
The Price of Youth Sports (Full Segment) | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO

Spending on youth sports this year will top 17 billion dollars, with some families spending $10,000 a year per kid or more. But there is a problem. The price of playing sports has gotten so high that millions of kids can’t keep up. #HBO #RealSports Subscribe to the HBO YouTube Channel: Don’t have HBO? Order Now: Like on Facebook: Official Site: Get More HBO: Get HBO GO: Like on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: Like on Instagram: Subscribe on Tumblr: Official Site:


5 years ago

JON FRANKEL: These days, the places kids go to play sports have gotten so big, that you can only appreciate their size from high above. Sprawling complexes with professional-grade fields, where teams can play all day and all night. And since there is no off-season anymore in big time youth sports, there are massive indoor facilities, too. If you're a kid, heck, if you're an adult, and you walk in here, you think you've died and gone to sports heaven. This is fantasy land for athlet
es. FRANKEL: Dev Pathik is an owner of Bo Jackson's Elite Sports in Ohio, and is a consultant to facilities like this throughout the US. You got soccer over here, you got a weight lifting facility here. Regulation infield over here for baseball being used, batting cages over there, and we're standing on this tall gauntlet which has climbing walls and climbing ropes and everything else, what don't you have in here? The facility's amazing, isn't it? These kids come in here, they get
mental toughness training on this tower, they get skills training out in the infield. They're in the cages. There're qualified, well-trained coaches. These kids are headed somewhere. FRANKEL: The Bo Dome, as it's known here in Hilliard, Ohio, is part of a booming business. -(METAL BAT CLINKS) -According to one estimate, spending on youth sports, this year, will top 17 billion dollars, with some families spending 10,000 dollars a year per kid, or more. Some of these kids might sp
end a 150, even 175 dollars an hour, to be with a collegiate-level coach. They're spending 175 dollars an hour? If they want to be prepared for college, many of these consumers believe they need it. And that's the sales pitch to parents? The interesting thing about a facility like this is there's no sales pitch necessary. Parents with means are clamoring to put their kids in the very best sports programs. There is no sales pitch. -This, with GB. Here we go. -(WHISTLE BLOWS) FRANKEL: But there is
a problem. The price of playing sports has gotten so high, that millions of kids can't keep up. Researchers say that over the last decade, there's been an 8 percent drop in the number of American children who play competitive sports. Eight percent in just a decade. For the first time in American history, youth sports has become for the haves and out of reach for the have-nots. Now, even those who've profited from the trend, like The Bo Dome's Dev Pathik, think it's time to s
ound an alarm. This gap between who gets to play and who doesn't is widening. We're watching it before our eyes. Those with means get to play, get to travel, get to be on travel sports, leagues and private clubs, and those who don't have means, don't get to play. But we've long held the belief that sports is for everyone. It's no longer the case. Household income of less than 75,000 dollars a year is dramatically less likely to play sport than a household income of 100,000 dollars or more. I nee
d money in order to play something that I once had for free? It's a massive change in our society. FRANKEL: Years ago, if a kid wanted to come out and play basketball, -what would it cost them? -It was free. If a kid wanted to play volleyball or softball? Free. And if a kid wanted to join the swimming team, -be part of a swim meet? -Absolutely free. And today, the idea of playing on a team that's sponsored by parks and recreation, participating in a tournament, does that opportunity exist anymor
e? Those days have pretty much gone away. FRANKEL: Gary Bess has seen it happen in his home city of St. Louis, Missouri, where he's run public parks and recreation departments for 40 years. Bess says that public funds have gotten so tight, that half of the rec centers in the city have had to be shut down. While ones that are still open are badly in need of repair. It's part of a nationwide trend, as cash-strapped communities, accepting that youth sports has become a big-ticket p
rivate industry, have cut back on providing free or inexpensive sports programs and facilities to the public. We have a two-tier system now. The system of people who have money that can pay for the travel sports, and we have a diminishing role of community recreation that can't compete. FRANKEL: This public park in St. Louis County used to host a thriving baseball league. Today, it is abandoned. It's basically unusable. The dugouts don't exist, the fields overgrown, -Right. -there's no pitch
er's mound. -There's no base-- -Jon, would you play here? Would you want your kids to play here in this condition? -I'd probably let my dog run around in here. -Yeah. I guess what it boils down to is sufficient revenue to maintain the system. We lost 12 million dollars out of our budget. We lost 100 employees. Something's gotta give. FRANKEL: Back in Hilliard, Ohio, sports are thriving like never before. At least, inside the walls of the Bo Dome, with hundreds of kids spending thousands of
dollars each. But outside these walls, it's a different story. Corinna Tucker and her husband moved to Hilliard for the great school system and the opportunities the town offered for their two daughters. But after her husband lost his job, and the girls asked to join a local soccer club, the family found out just how inaccessible youth sports in Hilliard can be. There is a subliminal message that this ain't for everybody. It's not. It's just not. We might go to the same church, w
e might go to the same school, but we don't have-- everything is not the same, and that includes the play field. -Your girls wanted soccer. -Mm-hmm. -That was the thing that they... -Yeah. -...really pointed out to you? -Yes. -Could you afford it. -Um, no. You're looking at about 1,200 dollars before you start doing the actual travel. FRANKEL: The stigma of hardship is why Corinna asked us not to show her daughters' faces on television. She says that when it comes to most youth sports in Hi
lliard, her family is on the outside, looking in. It's Saturday morning. We're out in the car, and I've driving up, and I'm seeing a large group of people. I mean, it's packed. And this is what happens. "Hey, that's my friend, Ava. Hey, that's my friend, Lindsay. I know that's her. Why can't I play? She's playing. She's my friend, Mom." That's the difficult part. FRANKEL: The disappointment was bitter, but it got worse as Corinna advanced in her job as a sales manager at a local hotel
and started working with a new set of clients. Yes, travel sports teams coming to Hilliard to play in youth tournaments. They call and they book with me and I negotiate the prices and the rights. So you see all the money that's being spent on travel sports? -Mm-hmm. -Do you see some irony here? There's quite a bit of irony because you're coming to my town to come play and my kids can't do it. My kids-- I can't afford to do that. FRANKEL: The Tuckers are far from the only ones left on the o
utside here. So many children can't afford sports in Hilliard, but just a few miles from the Bo Dome, we found a very different kind of recreational program. (OVERLAPPING CHATTER) A faith-based organization for families in need. It's a sign of the times. For many kids today, their only chance to play sports is charity. Outside of your program, how much access do these kids have to sports? Very, very little to none. FRANKEL: Kim Emch started this program when she realized there were
thousands of kids in Hilliard who are underserved. At this local church on a week night, they get help with their homework and a much-needed chance to run around. Emch took us to the parts of Hilliard that children she works with call home, to show us their open play space. These are the conditions that they're having to contend with? -Right. Yeah. -And if they can't play here, -what are they left with? -Yeah. They're left with their video game and their TV in their apartment on thei
r couch. And these same kids who are living here are going to the elementary schools or the middle schools in town with kids who have everything and more. Right. Sorry, you guys, this is making me sad. Yeah, it's terrible because... they hear their friends talking about that, and then they can't be involved at all. Even where they live, there isn't a place to play that's safe. They don't have the same opportunities, and it changes the trajectory of their life. FRANKEL: The problem stretches far
beyond Hilliard. At least 25 million school-age children in America now live in homes classified by the federal government as low-income. That's at least 25 million kids who are being priced out of sports. Worse still, the one place kids used to know they'd get a chance to play is often no longer providing it. Thanks to budget cuts in recent years and an emphasis on test results mandated by federal law, schools around the US have largely slashed physical education from their pro
grams. There are very few kids in America who go to gym class during the day anymore. -Really? -Really. It was the highlight of my day to go to gym class. And you're telling me that most kids today in America are not doing that? Not only that, can you imagine sitting in that chair for eight hours, class after class, without physically moving, without getting some physical exercise? It's not good for kids. FRANKEL: According to the Centers for Disease Control, less than four percent of schools
in the U.S. require daily physical education. Even when schools do have the money to offer a wide variety of sports teams for their students, like here in Hilliard, many kids often decline to participate, discouraged by their inability to compete with the privately taught kids. Every year, our numbers dwindle from eighth grade to ninth grade to tenth grade. A lower percentage of students are participating in sports. Kids just simply are dropping out? And I think it's probably that wa
y in any high school you would talk to. FRANKEL: Dr. John Marschhausen is the superintendent of the public school system in Hilliard. There comes a point where the kids who played the elite club are just head and shoulders in terms of skill and talent. They've been working on it for 12 months a year, in some cases since they were in fourth grade. Where does that leave the kid that can't afford to do that? Well, we see them coming out to a point, and then when they see that this isn't going to
be an option, they quit. This is an uncomfortable issue. For us as a public school district to say we have kids who can't compete because of their socioeconomics. And yeah, the opportunity is there, because they can try out, but because they don't have the skills, it's not really there, it's a false sense of opportunity. Do you worry about the kid who's not in sports? Yeah, I worry about the kid who might leave high school at 2:45 and has no structure from 2:45 until 10 at night. What choices i
s that young man or that woman making? Come on in, guys. FRANKEL: Education officials aren't the only ones worried about how many inactive kids there are today. So is the medical community. At the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, doctors are so concerned about the rise in childhood obesity that they don't just focus on eating habits. They are prescribing another remedy for their young patients: exercise. INSTRUCTOR: Two, three, four... FRANKEL: The therapists here have a simpl
e goal. Get the kids moving and more comfortable in their bodies. Because their future depends on it. Today, we're at close to 40 percent of our children are obese, overweight. They will have diabetes and other health consequences that will cost all of us a tremendous amount of money. This is a health crisis. FRANKEL: For Dev Pathik, who helped fuel the boom in youth sports and now sees the downside, the stakes couldn't be higher. He sees a generation of kids in the balance. This cris
is that we see in terms of who's getting access in this disparity, it will go on for many, many years to come. We have to come up with solutions now. Thanks for watching. Remember, you can catch the rest of the latest edition of Real Sports all month long on HBO. ♪ (THEME MUSIC PLAYS) ♪



I grew up and played with Parks and Recreation - it was all free - I played softball, soccer, basketball, track and swimming. I loved it so much. There was no try outs. My parents (nor any parents) rarely even came to watch! We played because it was so much fun and we made great friends. So sad those days are done.


This is why I coach Little League and don't charge for my off-season shouldn't be just for the elite....I have coached, to date, 19 players that have gone onto D1 Baseball Scholarships


This is making me mad and I don't play sports. Why do I have to watch this for a quiz


As a parent who has "the means", it's not about my kid going pro. It's about giving them opportunities that I didn't have because my parents didn't have "the means". Hopefully, some of these kids will grow up to be parents with the means to provide their own kids with opportunities that they didn't have when they were kids... and the cycle continues.


It’s always been this way though. We just had coaches that covered kids without means. I see it from both sides. How can organizations and programs provide without any cash? A lot of grants don’t support sport recreations anymore. Government funding is low, so we need to find a new way to support youth sports. I hate the fact that youth sports is decreasing in the US.


Gotta love gundam 00. UC is good too.oh and narrative just kinda come out. 00 is my favourite.


I don't know of many places that don't have youth leagues run by volunteers that charge much less, whether that be baseball, soccer, basketball, or football. Parents get fooled into thinking their kid is the next big thing, but the fact still remains DNA plays a bigger role than many ever will on an athletes success.


People that have kept up with US soccer have known this for a long time . That’s why ours men’s team is garbage


Wayne Gretzky -- "In youth hockey, in most cases, it's really important for kids to play other sports - whether it's indoor lacrosse or soccer or baseball. I think what that does is two things. One, each sport helps the other sport. And then I think taking time off in the off-season - that three- or four-month window - really rejuvenates kids so when they come back at the end of August, they're more excited. They think, 'All right, hockey's back, I'm ready to go.' "


I bet Bo Jackson never had to learn to play baseball and football in some private academy. How sad.


It’s only getting worse in 2023. We drop over $10k a year on my 4th grade boy. He has done it for a couple years now and the difference in skill set to any other kid playing rec league is remarkable. He focuses on one sport most of all and if we tried to shift him sports, it might already be too late to make a comp team. Have to start early and dedicate money and time just to play.


This video was eye opening as I thought that certain sports would remain accessible to the public. I understand that certain sports such as hockey or lacrosse are inherently more expensive to play due to high gear costs, but it seems crazy that the skill gap due to personal training would be enough to push out kids from sports such as soccer or basketball. Soccer especially seems to still have an appeal to the masses as there are 11 players on the field so it would seem much less likely that the entire team is made up of players with year round personal trainers.


Leaving all of the good talent behind...I see it on the diamond


The Bo Jackson Dome is a joke. They charge 60 for a half hour lesson that shows you nothing you don’t already know. They care about money. Not kids. My son played baseball this last year, and It was a nightmare, a buddy system. Scores manipulated to suit their child on the team. One parent spending tons and tons of money to ensure her kid has a spot on the team, whether he is good or not, the list goes on and on. I wouldn’t have my son on that team again if it were free. They teach nothing about good sportsmanship, all they care about is WINNING at any and all costs. Many more great organizations out there!! You don’t have to spend thousands like we did!


What’s diminishing is the PARENTS who will take time to work with their children


As a parent of a son who is club level soccer player and a daughter who is a competitive gymnast there is a lot of truth and falsehoods in this story. Recreational leagues are booming at a higher level all throughout the U.S. The main difference is that fewer are run by cities and are private non-profit entities. They are affordable and are a great way to have your child play. I think the hard reality is that parents live vicariously through their children and are imagining if I had this chance I might have made it or I was the worst and I want my kid to be better than I was so I will shell out over 5000 a year for them to be a little bit better. Now when you practice against higher talent you get better, but your natural skills and genetics play a role in this as well. There are truths about elite training being priced out of a lot of individuals budgets, but the last time I looked fields are still there and all you need is a ball, and a bat and glove to play baseball or basketball or football or soccer. Look at Dempsey he grew up playing in his trailer park and he was able to tear it up in the premier league so are these facilities really necessary?


I'd love to see an update on this. I feel like this problem has gotten significantly worse since Covid. This was released in 2019. Since then the number of club teams in my area have grown exponentially. I don't think Covid caused this growth directly but I think it contributed to it.


I'm Europe the best soccer players in the world, Messi, Ronaldo, neymar, Marcelo, and cotinhio. played in the streets and parks for FREE to be scouted for the best teams. Now you have go to academies and pay alot of money to be in a 15th place finsher team in la liga and EPL.


I coach little league softball..... any extra time i have, I'm 100% willing to lend my time to the girls on my team. I once had a parent ask how much they owe me and i said nothing......seeing the girls improve is all care about, not the money


This is such a scam. There are some families already buried in mortgage and auto debt and decide sending their kids to travel sports (instead of recreation). Many of them think they "have the means". They also forget to mention the cost of the trips to see the orthopedic surgeon, since they play year-round.