
Road House - Offizieller Trailer | Prime Video

In dieser adrenalingeladenen Neuinterpretation des Kultklassikers aus den 80er Jahren nimmt der ehemalige UFC-Kämpfer Dalton (Jake Gyllenhaal) einen Job als Türsteher in einer Raststätte auf den Florida Keys an und muss feststellen, dass dieses Paradies nicht so ist, wie es scheint. Road House ist ab dem 21. März bei Prime Video zu sehen.

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2 months ago

before we start do you have insurance what your coverage good like you have dental oh haha is there a hospital nearby is it like too far it's about like 25 minutes I'd say I just slapped you are you all right what so you like to fight you ever win no one ever wins a fight [Music] [Applause] [Music] this ain't the holiday and pal all right I'm moving friend of mine suggested I come talk to you I own a roadh house out in the Florida Keys lately it's been attracting the wrong clientele I can pay yo
u good money judging by your car you need that well I like my car think about it I know who you are Elwood dton Big B that guy's got a knife under his shirt he's just take a big step back and pop me in the face you can do it tell me about this bouncing ja all nice and like he's Mr Rogers or something but then he beats the living out of you really interesting guy overall BR wants to take the Roadhouse away from me he wants to build some Resort for a bunch of Rich I should warn you people have a c
ertain way of getting things done around here hey fellas looks like you're having a smacking night I got a tip for you don't let no one get this close come on let me guess you know threaten me tell me to get out of town I get the impression that you can't be threatened once KNX is on the job it's over baby it think a lot to get me angry but when I am I just can't let go people seem a little aggressive around [Music] here is that one a friend of yours no I just broke his arm w
