
The Manchester Attacks Explained... 0800 789321 anti-terrorist hotline 0161 856 9400 Emergency number


6 years ago

Zastavte si video a přečtěte si varování prosím Jak jste si mohli přečíst ve varování , tohle bude seriózní video žádný vtipy , žádný memes , nic takového Včera , 22 května 2017 , se stal teroristický útok v Manchesteru Jeden osamělý muž šel Manchesterskou Arenou , kde spáchal sebevražedný bombový útok který zabil 22 lídí a zranil přes 50 lidí Musim říci , že je to strašná tragédie , je to jeden z nejhorších teroristických útoků v Británii za posledních 12 let a ještě horší je fakt , že v této z
emi žiji , kde se stal tento hrozný čin 2 měsíce zpět , jsme viděli Westminsterský útok kde byli zabiti 4 civilisté a 1 neozbrojený policista A v žádném případě se nesnažím tento útok zmenšit že byla také úplná tragédie ale tento útok byl na úplně jiném levelu krutosti V tu noc v té aréně byl koncert Ariany Grande ta aréna byla narvaná k prasknutí , plná dětí , většinou dívek v podstatě tenhle útok byl zaměřen na děti , většina obětí byli děti Vláda uvedla stav ohrožení na ''závažné'' , což znam
ená že další útok je velmi pravděpodobný ''Závažný'' je pouze o jeden stupěn níže než ''kritický'' což znamená že je další útok hrozící Ten kdo se odpálil , na místě zemřel , ale byl tu i 23-letý muž který byl zadržen pro výslech atentátu Samozdřejmě se do té situace vžít nemohu , ale můžu s jistotou říct že je to naprosto děsící Jestli znáte nějakou osobu vám blízkou , která byla obětí incidentu... ...tak je mi to vážně líto a myslím si že jako země , i jako komunita právě teď na YouTube musíme
se dát dohromady a navzájem si pomoci v tomto hrůzném čase V popisu videa budou linky a zdroje které můžete využít (neplatí pro ČR vyjímkou linků na reddit apod. ) Bude více článků v novinách , zprávách , jakmile vidám toto video (část s telefonními čísli neplatícími pro ČR ) Jestli někoho znáte kdo byl v incidentu , kontaktujte policii ( platí pro ČR ) nebo vaší nějakou autoritu všechno bude v popisu videa Kontaktujte je pokud byl v incidentu někdo váš známý / příbuzný nebo pokud víte nějaké e
xkluzivní info o útoku Přemýšlel jsem o zakázání koment sekce u tohoto videa ale nakonec jí tam máte a můžete diskutovat můžete polemizovat o situaci. samozdřejmě tam budou nějaké ''černé vtipy'' a nenávistné komenty ... ... ale ty budou blokovány Vy jako jednotlivec máte zcela nárok na vlastní názory nebo pohledy ale také musíte respektovat názor ostatních Díky že jste koukali . Moc si toho vážím . Normální videa už budou s dalším uploadem. Dávejte na sebe pozor (Subtitles made by Poro)



Thanks for taking the time to watch this video I know it's not the usual content I make but I wanted to update everyone on the situation going on Please respect each others thoughts and opinions as best you can, the last thing I want is the comment section turning into a cesspool


What that man did was absolutely sickening, deepest wishes to England from Australia


We really need to raise security everywhere. Terrorism can't be stopped but it can be prevented.


RIP to all involved in this attack (apart from the bomber who will burn in the fiercest level of hell)


Niall, I think you are possibly one of the only people who are actually taking this seriously, and God bless you for bringing this up, it was needed.


I didn't have anyone close to me die in this attack, but I had someone really close to me die in a torrorist attack in France, she was basically my wife, one week before marriage... I don't know if anyone cares about the story, but basically, long story short, we were at a concert, same thing as this attack, we were chilling when the doors open and 4 armed men enter the building and start unloading on innocent people. My wife was one of the first victims, she got shot in the back of her neck in front of me (sorry if I'm a little to graphic). I dropped down behind cover and dragged the lifeless body of my wife behind cover as well... I was panicked, I didn't know what to do... finally I got my shit together and used some of the bodies and blood to make myself seem dead, and when they weren't paying attention I sneaked out of the building, running for my life. So even if my loved ones didn't die in this attack, I know how it feels, and I'm sorry for every single each one of you that lost people in this attack and in others. Her name was Pauline by the way...


It's an absolute tragedy. The fact that the terrorist knew there was going to be young children there just makes me feel sick. I'm seriously praying for the families and friends that were affected by this devastation. I knew a girl that went and thankfully she wasn't injured but it must have been terrifying and I'm glad she's okay. I can't even bear to imagine what it must have been like for people close to the victims, or the victims themselves.


Pyro this is why your my fav YouTuber because your funny and serious when it needs to be one day I want to meet you


I've come to say in the comment section of this video about how two of my closest friends were in this incident, my friend Fraya was near the explosion at the time and was knocked unconscious with 10 broken bones and some of her teeth knocked out, she is currently in hospital under 10 hour surgery to fix her up hopefully she will be alright in 6 months, Unfortunately my other friend was reported Missing for 2 days until this day, We were in school as normal until we were all called to a year assembly, our headmaster Came in and told us about fraya and her being alright, we were expecting him to say that Nell (The other friend) was still missing, unfortunately when it came to him saying it, it brought a tear to everyone's eye she had been killed by the bomb blast, everyone was distraught we were all crying and it was just horrible, what really hit me hard though was that out of 19 unidentified bodies she was one and we all thought that she would be alright and dandy, the fact that out of 19 people they had only Identified one is shocking. I'm not pulling any bullshit. I'm very Horrified by the incident and if anyone bothered to read this, Thank you and thank you for Pyro for your Condolences, I hope other people have only had less traumatic experiences than this.


Thanks for your thoughts and prayers everyone. I live in Manchester and the whole city is very much shook. Lets get through this together not only as a community but as a family. Great video Pyro. Thanks for addressing the situation


So lately I've had a new perspective on terror attacks. Obviously they're terrible, awful, and every type of disgusting. But I have come to the conclusion that Me caring about it doesn't matter. If I could donate to something to help people I would, but me talking about it on the internet doesn't do anything. ALTHOUGH People like Pyro and other important personalities SHOULD talk about it. Thank you Pyro for talking about this. Along with educating people on the topic, You've influenced people in a positive direction and that is something to be proud of.


i almost lost a friend in this incident


We need to stand up to terrorism, the amount of attacks this year alone is disgusting. But no body is brave enough to stand up to radical Islam in fear of hurting their feelings. This shouldn't be normal and we should all be pissed off.


The youngest of the fatalities were an 8 year old girl with her family, it makes me sick to know I share a planet with people who are willing to do this.


I live in the US and have never been personally affected by a terrorist attack, and that just brings to light at how I know I don't know how painful it must be to all the people who lost someone in the recent attack in Manchester, but my deepest condolences go out to anyone that lost someone they knew and cared for deeply or someone they just said hi to when they passed by eachother in the halls or out in public. I can't imagine the pain your going through, and I hope you and your family, and any other family who was affected by this loss or any other loss recovers quickly.


For once i'm actually really really disappointed in the "meme community" for making harsh "Memes" on this topic right after it happened. People lost their lives, and some who survived are crippled for life mentally and physically. This was a sickening attack and people are making memes out of it which only makes matters worse.


Thank you Pyro. My cousin would've very liked what you said, until what happened. You know what happened. Whole family is in shock that we lost my little cousin. Only 10 years of age. She liked watching you and your animations a lot though.


Threat level since has been raised to critical.


it's very sweet of you to upload this... I love your content, and it makes me laugh when I have to put up with some really shitty stuff. not only are you a hilarious person, but a compassionate human being and I think that the human race needs more people like you!


I am just in awe with so many of these hateful comments. Even in a horrible time like this where we should be grieving the tragic loss of 22 lives, so many people are just fighting with each other; blaming entire groups of people for the actions of a loud minority and attacking one another with such blind hatred. It's completely disgraceful. Why can't we all just get along and pray for the families that lost their loved ones in the disaster? We need to stick together in times like these, and the people who choose not to, to be honest, aren't making anything better. In fact, it's making it worse. Pyro, as much as I support being able to express oneself, please disable this comment section. It's depressing seeing so much hatred on a video that's supposed to spread peace and awareness.