
Spooky Scary Skeletons (Remix) (Extended Mix) (Spooktober Theme Song)

The original is by Andrew Gold and remixed by The Living Tombstone. If you see any ads, all the money earned goes to them, not me, no worries! Wondering if you can use this song in your video? Well, you're free to use the song as long as it abides by the fair use laws of YouTube. Find out what counts as fair use here:, other than that, enjoy the song! Here is the original: NOTE: The original was removed by Disney due to the usage of their animation. It was not removed by The Living Tombstone or Andrew Gold!


9 years ago

Spooky, scary skeletons Send shivers down your spine Shrieking skulls will shock your soul Seal your doom tonight Spooky, scary skeletons Speak with such a screech You'll shake and shudder in surprise When you hear these zombies shriek We're so sorry, skeletons, you're so misunderstood You only want to socialize, but I don't think we should 'Cause spooky, scary skeletons Shout startling, shrilly screams They'll sneak from their sarcophagus And just won't leave you be Spooky scary, spooky scary S
pooky scary, spooky scary Scary, scary, scary, scary Scary, scary, scary, scary Sc-, sc-, sc-, sc- And shout st- Spooky s-! Will send sh- Spooky scary skeleton-! And shout st- Scary s-! Will send sh- Spooky scary skeleton-! Spooky scary, spooky scary Spooky scary, spooky scary Spooky, spooky, spooky, spooky Spooky, spooky, spooky, spooky Sp-, sp-, sp-, sp- And shout st- Spooky s-! Will send sh- Spooky scary skeleton-! And shout st- Scary s-! Will send sh- Spooky scary skeleton-! [ghostly sounds]
Spirits, supernatural, are shy, what's all the fuss? But bags of bones seem so unsafe, it's semi-serious! Spooky, scary skeletons Are silly all the same They'll smile and scrabble slowly by And drive you so insane! Sticks and stones will break your bones They seldom let you snooze Spooky, scary skeletons Will wake you with a Spooky, spooky, spooky, spooky Spooky, spooky, spooky, spooky Scary, scary, scary, scary Sc-, sc-, sc-, sc- Spooky scary skeleton shout st- Spooky scary skeleton shout st-
Spooky, spooky, spooky, spooky Spooky, spooky, spooky, spooky Scary, scary, scary, scary Sc-, sc-, sc- Sc-sc-sc- And shout st- Spooky s-! Will send sh- Spooky scary skeleton-! And shout st- Scary s-! Will send sh- Spooky scary skeleton-!



💀 WHY DID I UPLOAD THIS? 💀 1. The original video was removed by Disney; 2. A lot of other uploads are blocked in multiple countries. ⚠ NOTICE ⚠ If there are any ads or anything, those are not added by me! Ad revenue is owned by the copyright holder (Andrew Gold), so all earnings go to his foundation.


Spooky spooky spooky scary scary scary sksksksks


I have once again returned this year to wish everyone a truly amazing Spooktober, and enjoy this music


It doesn't have to be October to enjoy this masterpiece 💀


still a banger even after 8 years


Fun story: In sixth grade around halloween time, my class and i managed to convince the teacher to play this song at the end of the day if we behaved. We all did the best we could (since this was quite the difficult feat for my class), but eventually we came the end of the day and earned our song. So, the teacher played it and went to the classroom across the hall (he ran both classes) to keep an eye on them since we were just hanging out in the classroom dancing. It was crazy fun, and one kid decided to start flashing the light in our classroom with the beat of the song, which quickly caught the attention of the class across the hall from us. I remember looking over there and catching the eye of one of my friends, who had the biggest expression of “wtf” i have ever seen. The teacher soon played the song for them too, and they also started flashing the lights for themselves, and we were soon having a dance-off. Two sixth grade classrooms, directly across the hall from each other, glaring at each other as they bounce up and down in beat to the song. Man, that was a wild year. TL;DR: convinced my sixth grade teacher to play this song, resulted in a dance-off against the classroom across the hall from us. Edit: grammar and spelling


I don't care what anyone says, this remix is a staple in my Halloween playlist EVERY SINGLE YEAR I LOVE IT.


Fun fact: there is going to be a full moon this Halloween, so it’ll be an extra spooky spooktober this year


🎃It's that time once again, LET'S GO SPOOKTOBER ! 🎃


It’s October now. Time to start listening to this daily!


It’s that time again for frights and scares, its Spooktober! 👻💀🎃


It’s a tradition to come here every October, better start to listen it more. 🎃👻🍬🍭


Here at 11:59 on October 31st. I hope that everyone had an extra spooky month, see you next year skelebros!


Get ready for the “It’s spooky season boys” comments


SOON! It may not be Spooktober yet, but when this song manifests in your head randomly it is the spooky season regardless EDIT: Spooktober has begun, I repeat Spooktober has begun! Deploying Spooky tunes to all relevant Discord and text groups!


this song physically cant be nostalgic no matter how many decades pass it will always be spooky




It's the time of the year y'all... Time to get prepared because we're going have a blast all night long on Spooktober! Edit: It's time folks... Let's get this party started, for the biggest Spooktober of this year! Edit 2: It's the big day folks... HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!


Its literally been a Halloween tradition for me to listen to this song every year. Thank you for giving me this amazing memory


If you dance to this, it's not you It's the spooky skeleton inside you.