..... Rich.... Uhhhh... All the worst things to be. Yeah. (Wheeze laugh) Fuck him, I'm glad he's dead. Do NOT draw fanart of these charactes we just made u- -(Chuckles heartily) -Eh heh, they're going to. Hi! m
y name is Count Crapula. Can I PLEASE be a host in your Let's Play show? (Shrieks an ear-grating caterwaul of a laugh) (P A I N ) CC: Is that a yes or a no...? PAWGGERSH





I just love how Chris and Julian are these normal ass blob people while Ding Dong is just a fully fleshed out alien monster with all kinds of weird biological details, I love everything about this.


Chris and Julian being shown recovering from cancer during the Anti-Chris segment was a nice little detail


The style is fantastic dude, woah


The detail of even having Julian's iconic glass eye.


This would have scared the shit out of me as a kid.


I love how Count Crapula's silhouette was supposed to make us think it was Freddy Freaker who busted in.


Hehehehe I like how the funni butts were animated and how they jiggled


I love how ding dong’s legs are more alien-like than other interpretations of his appearance. Also the fact he changes color to reflect emotion is a nice touch, this is by far my favorite oneyplays animation


Ding Dong specifically asked to not dance to the German Mario Bros. Super Show ending theme.


Someone finally addresses Ding Dong's resemblance to the Rabbids.


I love how Ding Dong says "He wanted to give you Tu-Mor" as if that justifies Smibnor blasting people with cancer.


This was fuckin great! Really cool that you based the Smibnor design on the shitty MS pain art I put at the end of the episode, looks amazing


I can't stop thinking about Chris and Julian's shapely asses here...why must you make them look so good. Now I finally get how Homer feels.


"Do NOT make fan art of this characters we just made up." Then here you come in and decide to one up Julian by making an absolutely amazing Fan Animation. God bless you dude or dudette.


I love the detail with Anti-Chris and that Veronica moves away from him. I love the consistent theme of host’s wives knowing which husband is fake and which isn’t when it comes to oneyplays animations.


Please show this to anyone who says 3D animation isn't as unique or stylized as 2D. Proof that any form of animation is great in their own way just as long as it's done well!


Just some interesting info, when Anti Chris said “What’s Up F*gg*tts!”, the bleep that sounded like a guitar was from an old Adult Swim show called “Metalocalypse”


"Please do not make fanart of these characters we just made up." "They're not going to." Actually makes high quality 3d renders and animations of them


I hate how uncanny valley this is, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't the best animation I've seen. You sir/madam deserve way more views and subs than you have